
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 99: The Lion and the Human

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Twas another beautiful day on the land of Zebrica. The sun was shining, and a large group of elephants walked over the rising sun, which made the skies less red and more blue every minute it was rising.

Luke and his friends were being escorted by Zecor through the tall grass and looked around at their surroundings for anything dangerous, or something that might pop up at them.

Zecora thought of another interesting place she could show all her friends in this beautiful piece of land. It was a place called Ugala Swamp not far from the Savannah. It was said to be a home to many species of birds from the crested heron, the six-legged moorhen, the three-eyed eagle, and others.

One danger she pointed out was a creature called a Ladon, a type of dragon-like creature with no wings and only the size of a baobab tree.

"Is a Ladon aggressive?" Asked Lyra

"Oh yes." Said Okove. "The Ladon is a powerful creature that you do not want to make angry."

It was funny, Luke heard about that creature from Greek Mythology, as one if the many monsters that Hercules killed in the story. For one thing he was a fan of was Greek Mythology.

"Any other dangers in that place?" Asked Larry.

"Oh yes. Well, there is another creature that you need to watch over with caution."

"What's that, Zecora?" Asked Spike

"It is a creature called the Catoblepas." Said Zecora. "This monster is a true menace on the plains of Zebrica."

"Catoblepas?" Said Luke. "Never heard of it. What is it?"

"The Catoblepas is a horrible, vile monster that is a sadistic killer." Said Okove. "A beast with a body of a cow or an ox, a head of a boar, and a large body to go with a long neck like a giraffe would have. It's head is always dangling for it was too heavy for him to lift. He has a very poisonous breath, a breath so putrid and pungent enough to permeate the air around him."

"What makes him a very dangerous creature is that: if you look at it in the eyes, it will turn you to stone with his sinister gaze. So it is a good thing his head is so heavy that he needs to dangle it for the rest of his days."

"That kind sounds silly." Said Rainbow Dash.

"I wouldn't say that." Said Applejack. "It sounds like a cockatrice, but it sounds way more dangerous than that kind of varmint."

"Indeed, it is, Applejack." Said Okove. "He also has very sharp horns on his head like a cow's pair."

"A Catoblepas, hmm?" Said Discord. "I might have heard of that creature. "Well, rest assured, i will protect you all from this foul beast with my life."

"Aww. Thanks, Discord." Said Fluttershy gratefully, hugging him.

The Master of Chaos smiled for he always loved a little hug from his closest friend.

"What color is it?" Asked Twilight

"This beast has a color in a purple-black type of shade. It makes it more intimidating and remind us on why to evade." Zecora answered. "They can even kill a horde of plants with their breath. But other zebras say that this creature can just stare you and it will just cause immediate death.”

"I've heard of silent but deadly," said Rainbow Dash. "But, wow. Wait, did you say if you look at it in the eye, it can kill you?”

Zecora nodded in response.

“Wow. That is spooky.” The cyan Pegasus admitted.

All the way across the grass, everyone was feeling a little tired from all they walking, but they were almost to the Ugala swamp now.

They all decided to have a rest and take a little breather from all that walking. They were all obliged to have a drink of water in their bottles, and looked for shade around a large, isolated dead tree..

Luke was panting, and felt like his legs were about to snap, but he didn't want to be a whiner and quit. No, it would take a lot more than a mildly sore body to hold him back from this Zebrican adventure. No, he has indeed, suffered worse pain.

"I hope everypony has had a lot of water to drink." Said Twilight. "That was a rather long walk."

"You can say that again." Said Fluttershy. "Good thing I have wings."

"Couldn't agree with ya more, Fluttershy." Said Rainbow, giving her a gentle pat on her side with her left elbow.

After they all had their drink, Luke suddenly felt something in his bowels. "Uh-oh." Be muttered. "Guys, I need to tinkle."

"That's fine. Just don't go wander off too far." Said Larry. "And you know where to find us, right?"

"No problem, dad."

"Be careful out there." Said Bon Bon. "Spitting cobras might be in the grass."

"Or scorpions." Lyra added.

"Don't worry, I have a weapon with me, remember?" Then Luke went off half a mile to look for a good spot to urinate.

While looking, he watched his step for any snakes, scorpions, aggressive lizards and other types of dangerous animals lurking in the grass.

At last, he found a perfect spot to do his business, and he was done. "Oh man, sweet relief." He muttered, feeling much better.

As he was about to head back to the group, something caught his attention in the tall grass. He couldn't quite make out what it was, but it looked big, probably as tall as his elbows.

Luke looked around to and fro at his surroundings for anything that might pounce on his him by surprise, but nothing came up.

After a few minutes of silence, he dismissed it as nothing, and he was just imagining things.

A low growl was heard and the young man was becoming a little more nervous, and frot he was being watched once again.

"Hello?" He said sheepishly. "Whoever you are, come on out."

All of a sudden, Luke felt something gently touch his left calf, and some creature was breathing on him.

He slowly tilted his head to the left side downward, and what he saw sniffing his leg caught him by surprise.

It was a large, male lion with a long, thick mane of black and gold color. He was visit, and had a majestic face.

Luke leaped back in a small Yelp. The lion took a step back too, and began growling cautiously at him. The human didn't know what to think of this, but he decided not to run away, for he knew lions can run faster than humans, and the only human that can keep possibly keep up with a lion would be Usain Bolt himself.

Animals can definitely smell fear and if this big cat smelt any trace of fear, he will attack and eat him.

"Hello." Said Luke. He slowly extended his left arm at him, trying to make peace with this majestic animal. "It's okay. We're friends."

The lion stopped his low rumbling for a second and slowly inspected Luke's hand with his nose. Sniffing at it, Luke thought that this was probably a stupid idea, but it was too late to change anything now.

After a while , the lion began sniffing his hand, as if it was slowly warming up to the human.

"I won't hurt you." Then he slowly began to stroke his back. The lion small jumping growl when Luke placed his hand on his back, but he was slowly getting used to it.

It was almost like an extraordinary bond just happened between these two.

Either it was a miracle, Luke was just feeling so lucky that he is not getting mauled and ripped to shreds by this big cat.

As he was continuing to gently stroke his back, Luke began to touch his mane a little, and it felt so soft and fluffy.

As he was fluffing the mane, Luke noticed that the right paw of his right front leg was being held up for some reason.

"Hmm, What's wrong with your paw?" Luke asked. He slowly reached his arms at the leg, but when he touched it with his fingers, the lion backed up a little in a small growl.

It was what Luke expected. His paw was hurt by something.

"Shh, hey hey, it's alright. I'm just trying to help."

"Luke?" Called out Fluttershy's voice. "Are you okay?"

She and the others saw Luke trying to interact with the lion.

"Luke. What are you doing?" Larry quietly screamed at his son.

"Wait." Said Fluttershy. "He's just fine."

"Oh. I can't watch." Said Twilight.

Like slowly began touching the paw again, trying to see what was wrong with it. This time, the lion didn't fuss. And decided to let the human take a look at his paw.

Like was looking at the palm of his mighty paw, and saw a big, red thorn piercing the center of it. It was huge and there was a small amount of blood coming out of it.

"Oh god." Luke muttered in disgust.

Fluttershy smiled, for this reminded her of the time when she first became close close friends with the elements of harmony in the first place when they were trying to defeat Nightmare Moon.

What made her remind her of that time was the Manticore she befriended in the Everfree Forest after she removed a painful thorn from his gigantic paw, and saved him from any more pain.

Yep, this was all coming back to her just looking at this touching sight.

"It will only hurt for a second, big fella." Said Luke. He carefully grasped the thorn with his left finger and thumb and yanked it from the lion's paw.

The big cat made a small roar of pain, but then he was happy that Luke pulled that infernal thorn from his paw. Perhaps this was a start of a new relation between a man and lion out in the Zebrican Savannah.

Luke'a friends and father thought of how touching that looked between them, for the Lion began licking Luke's face in total gratitude.

Not only that but made a few small. Light roars of affection as Luke began rubbing his mane.

If Kevin Richardson, the Lion Whisperer was there to see, he would have been proud of Luke for trying to tame this lion.

Fluttershy couldn't help but interact with the lion as well, and he was taking a liking to her too.

Sure, they had interacted with wild Zebrican lions before, but not like this. This kind of bond was... special to Luke and Fluttershy

"This is nice." Said Twilight. "Luke made another new friend."

"I know. But I hope he doesn't attack us all with out backs turned." Spike remarked.

"No. I'm sure We'll be just fine." Said Rarity. "We can always count on Fluttershy to help us with these kind of problems."

"I couldn't agree with you more, Rarity." Said Pinkie Pie.

After Luke and Fluttershy were done interacting with the lion, the cat made a yawn and walked away to look for food.

"You think we might see him again, Fluttershy?" Asked Luke

"Of course. He will recognize you when he sees you when you visit here again."

"Good." Luke smiled and looked at the big cat majestically walking down the Savannah grass.

Yes, this was a truly remarkable encounter for Luke to experience. He thought to himself that maybe he will see him again someday. It was good for him that he made another new friend out here in Zebrica.

"Well, I suppose now That's over." Said Zecora with a smile. "Let us continue on to the swamp."

They all began following her and her older brother again to the Ugala swamp.

"You know, that was a rather miraculous thing I have ever seen in a long time, Luke." Said Okove

"Yeah. Maybe I just got lucky."

"Still. that was a rather enjoyable sight for us to see and witness."

"I know, right?" Said Lyra. "That was just incredible. That lion could have killed and eat Luke, but he didn't."

"It was thanks to me he didn't."


Next Chapter: Leviathan in a Swamp Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 25 Minutes
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