
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 98: No Hard Feelings

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Poor Luke was still feeling a little sore from that little fight with Sogozi back there, but be was sure as hell glad none of his bones are broken. It was like he said to his friends before: he got lucky in this match against a gigantic, powerful Mangani like Sogozi.

He slowly got up and got himself a root beer from his father's cooler, and it was still cold.

"Man, That's the last time I ever try to do a hand-to-hand combat challenge with someone like him." He remarked before taking the first sip of his can.

He, along with his friends were back in the village that Zecora grew up in, and Fluttershy was there to make sure he was alright.

"Oh dear." She muttered. "Does your side still hurt?"

"Not so much." Luke replied. "I can still walk around and get up. Like I said, I suffered worse pain. Ah, but I think my left arm is a little disfigured."

"Don't you worry. I'll fix that." The yellow pegasus volunteered herself. She gently readied her arms.

"Thanks, Fluttershy. I can always count on you to be as gentle as-" just then, the yellow pegasus relocated his arm like a mechanic fixing a bolt with a wrench. A loud crunch was heard across the guestroom.

"Ah! Ow." Luke grunted in pain. "Jesus, that hurt."

"I'm so so sorry, Luke." Said Fluttershy

"Nah. It's alright." Luke said tending his left arm. "I needed it actually. He moved his arm in front of him, and wagged his fingers around a little bit, and it no longer felt dislocated.

"Good. I never mean to hurt you."

Luke smiled at her.

"Here," Larry gave him a bag of ice for his left arm. "Here's this in case if it hurts some more, buddy."

"Thanks dad."

"We're just glad you're okay." Said Twilight. "... mostly okay anyway."

"Yeah. I know, I could have been killed out there against Sogozi."

"But still," said Fluttershy. "That was a very nice thing you did for me. Defending my honor like that."

"Well, now that this is all taken care of, what should we all do in Zebrica next?" Asked Zecora curiously. "We can go look at the silver rock spires, or the te burnt woods where there was a terrible event of fires."

"A terrible fire?" Asked Applejack. "What happened?"

"It is a really interesting story." Said Okove. "Thousands of years ago, there was a terrible war between two tribes. One was a tribe of Bongo antelopes called the Sana tribe, and another tribe which consisted of lesser kudu called the Pongo tribe."

"These tribes hated each other so much it was difficult for them to come to any agreement. Even in defense of their own interests." Zecora added.

"Wow. That must have been ugly." Starlight remarked. "How did the forest get razed in flames?"

"Well, two lovers, who are on the opposite sides couldn't stand the fighting. It was a princess from the Pongos and a prince from the Sana, whose names are unknown even to this day. At last one day in the fighting, they could stand it no longer." Okove continued. "They both decided to wipe out the conflict by ending the woods that is now the razed dead lands many of us zebras know today."

"Whoa. That is a total drama bomb there." Said Rainbow Dash. "Nothing lives in that area anymore?"

"Not a trace of life in that piece of land." Said Zecora. "But it is still quite a sight to see for a zebra, pony, and even man."

Luke had a thinking look on his face, and said: "those both sound like a lot of fun to go to. I don't know which one to go first."

"Are you sure, Zecora?" Asked Lyra. "Luke still looks a little hurt."

"Come on guys. I'll be okay." Luke said before taking another sip of his drink. "Besides. We still only have a few more days until I get back to Equetria."

"I, for one," said Discord. "Think we should do some more sightseeing on the landscape and animals that inhabit this diverse continent."

"And who know what animal we'll all encounter next?" Fluttershy concurred with him. "We could see more lions or leopards or Rainbow Goliath frogs out there."

"Maybe Spike can be with those frogs who befriended him and make him their king." Rainbow said teasingly.

The others couldn't help but laugh over what she said.

"Ha ha, very funny." Spike muttered sarcastically in a small frown.

"Ah. Come on, Spike. I'm just joking. Come on, smile." She gently patted his right arm playfully. "Come on, laugh."

"Okay, okay." Spike admitted with a smirk. "That's kind funny." And he rubbed the back of his head in a bashful fashion.

"Are there any deserts or mountains here in Zebrica?" Luke asked.

"Oh yes. The dunes of the Stripess Desert can be perilous and scorching. Scorpions. Snakes, vipers, jerboas, and the great sapphire river flows through the land of Anugypt and beyond it's borders. Land like Anugypt can be exciting." Said Zecora

"What lives in Anugypt?" Asked Bon Bon

"The dominant species of those lands are the jackalians. They are like regular jackals, but they are built like a minotaur would be."

"I've heard of them." Said Twilight. "Wasn't it ruled by King Anubis and his dynasty that lasted for one thousand years?"

"Oh yes." Said king Zuma, coming in the guestroom with Sogozi next to him.

"Oh father," Zecora noticed. "What brings you to our room? I hope it is not something bad to make you mad with an angry boom."

Her father laughed heartily and replied: "No, of course not. If you were all in trouble, you would know. Anugypt is a wonderous place, but you should also exercise caution in that country as well."

"What are the Jacaklians like?" Asked Luke.

"They are friendly." Said Zuma. "Although they do have a reputation for... being a little shady, and tend to keep to themselves. Of course, they will not hurt you or your friends, Luke. Speaking of which, my friend Sogozi here told me about how you challenged him to a fight."

"Oh boy." The young human muttered. "And what have you been talking about exactly?"

"I am rather impressed by how you managed to stand up to a powerful Mangani like this one who stands next to me."

"Impressed?" Said Luke

"Of course. Despite your courage, I hope you realize how very fortunate you are to survive a match like this one."

"I promise, I won't do it again. I just did it for my friend."

"And he did so good." Said Pinkie Pie. "He was tough and he stood up to the mean meanie-pants with all his might! Oh, no offense, chief."

The ape made a chuckle. "No offense taken, pink pony." He said. "I am actually rather proud of him. I have not fought a good match like that in a long time."

"Why are you here?" Asked Fluttershy."

"I want to establish relations between the Mangani and zebras together as one."

"Really?" Said Spike. "That's good news."

"Indeed, little dragon. You have shown me the error of my ways about my views of zebras and their relatives. Perhaps it is time I make amends and start a new leaf."

"That's wonderful!" Said Twilight happily.

"And, perhaps if you are running a school for friendship, princess," Sogozi continued. "I will be happy to send you a number of willing Mangani who would like to attend it to Equestria."

Twilight grew a bigger smile on her face. "Yay! I'm al happy!" And she stopped herself from geeking out any further and tried to look as professional as she was before. "I mean: I am glad to hear of this news."

Sogozi walked up to Luke, and said to him: "I wouldn't mean to break your bones or your neck. For I I have told you the Mangani's code of honor before."

"I know, sir." Luke said. "I hope I didn't hurt you too much. Ah, who am I kidding? You're way stronger than me anyway."

"You have made me a little sore in some areas too, but I have suffered far worse pain than a few blows and kicks from you."

Just then, N'dugo came into the room standing next to the chief. "If it would be good, Sogozi," he said. "Maybe I can attend the school of friendship along with the other willing Mangani of our tribe."

"That would be a terrific idea, and... welcome back old friend." Then they both embraced in a hug.

"You're welcome be back to Kerchak?"

"Yes. Brother."

"And, no hard feelings right?" Luke asked the chief.

"Not at all." Sogozi smiled warmly. "....brave human. Now, you said you would tell me where you came from."

"Right." The Luke began explaining about his homeworld and how he came to this one. The leader of the Mangani looked impressed and a little unsure at the same time.

Another thing Luke told Sogozi about was the place called Africa, and how similar It was to Zebrica. The animals, the tribes, and how the land was alike to this one.

"Hmm. That is rather fascinating." said the ape.

"Yep, but Discord brought me here and I am more happy in this world than in my home."

"What else?"

"It is a really fascinating story."

Next Chapter: The Lion and the Human Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 33 Minutes
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