
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 88: The Feast

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It was a rather nice feast Luke and his friends were given in the town of Blackhorn. It was mostly fruits and salads and vegetables. The fruit was so good, consisting of honeydew, cantaloupe, watermelon, the kiwano melons, lychee fruits, and many more types of fruits. There was also some course dishes like rice, and a type of dish from casava roots called Fufu whcih tasted a little bit like mashed potatoes.

Yes, it was a very flattering treatment that Luke, his father, the Elements of Harmony, and their friends have been given for helping Babatunde defeat his sworn enemy. They all hoped that the former dictator would be gone for good after his most recent defeat, even though he swore revenge against the village again, and Luke may have made a new enemy in his life.

"How are you enjoying the fruit, Luke?" asked Babatunde to the young human.

"I love it." said Luke. "The honeydew is very good." and he took another bite the half-cute melon on the inside of it. The seeds inside the melon had already been taken out, and it tasted so scrumptious, despite having an eventual aftertaste when he is through eating it.

"You all have accomplished a magnificent thing for us all." said Lusuku. "You may have rid Blackhorn of our sworn and most fear enemy."

"We won't have to worry about him attacking our peaceful city anymore." Babatunde added. "For years, he has given us quite a lot of grief and tried so hard to take back the throne by force, but, if not for you, Princess Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Spike, Lyra, Bon Bon, Starlight Glimmer, Zecora, Okove, Luke, Lawrence, and of course," he sounded a little uneasy when he finished by saying "Discord of course."

The Master of Chaos himself was very flattered to be called a hero once again. "Well, you know." he flustered, although he did try to hide it with no avail.

"Come on, Discord." said Starlight Glimmer. "You gotta admit, it feels good to be treated as a hero again. Remember when we had to rescue our friends and the princess' from Chrysalis?"

"Ho ho, I am very familiar with that time, my dear Starlight." said Discord, having a sip of his jus de bisaap. "Do i get a medal for showing more bravery?"

They all laughed "There's more to in life than just medals." said Fluttershy. "You should feel good about yourself, Discord."

Discord smirked and chuckled while sipping his drink again. "I know that. At least I get to spend some time with you while in Zebrica." then he suddenly made a loud and long burp that made the ground shake around him like an earthquake erupting. "Pardon me." he said, like it was nothing to worry about at all.

"Oh Discord." said Twilight. "This could be the start of a new relationship between ponies and rhinos in Ponyville. Have you ever thought of any of you attending the school of friendship?"

"Hmm, that sounds intriguing." said a medium-sized buffalo bull. "Is it a new school?"

"Yep. All creatures are more than welcome to attend the school next to my castle in Ponyville. It's fun, and it teaches you the importance of friendship and how much it values to you."

Some of the buffalo sounded rather intrigued by the new school, and were thinking of whether to attend it or not. Some of them were already fascinated by Equestria and the cultures that it had.

Twilight added "I also happen to be the principal of the whole school. It's fun, and a very creative environment. We have griffons, yaks, hippogriffs, changelings, dragons, and other creatures from faraway lands."

"You'll like it there if you want to know more about friendship." Spike added.

"I will be sure to look at that, your highness." said the buffalo chief. "For now, we will wait and think more about this school of Friendship of yours."

"That's fine." said Twilight. 'I am not forcing you all to attend, I just thought i would tell you all about it. I know I said this many times before, but: All creatures are welcome to attend my school, well, our school if counting all my closest friends."

"And, if you need some guidance or advice, I'm the right pony for the job." said Starlight before taking a sip of her vitamin water. "I mean, if you really want my help."

Twilight giggled before saying: "I think they will be more than happy to come to you for advice if needed, Starlight."

After the feast, everything was cleaned up at the large table in the chief's house, and Luke was about to leave the village with his father and all his closest friends to look for something else fun and new that they haven't seen in Zebrica before. "I suppose this is farewell for now." said Babatunde. "But you will come and visit us again soon, right?"

"of course. Where the heart leads a man like me must follow." said Luke. "I just hope this is truly the last time you will see Kilano again."

"Godspeed." said the chief. "But, after what you and your friends have done to accomplish, I am certain that there will be a very slim chance he and his followers will come back and wreak havoc once more. Especially after seeing how scared they were seeing your magical beam sword."

"What? Oh, you mean my Lightsaber." said Luke, pulling it out to flaunt with it again. The green color on the sword brightened once again. "Yep, I love how priceless their faces looked when they were running away screaming to get away from this." And he deactivated it once more. 'So, we'll come visit you from time to time. I promise."

"So do we." said Fluttershy, her and her friends stepping up to add their promise to the cape buffalo herd. "And we really loved it here in Blackhorn."

"Wonderful. Many tourists are pleased by how our beautiful city is like and how it looks." said a cow.

"I'm flattered to be here." Said Larry. "And so is my son."

They all bid their farewells to the buffalo tribe and went back to the guesthouse they were all staying in.

Yes, it was a very nice time that Luke and his father got to be with actual cape buffalo that were not dangerous or unpredictable, and didn't even charge ar them or their friends. Not like the African buffalo back home.

This trip was getting better and better for Luke, and the same was said for his dad and friends.

"Well that was intriguing." Said Lyra. "Being friends with actual Zebrican buffalo, and fighting an epic battle like that."

"Yeah. I haven't fought like that in a while." Said Bon Bon.

"I wonder what other fun things we'll do in Zebrica together." Spike remarked

"Don't worry." Said Twilight. "There is still plenty of time to do more fun things, Spike."

"I still hope we get to see some eland or kudu on this trip." Said Luke.

"We will." Said Zecora. "Elands are known to be wise and posses a strong will."

Luke was all the more curious to see a tribe or a herd of the largest antelope in the world. He hoped that he will see one or a dozen of them when he, his dad, and his friends get the chance.

As they all set foot back in the village, they all settled themselves inside the guesthouse once again. Luke never got tired of seeing the beautiful view from the large window with the scattered trees, including baobab, and one of the trees was sheltering a small lion Pride up to three, four, five, or even six lions, including cubs.

He even decided to listen to some metal music to broaden his mood. While hearing the sweet guitar solo on his iPod, Rarity was a little bothered by the noise it was creating. She went up to him and gently tapped his right shoulder. “Pardon me, darling, but must you listen to that rock n roll music so loudly?”

“Come on, Rarity.” Luke said. “It’s a perfect way to get you hyped and pumped up. “This is the kind of music that helps you express how you feel.”

“Maybe for you.” Said Rarity modestly. “But, I cannot seem to see what you mean, it is certainly not my cup of tea.”

“Don’t listen to her, Luke.” Said Rainbow Dash. “I agree with ya, this music is the best!” And she gently patted his back with her right hoof.

“Thanks, Dash.”

“And, remember when you accidentally caused your mane to loose hairl and you decided to change your look for the time being?” Said Fluttershy. “You were wearing a heavy metal type of Look with that mane.”

“Ah. She makes a good point, Rarity.” Said Applejack. “Who can even forget about that nice look on ya?”

“Well, That is a fair point, but it was just a look.”

“And you heard his amazing Luke is with that electric guitar. I think he is absolutely wonderful and talented in music, and holds a good taste.”

Luke flustered, and said “Oh, thanks Fluttershy.”

“So, I know a perfect settlement where the eland live in.” Said Zecora. “Tomorrow is a good time to begin.”

“I concur. I am feeling quite tired from the battle with Kilano.” Okove remarked. “My legs are getting a little sore from all that kicking.” And he took a sip of water.

“Yeah, I think it is good to call it a day. What can you tell me about the eland here you know?” Asked Luke

“She is referring to King Imari. You will love him.” Okove replied. “He is a gentle spirit and a wonderful leader. Me and my sister have known him for a long time, and I am certain that he will be very happy to see my sister again after all this time.”

“I concur.” Zecora agreed. “I just hope I am not mentally a blur.”

“Nonsense, Imari still remembers you. He will love seeing you again.”

Zecora smiled. “Good.” And everyone just settled in again, and tomorrow will be a new day for Luke will get to see a herd of eland for the first time.

Next Chapter: Elands of the East Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 59 Minutes
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