
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 87: Kilano

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Luke was having a wonderful time with Babatunde and his cohorts in this Cape buffalo settlement. The group was eating in a restaurant called the “Cocky Elephant” cafe that had really good food. The buffalo were an interesting pair, and they had a good drink with the elements of harmony, and the other ponies. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was trying to make her nose less sore from the bite by putting a bag of ice over it. The way she was holding it on her nose was rather silly, like a seal performing a ball trick in a circus.

“Oh, it still looks like a big tomato.” The cyan Pegasus complained softly. “I’ll never look at Tank the same way again.”

“Don’t let it get to you, Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy reassured her. “There’s no need to feel embarrassed about it.” And she gave her a gentle pat on the back.

“That’s easy for you to say.” Said Rainbow Dash. “You can talk to animals, and they understand you perfectly. Ah!?

Fluttershy made a giggle, and said “Nopony is perfect.”

“Okay, Okay. You got me there.” The chan Pegasus admitted. “Next time, i’ll Think before interacting with a turtle or tortoise that is not Tank.” And she took a sip of her jus de bissap, a type of hibiscus tea that is a drink common in Western Africa in Luke’s world.

“My, this tea is simply divine.” Said Rarity. “What do you call this delicious drink again?”

“This is called, Jus de Bissap, Rarity.” Said Zecora. “If you want a drink that is delicious, this one tastes good entirely.”

“Yes, this drink is so delicious.” Fluttershy Said. “I never tried this kind of tea before. As a matter of fact, i’m Going to get a refill.”

“Me too!” Lyra added in excitement. As both of them went to get a refill at the drink station, Luke let out a loud burp. The buffalo were impressed by that little action,mane applauded.

“Very nicely done, Luke.” Said Babatunde. “Rather impressive. You know, I was the victor for a burping competition for three years straight.”

“Three years?” Said Larry. “That’s most impressive.” And he took a bite of his fufu, a type of dish from casava root similar to mash potatoes.

“You wanna know something?” Said Applejack. “My brother, Big Mac, was always a big winner for a contest on who can make the best turkey call year after you.”

“And, he finally met his match by someone familiar.” Said Pinkie Pie.

“And who might that be, Pinkie Pie?” Asked a buffalo named Lusuku.

“Me!” Pinkie replied happily. She then made a turkey call that sounded like the most realistic turkey call ever, making everyone laugh.

“And then he lost his voice and we couldn’t find a bass singer for my group: the Ponytones.” Said Rarity. “But, we sismget a little help from a pony, who I will not name for good reasons.” And she looked over at Fluttershy, who gave a warm smile at her.

“Do tell me, Zecora.” Said Babatunde, “how does it feel to set foot upon on your homeland’s symbol after all these years?”

The female zebra was a little frozen for a a second, but she ultimately said: “It feels so good to be back home after all this time. Seeing my old family and friends, itmwas just like old times.”

“Wait, you didn’t rhyme this time, Zecora.” Lyra noticed.

“Yeah, you always rhyme when you talk.” Bon Bon added.

"Even I need a break from my own habits, Bon Bon." Zecora winked at her. "Babatunde, do tell me, are you still having diplomatic relationships with my father?"

"Of course. We need diplomatic relations between us buffalo and the good zebras everywhere. Food, education, diplomacy, and much more between us buffalo and zebras."

"How long have you been in diplomatic relations together?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Heh heh, as long as we can all remember, princess." said Lusuku. "over hundreds of years since we have been partners and close allies. Of course, we stumbled along the way, like fighting corruption, or settling small conflicts, trying to settle disputes between one another."

"What kind of disputes?" said Twilight

"Well, our differences such: as who has the tougher job in trading, stopping coup d'etats over the centuries. You see, we had some tyrants ruling over our tribes every once in a while since our ties began."

"What kind of tyrants?" Spike asked

"Well, we had very good leaders who cared about our freedom and personal rights, such as myself." said Babatunde. "And, we had leaders who only cared about themselves, and would do anything to sustain their power, especially if it would mean doing the unthinkable to get what they want, or rig votes in elections. For instance, there was one recent leader we had, who was a nasty piece of work named: Kilano."

"What was he like?" asked Luke

"Someone that you would not want to be friends with, that's for sure." said the buffalo chief. “This Bull was ruthless, and would do anything to stay in power. Of course, that is when I set foot in his village, I challenged him to a fight, and I won by a long shot.”

“Wasn’t this your village?” Said Rainbow Dash.

“Yes, but when Kilano came to power, he exiled me, but I came back twenty years later.”

“Twenty years?” Said Applejack in surprise. “That must have been horrible, not being able to see your family like that for so long.”

"Indeed. But, they would secretly visit me out of Blackhorn. You see, they would like to the authorities saying they went to get more water, or fresh-grown crops for them to eat."

"That's clever." Said Fluttershy. "Did you overthrow that mean Kilano?"

"Oh yes. After all these years, u managed to gain some support from Zecora's father, along with King Silver Horn and Lighthoof of the rhinos to help me with the cause, and we successfully overthrew him. That's when I came back as a new leader of my subjects."

"Wow. That sounds intriguing." Said Starlight Glimmer. "How long have you been ruling over Blackhorn?"

"For the past thirty years since that event had come to this glorious city. Kilano did some pretty unforgivable things when he was in power: starve buffalo to death, take away their freedom, execute anyone who defied him or spoke out against him."

"That's terrible." Said Lyra. "He does sound like a nasty piece of work."

"At least you won't have to worry about him anymore." Said Larry.

"Well...." the chief sounded a little uncomfortable, and he said "Kilano would occasionally... try and organize an attack on our village to reclaim it for himself in revenge and spite, but we would always drive him out of Blackhorn after every failed attack."

Just then, a buffalo barged into the restaurant and rushed up to the chief, panting heavily. "Chief! Kilano is back!" He said.

The others looked concerned about this. They all rushed out of the cafe, and went to the gates that bordered the city.

A fierce-looking buffalo bull that was as black as night came up, and he looked quite intimidating with a small beard patch on his chin that was the color of white. Another distinguishing feature he had was the left horn was chipped off and an eyepatch over his right eye, and a pink scar running down his face.

"Babatunde!" He called in a thunderous, booming voice. "This time, I will take back my city! And I brought more friends to help me out."

"This is not your city!" Babatunde called out to his arch-rival. "Leave now, or suffer the consequences!"

The former dictator of Blackhorn let out a laugh, and said "I don't think so. Because this time, I brought more friends." A group of enemy buffalo and some Minotaurs with swords and axes with them as weapons.

All of them looked quite intimidating and scary, but Luke had a weapon that was better than any of those weapons those minotaurs had, and he can easily overpower them all with it.

Twilight had an idea, and stepped up. "I, Twilight Sparkle, the princess of Friendship, command you to leave this village, and never come back!"

"Oh. I have heard all about you, princess." Said Kilano sinisterly. "But you have no power here. This is not Equestria. This is Zebrica."

"Then, you give us all no choice." Said Twilight. It didn't take long for a battle to ensue.

It became a battlefield outside of the city in a matter of seconds. Twilight was zapping away at enemy buffalo and minotaurs with her magic. Many of them would fall, but some would keep going and try to swing their swords, axes, or simply charge at her.

Discord conjured himself some knight armor on himself, and a claymore sword that was double-handed, slashing away at enemy buffalo and minotaurs without ease.

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash certainly had no problem with their opponents, for they would evade any hits or attacks from them by hovering or flying in the air, and they waited for the opportunity to strike.

Rainbow Dash would land a fury of punches and kicks at her opponents faces until they could no longer fight, and collapsed of exhaustion. Fluttershy was just as quick and nimble with her wings, and charge into Minotaur bellies without hesitation. Of course, she can be scared and intimidated by the buffalo and Minotaur's mighty appearance, and Rainbow would have to come to her aid and save her.

Despite this, Fluttershy kept on fighting to save her friends from any attacks.

Applejack and Rarity also fought gallantly and full of zeal, dodging many attacks from their foes

Starlight was also using her magic to fight off her own enemies from attacking the village, and even rode a few buffalo on their backs.

Lyra and Bon Bon used their little team attacks like a double-wheel spin, Lyra picking up Bon Bon with her magic and swinging her around like a toy or a puppet. As Bon Bon was hovering she would pound her enemies with her fist like Superman swooping down on a bad guy. Another method would be Bon Bon holding her friend and he the magic from her horn as a machine-gun, blasting away at their opponents here ant there.

Spike would try and taunt any enemy buffalo or minotaur to get their attention, and it got them all wound up, and try to charge at him. At the last second, Spike dodged out of the way, and Pinkie Pie would shoot at them with her party cannon.

Babatunde, Zecora, and Okove were fighting side by side against their enemies, and they fought more valiantly than the others.

The buffalo chief himself fought against Kilano, and it was an interesting grudge match between them. Despite having his horn chipped off, Kilano was still fighting on an on against his rival, and they tried pushing one another with their strength, trying to make their opponent fall to the ground in the process.

It was hard to tell which one of these two was winning and they both had equally large amount of strength within them. "I have waited a long time for this, Babtunde!" said Kilano. "Soon, I will have what is rightfully mine!"

"it was never yours to begin with, Kilano!" Babatunde countered. "What will it take for you to stop these attacks!?"

"As soon as I get my city back!"

Luke was slicing and dicing with his lightsaber, and his father was shooting any enemy buffalo or Minotaur that was coming at him. His son would cover him to give him time to reload his handgun. Of course, being as tough as they were, it took more than one gunshot to take them down, and they were no match for Luke's lightsaber, which he would use to slice at their torso in a deep cut.

In the battle, it looked like Kilano was winning, for he knocked Babatunde to the ground, and was about to stomp on him to death with his hooves. Luke saw what was happening, and charged over, then sliced at his other horn, causing him to howl in pain.

"GAAAHHH!! Damn Mangani! You broke my horn!" shouted Kilano. "Now you will suffer!"

"No! You leave the buffalo of Blackhorn alone. They are free of you, and I am not a Mangani. I am Luke, a human from another world. These buffalo are free of you. I say so, Babatunde says so, my friends say so! Leave now, and never come back, for you are outclassed!"

Kilano looked at his surroundings, and saw some of his troops dead, many of them wounded, and some severely injured and cowardly fleeing for their dear lives. "Fall back!" he ordered. "Retreat!" and his remaining troops gladly exited the outskirts of Blackhorn to never return.

"You will pay for this!" Kilano shouted. "You will PAAAYYY!!!" and he ran off into the savanna brush. Luke, his father, and their shouted in triumph.

"Thank you all for helping us against my old enemy." Babatunde congratulated his old and new friends.

"Hey, no sweat." said Rainbow Dash boldly.

"It was a good we were here before they were." said Twilight. "They could have taken over Blackhorn again."

"They appeared to have stronger fighters on their side than last time. Minotaurs are quite powerful." said Okove. "I hope this is the last time he will attack the city."

"I admit, he caught us by surprise with those Minotaurs." the chief confessed. "We probably would have been back under his control again if not for you all. Especially you, Luke." the young human smiled being acknowledged. "And for you Zecora, Okove, and all your friends."

"Just doing our duties as protectors of piece of Harmony." said Fluttershy. "Let's have a feast."

"An excellent idea." said Applejack. " 'Cause boy I am starving right."

Next Chapter: The Feast Estimated time remaining: 4 Hours, 5 Minutes
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