
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 42: Pony of Pop

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While sitting on the couch in Fluttershy's cottage, Luke was listening to more sweet classic rock songs on his iPod. Oh he would never get tired of listening to bands that Guns N' Roses, Black Sabbath, Motorhead, Poets of the Fall, White Lion, Tesla, Dokken, Black Label Society, and many of those rock and metal bands.

Drinking another sip of root beet with ice in the glass, Luke suddenly felt a small touch jab his right shoulder. He was immediately startled and he looked left and right rapidly, then next to his right, he took out his headphones and it was none other than Fluttershy

"Oh, my goodness." she said, feeling a little guilty and sheepish all at once. "I didn't mean to scare you, Luke. I promise."

"Nah, it's alright." Luke shrugged with a smirk. "I was kinda lost in my train of thought. You know what they say, music soothes the beast after all."

The yellow Pegasus giggled. "That's right. I completely underetand what you mean by that."

"I mean, don't you have a little trip to la la land when you listen to any songs you really love?"

"Oh yes. I do get that a lot when I am listening to the birds chirping inside and outside the cottage, especially Hummingway." Then a small green hummingbird fluttered by, and it made beautiful and adorable tweeting sounds.

"Well said, Hummingway." Luke admire the bird with a thumb up. The little avian tweeted in flattery from the human's kind words at him. "Anyway, what is it, Fluttershy?" He asked, eager to hear what she was going to say to him

While turning his iPod off and pulling his earbuds out of his sockets, Fluttershy addressed him by saying "Well, umm- I was just wandering if you would like a zesty cucumber sandwich? I just thought so because you didn't really eat so much today."

Luke smiled and replied "sure thing, and with mustard please? And hold the mayonnaise, as well."

"Sure, I know how you like your sandwiches." Fluttershy said with a giggle, then she hovered a
Over to the kitchen to fix Luke what he wanted on his lunch. Meantime, Luke just relaxed himself while leaving his head on Tyson the white tiger. The big cat's body felt so warm and yet so furry.

Letting out an excited growl, Tyson licked Luke's face like a normal house cat would do with people in a friendly manner. It didn't take long before Linus came along and joined in on the fun, and then Scar the gray wolf followed after.

Fluttershy giggled seeing that. "Oh, that's cute." She said with a warm smile. "They all like you."

"Just don't try to crush me to death, alright guys?" Luke remarked, feeling a little uncomfortable from these massive animals wanting to hug and snuggle in. Worried that he would be crushed to death by more animals wanting to join in on the fun, he decided to gently push the others off, and stood back on his feet.

"Here is your sandwich, Luke."

"Thanks, Fluttershy. Always love the way you make them."

"I flush." She replied back to him.

When he began eating his little lunch, Luke was still thinking about Gilda, that griffon he met before a few days prior. He was more than happy to be friends with a griffon, and thankful that she didn't try to make human ground beef out of him. A small chill crept down his spine, and decided not to think about something so barbaric.

What really mattered was that a Fluttershy and Gilda started all over with meeting each other properly. Now he was starting to wish that he can go to Griffonstone one of these days and Fluttershy could probably go with her.

When he finished eating, he took yet another sip of his drink, and went to clean his plate off from a few mustards stains, for he was kind of a messy eater. Luke wouldn't really admit that because he was a little too embarrassed and ashamed to do so.

"So Fluttershy, do you think you want go to Griffonstone sometime now that you and Gilda are friends?"

She had a look of uncertainty, and she replied skeptically "I don't know. Sure, me and Gilda are friends now, but I don't know if I would want to visit Griffonstone. What if the other griffons do what Hilda did in the past?"

"Nonsense." Luke scoffed. "She specifically said she is rebuilding the griffon capital to it's former, without the Idol of Boreaus, that is. Not all griffons are not like you think they would be. Well, not anymore I mean."

"I know." Fluttershy said. "She was telling the truth about that, and Rainbow Dash was with Pinkie Pie when the cutie map called them over to that place." And she took a sip of orange juice.

"Exactly! So you have absolutely nothing to worry about." Luke said. "Maybe not one of these days if you would want, but maybe someday?"

"Perhaps. But I still don't know if I would want to go visit Griffonstone." She shyly pawed her hoof on the floor. "I might accidentally bump them without me knowing and screech in my face," and then she gulped in fear just thinking about it.

"Nah." Luke said. "I mean, it's fine if you don't want to come with me, but I would really like to see that place. Hmm, maybe I can have Rainbow Dash come with me since she has been there before."

"Yes, that sounds like a wonderful idea."

Then Luke went to finish his root beer and went to clear the glass out in the kitchen sink, and used a purple rag to clean any stains or missing drops out of it to be on the safe side.

Scar the wolf then ran up to him, and acted like a golden retriever dog, and placed his front laws on his chest so he can try and give him a kiss on the lips. "Oh come here, Scar." Luke chuckled, and then he bent down to let the wolf "pounce" on him so he can lick all over his handsome face, and the human just laughed and enjoyed this.

Scar then got off him, and made a playful standing posture, wagging his tail happily and and panting his tongue. The wolf also let out a small howl that lasted for a few seconds and circled around two or three times.

"Oh you're such a good boy, Scar!" Luke said playfully, then he rubbed the canine's face while Scar began licking his face again.

After Luke had his fun, he promptly sat back on the couch and decided to play Candy Crush on his smartphone (the soda saga that is) and slowly became a little addicted to it. Meanwhile, the black wolf promptly sat next to him, looking around his surroundings.

He decided to play Hallowed be thy name by Iron Maiden and was almost Completely drifting out of really once again. While listening, be noticed Fluttershy walking out the back door, and he pulled out one earbud out "where you going, Fluttershy?"

"Just going to give Sly, and Agnes the raccoon a little treat as usual."

"Can I help you with that?"

"Of course." She said with a warm smile. Luke promptly got off the couch and went to help out Fluttershy with a few animal care chores. While feeding the chickens, Fluttershy then remembered something "Oh, I forgot to to tell you, Luke."

"What's that?" Then Luke felt a chicken trying to get the piece of corn by leaping in the air and trying to grasp it with her beak.

"I have built a sanctuary for all animals to be happy and live together without any worries or problems at all."

The human's eyes went up with surprise and said "really?" Then he dropped the large piece of corn for the chickens and roosters to eat out of, then they moved forward to the ducks, geese, and swans in the small lake in the backyard.

"Hmm-mm. It was one of my dreams to make in all of my life. And Dr. Fauna was getting a little too overcrowded in her veterinary clinic."

"Ah, perfectly understandable. Does it have a lot of animals in it?"

"Oh yes. Of course, many animals come and go anytime they please. Just in case they want to go back to the Wild."

"Awesome!" Luke remarked proudly throwing a few pieces of white bread on the lake waters. All the ducks, geese, swans, loons, herons, bitterns, and other aquatic birds were all happy to be fed with bread like this. "Do any ponies come by to see what it looks like?"

"Yes. It is a very wonderful place that me and my friend, Big Daddy McColt created together." Then the work was over and ended when the raccoons were given their treats.

When that was taken care of, Luke just remembered something "Hey Fluttershy, I just remembered something."


"I was supposed to show Pip with some Amazing music from my world and try to show him the way of rock and metal, because he is kinda getting interested in it right now."

""Oh, okay. That sounds wonderful." She admired. "Go on ahead."

"Thanks" and he was about to head out, but then a knock on the door was heard. Luke opened the door, and it revealed to be Rarity, and next to her was a pale grayish gold mare with fancy clothing, and a white top-hat on her head. She had a blue, slightly curly mane, and looked a little taller and bigger than Rarity.

"Luke, hello there." Hey Rarity, what's up?"

"Well. I would like you to meet Sapphire Shores. The pony of pop!"

"Pleasure to meet ya, honey." Said the mare in an African American voice, shaking Luke's hand with both her hooves,

"Pony of pop? He muttered to his head. "Oh god, I hope she is not asking me to do a shitty pop song with her, cause I would rather die than do that. Hiding his true feelings, he didn't want to be too judgmental and said "pleasure to meet you too, miss Shores."

"Sapphire Shores?" Said Fluttershy in a tone of surprise, and promptly went to the front door. "Oh, how wonderful to see you again, Sapphire."

"Same with you, Fluttershy."

"What are you doing here?"

"Sapphire just came back from her Equestrian world tour yesterday." Rarity said. "And she was looking for Luke."

It made Luke's eyes wide to hear that remark. "Looking for me?" He asked.

"Of course, honey."

"What for?"

"I heard so much about you, and I heard you are an amazing hit artist and singeeeer!" She sang at the last part in a high note.

"Ah! Please don't do that." Luke said, "I kinda have sensitive hearing."

"Come on, Sweetie, I am just born to-"

"Please! Please!" Luke begged in a more assertive voice. The three were a little shocked to here that little outburst from him.

"Luke? What's the matter?" Fluttershy asked him with concern

"Yes, that was a little shocking."

"Oh, sorry." Luke caught himself. "Anyway, you want to get to know me, for real?" He asked the pony of pop.

"Yeah, you are quite an amazing.... gorilla."

Luke was highly offended, and barked "I am Not a gorilla! I am a human, okay!? Get your facts right goddamnit!" And he made a huff like an angry bull would do, and realized what he has done again. "Oh, did I just say that?"

The mares has a shocked and concerned look on their faces again. "Yes." Rarity said.

"Goodness, you're starting to scare me, Luke."

It made Luke guilty to here those words and bent down to make better eye contact with her.

"I am so sorry, Fluttershy. I... I just need my Prozac, that's all." And then he went to go take his pill for calm him down, and gulped it down with some water.

Going back to the three, Sapphire Shores asked him with concern "are you sure you are alright, sweetie?"

"Yes. I'm just fine." Luke cleared his throat.

"Well. Why don't we come on over to the boutique?" Rarity suggested. "and we can bring our friends here too."

"Are your backup dancers here?" Asked Fluttershy

"Wherever I go, they go with me." She said with a head nod and a spunky attitude.

"Oh goody." Luke muttered sarcastically.

"What's that?"

"Nothing. Just thinking out loud." The human made a few whistling noises with his mouth, trying to act as innocent as possible.


Then Fluttershy told her friends in the cottage bye and promptly went with them after locking the front door.

"So I hear your a rockstar, right?" She asked him

"Yep, and a TALENTED rockstar, thank you." He said flatly.

The mare laughed at his remark, making Luke mildly grit his teeth. "Oh you are a card Luke. We definitely have so much to talk about."

In his head, Luke thought "I don't want to talk with a pop star with you. I have seen what people such as yourself are like, talentless annoying, today's pop music is a disgrace and just noise compared to real music, like every other genre besides pop."

Yes, Luke definitely did not want to talk with her, and was trying to figure out a way to weasel himself out of this.

"Look, Sapphire Shores, I was supposed to show a good friend of mine, Pip, a thing about some music back home like really cool rock and metal bands, and other music genres of course." And in his head, he said "except pop trash."

"Oh, don't worry, I can come along with ya and you won't have to worry about missing that little meeting." Then she gave him a wink

"God give me strength." He thought.

Luke absolutely did not want to be with a pop star, and thought it was a waste of time, but he didn't want to be too hasty about this, and tried to hear her out at least, and prayed internally that she will not ask him to do a song or a duet with her, because he would rather die.

When they arrived in town. Many ponies gathered around and cheered for Sapphire Shores, and she herself kissed at her adoring fans,

Luke was becoming even more annoyed with this, and just wanted this to end. It was just not his style

Author's Notes:

Well Luke meets Sapphire Shores, and one thing is for sure, Pop music was not his cup of tea. He wants no part of her whatsoever because he is a hardcore rocker, it she reminds him of Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Kesha, and Britney Spears, who he all hates with a burning passion, along with their so-called music. How will this end? Will Luke speak his mind about her? Does Sapphire really want to be his friend? Find out on the next chapter

Next Chapter: Music Taste Estimated time remaining: 11 Hours, 26 Minutes
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