
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 41: Apologies for the Past

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In front of the cottage, Luke, Lyra, Bon Bon, Rainbow Dash, and the griffon named Gilda were just about to come inside.

Before Luke could open the door, something stopped him. A hand from Gilda was gently holding him back by the shoulder, well at least, she trying to be gentle with him

The talons were slowly pressing against his skin like a pair of daggers or needles were trying to puncture the dermis, almost to the pint where it was starting to be painful. "Ow Ow ow!" Luke exclaimed. "What the hell Gilda? Are yoy trying to kill me then eat me?"

"No!" Gilda replied defensively, and her tone changed to a rather nervous voice when se said "i- I just don't know about this. What if she doesn't forgive me, and starts throwing rocks at me the first moment I come in?"

"No, that's crazy, Gilda." Rainbow chuckled "Fluttershy would never do that to anypony, she is the kindest, and sweetest pony I have ever met in my life."

"She ain't exaggerating about that, Gilda." Luke agreed. "Just walk in there, look her in the eye, stand tall and just say that you are sorry to her for making her cry all those years ago and ask her if she wants to be friends with you in return."

"And ask how you can make it up to her." Lyra added.

Gilda was still a little nervous, and had a few butterflies fluttering in her stomach. Nonetheless, she took a breath, and went in the cottage very slow-like.

All of them heard a very beautiful humming and singing voice, and it was Fluttershy, who was tending to a few plants inside of her house.

"Fluttershy, someone is here to see you." Luke called out.

"Hmm? Oh, and who is this- Aaaaaaahhhh!" She screamed at the top o her lungs after getting a good, long look at Gilda and went up to her room with the sound of a door being slammed above.

"Well, that went as I expected it to be." Gilda muttered sarcastically.

"Nah, she just needs to see how sorry you are." Luke said. Thinking, he finally said out loud "maybe I should go talk to Fluttershy. Alone"

"Why you?" Asked Bon Bon.

"I live with her, remember?"

"Oh right."

"Just don't take too long." Said Gilda, pawing at the floor with her first claw. "I'm not the patient type of griffon." She muttered while gritting her teeth.

Luke rolled his eyes slightly up, and said "don't worry, it won't take long. She'll always see reason with me."

"Go ahead, buddy." Rainbow said. The human promptly went upstairs, into Fluttershy's room, and saw that she was nowhere to be seen.

Curious, he called out. "Fluttershy? You in here?"

Then he heard a few squeaking noises that sounded a little like mice squeaking or a cute little kitten mewing.

Noticing that it was coming from under the bed, Luke crouched on his knees and peeked to see if she was done there, and he thought right. There was Fluttershy cowering in complete terror, shaking.

"Ah there you are." Luke said. "Are you alright, Flutters?"

Gulping, the yellow pegasus replied "no. I never even thought I would ever see that mean Gilda again after what happened last time."

"Oh Fluttershy, that's why Gilda is here, so she can say sorry to you for roaring into your face."

"How do you know that?" She asked in a shakey voice.

"Well, at first, I thought she was a no good hoodlum, technically she was in the past, but the point is, she changed now." Gilda is a totally different griffon then when you have met her a long time ago. Honestly, I was quite surprised to see her, but I was glad that she didn't eat me."

Fluttershy made a few more whimpers of fear, making Luke realize what he was saying. "Sorry, shouldn't of said that last part." he said while making a sheepish chuckle. "The point is, please, try and give her a chance. And, if it makes you feel any better, I'll be right with you and... maybe I can pull out my lightsaber and decapitate her with it just in case she is lying to us, you know."

Those words made Fluttershy so touched and felt so lucky to have a good friend/roommate living with her in the cottage. She slowly peeped her head out of from under her bed and didn't look as scared as before. "Umm, thanks, Luke. Are you sure about this?"

"Positive." Luke proudly replied back to her. "Just come with me and everything will be fine."

"She- she really hurt my feelings when I first met her in Ponyville." the yellow pegasus noted as she slowly got back on her feet.

"I hear you, Fluttershy." said Luke with great sympathy. "But that was all in the past, and you need to let go of it. That's what my dad told me, you know, before he left me."

The yellow pegasus made a small smile. Knowing that Luke would never lie to her like this, she was silent, but she finally said. "Okay. I'll.... I'll come with you. Just... please don't leave me when I see her again." then she gently clasped her hooves on Luke's right hand. The human began to feel a little warm and fuzzy on the inside.

Nonetheless, he was quick to reply when he said "Of course. And, like I said, I'll just.... deal away with her using my new lightsaber if she is mean or if she lies to you."

"Oh goodness." Fluttershy said. "I didn't think you would mean that." and she covered her mouth with both her hooves in surprise.

"I'm just trying to help you. And... yeah, I was just saying that." Luke admitted, rubbing the back of his head in a sheepish fashion. "Yeah, i would never actually kill anyone."

Fluttershy smiled. "I know you wouldn't. You are too kind and sweet to do something like that."

"Well come on." Luke said. He was more than happy to step out of the room with his closest friend in Equestria. "Well too be honest, Flutters, Gilda was a little nervous about meeting you too."

"She was?"

"Of course she was. She was worried that you might shoo her away by stoning her with rocks until she leaves the cottage." and then he made a chuckle with a smirk.

As they both head downstairs, Gilda was just waiting on the couch, scratching on her scalp with Rainbow snuggling with Angel Bunny. Lyra and Bon Bon were both busy having a relaxing massage from Harry the bear.

"Gilda." Luke said. "Fluttershy is here to see you now."

This made the griffon more than happy to hear that. "Awesome." Then she promptly got back on all fours, and she went up to the yellow pegasus. A small touch of fear went through Fluttershy, but she decided to not let that stop her. "Hello, Fluttershy." She said in a slightly uncomfortable voice.

"Umm, hi." Fluttershy replied.

"Listen, i... I am so sorry if I roared in your face and are you cry." Gilda said. "I am hoping you can forgive me and... maybe we can be friends?"

It was still for a moment, but she felt Fluttershy gently hugging her as a thank you token for her kindness. "It's okay, Gilda. I forgive you." Then the griffon tried her best to do a hug, but she wasn't very good at it.

"Well, now that wea are all square, why not have a talk together." Said Lyra.

"Perfect idea. You like root beer, Gilda?" Luke asked

"Yeah! I live root beer!" The griffon replied, and they were all friends now, and all was forgiven between Hilda and Fluttershy

Next Chapter: Pony of Pop Estimated time remaining: 11 Hours, 35 Minutes
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