
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 31: Capital of Equestria (Part 1)

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On the train to Canterlot, Luke was still a little nervous about going because of what he heard about some hoity-toity ponies living over there at the capital. His foot was slightly shaking, feeling a few butterflies swarming around his belly. (There aren't any real butterflies, of course) Rarity was sitting next to him, looking more than excited to go back to visit Canterlot herself.

The white unicorn noticed Luke and his nervousness. She frowned and gently placed her warm hoof on his hand "Are you feeling alright, sweetie?"

"What? what?" Luke went out of his thoughts, and looked around, a little alarmed by what just touched him. He realized it was just Rarity, nothing more. "Yeah, I'm just fine." he let out a deep sigh. "Listen, Rarity," he said "Are you sure I'll be fine in this place?"

She smiled at him "Of course you will, sweetie. We already talked about this, not everypony in Canterlot is snobbish or self-centered. As a matter of fact, there are some nice ponies over there, and not to mention my second boutique in it."

"Right. I remember that." Then it was silent for a few seconds. It was so still that Luke could hear the sound of the train whistling, and the mechanics from outside working. Finally, Luke said "so, about what you say, there is a ciy in my world called Paris, in a country called France. It was a place where everyone outside of France thought everyone there were self-centered, and think they are all better than everyone else."

"And are they?"

"Well.... I never been to Paris, but I have heard from my friends and relatives that Paris has rude people on it, but that's just a stereotype for the most part. Every country, and every city has their ups and downs."

"Quite right, Luke. Not to mention that Spoiled rich." She agreed in disgust just saying that self-absorbed mare's name.

Luke himself began having negative thoughts about that one mare that called him retarded once before. Well, he let it go, because he did give ego a little beating, and the co-rulers of Equestria themselves gave her a penalty for it to make her suffering worse

"I hear ya." He agreed with her. "I shouldn't probably think about ways to hurt her or possibly kill her, because it's unhealthy."

"Good heavens!" Rarity exclaimed, covering her mouth in slight horror. "Surely you would not kill her, would you."

"No. Of course not. I just don't like her."

Rarity giggled "believe me, Luke. Everypony, we'll just about everypony does not like her anyway. Spoiled Rich can make narcissistic remarks to anypony. It happened to me, Twilight, and a lot of ponies in Ponyville."

"Heh." Then he looked out the window. "I wouldn't even be surprised that Spoiled didn't come to the Animal Day festival, or heckle me on my songs." Luke made a smirk just thinking about what the rotten mare would do to heckle him.

Rarity made another laugh. "Of course. She always views animals as vermin, and absolutely filthy creatures."

Luke made a small gasp "how dare she?"

"I know. But don't worry about her, you just need to ignore her type. The point is, you will do marvelous here. I even know a couple of ponies that live in Canterlot, and are quite nice folk."

The human smiled. "Good."

It wasn't long, for they already made it to the Canterlot train station. Rarity was more than happy to see the city outside through the window. Her eyes sparkled, and pressed her hooves against her cheeks like a marshmallow.

The white unicorn got off the chair, and then Luke followed her outside. The human was absolutely amazed to see such a majestic city like this before. It was compatible to London, Paris, Toronto, and other beautiful cities like them. "It is gorgeous, isn't it?"

"Very gorgeous." Luke agreed with her. He looked at many ponies who look like they're were in the high-class societies. It was what made Luke worry, he has seen people like them, such as the rich people on a country club. But of course, there were regular ladies joint ponies that he hasn't seen in Ponyville before.

What if they will give him a very rude greeting? "Well, why don't we look into my boutique first, shall we?"

"perfect idea."

"Just try and stay close to me, wouldn't want you to get lost, won't we?"

"Yeah, this place is much bigger than Ponyville. But don't worry, I'll stay close."

"Perfect!" While walking, Luke was looking around to and fro at the buildings, and cafes that swept across Canterlot. This all did kind of made him think he was going on vacation in Laris, except, no Eiffel Tower, and the fact he wasn't in France.

Some of the ponies looked at Luke with suspicion, and didn't know what to think of the rogue human. Luke felt like sweating like a big, juicy, baked him, hot from the oven, but he kept his cool, and held it in himself.

"Okay Luke, don't worry about what they think about you." He thought to himself. He took another breath and kept his head high, along with his spirit. Many of the normal looking ponies were looking more friendly towards him than some of the residents that look like they were at the top of the pyramid.

"Ah, here we are." Rarity sang. She went through the door and was more than happy to see her own boutique in Canterlot was in ship-shape as usual. "Hello? Anypony here?" She called out.

"Rarity! Welcome back." Said a voice. Luke looked ant it was a pretty unicorn mare with blue fur, and a mane and tail that had the color of orange. She had same type of shape princess Luna has, except this mare did not have any wings.

The mare noticed Luke and looked at him. "Ah, quite an intriguing young.... fellow." She said.

Luke lightly flushed. "Sassy Saddles, so wonderful to see you again." Then both unicorns hugged eachother as a friendly greeting. "I take it the shop is doing brilliant, I presume?"

"Oh yes, of course. I am always keeping everything in one in your boutique, Rarity." The mare looked at Luke again, then back to Rarity. "Tell me, who is this character?"

"This is a good friend of mine, Luke Smith, but you can just call him Luke since it is his first name."

"Hello." Luke said.

"A pleasure to meet you, Luke." Said the mare. "I am Sassy Saddles, the mare in charge of ararity's boutique here in Canterlot, and I am quite a fashionista myself. Tell me, where are you from?"

"I.... don't think that would go over too well." Luke shrugged with uncertainty

"Oh come now, why don't you let me be the judge of that?" Sassy suggested.

"Okay, okay." Then Luke told her the whole story about where he came from, and how he got to Equestria in the first place. The details truly fascinated Sassy Saddles, feeling more than curious. "And that's pretty much how I came here." He concluded.

"Truly fascinating. I never would have guessed it."

"Do you believe me?"

"Of course, dear. I mean, nopony around has ever seen a creature Ike yourself before. Until now that is."

"Wouldn't surprise me."

"So, what might somepony like you be doing in Canterlot?"

"I wanted to show Luke here, and he agreed." Rarity answered.

"And let emu tell you, Sassy, I am quite amazed by this place." Luke added. He flipped his hair back to get it away from his eyes.

"I am glad to hear that. Just wait until you see the rest of the city. So many wonders as far as the eye can see, delicious food and other amazing places to visit while sightseeing."

"No kidding." Luke agreed.

The human decided to look around the store, and was truly amazed by the dresses and designs in
Rarity's fashion line for Canterlot. The dresses and clothes were similar to the ones she made in her home. Nopony would make outfits better than Rarity.

When he was done, he told Sassy that it was nice meeting her and Sassy Saddles said the same thing vice versa to Luke. Rarity gave her a farewell until they meet again someday soon.

"Once again, I hope you enjoy your visit here in Canterlot!" She called out.

"I will!" Then Luke and Rarity continued the tour in Canterlot. While walking, Rarity saw a pair of ponies she knew on the city just as much as her coworker.

"Oh! Fancy Pants, Fleur!" She called out. It was a white unicorn stallion that looked rather bigger than some ponies would be. He had a monocle over one eye and a tuxedo. This stallion was probably the size of Big Mac, except he looks more fancy.

"Rarity! What a pleasant surprise.." said the stallion, in a handsome British accent. He and the mare walked with him to greet Luke and Rarity. The white mare was also a unicorn, except she had a shade of pink in her mane ad. Tail, and looked very beautiful and slender. Her cutie mark struck Luke with a sense of deja vu.

Her cutie mark was the Fleur De Lis symbol on her flanks. He recognized it because Luke was quite fond of anything French, the language, history, and all that."

"Fancy meeting you here, Fancy Pants." Then they both gave each other kisses on the cheek. "And of course for you, Fleur."

"Thank you, mademoiselle Rarity." The white mare added in a French accent. Luke thought correctly, she was something French.

"And who might this fellow be?"

"Go on Luke, introduce yourself, sweetie." Rarity urged with a big smile

"Okay okay. My name is Luke Smith, but you can just call me by my first name, which is Luke." The human introduced himself plainly.

"Quite a pleasure to meet you, Luke." Said Fancy Pants. "You look like you have an interesting backstory to tell me."

"Pardonez-moi." Said the mare. "My name is Fleur De Lis, and it is quite nice to meet you, Luke."

Then Luke gently held her hoof and said "enchante, Fleur." Then he gently kissed her hoof to be more polite since she is a lady after all.

Fleur smiled and was more than flattered. "Merci beaucoup, mon ami." She replied. "I didn't know you were into anything Fancee."

"I am, but in my world, the language is called French."

"Well you say it excellently." Fancy Pants complimented. "Do walk with us, we have so much to talk about."

"Oh oui. And I am beginning to like you already. And honestly, I think you look handsome with that hair."

Luke flustered. "Thanks"he replied. Then he waved his hair back and forth. "I look like a handsome lion, don't I?"

The three ponies laughed. "Oh yes, by the look on your face, and your hair, you do look like a handsome lion." Fleur complimented. Then they decided to have a little walk together to exchange conversations. This looked it Luke was doing just fine with his visit to Canterlot.

Next Chapter: Capital of Equestria (Part 2) Estimated time remaining: 13 Hours, 37 Minutes
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