
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 30: Offer for a Visit to Canterlot

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Another day has passed, and the Ponyville Animal Day Festival was a huge commercial success two days ago. As a matter of fact, lots of money was given to charity so it can make many animals get a better life, and saved neglected and abused pets and livestock.

Half of it was thanks to Luke's aspiring rock performance during the festivity, and another half was because of Fluttershy, Equestria's version of Mother Nature, or Pan the Greek god.

It was thanks to these two, and their friends that gave such a lovely contribution to animals. Honestly, Luke could have wished that his world would do something like this, well, there was Earth Day, but still, he wished.

Luke thought that everyday should be earth day, but alas, it probably won't happen. As long as there are people like him, he wouldn't really have anything to worry about. Right now, Luke was just playing a little game of Candy Crush on his smartphone, and played for a long half an hour.

Like Fluttershy, he wished that the festival could have lasted longer, because he had such fun with it, and he remembered that old saying "time flies fast when someone is having fun, and it feels slow when someone is doing something they hated or thought it was very boring."

It was all behind him because what was in te past was done, and he knew he didn't have the godlike powers to go back and celebrate that the festival on the very day one lasttime. Right now, Luke was just signing autographs to his fans from the concert before. These ponies he was signing for were from outside of Ponyville.

Zecora was on example for she lived in the Everfree Forest, and a couple other ponies from Appleoosa, Canterlot, and a few other places across this land.

"One for you," Luke said to a fan after he was done signing his signature. "One for you," he repeated. And then the line quickly got shorter and dissolved within a long thirty seconds. "Thank you all so much you guys." He said to his fans. "Hope to see you attending my next perofrmance."

All of the ponies with the signed signature cheered to him, and then chanted his name a few times with enthusiasm.

Then Zecora went up to him "Luke, I have spend a great afternoon with you, and I hope to see your again sometime soon."

"Don't worry. I'm pretty sure we'll meet again." Luke remarked.

"You made me very proud, for your performances were beautiful and loud."

"In a good kind of loud?"

Zecora giggled. "Yes yes of course. I tell you that truth woth no remorse."

"Good. Au revoir."

"Have a wonderful day, Luke. I am going to fancy myself with pumpkin soup." Then the zebra promptly went off back to the Everfree. Luke himself was all done with the autograph signing, as a matter of fact, his arms were getting tired and a little sore.

He promptly went back to Fluttershy's cottage to take the load off, and relax. While walking, he was listening to Skid Row on his iPod, and the song was "Monkey Business" from their album "Slave to the Grind."

Also, Luke looked around at his surroundings, just looking at the peaceful environment Ponyville would normally be in, and he hoped it will stay that way. Then he made it to the woods with the cottage not far from him now.

Then Discord poofed himself up in front of him, floating in mid-air, like he would normally do. "Ah!" Luke exclaimed, and he fell bqck, landing on his ass. He groaned as he recognized the creature in front of him. "Discord, I hate it when yoy do that!" He complained

The master of chaos just made a chuckle in teply, shrugging off what the human remarked. "Oh Luke, you just don't really understand me. I am more of a.... complicated creature to say the least "

"That's a light way to describe yourself " Luke partly agreed while he rolled his eyes. "Hey listen, I am sorry if I was keeping Fluttershy away from you. I know we made up yesterday, but still."

'No no." Discord said. "I was the one to blame. I let my envy get the very best of me, and I almost sent you to Hell. And I know you weren't hogging Fluttershy to yourself. I.... i'm just still trying to get used to the more than one friend thing you know?"

'I undrstand. It's okay, I forgive you."

Discord smiled at him "good. Oh, and very well done with your performances, especially that magical guitar melody."

The human flushed slightly. "I am a man of many talents after all."

"A man with many extraordinary talents to be exact." The drancequus pointed out. "Well I got to go visit the puppet dimension to cause havoc."

Luke had a look that said he was a little creeped out by what he just said. "Oookay." He said with a raised eyebrow, then he decided to shrug it off, deciding not to ask about the puppet dimension. "And by the way, i'm sorry if Fluttershy didn't come with you to see the Flying Mantas yesterday."

"Don't worry about it. Those majestic, gigantic beasts will come back next week." Discord remarked. "Those puppet people won't know what will hit them before i'm finished with them." He made a creaky chuckle with a sinister look in his eyes.

"Wait, I thought you were a good guy now?" Luke asked in confusion.

"Oh yes, of course I am. But I still like to have some.... fun to say the least. I am a god of chaos after all, and chaos is my favorite type of activity."

"I see."

"And besides, a person with a rock n role lifestyle can be quite wild, too."

"Touche." Luke agreed. "But don't worry, I will never do drugs or alcohol like many of them back home do, or used to do for some."

"Wonderful to hear. Anyway, au revoir." he sang. Then he vanished himself to the puppet dimension. Luke smirked and nodded his head sideways.

"Quite a damn trickster, that Discord." He muttered to himself while chuckling, then he continued back home, putting his earbuds back in his ear holes. When he got back, Fluttershy warmly greeted him like she would usually do he returns, kind of like his mother did after he camwas home from school.

"So, did you sign a lot of autographs?"

"Oh ho, yes. Let me tell you, my arm was getting a little tired just writing my signature down on every single paper they wanted me to put it on." Then he cracked his knuckles.

"Oh goodness. That's really exciting."

"Let me tell you, Fluttershy, I'm getting quite the reputation around here." Then he connected his iPod to his charger to fill up the juice within the battery.

Fluttershy made a small giggle, and remarked "I know. You're performances were really magical and extraordinary."

"Thanks, Fluttershy."

All though the few hours, Luke was relaxing himself, watching a little YouTube on his Samsung galaxy smartphone. There was the time where he helped Fluttershy feed the animals inside, and outside their cottage lunch.

The animals thanked them both and the human found himself some snuggling with some of the critters. He even played a small game of gin rummy with them, too. Not for money of course, but just for the fun of it. Instead of bits, They used fruit as the stuff to bet with in the game.

When thy were all finished, the doorbell rang, and Luke was the one to get it. It revealed to be Rarity when he answered the door. "Luke, so wonderful to meet you here on this fine day." She greeted the human

"Hey, Rarity. Ça va?"

"Oh you know, just making dresses in my boutique, and looking into fashion ideas as usual." She replied. "By the way, your performances yesterday were inspiring."

"Thanks, but I thought that rock and metal are.ll not your cup of tea?"

"To be frank, they aren't really my cup of tea at all, but I tolerate it very much. At least, it's better than...." with a look of disgust and giving a small "bleh!" She finished "hip-hop and rap. Ugh!"

Luke made a small laugh. "I agree with you. Ah, who am I kidding? We all have a different taste in music."

"Exactly right, darling."

"Hello Rarity."

"Fluttershy sweetie, hello." Rarity warmly greeted her best friend. "Wonderful to see you as usual, darling."

"And the same with you, Rarity. What brings you to my cottage?"

"I wanted to ask Luke if he wanted to go on a little tour to Canterlot with moi." Rarity answered her. "I was just curious because Luke told me that he did want to look at Equestria's capital city, after all."

The human made a small smile, and said "that would be cool, I would love to come."

"Brilliant. I mean, you do not have to if you do not want to."

"Of course I do. I want to see more of Equestria, like I want to see more towns and cities and other cultures."

"That would be a wonderful idea." Fluttershy remarked. "You got to see Cloudsdale with me and Rainbow Dash, so you can do the same with Canterlot, except it's with Rarity."

"Totally. You coming with me, Flutters?"

"I would love to come, but I have to help Mane Goodall be her partner at her veterinary clinic in the town."

"Oh, okay. I don't mind going alone." Then he turned his attention to Rarity. "So, can I just at least get my stuff and I will-" then he had a thought. "Will it cost a lot of money to spend for the train ticket?"

Rarity made a small smirk. "Not a worry. Since I am the element of generosity and the fact that I am a friend of the princess of Friendship herself, they will make an exception for us. And of course, if that doesn't work, I will use my.... charms to persuade him otherwise if the conductor is a stallion."

"Ooh, I've seen that trick before. I've seen it millions of times before in movies and TV shows throughout my life."

"Magnifique. Oh you will love Equestria's capital. Fine dining, the city's decor, and other things to do over there."

"Wait, what would the other ponies there think of me? Like what if they think I am a monster of some kind. Rainbow Dash did tell me that the place is full of snobby type of folk."

"Don't worry. Perhaps a few of them think they are better than everypony else, but most of them will like you."

"Well alright. Fluttershy, I'll see you in a little while, okay?"

"Of course. Have fun in Canterlot."

"I will." Then the human went with the white unicorn to the train station so they can visit the capital city together.

Next Chapter: Capital of Equestria (Part 1) Estimated time remaining: 13 Hours, 46 Minutes
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