
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 103: Helping a Ladon Make Friends

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While sitting near the lake the Ladon lived in, Fluttershy was giving him some advice on how to be more friendly to visitors and not to just eat them if they attack them and see reason why they would attack him In the first place.

Darrell let out a sigh with his eyes closed and he admitted: "I don't know. Fluttershy. "They are usually quick to judge when they see me."

"Oh, Darrell." Said the yellow Pegasus. "I know you can get nervous, but you need to try and be as friendly as possible for anyone that is seeing you for the first time."

"Yes, but... most of the time, they would try and throw spears or rocks at me in return."

"But don't ever bring you down. Just try and be more friendly and tell them calmly that you mean no harm." Said Fluttershy. “Besides, senseless violence isn’t the answer to everything.”

Darrell let out another sigh from himself, and he remarked: “I never said it was always my answer for everything.” Then he made a wide yawn, showing his sharp, knife-like teeth. “Maybe it’s my Looks. I mean, just look at me. I’m scary, tough, and intimidating.” Then he turned around to show her his sharp spines. “Have you seen these babies on me?”

“That sure does look scary and intimidating.” said Fluttershy a little nervously.

“And it’s a unique feature about you.” Luke pointed. “Where I come from, we have an old saying that goes back centuries in my homeworld: “Never judge a book by it’s cover’. That sort of thing.”

“Right.” Twilight agreed with him. “I have heard that old saying countless times before, and it’s absolutely true about those kind of ponies or monsters.”

“Try telling that to Chanellor Neighsay.” Spike Said jokingly.

“Yeah. He’s nothing but pure evil!” Said Rainbow Dash. “I just want to bash him in the head with a gold club until his brains ooze out of his skull.”

“Calm down there, turbo.” Applejack intervened. “Granted, He is a bigoted, pompous varmint, but he’s still the leader of the Equestrian Board Of Education, And we need to respect him for that.”

“Well, let’s not talk about that now.” Said Rarity. “The point is, you are not a terrible monster. Just because you look a little... brutish, doesn’t mean you actually have to behave like a mindless brute.”

“Rarity’s right.” Said Spike. “I mean, look at me? I’m a baby dragon and I have a lot of friends.”

“Sure. you do. Only because you are still a child, a baby dragon who lives a happy-go-lucky life without a care in the world, while I am a full-grown Ladon That has to take responsibilities for his own actions.”

“Fair enough.” Said Larry. “But, That shouldn’t stop ya from making any friends at all.”

“Are you sure?” Asked Darrell.


Letting out yet another sigh, the Ladon licked the top of his right paw like a dog or a cat. "Okay, I'll try to give it a shot. If I can't convince anyone that I am not a big, horrible monster, at least you can."

"Don't worry." Said Twilight. "We'll see what we can do about this."

"Yeah, you can count on us to help ya out." Lyra added boldly

"As a matter of fact, why don't you come to town with us?" Bon Bon offered.

"Wait a minute." Said Okove. "I am glad we are helping this creature out, but, the last thing I would want is to have my father scream at the top of his lungs at me and my sister for bringing in the village."

"Not that we are against the idea if you making friends of course, Darrell." Zecora added. "Father would kill us both if he saw what we brought."

"But you're their son and daughter." Said Rainbow Dash. "Should he at least listen what he has to say?"

"Fair enough." Said Fluttershy. "Maybe you can do a little persuasion for King Zuma."

"We can try," Zecora theorized. "But, I doubt we will get anywhere with that plan."

"Can't kill for trying." Said Discord. "Besides, I always love a good bloodbath."

"Discord!" Fluttershy scolded him. "Don't pay any attention to him, he just loves getting reactions from everypony."

"It's quite alright." Said the Ladon. "I for one like to see a couple of violent moments like a couple of tribes fighting one another for beliefs and territory. It's one of the many fun things you can see."

"Goodness." Said Fluttershy. "It's not fun watching zebras or buffalo kill one another because of a dispute."

"Indeed, all that bloodshed and barbaric matter." Said Rarity. "It is just simply upsetting for my own eyes to behold upon."

"Well, I don't think we'll find any bloodshed here. This is a visit anyway." said Luke.

"Right." said Pinkie Pie. "But I think, maybe we should bring you into town, Darrell. Just so how easy it can be to make friends once you warm up."

"I doubt it." said the Ladon. "As soon as they get a good look at me, they will clearly throw their spears and iklwas at me until I lie on the ground dead, and the ground covered in blood, and then use my bones as ritual parts."

"Nonsense." Zecora exclaimed. "Do you know how crazy that even sounds?"

"Yeah, that's just crazy talk." Rainbow added. "I doubt they will even do that. Many zebras in that city are the friendliest zebras you will ever see." The Ladon was silent, but he ultimately decided to agree in this little plan to help him be accepted by society. The others were happy to hear of this decision and they lead him to the village where many zebras were surprised and terrified to see an actual Ladon in the whole village.

"Is that a..." a female zebra pointed.

"What do they think they are doing?" said a stallion, just as scared and shocked to see that monster in this peaceful village.

"Well, I expected something like this to happen." Darrell muttered quietly to Fluttershy

"It's okay, just keep walking, and don't listen to what they say about you." Fluttershy murmured. Darrell then made a yawn, and everyone in the town looked more afraid since they were seeing his rows of sharp teeth. "Calm down, everypony." she announced. "This Ladon means you all no harm."

"Well," said a familiar voice. "What have we here?" It was Zuma with a couple of guards around him, looking quite terrified seeing the Ladon's presence. The king however, looked mighty calm as usual. "What have you done this time, Zecora?"

"Father," the daughter cleared her throat. "I know this looks certifiable, but this is now what you think. Yes, he is a Ladon, but he is not a complete and mindless monster."

"It's true, your highness." said Darrell. "I might look a little... brutish, but I am not an evil monster."

"He spoke." a zebra foal whispered to another zebra foal in the crowd.

"Look, I know that I look intimidating, but I am a Ladon, and I am just doing what I can to survive. All my life, I have been treated like a demon from the pits of Tartarus, and treated like garbage or an elephants feces. You zebras, buffalo, eland, or kudu judge me before you even get to know me." he bowed his head in shame.

Some of the other zebras began to feel sorry for him, while other still felt unfazed by this monster's story. "Come on," said Twilight. "Would you ever doubt us, the Elements of Harmony and Princess of Friendship?"

There was murmuring among the crowd, knowing that Twilight has made a good point, and they wouldn't doubt the new princess of Friendship. Some of them were slowly starting to understand, and then Luke said: "I wouldn't doubt her." then they were all looking at him. "Haven't you all heard of this old saying: Never judge a book by it's cover?"

"Yes." all of the townspeople replied in unison.

"We have heard of that old phrase before." said Zuma. "Perhaps you speak the truth. Darrell, why don't you make yourself at home. However, if you eat one of us, you will suffer the consequences."

"But, your highness, what if this beast decides to just kill and eat everyone in it's path?" said the servant next to him. "He cannot be trusted-"

"Enough, Kibango!" The king scolded him. "If you cannot see the advantage of learning a thing or two from the princess of Friendship herself, then it would be bad in our relations with Celestia and Luna, economically and personal."

The servant bowed his head in defeat. "Yes sir." he said at last.

"Are you sure? Must we trust this creature?" said the one on the left.

"We must, and we will Tinoq. I trust in my children, and their friends. So should you both." Then he turned his attention back to the Ladon. "Darrell, I suppose a proper introduction is in order. I am King Zuma of the zebras. And I suppose you know about the elements of harmony, Discord, and my children."

"Thanks for not trying to throw any spears or iklwas at me." the Ladon said flatly.

"We know better than that." the king with a chuckle. "Come, I suppose you are hungry."

"What do you zebras eat?"


Then the zebra king escorted him to a restaurant on the other side of the village called the "Bleeding Elephant", and showed him the type of food they had inside. So far, since they were zebras, they didn't have any meat, which was the Ladon's favorite food, and he was technically a carnivore. "This is all nice, your majesty." said Darrell. "But, I only eat meat."

"Well, I'm sorry." said the owner, "but we are not meat eaters"

"That's fine. I can just hunt for my own food."

Everyone, minus the heroes made a gasp inside the restaurant.

"Oh relax!" Darrell said. "Not you! Like warthogs or small antelope, or wildebeest and that's all." then everyone made a sigh of relief hearing that. There was a loud bellowing outside, and there was an angry wildebeest running loose in the town. The Ladon saw this as a perfect meal for him and licked his lips before pouncing on the aggressive antelope. He bit it's neck with it's sharp teeth, and in seconds, it was dead.

Many of the zebras were a little scared by what just happened, but they were glad the zebra has been subdued and taken down like that. That, and it would also be a common sight for
zebras, wildebeest, or other type of animals to e hunted as food for lions, leopards, and other predators every once in a while, since Zebrica can be just of a savage place as Africa can.

“Thank you for taking care of that wildebeest.” Said one of the zebras. It seemed pretty angry about something, but I don’t know why.”

Darrell ripped off a piece of flesh from the carcass, and gulped it down his throat with a loud burp. “Oh, that is good wildebeest.” He remarked. “I wish that there would be more if them passing by my home.”

Rarity felt queasy and squeamish again just looking at a savage sight of how nature works, and she felt like throwing up. “I think I am going to feel nauseous.” She remarked, trying to hold in her vomit down her stomach.

“Well, at least you are well-fed now.” Said Lyra with a nervous chuckle. Now there was almost only bones left from the dead wildebeest, and the Ladon was eating rather quickly like a pig. At last, the carcass turned into a skeleton, and there was only bones from the antelope, or the remains of it.

“Ah, yummy.” Said Darrell.

“Do you think you should get rid of the bones?” Fluttershy suggested to him.

“Oh, right. Of course. I forgot you zebras aren’t used to that kind of stuff.” Then the Ladon picked up the skeleton and took it far away from the village so that nature can take its course on the bones.

“Well, now that this is settled.” Said Zuma. “Would you like anything to drink?”

“Hmm... what do you have?”

“Here.” Luke said. “Have some root beer. It tastes so good.” Darrell curiously picked the Can up with his right arm, and an drinking the soft drink. He was liking the taste and gulped it down until there was nothing left of the beverage.

“What kind of a liquid is this?” Asked Darrell

“Root beer. One of the greatest drinks in the whole world.”my He Human replied. “Glad you like it.”

“I love it! Where can I have some more?” Luke pulled out another can for him to drink out of and gave it to him. “Thank you, Luke.” Then he gulped the whole root beer down his throat in five sips.

“You know what,” Said a zebra stallion. “Maybe we have misjudged you.”

Hearing that made the Ladon smile, it looked like he was about to be accepted by these zebras and become friends with them all. Twilight and her closest friends were proud and happy to see that this creature warmed up to by these zebra folk.

“It’s working.” Discord murmured in Larry’s ear.

“This is great!”

“Despite That moment of you eating that wildebeest.” Said Zuma. “Perhaps, we have all misjudged you after all, Darrell. Feel free to come by and visit whenever you feel like it.”

Darrell smiled and he said: “Thank you, your majesty. I’m really grateful.” Then he looked at Fluttershy, ad smiled at her, then her other friends.

“See? I told you it was a good idea ringing you here.” Said Luke. “Now you’re accepted by society now like no problem at all.”

“That’s what the power of friendship is all about.” Said Fluttershy. “I’m glad you have listened to us and not oot any anger get the best of you, Darrell.” Looking deep down in himself, Darrell realized he was right, and he didn’t act so malicious or savage (minus the wildebeest pouncing).

Some of the other zebras approached the Ladon, and began befriending him, even the little ones were taking a liking to Darrell already.

“You were Right about the whole never judge a book by it’s cover, Luke.” Said Discord. “And of course, you deserve some credit for being this creature some friends he deserves, Fluttershy.”

“Aww, thank you, Discord.” Said The yellow Pegasus. “I’m glad to have met that fascinating Ladon. “Now nopony here thinks he’s a monster anymore.”

“Although I get the feeling he’s not accepted by the other races yet.” Luke theorized. “What would the eland, kudu, Buffalo, or other zebras outside of this town think of him?” He felt something pat on his left shoulder.

“Don’t worry, Luke.” Said Larry. “I’m sure that he will get up there someday.”

“And he can come to the school of Friednship, right?” Spike Asked the purple alicorn.

“Of course he can, Spike.” Twilight replied with her warm smile.

Next Chapter: Stripeless Desert Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 51 Minutes
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