
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 102: The Ladon

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While walking through the Ugala swamp, Twilight, Fluttershy, Spike, and the rest of their friends decided to take a little rest. It was a rather long walk from where they all saved the Mokele-Mbembe couple from Cabalerron and his goons.

All in all, everyone was feeling good about themselves in saving those two rare creatures from those band of poachers.

Luke couldn't help but take a sip of his water in his longer-cold cup. He especially felt like a hero to those Mokele-Mbembe. And felt very proud of himself for it.

"You fought well against those guys, Luke." Said his father.

"Yeah! If only Daring Do was there. She would have been so proud of ya, Luke." Rainbow Dash added.

"I shouldn't take all the credit." Luke modestly replied. "You guys all had a part to play in that rescue back there."

"Oh yes. Mokele-mbembe are extraordinary creatures, and they are part of the fauna we love dear." Said Zecora.

"I just hope they will be able to.... reproduce." Okove added.

Twilight made a small chuckle. "I'm sure they will manage all of that." She said

"And it's a good thing we haven't seen that Ladon creature. That's what it's called, right?" Asked Spike

"Yes. It is a really good thing. The Ladon is a terrifying monster that you do not want to mess with, along with the Catoblepas. He can be a tough creature to fight, even if it was one of him against all of us." Zecora explained.

After Luke was done drinking some water, he put his bottle back in his pouch.

"Drink as much water as you need, Luke." Said Larry, giving him a pat on the back. "God, it's so humid in this place." He wiped a few drops of sweat from his forehead.

"I could not agree with you more, Lawrence." Said Rarity. "It's like a hot shower or a steam room in this swamp."

"Oh come on." Said Applejack. "It's not that bad out here. Besides, it's nice to have a little break from the snow once in a while. There's no harvesting that can be done at ma farm right now."

"True. I can imagine how cold it is back home right now." Pinkie agreed.

All of a sudden, there was a loud growl that sounded reptilian that scared everyone.

It sounded really scary and they all huddled together.

Luke ignited his lightsaber and his father pulled out his magnum, loading it with all six bullets. All waiting for something to come out of the swampy brush, there was a just a rabbit with a row of spines going down it's back.

"Aww, cute." Said Fluttershy.

Just then, something ambushed it from behind, and the rabbit was eaten whole, leaving poor Fluttershy quite flabbergasted.

This thing was huge and it had an indigo color on its scales. The body and head resembled a snake, but with long, stocky legs and a wide tail. Four teeth were protruding from its upper jaw and four from it's lower jaw, and yellow, reptilian eyes.

To Luke, it almost reminded him of a monitor lizard, but less stocky in body and it's eyes looked a little more scary than a monitor.

Another feature it had was a bunch of spines from it's back, bunched together, and it let out a spine-tingling roar that sounded like a mix of gargling and a t-rex roar.

"Ummm, is that what I think it is?" Aaked Fluttershy, feeling a little scared.

"Yes." Said Zecora. She didn't look scared, but deep down, she was feeling a little afraid. "The Ladon."

Discord was the only one who was not very convinced, for he was far more powerful than this kind of creature, and he could kill it with one claw tied behind his back. Despite that, he didn’t want to even bother trying to save his own friends (unless if it was Fluttershy in grave danger), because he thought of how interesting this was.

“Be careful. That creature breaths fire.” Said Okove. They all waited for this beast to try and attack them so they can strike back at it.

It was looking at Spike and sniffed at his body curiously. It almost looked like the Ladon is mistaken Spike for another Ladon. At first, it didn’t do anything, but then, it tried eating Spike by chomping his head with his razor-sharp teeth. Luckily, Twilight used her magic to pull the baby dragon away from the clutches of this vicious creature.

Luke swung his lightsaber at the monster vertically, and horizontally after. Sure, he was doing the best he can against this monster, but thanks to it’s skinny body, the !adon was able to dodge his swings and attacks.

“Get out of my swamp!” The thing barked at the others. “This is my home!”

Before everyone could react, he shot a large wall of flames at them all, trying to burn them into crisps.

Lyra, Starlight, And Rarity used their magic to conjure a force field over them and their friends from getting burnt alive. “Bah! Persistent little ponies, aren’t you?” The Ladon Said. “You think you can just come into my swamp like you own it? You are no landlord!”

“Hey, Calm down.” Said Lyra. “We were just passing through, that’s all.”

“Like I never heard that before.” The monster scoffed. “That is what my previous.... guests said before I... took care of them all.”

“Please don’t burn us all to piles of ash.” Spike Said.

“Well, I can’t do that to you, because you are a dragon.” The Ladon pointed. “ it, I do wonder what you taste like.” And a wicked smile appeared on it’s face, then he licked his lips, looking really hungry

“Over my dead body!” Rarity stood up defensively. “No monster like you should ever try to hurt, or consume Spikey-Whikey!”

"Hmm... you're a rather feisty pony." Said the monster.

Rarity took a great offense hearing that word about her. "I beg your pardon!!" She shouted in fury. "How dare you say such hubris!"

"Easy. It's not hard to say."

"Look," said Twilight. "We mean you no harm. We just came to this swamp to have a look around the place and see the kind of wonders and sights to see, That's all."

"Pfft, that's what many travelers who come here say." Said the Ladon. "But what do they do? Come to attack me and I just eat them for their trespassing."

"Come on!" Said Starlight Glimmer. "If we wanted to kill you, we would all try to skin you all alive!"

"Fair point, but this is my home."

"Well, we're sorry." Said Bon Bon.

"Yeah, well, you'll have to deal with me!" He got ready to shoot another breath kf hot fire at them like a flamethrower.

Before he could do so, however, he was suddenly stopped by Fluttershy, who hovered in front of him, giving it the stare of hers.

At first, the Ladon didn't feel very convinced, but it eventually gave in, and laid on it's belly.

"Excuse me, mister!" Said Fluttershy. "But, we have done nothing but visit this beautiful piece of land!"

Not saying anything, the Ladon looked terrified. It almost looked like an angry mother scolding or berating her son.

"Is it too much to ask about visiting the swamp?! Is it?!"

"Well... no, but-"

"Then why are you treating us like this?!"

Not being able to say anything else, The Ladon then replied: "because... because... I'm better off alone." He sighed in defeat.

Fluttershy's voice became a little more calmer hearing that, and she couldn't help but ask: "what do you mean?"

"Many zebras, antelope, buffalo, and other animals get one good look at me, and they go: 'Ah! No! A scary monster!' They judge me before they even know me."

The others couldn't help but feel sorry for this thing.

"That's why I'm better off by myself."

"Oh, listen, Ladon." Said Fluttershy.

"I have a name, it's Darrell."

"Darrell," Fluttershy continued. "Just because you look scary, doesn't mean you actually have to be scary."

"But, look at me." Said the Ladon. "My rows of sharp teeth, don't I look intimidating."

"Yeah, you can scare a tough stallion from a bar fight with those teeth and spikes."

"Not helping!" Said Luke. Looking at Darrell, he said: "Fluttershy's right. You might look scary, but it doesn't mean you actually have to be one. Matter of fact, it's on the inside that counts."

The Ladon made a small growl in question, and asked: "how do you all know that?"

"Because, I have seen many creatures and monsters that looked intimidating, but are gentle in nature."

"It's like the co-ruler of Equestria: Princess Luna, who was once Nightmare Moon, but then she changed." Twilight added

"Yeah, you're not a bad Ladon. You just need a more positive approach."

"Do you thunk you?"

"I know so." Said Discord. "I know Fluttershy better than anyone in my life, and she has never veiled at anything."

"Oh, thank you, Discord."

"And, if you really like your privacy," said Larry. "All you have to do is say that you want to be left alone instead of scaring away visitors, and or eating them."

"Fair enough. Visitors can taste a little yummy."

"Isn't there other food you can eat around here, Darrell?" Asked Luke

"Oh yes. Chevrotain, some antelope, large fish, and other creatures such as dotted dolphins and crocodiles."

"Okay. Look, can you please just let us go?" Said Spike.

"Well... I suppose you can." The Ladon sighed.

"Look, we are friends." Said Fluttershy. "And I don't want any tension to rise. So can we please start over with this?"

"Well.... I could try." Said Darrell. He made a small smile, showing his scary teeth. Making everyone feeling uncomfortable and queasy. It looked like they could use a flossing, or at least brush their teeth.

Next Chapter: Helping a Ladon Make Friends Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours
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