
The Third and Fourth Spring Locks

by Spooky Ghost

Chapter 4: Metal Monster

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Twilight received a letter back from Celestia, it mentioned to her that she will be along tomorrow as she is busy today. It also mentioned that she has no clue of anything that is even closely related to the creatures she described.

"Well, it looks like she will be here tomorrow." Twilight said to herself. Zecora had left a while left. She mentioned she would see if she could find those metal monsters and try to find out anything else about them as they had seen her before but never attacked or followed her. With nothing else to do, Twilight returned to cleaning up the castle.

Me and Sophia must have walked in a circle, as we were walking we realised we walked away from the town without knowing it so we made a right turn at a clearing we found and we soon found ourselves back at the town and worse, it was almost sundown.

"Can we stop here and go to sleep?" I did not want to sleep. While I really did not need it and would likely get board waiting for morning, I did not want to dream that dream again. So far this world is strange in all ways and until my mind is a little more settled I want to keep awake.

"You can go to sleep if you want. I will stay awake." I wanted to see if she would have the same dream, about that strange night coloured pony. Sophia slept for around 3-4 hours until she jumped awake and frantically looked around, the whole time I was just carving out bad drawings on a rock that was close to us with my hook. "How was you're sleep? I asked her.

"Strange. I dreamed that I met that pony...Luna, again." I had a feeling that Luna was actually entering our dreams. The fact that she had came out of nowhere was on clue and now another one of her appearing in dreams again meant she really could go into dreams.

"What did she ask you?" I asked.

"She politely asked my name but I stood their looking at her. I had a feeling I had seen her before and now that I am awake I can remember where I had seen her."

"Sophia. I think it's best if we stay awake." We did not need to go to sleep but we did so back at Freddy's so time would pass quickly. I think it has something to do with our animatronic AI. Ours was never switched on so it never took control and the reason the others moved around during the night was because their AI was recharging during that time.

"I think you're right. I don't want to sleep if I can't dream presently. Not that Luna gave me a nightmare but I just...want to be alone in my dream." I offered her a hand to get up and she took it. When we were both up she looked down at the rock I was carving out and laughed. It was like a child's drawing of me and Sophia and it said in a poorly written way 'Me and my Love together forever' with spirits over our bodies and they were hugging, both spirits and bodies. "Aww. How cute."

I would have blushed if I still could. It was a little embarrassing.

"I was bored." I said quickly and she just hugged me. It was strange as I still could not physically feel her touch but I still felt happy knowing she was happy too.

We some footsteps on the ground close to us and we both looked over to the source of the sound, and I almost screamed. There was a figure standing there and all I could make out was it was in a cloak and it's eyes were glowing a bright sickly green. Both me and Sophia turned and ran the other way, I did not know what that thing was but I did not want to find out. The fact it was out this late at night made me think it was likely a predator.

"Yeah they don't tell you these things when you sign up...But hey! First day should be a breeze, I'll chat with you tomorrow, uhh, Check those cameras, and be sure to close the door's only if absolutely necessary. Gotta conserve power. Alright Goodnight." Vincent stopped the recording on the phone. In a way he was happy. This place so far was making very little money, not enough to last so it was going to close by the end of this year. He sat down on his seat and checked the cameras. This was strange for him as he had never been a night guard before, mostly only day shift and it was giving newbies instructions. "Man, this place is creepy at night." His mind started to wonder about how all of this started.

He was going along in his new car he had just purchased and he saw a kid crying outside Freadbear's. Worried for the kid he pulled up and tried to comfort him, keeping a genuine smile and telling him he was going to be fine. He offered the kid some cake with peanut butter icing that he had gotten for himself for lunch. But the moment the kid started to choke, he stood in horror at the kid died in front of him. He now hit the table. "Why did that kid not tell me he was allergic to peanut butter. HE COULD CLEARLY SEE THE ICING COLOUR!!!" He shouted at the top of his lungs. While that kind of icing was a kind he had made himself he was still sure the kid would have told him if he was allergic.

He still remembered how he felt when the kid died. He stood there and looked as the kid looked back into his eyes, with a waterfall of tears going down his face. After all of that he drove away as quickly as he could and spent the next few days crying about it. But the more he thought about it the more his mind started to tell him how fun it was to see him chocking helplessly. He pushed it to the back of his head and went to work at Freddy's after all other tries for other jobs failed, and that is when everything went south. His second and first sons lived with him after his wife was killed in a car crash so his youngest son often came over to him when he was working. On the day of his youngest son's birthday he asked his boss if he could surprise his kid with an animatronic show just for him.

His request was accepted thanks to his good work but there was a load of other kids who picked on him, and his oldest son fell to peer pressure and joined the gang, to him it was harmless fun and while they did not hurt the young brother they did emotionally hurt him and no matter what Vincent said, he would not stop. The moment he hanged out with the others he was back to his old tormenting self.

On the day of the little ones birthday his older brother shoved him into Fredbear's mouth and the moisture from his tears set off the locks, making Fredbear's jaw crush his skull. Needless to say, the gang called the older brother a killer and said 'It was your idea'. Night's passed and the older brother had lot's of night terrors. He said to Vincent he had breamed about the animatronics coming after him and they looked like real monsters. The pressure and stress caused the older brother to take his own life just a few days after his younger brother passed away on the hospital bed.

Vincent lost it from then. He felt into a wreak, started drinking and having anger problems that was mostly directed to Freddy's pizza for not making sure the animatronic was safe. One day a bunch of kids wearing the same colour clothes as those who made his little one miserable appeared at Freddy's and he lost it. He put on the spring bonnie suit, took them to the safe room and killed them.

The rush he felt when he killed them was a good feeling and he felt like he needed it, a few years later he killed another load of kids at the new location that had the toy versions. To this day he was still unsure why the puppet stuffed the bodies into suits but he was sure it was because of the endoskeleton rule that Freddy's had.

Vincent opened his eyes as he heard a alarm ring. Looking at the clock he saw it was 6 so he got up and started to leave until he felt something on his cheek. He touched it and he felt a teardrop going down his face.

"Why and I crying? I-I liked that feeling. Didn't I?" Vincent asked himself as he opened the door and a little tight feeling in his chest emerged as he left.

I continued to run away from whatever that thing was, but it seemed to keep on following up. This happened 4 times now and I was starting to lose my patience.

I turned around to face the creature and pulled by jaws apart so much so that my dead head was clearly visible and I screamed in a metallic voice. I swear I saw the green eyes turn white and I even heard what sounded like a rock crack when it froze in place after I did that.

A few seconds later I heard it scream and rush off so fast that thick dust was left in it's wake. "There. Now it should leave us alone."

"What was it's deal? Why was it following us."

"No clue, Sophia. But whatever the reason, I don't think it will come back now." I looked up to the sky and I could see the sun was starting to rise as the sky was a orange colour and was getting brighter. We both sat down against a tree and started to talk about what to do.

"Well, we can't sleep thanks to Luna. We can't go into town. Who knows how they will react to seeing us. We could always stay here, in the forest."

"We could make ourselves seen by a little group of ponies. They might help us if they find out we are not hostile." I told her.

"Sure, and they won't get curious and try to see how we work, only for them to lose it when they find...us...inside these suits." I could see her point. If this was anything like our world then experimentation or captivity might happen to us. But I also knew that not all of them must be like that.

"I understand, but we can give it a try. Besides, these ponies look like they don't have technology so we should be fine if they try anything."

Sophia and I continued to talk about if it was a good idea to make ourselves known and it ended with us both agreeing to show ourselves to the next one that comes into this forest but not follow it home and not to reveal ourselves if there is more than 2.

"Sounds like a plan." I mentioned to her and we rested again the tree. A few silent moments passed until Sophia asked me something that got my by surprise.

"Can we snuggle?" She asked me.

"Sophia. You know we can't fell any-" She cut me off.

"Not this way. The other way." I know what she was implying and I did not like it, whenever I did that it felt strange. "Please. For me?" I would have sighed if I still could.

"Fine." I used my strength to force my spirit out of the animatronic but the spectral tail that was where my legs were before was still connected to the suit and Sophia was the same. Our spirits were white in colour and out eyes were like black holes, in a way it still creeped me out. The reason I did not like this is because it felt like a dream that I knew was real and I felt a little cold while like this.

Sophia wrapped her arms around me and I melted into her arms. While we could only feel other spirits and it was a bit cold, I felt my chest heat up with the care and love she was showing me, even two years after our deaths. I rested my head against hers and we both enjoyed the embrace of each other.

Twilight was sitting down and having a cup of tea with Celestia, all the while she was telling her of the details of what Zecora said in her description.

"I have no clue what those things could be. Did they harm Zecora?"

"No Celestia. They did not even follow her when they seen her." There was rapid chapping at the door and it was also quite loud. Twilight rushed to it, the only time someone has ever chapped her doors like that was in a emergency.

She opened the door to find Zecora wearing her cloak but her hood was down and she was shivering like she had been through a blizzard.

"Zecora! What happened?" Twilight asked while putting a hoof oh her shoulder.

"Monster...Dead...Suit...Inside...Head." Zecora was shaking in fear. Celestia looked at Zecora with a worried expression.

"Twilight. Get your friends. I want to see for myself if this creature is a threat."

"Should be get the elements?" She asked.

"Yes, but don't wear them or use them unless I say so." Twilight ran off to find Spike while Celestia tended to Zecora.

Next Chapter: Well the cat is out the bag Estimated time remaining: 35 Minutes
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