
Letters From a Friend

by moviemaster8510

Chapter 3: 9/9/15

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To Whomever Receives This,

My name is Toby, and we’re doing this project in my English class where we write letters to another student somewhere in the country, talk about stuff, and study each other’s writing patterns. I would think you’d know this, considering you’re part of the same assignment as me, but in case this letter ends up in the wrong hands, there you go.

Anyway, I live in Chicago, and from what I can tell, you live in Denver. I love Colorado. I remember going a long time ago in middle school, but I was closer to Boulder than Denver. Lovely state still.

Anyways, I look forward to hearing back from you. This should be fun.

Toby Cray

Next Chapter: Moon 3063, Day 18 Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 35 Minutes
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