
My Little Neptunia - The Magic of Friendship

by Ausbrony

First published

Join Neptune as she finds herself in a strange new world unlike anything she's seen before. Will she find a way home? Well, not on her own, lucky she's made a few new friends.

Gamindustri is a land ruled by four Goddesses. And when one in particular finds herself in a rather unique yet familiar predicament, well, that's where our story starts.

Neptune - You call that a description? Lameo!

Nep... you get run of my story, at least leave this alone...

Neptune - Hmm, nah! Okay kiddes, here's the dealeo! I get jumped by a crazy old lady and get zapped into a land of cute little horsies and can talk and fly and use some mad skillz. And I get stuck as one of 'em, crazy right? Aaaanywho, I meet a very Noire-like pony and she's like some sorta queen or something. And I still gotta find a way home and stuff.

Nep, that was the absolute worst description ever.

Okay, what she said was pretty much the gist of it. Neptune finds herself in Equestria. She's lost her powers... again. And a way home isn't so clear-cut. And she's not the only one there either. Will our cute pastel ponies be able to survive this?

I have faith... that they will not.

This is a crossover with the Hyperdimension Neptunia series.

Let's get this train wreck started!

My Little Neptunia: Friendship is something-not-involving-Noire...



Did you… change the title of my story?


…Dammit Neptune.

My Little Neptunia: The Magic of Friendship

“Aww, I liked mine better,” Neptune pouted as she lazed around the Basilicom. It was another boring day of doing absolutely nothing. It was a peaceful day and that meant snacks and naptime for the Goddess of Planeptune.

“Well, at least I’m the main character again,” Neptune sighed, reaching for another pudding cup.

For now.

“Wait what?” Neptune’s idle banter with thin air was interrupted by Histoire, the Basilicom’s Oracle and constant nag that ruined the poor, innocent, beautiful maiden that was Neptune and her free time…

Dammit Nep!


“Neptune, if you insist on doing nothing, as usual,” Histoire deadpanned. “You could at least go out on patrol, perhaps take a Quest or two from the Guild?”

“Aw, c’mon Histy, I got important work right here,” Neptune pouted. “This is a new flavour of pudding and I hafta discern if it stacks up to my personal favourite. Flavour, consistency, texture, even smell…”

“I don’t know if i should be impressed at your dedication to pudding, or utterly aghast at how lazy you are,” Histoire sighed. “Now how about you go and earn some Shares, or I’ll have Nepgear cut off your pudding supply!”

“You wouldn’t?” Neptune gasped, staring at the face of evil incarnate.

Histoire leaned in close, her eyes narrowed as her nose almost touched Nep’s.

“Try me.”

So naturally, this led the beautiful and stunningly sexy…


“Okay, last time, I swear on my honour as a CPU,” Neptune crossed her heart and dotted her i’s.

Yeah, whatever that amounts to...

Aaaaanyway, so the lone CPU strode through the forest. While Histy had said she should get out of the Basilicom, she didn’t say she couldn’t go to another one~

“I wonder what my ol’ buddy Noire is up to these days~”

Noire sneezed as she looked out of her office window. She pressed a button, activating the intercom on her desk.

“Uni? Could you bring me some painkillers?”

“Sure!” Uni’s chipper tone responded. “Are you getting a headache?”

“Just… preparing in advance,” Noire shuddered, a foreboding shiver working it’s way up her spine.

Though, even as Neptune walked through the peaceful woods, a sinister shadow watched her every move. Crimson eyes narrowing as the empty-headed girl kept on walking, oblivious to the danger that awaited her.

“Well, lemme read the script then!”


“Oh, right, my bad~”

‘Now is the day I finally have my revenge. Years of plotting, waiting, getting beaten again and again and again!!’

‘Oh gods that is embarrassing…’

‘Where was I? Oh, yes, REVENGE!’

The dark figure clutched a dark crystal, the object leaking black embers as her partner looked at it with no small amount of fear.

“Y’know chump? is it really a good idea to use that? You know what happened last time that power got used.”

“If it gets rid of that annoying, grating, insufferable-!” Arfoire cut herself off, getting angry now would only hinder her plan. This would take cunning, careful, well-thought strategy…

Oooor, she could just jump out and throw the damned thing at her.

“Plan B it is!” she chuckled madly as she leapt from the bushes.

“Holey Random Encounters!” Neptune exclaimed. “Uhh… who are you again?”

Arfoire grit her teeth, a rather pronounced vein twitching violently on her forehead. She wanted to punch her, beat her until the only thing left to identify her would be dental records. But not this time, this revenge would be petty, cheap and oh-so-delicious~

“Not this time!” she said under her breath. “No friends, no CPU’s, no convenient, contrived plot twists. This time, I. WIN!” She lifted her leg, showing waaay too much for an old lady, cocked her arm back and pitched the stone with everything she had.

Neptune’s arm moved and she brought her sword down, cutting the crystal only a few inches away. It would have been a totally awesome move, like something from an anime or a ninja game.

If the crystal hadn’t exploded on contact that is. The time/space energies contained within were unleashed and the area was engulfed in a dark inferno.

“Oooh, this is soooo deja’vu,” Neptune noticed. “Wait, this is totally a bad thing, right?”

“Aaaahahahahahaa! DIE!” Arfoire cackled, until Pirachu tapped her leg with a paw.

“Uh, old lady chump? You do realise that we’re trapped too. Right?”

Arfoire looked around, the ring of fire surrounding all three of them, encasing them in utter darkness.

“Admittedly, I may not have thought this all the way through," Arfoire said with a calm tone. The only thing that soon remained was a blackened patch of ground and three fading screams…

It was a perfect day in Ponyville. Celestia’s sun was shining, the birds were singing and Princess Twilight Sparkle was hopelessly lost in her own castle.

“Again,” she muttered as she walked the endless, identical halls. While some sparse decorations had been placed, this castle was far too big for it’s own good and one would have thought that a powerful Alicorn, with a photographic memory… wouldn’t keep getting lost in her own freaking home!

She winced as the bright sunlight caught her eyes and she found herself on a balcony.

“Well, at least I’m outside?” she replied to herself. Ladies and Gentlemen, Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship.

Her ear gave a flick as a curious sound made itself known. It was familiar, yet different and twilight found herself pondering it somewhat. She looked over the edge, and spying a tourist or two taking photos. No, that wasn’t it. She gave another look around, but a familiar pink mane was nowhere to be seen… yet.

“What is that noise?” she muttered as she cast her gaze upwards. “Ooh, it’s just a pony falling from the sky.” She gave a small chuckle and smiled. Well, mystery solved gang. Good job, full marks all round.

“Wai’ wha’?” She looked back up as the pony got closer.

And closer.

“And OH SWEET CELESTIA! It’s coming right for me!” Twilight turned to run, but the effort was futile. The pony slammed into the little Alicorn with all the grace of a falling piano. Yes, she could make that comparison! Falling piano’s hurt like a—

Let’s keep it PG, kay~

With the wind knocked out of her, Twilight lay in a daze as the pony atop of her groaned, placing a hoof to her head and rubbing it.

“Ouchies! What a familiar and yet, totally different sensation-nation,” she giggled. “I think I broke the sound barrier that time!”

“You broke something alright,” a voice said. The mare looked up to see a little dragon standing there. A plushie Unicorn in one claw, and a cup of coffee in the other. He’d come out to see what the ruckus was, but it was just the usual. While this mare wasn’t Rainbow Dash this time, Spike just shrugged it off as a normal Tuesday and headed back inside.

“Gerr rrff!” a muffled voice uttered from under her. The mare scooted over, well, more like tumbled, but the end result was the same. Twilight was free, and she wouldn’t have to find out if it was possible to kill an Alicorn via suffocation.

“For the love of— Rainbow… Dash…?” she blinked as she looked at the pony before her. It wasn’t her prismatic-maned friend, but an earth Pony with a lilac-coloured mane and tail, a white coat and a rather odd Cutie Mark. It looked like a grey plus-shape with a small triangle on each end.

“Uh, who… are you?” Twilight questioned, picking up the mare with her magic and set her on her hooves. This proved to be pointless, as she just fell back over again.

“Just your friendly neighbourhood Goddess, Neptune!” she declared. “And I am having sooo much trouble standing up right now.” She tried to stand on her hind hooves, only to fall flat on her back. “Gah! Now, if I just put my hands… here?”

All was silent for a moment.

“WHERE ARE MY HANDS!?” this ‘Neptune’ cried. “A-And, my feet… my… my…” she sniffled as she grasped at her furred chest. “Oh for the love of all things digital! Where are my boobs!?”

Yep, this one had real, honest priorities.

“Uh, are you okay?” Twilight asked as Neptune looked up to see who was talking. And then she screamed again.

“A Unicorn? An actual, pink-aisle born Unicorn?” she gasped as her inner child screamed with joy. There was a lot of screaming today.

“Alicorn, if you want to get technical,” Twilight muttered. Some ponies were so under-educated these days. She blamed the system. “My name is Twilight Sparkle. And you are?”

“Like I said Sparky, the name is Neptune. Also, Nep, Nep-Nep and Neppy are acceptable. Supreme Goddess of all things Sexy is also approved!”

“Let’s just stick with Neptune,” Twilight sighed with exasperation. The day was just starting and she was already tired. “So, may I ask why you fell from the sky? You clearly aren’t a Pegasus, nor could you have misplaced a Teleport spell as a Unicorn.”

“Ehhh, it happens, though it’s a little odd I didn’t land on my trusty ol’ landing pad Noire this time,” Neptune sighed. “Do you have pudding? I’m hungry.”

“I… what?” Twilight’s brain ground to a halt. This mare was…

“I think I need to call Pinkie,’ she sighed. Yep, this was it. The coming of the End Times.

“Sooo, still waiting on that pudding,” Neptune waved a hoof in a lazy circle.

“Check the fridge,” Twilight sighed. “I need to pay somepony a visit. Can you please remain here in the castle until I return?”

“Roger-dodger!” Neptune saluted. She stood on her hind hooves again and leaned against the wall, inching slowly down the hallway.

“I feel like I’m the butt of some horrible cosmic joke,” Twilight sighed as she spread her wings and took off for Sugar Cube Corner.

Worlds away, Noire gasped as her heart resonated with someone faaaar away. It was the feeling of a kindred spirit. One who knew her pain.

Slowly but surely, Neptune came across a huge room, one that held a massive chandelier made from the roots of an old tree. Hundreds of crystal dangled from it and shone with a gentle light.

“Oooh, shiny~” she giggled as she inched her way around the wall. The dragon from before watched her with a curious expression as he ate some cereal.

“Um, what are you doing?” he asked.

“Well, I seem to keep falling on my butt cause my feet are hiding from me,” Neptune sighed.

“I dunno,” Spike sighed. “Have you tried walking on all fours like everypony else?”

Neptune looked at him, before dropping down to all four hooves and blinking in surprise. “Oooh, this is so much better~” she skipped and trotted off into the halls again. The hunt for the kitchen is go!

“Twilight has the weirdest friends,” Spike sighed again.

“And so, when the batter was gearing up for the conquest of Equestria, I was ready!” Pinkie declared as she followed Twilight back to her home. “The Legendary Spatula of Spanking in one hoof, the Whisk of the Wilds in the other. It would be a battle sung by bards and particularly talented jesters for ages to come!”

“Pinkie… what are you talking about?” Twilight replied, having not listened to a single word.

“My totally epic dream where Luna and I save Equestria from Captain Chaos and his Cupcake Confederate!”

“Why do I feel like I am making a horrible mistake?” Twilight groaned. This was going to end in tears, explosions and possibly a lawsuit. Once they got into the castle, they found the mare known as Neptune pacing around the throne room. She had a pudding cup balanced on the tip of her nose as Spike counted each step she took.

Ninety Nine, One Hundred!’ he declared. “Well Nep, you took one hundred steps without dropping the pudding. I admit defeat.”

“Mwahaha!’ Neptune laughed dramatically. “And my Agility went up a little. Hooray for Achievements!”

“Oooh, the steps one!’ Pinkie said. “Good job, you should try the jumping one next!”

“Good idea, little pink pony of pretty pontifferic proportions!”

Twilight gave a visible twitch at the horrible grammar. You don’t make up words, just for the sake of alliteration!

“Heehee!” Pinkie snort-giggled. “My name’s Pinkie Pie, what’s yours?”

“Neptune!” she replied, now balancing on one of her hind legs, holding the pudding up dramatically. “Dah, dahdah duh daaaah!”

“Hey. Listen!” Pinkie ran over to her. “You’re totally new in Ponyville right?”

“Is that what this nation of easily merchandisable cuteness is called?” Neptune hummed as she finally dropped to all fours. “It’s very… punny~”

“Ponyville is a town, not a nation!’ Twilight stated. “And while it technically falls under my jurisdiction as a Princess, making it a kingdom, I don’t feel comfortable calling it that. Equestria is the name of this nation. It sits between the Crystal Empire and the Griffon Republic.”

“Thanks for the Nepedia update Histy 2.0!” Neptune giggled. “So, you were saying Pinks?”

“Oh yeah! You’re totally new in town, so you know what that means right?”

“Totally awesometasticbombastic party?” Neptune asked without missing a beat.

“Yepper-deppers!” Pinkie giggled. “You’re fun. You wanna be friends?”

“Totes my goats!” Neptune nodded and took Pinkie’s hoof with her own. “Oooh, magnetic Not-hands!”

“Yay~” Pinkie cheered, pulling Neppy into a hug that may have cracked a rib or three.

“Ack! Pink buddy?” she wheezed as she felt her HP slipping away. “I… need… to breathe!”

“Whoops, I forgot some ponies do that,” she snorted. “Gotta dash like a flash! I have a party to plan!” Once she zoomed off, Twilight looked up from the table she was hiding under. There were… no screams? Fires? Dragons consuming the souls of the dead? She blinked and then crawled back out into the open. “Well… Spike, take a note please?”

The dragon nodded at his sister-figure, a quill and some parchment appearing in his claws.

“Never. ever, EVER! Leave those two alone for any period of time.”

Twilight rubbed her temple as she stared at her newest acquaintance. “Okay, so let me get this straight. You’re a Goddess, a being of unfathomable power from another universe. And somehow, you wound up here… looking like that, which you claim isn’t your real form. And you just so happen to crash land on me?”

“Well, I woulda landed on Noire-poo, but she doesn’t seem to be around. You must be this world's equivalent then. Tell me, are you a lonely tsundere with an anal work ethic and have a thing for cosplay?”

“I… have no response for that,” Twilight sighed.

“She used to be!” Spike laughed. “Well, minus the ‘cosplay’ thing. But then Princess Celestia told her to get some friends. And after everything was said and done, she’s now the Princess of Friendship!”

“Whoaaaa, so like, the total opposite of Noire!” Neptune tapped her chin thoughtfully. “I wonder if there’s a me in this world too? That’d be kinda neat to meet a Nep-Ponysona.”

“I seriously hope not,” Twilight replied with an exasperated sigh. This mare was already way more trouble than Twilight could deal with. But something still stuck in her mind.

She’d mentioned a few times that she was a goddess, and yet…

Yeah, there was no way that Twilight could see this insane mare as one. And if she was, then Twilight truly pitied the world she governed.

“Why do I feel like you’re attacking my character off-screen Sparky?” Neptune hummed as she finished off her pudding. “If so, totally not cool.”

“You claim to be a goddess,” Twilight rebuttled. “Prove it.”

“Um, wat?”

“Prove it,” Twilight smirked as she looked the mare over. “I want to see irrefutable proof you are what you claim to be.”

Neptune frowned, but nodded. “Okay, you wanna see something? Fine! This isn’t even my final form!” She closed her eyes as she went to access her Hard Drive Divinity form. Spike leaned forward in his seat, hoping to see something cool.

“Here we go! HDD mode, ACTIVATE!” Neptune yelled.

“…Well?” Twilight asked, her eyebrow raising like a guillotine, with Neptune as her target. “I’m waiting.”

“Just… gimme a sec,” Neptune replied. “Maybe I got a 404 Error? Divinity Not Found? Aww, don’t tell me the author is using that schtick? Come on, that’s just lazy writing dude.”

Well, shoulda thought about that before you screwed with my fic. This is your just desserts!

“Really? You couldn’t have like, buried me in pudding or something?”

You would have enjoyed that.


Twilight and Spike watched, the former was concerned now, the latter just confused. The small drake looked at his sister and blinked.

“Is she… okay?”

“I don’t know Spike. Maybe she has a condition? I should probably call a doctor.”

“No, she’s arguing with someone,” Pinkie nodded. “I wouldn’t be too concerned though. He’ll likely toss her a bone soon.”

Twilight yelped as her pink friends appeared, you’d think she’d be used to it by now.

“I know right?” Pinkie sighed and shook her head.

Oh no, not you too. Neptune is a pain in the ass as is.

Pinkie shrugged and smiled. Yeah, okay, this joke is getting old. Moving on!

“So what do we do?” Spike asked Twilight. “Toss her out?”

“Well, she does seem to be lost, so I can’t really throw her out until we find out who she is and where she came from,” Twilight replied. “I’ll pay a visit to the guard-station later. Maybe somepony is looking for her?”

“Oh, idea!” Neptune said as she ran over. “Last time this happened. I found a Mini Histy to contact my Histy that was in another dimension. Do you have a Histoire here?”

“That’s… Prench for histories right? Sooo, a history book?”

“She’ll be cute, tiny and have a short temper. Also, she’s kiiind of a buzzkill,” Neptune explained.

“Um, books can’t talk,” Twilight replied. Oh, but only if they could. Twilight swooned and giggled at that thought.

“Um, is she alright?” Neptune asked Spike, pointing at the giggling Alicorn. The dragon shrugged, his daily quota of crazy long since reached.

“Yeah, this is actually kinda normal for her. Now, when she finally comes back down to Equus. Can you tell her I’ve gone to see Rarity?”

“Ohh, who’s that?” Neptune inquired and upon seeing the small blush on his face, let out a poorly disguised giggle. “Is that your girlfriend~?”

“W-Well,” Spike said bashfully, twirling his thumbs together. “Maybe… someday?”

“Well that’s awesome! Oh? I could totally be your wingman!” she giggled. “I think Sparky is having a seizure or something. And I wanna check out the town so let’s go!”

Well this was new. A couple of ponies knew about his super secret crush, but Nep was the first to offer to actually help him with it.

Hay, what was the worst that could happen?

“Sweet, let’s go then!” Spike beamed and the two left the giggling Twilight to dream of talking books.

When said Alicorn came to a while later, she blinked and looked around the now empty castle.

“Huh? Where’d everypony go?”

Pirachu kicked a small rock as he walked around the dank forest. Ever since the old hag pulled that crap with the rock, things had gone from bad to total bulls—

He flinched as a twig snapped. He’d already run from a massive dragon with three heads, a scorpion-lion thing and a sea-serpent with waaay too much fabulousness.

“This sucks chump! I wanna go home, hug my beloved angel Compa and fall asleep in her lap. But no, I get dragged on some stupid… whatever this is. I’m hungry. I’m cold and I’m really pissed off!”

“Oh suck it up!” a voice called out from the darkness. It was familiar somehow as Pirachu froze up. Familiar… but different.

“W-who’s there? I’ll have you know, I taste terrible!”

“I have no doubts about that!” the voice snapped again as a figure emerged. She looked like a horse crossed with a bug. Her legs were dotted with holes and her purple, ratted mane clung to her body.

“So, this is where you’ve been hiding Rat,” she hissed, those crimson eyes staring into his own.

“No way…” he whispered. “O-Old hag…?”

“I SAID NOT TO CALL ME THAT!” she roared, crimson flames shooting from the ground as her horn blazed with power. “I will end you without a second thought Rat!”

“Pfft, I’m like your only friend,” he said with a bored tone. “Still…” he looked over her new form and hummed thoughtfully. “What are you?”

“I have no idea,” Arfoire admitted as the flames died down. Her horn still shone as a wolf made from wood emerged, it’s jaws dripping with saliva as it stared hungrily at Pirachu.

“Aw chump! Not you again!” he wailed as was about to make a break for it. The Timberwolf leapt, but never made it as a beam of energy fired from Arfoire’s horn, vapourising the creature until only faint wisps of smoke remained.

“I don’t know what I am,” she repeated. “But I like it!”

Author's Notes:

So yeah, I've been a big fan of the games for a while now, and when I saw that there were NO Neppy fics here, I was disappoint.

So my brother and I decided to start this. It's a side thing, so don't expect an update often, I honestly still don't know where I'm going with it.

Well, I hope y'all enjoy regardless.

Making some friends.

“So,” Neptune asked the diminutive drake as they strolled through Ponyville. “When do we get pudding?”

Spike paused, slowly turned and stared at the strange mare. “Wait, wat? Pudding? We’re going to see Rarity remember? You said you’d help me out!”

“That was then, this is now, and the Nep of now demands pudding!” The mare raised a hoof dramatically, before the sudden loss of balance caused her to fall flat on her face. “Ow...”

“Karma strikes when you least expect it, but always when you want it to,” Spike snarked, helping her up. “Now, let’s go get your pudding I guess. I am kind of hungry and Rarity isn’t going anywhere.”

“That’s the spirit!” Neptune replied and clapped a hoof on his back. “Now, where in Ponytown can we get pudding?”

“Sugarcube Corner might be our best bet,” Spike replied, stumbling slightly from the blow. Neptune was pretty strong.

“Sweet treats! Let’s form a raiding team. Do we know where the Boss Room is?”

“Uh...wat?” Spike realised that he might have been dealing with a pony even stranger than Pinkie Pie. If that was even possible. Speaking of, where the heck did Pinkie go? Wasn’t she here when they left the castle?

By the time they reached the bakery, Neptune paused as she stared at the giant gingerbread-looking building.

“Oh sweet biscuits! I want one!” Neptune cried and before Spike could stop her, she dashed forward and bit down onto the nearest part.

Spike folded his arms and waited, an eyebrow raised as she stayed there like that for a moment, before she walked back over slowly, tears streaming from her eyes.

“It’s not edible,” she whined. “I’ll sue them for false advertising!”

“Let’s just go inside before you hurt yourself,” Spike sighed. “Well, anymore than you already have.” He pushed the door open, the bell above the door tinkled softly as a portly mare behind the counter waved to them.

“Oh, hello Spike dear. Who’s your little friend?”

“I’m Neptune!” she waved back as she eyed the pastries in the glass display. “Ohhh, these look super tasty! Even tastier than the outside, uhh, you can actually eat these right?”

“She tried to eat the building?” Mrs. Cake deadpanned, looking at Spike.

“Eeyup,” the drake replied, sharing her expression.

“I’d be surprised if it wasn’t for Pinkie trying that every other week,” the mare groaned. “I once joked that I’d replaced the shop with a life-sized baked replica. Now she taste tests it every Monday.”

Spike’s eyebrow seemed to be permanently affixed to the top of his forehead by this point.

“Well, enough about that, what can I do for you?” she asked.

“Pudding!!” Nep cheered. “All the pudding!”

“Yeah, one pudding for her, and I’ll have a sapphire cupcake please,” Spike said, placing a few bits on the counter. Mrs. Cake nodded and headed out into the kitchen to get the pudding from the fridge. Spike and Neptune took a seat, the pony taking a few tries to figure out exactly how to sit in a chair that was clearly aimed to seat humans.

“Ponyland is weird,” she mumbled as she just decided to YOLO and sit like a human would. It, actually worked somehow.

“Pony bodies are weirder,” she added as an afterthought.

…Neptune had a thought? Huh, who knew?”

“Aw, Narrator-dude. That’s was just cold, like Blanny cold.”

“Nep, why do you keep talking to yourself?” Spike asked. he was seriously starting to get concerned for this mare.

“I have reached a stage of enlightenment, and as a Goddess, I have access to super cool magical abilities that would blow your mind if I tried to explain them!”

“You have no idea, do you?” Spike replied.

“I totally do! Ahh, no pudding… Neppy is wasting away… I see a light…”

“You’re staring at a lamp.”

“…Oh. Well, I totes knew that,” Neptune laughed. “So what do you guys do for fun around here? Do you like video games?”

“…What are video games?”

The expression Neptune wore could be summed up in one word really…


“Bwahahahaha! You should see your face!” Spike laughed, holding his little potbelly. “I’m just messing with you Nep. We have an arcade a few blocks away. We don’t have any at home though. Twilight says they rot your brain.”

“Ahh, Sparky’s such a buzzkill,” Neptune moaned. “Seriously, if there was anyone that was destined to be Noire’s BFF, it’d be her.”

“She’s not so bad,” Spike smiled. “She’s done a lot to help Equestria, and as a Princess, she has a lot of responsibility. Sometimes, I think she takes it a little too seriously though.”

“Yup, now I’m totally getting a Histy vibe from her.” Neptune’s head flopped onto the table and spied two mares purchasing something from Mrs. Cake. One was a tall, slender one with a light pink coat and a tan-coloured mane and tail. She had a red cross for a Cutie Mark and big, doe-like eyes.

The second was slightly smaller, wearing a long, blue coat and had her brown mane tied up into a loose ponytail with a green ribbon. Her coat shifted, revealing her Cutie Mark to be two silver gears.

“Huuuh… they look super familiar for some reason,” Neptune said as Spike’s gaze followed her direction. He didn’t recognise them, so they might have been new or just passing through.

Well, Pinkie would throw them a party regardless.

They left and Neptune shrugged. Oh well, probably wasn’t important.

Outside, the taller unicorn looked at her companion. “So, we have our lunch. Where to next Iffy?”

“Meh! I don’t really care,” the smaller pegasus mare replied. “Wanna eat in the park Compa?”

Compile Heart nodded, dragging Idea Factory off for a friendly lunch. Today was gonna be a great day!

Nepgear ran through the halls of the Basilicom. Her breath ragged as she rounded a corner and ran smack bang into someone, knocking them both to the floor. She groaned and put a hand to her head, that really hurt.

“Uh, Nepgear?”

She looked down to see IF underneath her, blushing slightly at their… compromising position.

“Kyaa!” Nepgear jumped to her feet as the smaller girl stood up.

“Well, aside from the headache, that was fun.” IF dusted off her coat and made sure none of her cellphones were broken. “Wanna explain why you're tearing through the halls like an Ancient Dragon is after you?”

“AH! That’s right!” Nepgear recalled. “I have to find Histoire. Neptune is missing!!”

“...Again?” IF seemed rather unfazed. “You sure she isn’t just skipping out on work at one of the other Basilicom’s?”

“No, I already called everyone, and none of them have seen Neptune all day,” Nepgear wailed.

“Alright, calm down,” IF sighed, placing a hand on the girl’s shoulder. “She probably fell asleep at a manga cafe with CyberCon or something. Lemme just call her cell…”

“I tried that too,” Nepgear said. “But all I get is a disconnected message.”

“Idiot probably forgot to recharge the battery,” IF muttered and spun on her heels. “Alright, let’s go and find Histoire then. She’s probably in the Sharicite room.”

“Right, let’s go then!” Nepgear nodded and ran off. She really hoped her sister was doing okay.

“Uuurrrrgghhhh…” Neptune lay on the floor, rubbing her bloated belly with a hoof. “I think I found the pudding limit of this pretty pony patooty.”

“I can’t believe you ate forty six cups of pudding,” Spike said with an exasperated sigh.

“That was our entire stock,” Mrs. Cake groaned. “So guess what I’m spending half the night making…?”

“I could ask some of the girls if they want to help,” Spike offered.

“Oh, that’s alright dear,” the mare responded. The last time Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were in the kitchen together, it resulted in a whipped cream and taffy fight.

She was still finding gunk on the ceiling…

“Alright, well tell Pinkie we said hi,” Spike said as he got down off of his chair. “Let’s go Nep. I still wanna visit Rarity.”

“Urgh! Carry me?” she asked with huge pouty eyes. Spike looked at himself, then at the mare four times his size.

“Um, no.” Spike deadpanned. “Carry yourself.”

“Oohh, that was cold Spikeorooni.” Neptune grunted and slowly pulled herself to her hooves. “So… Elusive was it?”

“Rarity,” Spike corrected her. “And she’s only the most wonderful, most beautiful, most talented pony in all of Equestria~” He floated there, hearts coming from his body as he sighed wistfully.

“Right, right… well, I should be able to help you trigger a Flag or two,” Neptune nodded. “Let’s go Spike-O.”

Spike blinked as he trotted after her. “Flag?”

Carousel Boutique, it wasn’t like any place neptune had seen before. Though it did remind her of something.

“Sooo, you have a carousel… and a little pony lives inside?” she asked the diminutive drake.

“Yeaah?” he replied as he raised a claw to knock on the door. “Why?”

“Nothing,” the mare hummed. Wow, and they say my world is full of irony and references.

During her introspection, the door opened and a gorgeous white unicorn opened the door. Neptune looked her over. Great, so was this the Vert of ponies? The gorgeous and bu--

Ohhh right. Ponies didn’t have boobs. YES! She wasn’t one of the flattest anymore.

“Oh, hello Spikey-Wikey,” Rarity cooed, rubbing the dragon’s head. “Oh, and you brought a friend?”

“Huh?” the dragon snapped out of his Rarity-fueled daydream and looked back. “O-Oh yeah. Rarity. This is Neptune. Nep, this is Lady Rarity. The most amazing, talented and beautiful unicorn in the world.”

“Huh? Izzat right?” the earth mare hummed and held out a hoof. “Well Rares. Nice ta meetcha! You can just call me Nep okay?”

“I… well if you insist,” Rarity smiled politely and shook her hoof. “The pleasure is all mine Miss Neptune. But, how is is that you know my dear Spikey here.”

“Oooh, that’s a tale for the ages,” Neptune said dramatically as they were led inside. “Full of intrigue, mystery and adventure!”

Rarity raised an eyebrow. This mare seemed… questionable.

“She fell from the sky, like, literally,” Spike deadpanned and waved a claw. “So Twi and I are taking care of her until we figure out where she came from and how to get home.”

“Duuuude,” Neptune whispered to him. “That was part of my super sneaky plan. I was gonna spin a sweet story about you saving me like some kinda hero. Get her to like you more.”

Spike’s mouth opened in a little ‘o’ shape.

“Plan B it is,” Neptune nodded. She looked around to see dresses and stuff everywhere. Ohh, so this was an outfit store? Maybe she could get some sweet armour here.

“So, what kind of stuff do you sell here?” she asked the unicorn. “Just dresses and stuff?”

Rarity’s eye gave a small twitch and she grit her teeth. “No dear. Not ‘just dresses’.I see fashion to all ponies. To bring a little colour, class and culture into the world. Why, I could even make somepony like you look like a million bits.”

“Was that an insult?” Neptune scratched her head. Oooh, hoofsies were good for scritchies~

“Hmm, perhaps I could work a little magic,” Rarity mused. “Spikey dear, would you like to help?”

“Anything for you milady,” Spike nodded and he literally floated after the pair as rarity dragged Neptune off to the back room.

And nom this scene will not include a Neppy dress up minigame.

One makeover session later, Neptune’s spiky mane had been combed into submission, and her coat also brushed and tidied. Her form was now covered in a sleek, black cocktail dress that seemed to suit her quite nicely. A slit up on side, running up her leg far enough to expose her mark on her flank. Black slippers accompanies each hoof, a single diamond set in the front of each one. And around her neck, a simple, yet elegant pearl necklace.

“Hmm, you clean up marvelously my dear,” Rarity smiled as she looked over her latest work. “Well, i am a genius, so there’s also that.”

“Ooh,” Neptune eyed herself off in a mirror. “Who’d have thought little bright eyed ponies could be sexy…” She gasped a put a hoof to her mouth. “Uhoh, furry senses tingling.”

“Hm?” Rarity was looking for a nice pair of earrings to accompany the ensemble. “Did you say something dear.”

“Kinkshaming myself,” Neptune said and sighed. “Sooo, Spike’s pretty cool huh?”

“Spikey?” Rarity turned and held up some topaz and diamond ones, before shaking her head. “What makes you say that?”

“Well, I show up out of the blue. Got no idea how I got here or how to get home… yet the little trooper becomes my good buddy. And he seems to help you out a bunch too.”

“Hm, indeed he does,” Rarity nodded as she tossed the emerald and onyx earrings aside as well. “He is every essence of a gentledrake.”

“Mhm, seems a waste not to reward the little guy every now and then,” Neptune hummed. Maybe I’ll take him out for ice-cream later.”

“That might be nice,” Rarity agreed, looking at the amethyst ones. Yes, they seemed to suit her quite well for whatever reason.

“So, I uh… kiiinda don’t have any money for this fancy dress,” Neptune said as she looked own. “Or you know, a fancy ball to wear it to.”

“That’s fine dear,” Rarity smiled. “I can hold onto it for you. I’m sure you’ll find a way to help out around town. Plenty of ponies need help after all.”

That just screamed ‘Fetch Quests’ and ‘Tedious Grinding’ Still, might go towards her Lily Ranking with this new mare. Who knows, maybe she could make other Social Links in this sleepy town.

“Thou art I,” Neppy murmured and chuckled. “Coolios, I’ll hit up the Guild and see if i can do some sidequests then.”

Rarity shook her head at the mare’s strange words. Oh well.

“Okay Spike’O. Let;s go on an adventure!” Neptune declared as the dragon nodded. On their way out, Rarity called for him and he turned, just as the mare gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“Thank you for your assistance today,” she smiled as the drake flushed deep red and fainted in a pile of love hearts.

“It’s Super Effective. One Hit KO,” Neptune chuckled. “Well, guess that’s that then.”

“Oh dear,” Rarity giggled as she lifted him onto Neptune’s back with her magic. “Do take care alright? And tell Twilight I said hello.”

“Okie Doki!” Neptune saluted as she started to head off. She wondered what sort of adventures she could have around here.

“So, what’s the plan chump?” Pirachu asked as he followed the bugpony Arfoire through the forest. Some monsters had tried to take them, but Arfoire’s magic had kept them at bay, or outright destroyed them.

“I’m thinking,” she snarled. Her anger seemed to make her magic stronger, so she was fine with remaining perpetually pissed off. “We wound up here when I attacked that idiot CPU. And if we’re here… logic dictates that she’ll be around somewhere too.”

“Think she’s a creepy-ass bug like you ar-YIPE!” he ducked as crimson flames seared the tips of his ears.

“Who knows,” she shrugged. She’d also been hungry since she got here. And no matter what she ate, it seemed to be a perpetual itch she couldn’t scratch. What she needed was information, but she wasn’t likely to get it in the middle of a forest.

“Well, wish we could get a few minions,” Pirachu sighed.

“Yes well, it’s not like one is going to appear out of thin air,” Arfoire muttered as her horn shone.

And from a massive magic circle, a loud growl emanated from it and the pair took a step back as a creature emerged. Four legs, fur and a lot of fangs.

“Ooor, maybe they might,” Arfoire noted as she looked at the Fenrir. A fanged smirked crossed her chitinous muzzle as the wolf lay her her holey hooves. Well now, wasn’t this an interesting development. “You know, I think i have a job for this one.” Her eyes and horn glowed red. “Go and find the CPU! And make sure you pick your teeth with her bones!”

“Okay, so I’ve advanced your relationship status and you levelled up,” Neptune hummed as she walked with Spike on her back. Right now they were just aimlessly wandering as Nep tried to trigger the next story event.

“We could go and see some of our other friends,” Spike suggested. “Maybe they could help you out… somehow?” It did occur that he could really figure out how any of them could help. It’s not like Applejack or Fluttershy had experience with interdimensional travel.

“Way to sound confident,” Neptune chuckled.

“Honestly, maybe if Twi can contact Starlight, she might be able to help,” Spike commented. “She’s almost as good with magic as Twilight is.”

“You ponies and your twinkly names,” Neptune giggled. “And really, I don’t mind. This is kinda like a vacation. Besides, I’m sure Histy or my super-reliable lil sister will find me eventually.”

“Wow, you’re pretty chill about this huh?” Spike said as they headed back to Twilight’s castle.

“Yuup, between the main series, and a ton of spinoffs, traversing the dimensions is no big deal,” Neptune shrugged as she kept walking. Being transformed into a tiny horse was new, but eh.

“Well if you’re not worried…” Spike sighed. “Alright, let’s head back to the castle. Maybe Twilight found something. If not, then we’ll set you up in a room and then i need to start on dinner.”

“Oh, you’re the designated chef character huh?” Neptune mused as she looked down at her hooves. One might have found it odd that she adapted so fast to being a quadruped. Eh, she was the main character.

“Well if i didn’t learn, Twi would have burned her house down by now,” Spike laughed. “And Star’s no better.”

“Aww, you’d make a good wife,” Neptune giggled before a pony ran past her, screaming. “Huh… izzat normal?”

“Honestly… a little,” Spike sighed. “I bet it’s another bunny stampede or maybe somepony spilled their soup.”

And then a group of a dozen or so ran past, screaming in a similar fashion. The pair turned and their eyes slowly widened.

“Uh, Spike’O?” Neptune gulped. “You got some reaaaaally big bunnies in this colourful town.”

“In what way that that a bunny!?” Spike yelled, pointing at the giant wolf that stalked through town. It stood at three or four times a pony’s height. A wolf coated in shaggy, dark blue fur. Long fangs protruded from the back of it’s mouth and most terrifyingly, was the massive steel claws that covered it’s front paws, long enough to cut a grown pony in two.

“Ahh, I got this,” Neptune said as she set Spike down. I’m a Goddess remember. This will be easy peasy apple pie!”

“Uh, Nep?” Spike pointed out.

“Okay, Heeerrree weee gooo!” Neptune called out. “HDD! ACTIVATE!”




“Ohh right, i forgot,” Neptune chuckled and ducked as the Fenrir took a swipe at her. “Umm, good doggy?”


“Time to go!” Neptune yelped and grabbed Spike, starting to book it for the castle, the massive canine hot on their hooves.

“Thiiisss suuuucks!” Neptune yelled as the mutt snapped at her tail, the mare trying to stay one step ahead. “So, what’s plan Spike?”

“Why are you asking me!?” Spike yelled back. “I don’t know what to do! Twilight and the rest are the ones that fight monsters!”

“To Pony Noire it is!” Neptune said as she booked it a bit faster. Hopefully she wouldn’t mind the new guest.

Twilight poured over tome after tome. But nothing even remotely mentioned a ‘Goddess’ or any of the scattered things that Neptune had mentioned. She’d have to sit her down and try to get some useful information out of her.

A noise got her attention. Somepony yelling from outside the castle? Twilight frowned and got to her hooves. What was it this time? A bunny stampede again?

She opened the door as Neptune and Spike ran towards her.

“It followed me home!” Neptune yelled. “But I dun wanna keep it!”


Then she saw the giant wolf hot on their trail.


Twilight really hated Tuesdays.

Delayed production finally sees results.

Twilight Sparkle.

Student of the immortal and wise Princess Celestia.

Alicorn Princess of Friendship.

Multiple times saviour of the world.

She honestly thought she'd seen everything at this point.

But this? This was new.

After meeting a strange new pony that claimed she was a Goddess from another world, she really thought she couldn’t be surprised.

Until said pony literally lead the wolves to her door. Well, one very large and angry wolf.

Neptune and Spike bolted through the door, just as Twilight slammed it shut, her horn blazing as she erected a magical barrier. Even then they could hear the giant wolf slamming against it.

“Okay!” Twilight turned and stared at them. “What did you DO Neptune?”

“Whoa, way to auto blame the new girl,” Neptune said with a deadpan tone. “And what makes you think it’s my fault Not-Noire?”

Twilight’s eye gave a dangerous twitch. “Because Spike wouldn’t do something so stupid,” she said and pointed at the door. “What the heck even IS that thing!?”

“Well,” Neptune rubbed her chin. “I think it’s a monster from my world. I can’t remember the name, but I’ve fought ‘em a bunch of times.”

“So, can you beat this one?” the alicorn asked her.

“Well, I have no powers and no sword… soooo, prolly not,” Neptune shrugged.

“There's weapons in the basement,” Spike pointed out. “I think the castle came equipped for guards, but we have none.”

“Well… better than nothing I guess,” Neptune shrugged. “Lead the way Dragon Boy!”

Twilight stomped a hoof. “Now where are you going!?”

Neptune paused and turned around, a smile on her muzzle. “Just keep that doggo out while I grab some equipment.”

“Are you serious!?” Twilight yelled as the earth pony wandered off, following the dragon to the basement level of the castle.

“Are you serious?” Neptune deadpanned as she looked at the ‘swords’ that Spike had mentioned.

Wooden training swords. Wooden shields… cotton tunics and barding. This was a mystical princess castle. Neptune was expecting a legendary sword, sleeping and awaiting the chosen one to draw it. A single swing could annihilate armies and make the girls swoon with it’s heroic aura.

“Laaaame,” the mare groaned. “Well fine, I guess it’s the token starting weapon, and I can’t cheat with DLC either.”

“Huh?” Spike blinked. “Well whatever, this is all we got sorry.”

“Better than nothing I guess,” Neptune said as she picked up the sword with her hoof…

With her hoof.

Wiiiiiiiith her hoof…

“I DON’T HAVE HANDS!!” Neptune yelled to the heavens. “How the crap do I use a sword without hands?”

“Um… with your mouth?” Spike pointed out like the answer was obvious.

“You’re kidding? You’re kidding, right?” Neptune sighed. She leaned down and picked it up with her teeth. “Oh groff! Ifs all dufty!” She spat it out and coughed a few times. “This sucks!” she exclaimed. “I can’t fight like this. How am I supposed to beat the Fenrir without a weapon?”

“Fenrir? That’s what it’s called?” Spike asked as he looked around. She had a point though, a wooden sword wouldn’t do squat against something like that. “Sooo…?”

“Soooo, we’re probably screwed,” Neptune sighed and slumped. “I can see the reviews already. ‘I signed up for a cute moe RPG, not a Dark Souls clone’.” She stared at the supposed weapons and then her hooves. With no Sharicite here, she was a mortal through and through. She’d age, and could probably be defeated by a basic slime…

“Hey, you can beat that thing right?” Spike asked, pulling her out of her introspection. “I mean, you said you’re a Goddess. So, that thing should be no problem.”

“It’s…” Neptune said and paused. How could she tell this little kid she couldn’t do squat?

“I believe in you,” Spike nodded. “I don’t want my friends to get hurt but—”

The rest of his words fell on deaf ears as Neptune felt a small spark of something deep inside. She looked as her chest and put a hoof to it. She knew that power, she’d become accustomed to it over many many years. But how was it possible? Histoire might know… if she were here. Wait…

“Can you, say that again?” she asked Spike. “The first part.”

“I… believe in you?” Spike repeated as she felt that spark again. Belief, the power that fueled Sharicite. Only this time… this little dragon was generating that power. Though, kids always did have a stronger sense of belief than adults.

“Yeah… I got this,” She said as she picked up the sword. “Leff go!”

“I totally don’t got this!” Neptune yelled as she ran away from the Fenrir. While Twilight had done a valiant job of keeping the wolf at bay with a shield, Neptune’s confidence had faltered quickly when she’d landed a blow on the Fenrir… and done absolutely nothing.

“Crap crap crap crap!” she yelped as the Fenrir slammed the space she’d previously stood with a massive, clawed paw. “Heeeeelp!”

“I thought you said she had this?” Twilight said to Spike as she prepared to teleport Neptune away from the fight.

“She said she did and I believe her!” Spike nodded, wringing his claws together. “Come on Twi, you gotta believe it to.”

“All I believe is that she’s going to get herself killed,” the alicorn stated. “It’s an animal, maybe Fluttershy can calm it down?”

“Didn’t Fluttershy go out of town with Rainbow and Starlight?” the dragon reminded her.

“....Horseapples,” Twilight cursed. “I’d better get her out of there…” But what was she supposed to do about that wolf? It was big enough to nearly swallow a pony whole. If that thing decided to pay attention to the rest of the town? It would be an unmitigated disaster.

Then they heard a scream as she looked over the edge of her balcony. Wait, what were the Crusaders doing here!?

Their screams had gotten the attention of the Fenrir too, as it turned around to look at them…

“Awcrap! Lil babbu poners!” Neptune exclaimed as she stopped running. She needed to distract this thing somehow. “To hell with it…” she muttered as she jumped, kicking the wolf in the head with one of her hooves, making it yelp. She expected the little ponies to run away.

Not stay stare at her with wide eyes.

“Cooooooool~” the little orange one said. “So cool! Look at her beat that monster up!”

“Yeah! Kick its butt!” the yellow one with the cute bow cheered.

“You can do it!” the white marshmallow pony squeaked.

And the Fenrir turned back towards them, it’s maw drooling as the trio finally realised that they might be in a spot of danger. They slowly started to back up as the wolf advanced on them. Twilight’s horn flashed, about to try and shield them from an attack…

But their earlier cheers had a… particular effect on a certain Goddess-turned-pony…

“Cross Combo!” she shouted as she leapt into the air, delivering a powerful, five-hit strike on the Fenrir with her wooden sword. It yipped and yelped… before deciding this prey wasn’t worth it and fled from the area, running back towards the forest.

“Y-Yeah… you better run,” Neptune panted as she dropped her sword.

“That was so totally AWESOME!” Scootaloo cheered, her tiny wings buzzing excitedly. “It was all like RAWR and you were all like HIYA!”

“You shoulda run away!” Neptune yelled, making the trio shrink back. “That was… really dangerous!”

“But ya totally saved us,” Applebloom said and smiled. “That was super cool!”

“Weell…” Neptune scratched her head. “I was pretty awesome there huh?’ she smiled, her anger already forgotten under a little praise. Oh ye of colossal ego…

“Ya know, I get the distinct feeling I just got insulted,” Neptune huffed as Twilight landed next to her. “And the cavalry is late, coulda used some help there Sparky.”

“I’m tracking it via a spell,” Twilight said to her. “That way we’ll know if it comes back. For now…”

And then Neptune fell sideways, that was the last thing she heard…

Nepgear paced up and down the hallway. It had been days since an investigation was launched to her sister’s disappearance. But so far, nothing had turned up. Even the Ultra and Mega dimensions were looking into things. But so far, Plutia and Uzume had reported nothing but dead ends. Neptune was nowhere to be found.

“So…” Noire said as she sat in a meeting room with Histoire and the other remaining Goddesses. “What’s the bet the little idiot is either dead, or fallen into yet another dimension?”

“She’s not dead,” Histoire said. “If that were the case, Nepgear would have been elevated to full Goddess. As it stands, she’s still only a CPU Candidate. Besides…” she sighed and shook her head. “Would Neptune really die so easily?”

“No, she’s like a cockroach,” Noire groaned. “So, how do we find her then? The only way we found out that she and Nepgear were in the Mega Dimension was because Nepgear was able to contact you… Neptune isn’t that smart.”

“Yes, and who knows how many worlds are out there,” Histoire said. “We’ll keep looking, someone has to know something. IF is still using the Guild’s resources to look into it. And I won’t completely discount the Mega Dimension just yet.

Then Noire squeaked as her phone suddenly buzzed. Reaching into the pocket of her skirt, she pulled and out and flipped it open. “Yes, this is Noire…”

<Why helloooo Noire-poo~ I was hoping you’d—>

Noire slammed the phone closed and blushed. “How the HELL did that pervy robot get my phone number!?”

Then the phone for the Basilicom rang, Histoire bringing the caller up on screen as the image of Anonydeath filled it.

<Now that was just plain rude,> Anon said with a huff. <And here I am trying to help.>

“Oh cram it!” Noire yelled. “What help could you possibly provide?”

<I know what happened to your little purple goddess~>

“Saywat?” Noire blinked.

“You… You know what happened?” Vert replied, her tone filled with doubt and hesitation. “Forgive our skepticism.”

<Of course,” Anon chuckled. “But, you can blame this little absence on our dear Arfoire. She used a… particular item. One she underestimated, as she is missing too.>

“Get to the point,” Blanc growled. “What did that stupid old hag do?”

<Well, I don’t really know on that account,> Anonydeath said with a simulated sigh. <However… I can lead you to the one that sold her the item.>

“And let me guess, there’s a price,” Noire sighed.

<Well naturally, information doesn’t come free Noire-poo. Perhaps… for a few swimsuit photos…>

“Go die in a barnfire!”

“Noire… you take more risque photos with your cosplaying,” Blanc pointed out as Vert tapped away on a tablet.

“That is NOT the point!” Noire exclaimed. “The point is that creepy perv will have them and—”

<Payment received~> Anonydeath beamed. <My thanks Lady Vert.>

“Not a problem, they’re from our last beach resort trip,” she smiled.

“Whhhhyyyyyyyyyy!?” Noire moaned.

“Because we need to get Neptune back… just take the payment out of her hide,” the Leanbox Goddess smiled.

“...remind me never to piss you off,” Blanc shuddered. “Alright robot! Give us the info.”

<Yes yes, you can find the seller at this location,> A map popped up onscreen, a red blip on it. <Better move quickly, I hear he travels around a lot and pops up at random locations.>

“Great…” Noire cracked her knuckles as she stalked from the room.

“Did… anyone else see the dark aura around her body?” Histoire asked.

The others refused to comment. If they didn’t see it, it didn’t happen.

The Fenrir yelped as the beam of magic tore it apart, reducing it to nothing as Arfoire sighed. “Well that was a waste of time and effort,” she muttered.

“Why not just do it yourself chump?” Pirachu said to her as he reclined on a log.

“Because that’s worked out so well for me in the past,” Arfoire stomped a chitinous hoof. “Plus… I feel like this form is capable of more. I need to master it before we try a direct confrontation.” She walked over to the pond they’d set up camp near, staring at the vaguely equine face in her water’s reflection.

“I’ll destroy her… if it’s the last thing I do.”

Neptune groaned as she slowly sat up, only to be eased back down.

“Careful now,” a gentle voice said. “You have a few injuries. Minor as they are, I’d rather you not aggravate them.”

“Urh… Compa?” she groaned, her head was pounding and she felt like someone had just been digging at her for half a chapter. Sure, kick the girl that was already down. Totally not cool.

“No,” the voice said as Neptune opened her eyes, seeing a little white pony with a pink mane and tail. A nurse’s cap on her head as she helped the earth pony sit up. “My name is Redheart. Princess Twilight brought you here after you were injured in a monster attack.”

“Ahh,” Neptune’s brain rebooted as she recalled the Fenrir popping up. That was weird though right. Popping into another dimension wasn’t uncommon for the Goddess, but everything about this world had been unusual from the get go. “Well, at least I got a cute nurse to patch me up right?”

“Indeed,” Redheart rolled her eyes. “Try not to make a habit of this Miss Neptune. I already one mare that likes banging herself up every other day.” She pointed at a bed that had a nameplate on it. Rainbow Crash or something? “Anyway. You should be right to leave in a bit. I’ll just need you to sign a few things.”

“Alrighty,” Neptune waved as the nurse took her leave. “Dang, no Nep Bulls huh? No powers… no potions. What if she died here? That’d mondo suck. The mare exhaled and looked out the window. “If I get the Bad Ending scenario… least my nation’s in good hands with Nepgear. She’s a good kid.”

“Hey Neptune,” a familiar voice said as Twilight walked into the room. “I’m glad to see you’re okay. But, try not to be so colossally reckless next time huh?”

“I make no promises,” Neptune said with a nod. “And thanks or bringing me here. You’re a real pal.”

“Someone has to look after you,” the alicorn chuckled and shook her head. “Also, that monster is gone. My spell cut off not too long after it fled into the Everfree Forest. Perhaps something else got it?”

“Huh? What’s that place?”

“A wild and chaotic place. The plants and trees there grow without the aid of earth pony magic. The weather controls itself and it’s full of dangerous plants and monsters.”

“Oooh, so that’s where to go to grind my levels huh?” Neptune wondered i she could find some basic monsters to level up on.

“Uh… how about you don’t go into the dangerous murder forest?” Twilight deadpanned. “Only certain places are somewhat safe. Like Zecora’s hut or the Castle of the Two Sisters.” Twilight paused as she saw Neptune’s expression fall. The downcast look a new one on a mare that had been frustratingly happy-go-lucky up til now. “Is something wrong?”

“Huh?” Neptune herself didn’t seem to notice she’d been looking like that. “No, I was just thinking about my lil sis. She’s super smart and resourceful… but kinda prone to spacing out and panicking.” Neptune shook her head. “It’s not the first time we’ve been seperated. But I worry you know. S’a big sister’s duty to look after her lil sis.”

“I know what you mean,” Twilight said as she sat on the end of the bed. “I worry about Spike whenever he’s not around. Or when I have to go on a dangerous or distant mission. We’re not related by blood, obviously. But I hatched him, and he’s been like a little brother every since.”

“Hatched? Then wouldn’t that make you his Mommy?”

“I was five at the time. That’s a little bit too young to be a mom you featherhead.”

“I guess, just calling it how I see it. Not my fault I haven’t seen your backstory yet. The writers should really get on that.”

“...I’m going to ignore that,” Twilight groaned. “Anyway, I filled out your discharge papers on the way in. So, shall we get going?”

“Oh, sure,” Neptune said as she rolled out of bed and onto the floor. Twilight was about to warn her about her injuries but…

“Wait, what?” Twilight blinked as she looked the mare over. Where’d they go? She was covered in scratches and a few bruises when they came in. Now she looked as good as new.

“Well?” Neptune asked, oblivious to the young Princess’s concerns about her rapid healing. “Where to?”

“Oh um, we’ll head back to the castle for now. There’s a few things I’d like to discuss with you Neptune.”

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, aka, Princess Cadance, was just entering her throne room. While she’d had the day off, spending it with her little Flurry Heart. An urgent message pulled her away. Leaving her with a trusted maid for the moment, the alicorn entered the room to find Shining Armor, Starburst and two ponies in mining gear.

“Alright, I’m here now,” she said, closing the doors behind her. “What’s the big emergency?”

“Well,” one of the mining ponies spoke up. “Some hours ago, we made a discovery. After exploring one of the older sections of the mine, one during Sombar’s rule. We ound an empty chamber.”

“The problem is,” the other one spoke up. “That it wasn’t a natural cave. The walls with smooth, and covered in odd symbols.”

“Show her,” Shining said as they nodded and pulled forth a crate. Cadance raised an eyebrow as they removed the lid.

Inside was a crystal. A perfectly cut, blue, eight-sided crystal. It seemed to float under its own power and Cadance could feel something radiating from it. It wasn’t normal magic, nor did it feel like that of the Crystal Heart.

“I did a few scans,” Starburst spoke up, adjusting his glasses. “But nothing that can confirm what’s powering it, or even its composition.”

“Wait, we don’t even know what it’s made of?” Cadence blinked.

“No, its like no mineral found on Equus. At the very least, none that have ever been recorded. I’ll need to go through the old wing of the Crystal Library. See if there’s any notes from a thousand years back.” She scratched his goatee and closed his eyes. “Your Highness, with your permission. I’d like to take this to Ponyville. Starlight and Twilight are two of the smartest ponies I know. Plus, I’d like to compare it to the Tree of Harmony.”

Cadance mulled over this for a moment. “Alright. That might be a good idea. In the meantime, I’d like that chamber secured and thoroughly documented. If this is something pertaining to Sombra, we can’t take any chances with it.”

“I’ll have a detachment of guard move out right away,” Shining saluted. He turned to the miners and nodded. “Come on you two. Let’s move.”

“I’ll head home and pack a few things,” Starburst said. Cadence nodded as the stallions left, leaving the crystal in her care. She turned and looked at it with a small frown.

“I really hope you’re not a bad omen,” she said quietly as she replaced the lid on the container. Equestria had seen enough of that in recent years. Her empire was still recovering and she did not need this throwing a wrench in the works.

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