Join Neptune as she finds herself in a strange new world unlike anything she's seen before. Will she find a way home? Well, not on her own, lucky she's made a few new friends.
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Gamindustri is a land ruled by four Goddesses. And when one in particular finds herself in a rather unique yet familiar predicament, well, that's where our story starts.

Neptune - You call that a description? Lameo!

Nep... you get run of my story, at least leave this alone...

Neptune - Hmm, nah! Okay kiddes, here's the dealeo! I get jumped by a crazy old lady and get zapped into a land of cute little horsies and can talk and fly and use some mad skillz. And I get stuck as one of 'em, crazy right? Aaaanywho, I meet a very Noire-like pony and she's like some sorta queen or something. And I still gotta find a way home and stuff.

Nep, that was the absolute worst description ever.

Okay, what she said was pretty much the gist of it. Neptune finds herself in Equestria. She's lost her powers... again. And a way home isn't so clear-cut. And she's not the only one there either. Will our cute pastel ponies be able to survive this?

I have faith... that they will not.

This is a crossover with the Hyperdimension Neptunia series.

On Hiatus

10,416 words: Estimated 42 Minutes to read: [Fimfiction.net] [Cache]

3 Chapters:

  1. Let's get this train wreck started! [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Apr 19th, 2017
  2. Making some friends. [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Apr 19th, 2017
  3. Delayed production finally sees results. [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Jun 19th, 2019
Published Jul 31st, 2015
Last Update Jun 19th, 2019


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