
Devil's Due

by All American

Chapter 2: Chapter 24

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I stepped into the shower and checked out the faucets and knobs. It seemed to be similar enough to a standard shower back in the States. I cranked the hot water and a steady stream hit me. I recoiled a bit before I got used to it. A steady plume of steam floated out into the bathroom before Dash returned to the room. The shower was separated by a few panes of fogged glass. I could tell she was carrying something that she set down on the vanity across from the shower. I let the water run through my hair before I rubbed my stubble for a moment.

Without warning, Dash flew over the glass and into the shower with me. I was going to say something but she had that same determined look that signaled that nothing could change her mind. The shower we stood in was really large since in clocked in at 4x8ft and stood at 8ft. I could only brace myself as Dash took a step forward, into the stream of water. The water danced down her as it slicked her mane down into her face that she pulled aside with a hoof. She had an almost ‘Cheshire cat’ like smile as I knelt down and kissed her. She wasn’t going to take it slow. She forced me back onto my ass and against a wall. She shoved her tongue into my mouth with force. I wasn’t sure if she was more comfortable with me of she was scared the first time but she was going to be bold this time around.

Her tongue danced across mine as I flicked an eye open and saw hers sealed in concentration. My heartbeat increased as the water drenched her tail, plastering it to my legs that were splayed out in front of me. I lifted a hand and tried to break our kiss but it was slapped aside. She dragged her tongue across the inside of my teeth and I returned the gesture. She moaned a bit into my mouth before she broke away.

She looked at me with devious eyes as I sat there stunned. She gave me a once over before walking over to me and placed her muzzle next to my ear. I could feel her warm breath pulse into my ear. It was fucking intoxicating.

“Show me what you got.” She called into my ear with hormones clinging to her words.

Challenge fucking accepted.

I placed one hand on her left wing and the other on her flank. She whinnied at the surprise contact. I couldn’t see her expression but I could only guess it was one of approval since her wings shot to attention. I took my left hand and placed it at the apex of her left wing and dropped it all the way down and up her right wing. At the same time, I placed my right hand on her flank and squeezed a bit. There wasn’t much give and was almost rock solid. Dash grunted as I went to work and repeated the motions on her wings in quick succession.

Her breathing picked up in my ear and I took my right hand and slowly snaked it towards her marehood. I traced one of her lips and she shuddered. I gave one more trace before placing my index and middle finger at her entrance. Dash grunted in anticipation before she tried to press her hips back onto my hand. I dove in about an inch as she braced herself. I stopped moving forward but she wasn’t having it. She grunted and pressed her hips back, burying my fingers to knuckle depth. It was too much for her.

Dash’s wings went wild with sporadic movement.

“AAAAAAAAGGGH!” she cried as she buried her head into my shoulder.

Her legs collapsed under her and she hit the shower floor. I retracted my left hand but kept my right in place. She panted heavily as she tried to regain some strength.

“Do it!” She begged.

Point taken. I created a rhythm with my hand as I fingers worked their way in and out of her. She gave a slight gasp every time my fingers shot forward. I could feel her walls contracting and tensing at my fingers contact as they explored her. She unconsciously clamped down on them before she let go and I pulled them out. I let the shower take the mess away with a torrent of water before Dash climbed to her feet.

“I wasn’t done yet!” she yelled at me with angry eyes still drenched in lust.

“I know.” I said as I got to my knees.

She knew exactly where this was going. She gave a sheepish smile before spinning around and lifting her tail to the right, presenting herself to me. Time to commit another ‘fuck you’ to god. I placed my hands on her hips, giving me a sturdy grip. I could feel her athletic muscles tense under her skin as she waited for me. I scooted forward and pressed my member against her lips. She gasped at the moment of contact and subconsciously tried to press her hips back. I granted her wishes and simultaneously pushed forward with my hips while pulling back with my hands.

“GGGggggggggrrrrrr.” She grunted with me firmly planted in her.

I didn’t move as I felt her walls make wild movements around me. I gave her a minute to collect herself before I started pumping. I shot forward as Dash gave a shrill yell. I leaned forward without breaking contact and placed a hand on her chin. I spun her head around and saw her eyes were sealed. I slowed down my rhythm and increased in force with each one. She opened one eye halfway and looked at me. She gave the biggest smile she could manage. It was enough for me.

I returned to my face-paced rhythm and locked lips with her. I was in charge as I pushed forward with both my tongue and hips. She breathed heavily into me and I felt her tensing up under me. She was getting close and it was obvious. I switched on my extra energy reserves and pumped with increased frequency. Her breaths became short and ragged before sharp moans emanated with each pump. I could feel her back legs tensing up like she was going to kick before she stomped down and screamed into my mouth. I pulled her tight as clamped down on me, forcing me to follow in her. I grimaced as I shot off into her. She moaned as each spurt coated her insides.

I fell forward a bit and dropped my right hand from Dash’s chin to the floor. I caught myself and tried to catch my breath. I pulled back out of Dash and pressed up against the wall of the shower. I finally caught my breath and looked up at Dash. Her hind end hung up in the air until she collapsed forward in bliss. The water continued to fall on us as the steam rolled off of us as if it were dancing around us. I climbed up and snaked my way over to Dash and placed my hands under her shoulders and lifted her over to me.

“You gonna be able to make it out on your own power?” I asked her.

I was given a sleepy nod as she slowly made her way up upright.

“Let’s go.”

Next Chapter: Chapter 27 Estimated time remaining: 5 Minutes
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Devil's Due

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