
Devil's Due

by All American

Chapter 1: Chapter 18

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Author's note: As I said, read this (Masterfully executed link) before reading the stuff below! Just do it you lazy bastard.


You done yet? Good.


Our lips met as I leaned over the console and kissed her. I felt her shudder softly as she eagerly returned the gesture. I removed my hands from her face and placed them on the back of her neck. I ran my right hand through her silky mane and she moaned softly from the gesture.

Dash stood up without breaking our kiss and stepped up and onto the console, giving her the high ground over me. She forced me back into my seat before pressing her tongue into my teeth, beckoning entry. I granted it and our tongues mingled in a burst of natural ecstasy. Without warning, Dash climbed over the console and into my lap. Just like that, she continued to press into me, trying to take charge. As our tongues danced, I franticly searched for the seat release and found it. The seat shot backwards to the maximum amount it would allow with a distinct thud. I returned my hand to her she tried to press me deeper into the seat.

Our tongues danced to a sporadic beat before Dash broke away and left us connected with a few strands of saliva. Dash stared into my eyes with her large purple eyes as if she were staring into my soul. I didn’t say a word as they wobbled in search of something within me. She must have found it. She returned to me and we kiss once again as she fumbled with the buttons on my suit with her hooves. I moved my hands and helped her to the best of my ability. Our mouths never broke contact as I undid the buttons and removed my suit coat and dress shirt. With my bare chest exposed, Dash broke away and ran her hooves up and down my chest, tracing every muscle along the way.

“Like what ya see?”

“Shut up.” she commanded.

I closed my mouth as she returned her mouth to mine and I placed my hands on the sides of her neck. Her soft blue coat was amazingly soft to the touch as I ran my hands along her. With a whoosh of air, her wings flew to attention and I figured that it was a Pegasus thing. I continued to run my tongue along hers, exchanging little bits of electricity as I did so. I lifted my hands up to her wings and ran my hands along the base of them. She shuddered at the contact as my hands ran along the length of them. I could feel her heart beat in the length of her wings and she moaned into me as I fought a two-front war in both our mouths and with her wings. I lowered my hands into the feathers of her wings and rubbed two feathers in-between my index finger and my thumb. Dash moaned once more, telling me that I was doing an exceptional job.

Dash then broke contact with my mouth, robbing my tongue of her as she threw her head back and gave a yell of pleasure as her wings went wild in the tiny cabin of the H2. I pulled her into my chest as her shudders became less and less violent before she went limp with her tongue lulled out onto my chest. I let her ride out whatever she was experiencing as she slowly came back to life.

“Have you *pant* done this before?” she asked in a ragged voice.

“Let me think about that.” I said as I rubbed my chin to emphasize my point “I can’t say I have.”

“If you weren’t so good at this, I’d hit you.” She said, making eye contact.

I laughed as I went in to kiss her again. Just like that, she began to fumble with my belt buckle. It seemed like she was ready continue. I helped her once again, and pulled my dress pants down. In just my boxers, she ran her tongue along the inside of my teeth and I swear I could taste rain on her. I went to place my hand on her cheek before she caught it and guided it downward. Shit, she wanted to go all the way.

She placed my hand on her… eh… flank, I believe and wrapped her hooves around my chest as she buried her tongue deeper into me. I traced her mark with my index finger almost instinctively as she groaned into me, obviously wanting more. I ran my hand down into her tail and parted a bit of her hair in-between each finger and ran all along the length. This somehow communicated into pleasure for her as she dug her hooves into my back. I grunted a bit as she grazed my bruise from earlier. With my left hand on her flank, I figured it was time. I took my index finger and ran it along her crevice. She shudder at the contact and gave a sharp moan into me, begging for more. I traced her entrance for a moment before letting my index finger find its mark. Her juices began to flow onto my hand as I let my finger slowly work its way in. Electricity seemed to flow between us as I let my hand go to work on her. I slowly explored her as she groaned into my mouth. Dash’s hind leg brushed up against me, communicating her pleasure to me and giving me some in return. I felt myself getting excited as I buried my finger even deeper. Dash broke her kiss with me and threw her head back as she rode my finger. My hand was soaked, but I didn’t care, I brought my middle finger into the mix. She began to grind her hips on my fingers up till I was knuckle deep. I slowly gyrated my hand into her until she threw her head back and gave another high pitched yell. A surge of fluids engulfed my hand as she shuddered on top of me. A stream of her juices poured onto my knee and narrowly missed my dress pants (lucky me).

Satisfied, she collapsed onto me again as she buried her head into my neck affectionately. I brought my clean hand around and stroked her mane as she basked in the afterglow.

“I love you.” She muttered into my neck.

I couldn’t help myself “Right back at you.”

She removed her head from my neck and gave me some devious bedroom eyes. Without saying a word, she made her way to my boxers. She grabbed the waistband with her teeth and pulled them down. Not wasting a second, she straddled me balanced my member between her hooves, guiding it. The tip met her entrance, and she gave a little shudder. I tried to speak up, but was cut off by a hoof to my mouth.

“I got this.” She said with authority.

She then let her weight come down with everything she had, and buried me deep. I grimaced in pleasure as she grinded on top of me. She moaned into the air and I listened to the suspension of the H2 squeak in a steady rhythm. She continued to grind, but was obviously exhausted with her previous orgasm. Taking charge, I placed both of my hands on her side and lifted her up. she gave a squeak of surprise as I spun around and laid her on the flat seat. She smiled sheepishly at me as I then went to work. I kept a steady rhythm as I rammed into her. I could feel her walls begin to tense up as I worked along and found my journey getting tougher. Her walls were constricting, signaling she was close and I wasn’t far off. Switching into overdrive, I pumped with all my might and Dash wrapped her hooves around my chest and closed her eyes. With one last thrust, Dash tried to squeeze the life out of me as she came like a damn hurricane. Her walls flexed without rhythm or finesse and pushed me over the edge too. I grasped her and pulled her close as we rode our orgasmic wave like champs. Dash screamed into the air in pleasure as I held her close and stroked her mane.

Dash collapsed into the seat as I pulled out and tried to regain my breath. I wondered for a moment what any sane person might have said but I didn’t care. I lifted Dash into my arms and sat back down onto my seat. I pulled up my boxers and dress pants with my free hand and lifted Dash up and onto my chest.

Next Chapter: Chapter 24 Estimated time remaining: 10 Minutes
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Devil's Due

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