
My Little Pony: Friendship is Spike

by CubexTrain

Chapter 4: Original S1E4: AppleSpike Season

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"Boy howdy! Ah got my work cut out for me. That there is the biggest bumper crop o' apples Ah ever laid eyes on," Applejack commented as she looked out to the beautiful fields of Sweet Apple Acres.

"Eeyup," Big Mac commented... sort of.

"Ya'll sure you can handle this big sis?" Apple Bloom asked quite concerned, "and ya sure ah can't help?"

"Come on, big brother! You need to rest up and get yourself better. Ah haven't met an apple orchard yet that I can't handle," she poked where Big Mac had a bandage wrapped around which of course caused him to wince and give her a glare, "Oops, sorry. Ah'll take a bite out of this job by day's end, as for you little sister, you are not ready for this kind of a job, but you can carry the apples if you want."

"Alright Applejack!" Apple Bloom cheerfully replied.

Apple Bloom thought a little bit and then spoke, "but still Applejack, just since you are younger and in your prime, doesn't mean that just one pony and hundreds of them apples adds up... well at least in my head."

Applejack snapped, "Don't you use your mathematics to muddy the issue! Ah said Ah could handle this harvest and Ah'm gonna prove it to you two. Ah'm gonna get every last apple out of those trees this Applebuck Season all by myself."

After looking out at the field Applejack felt slight regret and gulped. Her siblings gave disapproving glares.

"She gon' regret it," Apple Bloom matter-of-factly says.



Applejack got ready to harvest apples.

"Well I better get kickin'. These apples aren't gonna shake themselves outta the trees."

The ground started to shake. It was a herd of cattle stampeding.

Somewhere in Ponyville, Rainbow Dash detected this stampede from the air. Of course, she declared that.

"STAMPEDE!" Rainbow exclaimed.

General chaos ensued. Panic and turmoil was all that can be seen. Who's here to save the day? Why none other than Applejack! Oh, and her dog Winona. *Triumphant Tone Twice.* She leapt straight into action. The cattle wrangling duo managed to divert the stampeding cattle with a quick lasso and tug. Applejack of course then triumphantly poses with her dog... at the top of a hill... with the sun nicely right behind it…

The author then fired the person who thought physics would allow that scene.

Ponies all around Ponyville were there ready to cheer her on although the had no idea it was going to be that hill that she would pop over on. Nevertheless they cheered when they saw her. The mayor along with Twilight and the rest of her friends including Spike, started planning on an awards celebration for the country mare. Applejack had to go back to Sweet Apple Acres to continue her harvest.

Transition to Sweet Apple Acres after a few days pass.

Applejack was busy harvesting apples when she heard some munching sound coming from behind one of the trees. She went to investigate. What she found was Apple Bloom happily munching on an apple.

"Oh hi big sis!" Apple Bloom cheerfully greeted, "just having a small snack while on the job."

"A small snack?" Applejack's trademarked eyebrow raise happened.

At that moment the 3 baskets of apples toppled over over revealing a huge amount of apple cores. Apple Bloom had eaten 3 baskets full of apples.

"Ehehe... Eh..." Apple Bloom sheepishly blabbed.

Applejack was under a lot of stress, so she snapped considering she was the only one doing any applebucking.

"Now Apple Bloom, but we can't be eating THIS many apples! Do you know how much could be made from those apples? I think you should go and take a break. Go on, shoo."


"No buts."


Apple Bloom's ears folded back as she solemnly trotted out of Sweet Apple Acres. She trotted to one of the hills that overlooked Ponyville and sulked at she sat at the tree. Spike was watching as she trotted up.

She looks down... Alright Spike time to go help a friend in need!

"Hey Apple Bloom," Spike greeted.

"Oh... it's just you..." Apple Bloom whimpered.

Ah can't have him seeing me like this! Why did you have to come now Spike?

Spike took a seat next to Apple Bloom.

"What seems to be the problem?" Spike asked.

"Applejack doesn't like me anymore," Apple Bloom spoke out.

"What makes you say that?"

"She yelled at me for eating 3 buckets of apples..." Apple Bloom thought a bit, then continued, "most of the things Ah try to do to help mah sis ' usually backfires, just feeling like a failure."

"But you are a great pony, Apple Bloom," Spike cheerfully replies.

"Really?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Yeah, you persevere, you have a great family DON'T tell me otherwise, you're cute," Spike blushed a bit at that, "I like your bow, and you are a simple filly."

Apple Bloom never blushed so much in her life.

That's what he thinks of me? *squee* This might be my chance!

"You really think that?"Apple Bloom hopefully asked.

"Apple Bloom, I'm friends with the Element of Honesty and the assistant and drakefriend of the Element of Magic, do you think I would lie about this?"

"Oh thank you Spike!" Apple Bloom hugged Spike tightly and nuzzled him lovingly.

Apple Bloom of course blushed and released after realizing that.

"Sorry Spike... it's just that ever since Ah met ya you never stopped catching mah eye, yes Ah do really like ya Spike," Apple Bloom confessed.

"Apple Bloom, isn't it a bit awkward confessing to a dragon who is taken?"

"Spike, Ah'm very sure Ah would have a reason for taking one full season to tell ya this."

"Oh?" Spike questioned.

"Ya see Spike," Apple Bloom thought a bit and decided that Applejack would have to confess herself, "Ah was wondering if you wanted to do a Harem with me and Twilight instead."

Spike's eyes went wide, he blushed profusely, then calmed down.

"Apple Bloom, that was quite sudden, but still not out of the question, after all the town of Ponyville is filled with a lot of mares, but even more so usually dragons have herds, or in your case, Harems. Considering you are a very great pony," to which Apple Bloom blushed, "I wouldn't mind, but I think we should still check with Twilight. After all, in a Harem, all the ones involved know who is involved."

Apple Bloom was shocked, Spike just basically said yes. She could not be more excited in her young pony life.

"Oh thank you Spike! Ah'll be the best... errrr... one of the best marefriends ya could ever have!"

"So Apple Bloom, would you like to go to Twilight's to get her approval?"

"Ah would love to, Spike."

Apple Bloom and Spike then trotted/walked claw in hoof to the Golden Oaks Library.

When they arrived there, Spike knocked at the door. Twilight opened the door and was quite surprised to see Apple Bloom holding Spike's claw.

"Spike? What's this?" Twilight questioned feeling a little bit hurt.

"Hold on let me explain Twilight," Spike halted Twilight's onslaught, "you know how dragons tend to make herds right?"

"Yes Spike, I have studied on the matter before... wait, are you saying???"

"Yes Twilight, I would want to make a Harem with you and Apple Bloom."

Twilight blushed a bit at that. She knew that her friends were looking at Spike in that way, but she never thought that Apple Bloom would be the first to go for it.

"Ah'm ok with it Twilight," Apple Bloom reassured Twilight, "you're the friend of mah sister and also got first to Spike anyways."

Twilight thought about this. It just was a bit awkward when you and your friend's YOUNGER SISTER are sharing the drake, but still, Twilight didn't mind so much as she knew Apple Bloom, she was her tutor and a good friend. Twilight made up her mind.

"Alright Apple Bloom, I am alright with it also, and also thank you for telling me," Twilight gave Apple Bloom a friendly hug.

"Thank ya kindly Twilight," was Apple Bloom's response.

"Hey girls, I think it is about time to go to Applejack's awards assembly," Spike matter-of-factly stated.

"Well then, let's go!" Twilight cheerfully replied while levitating both Spike and Apple Bloom on her back.

"Twilight, you're fine with this?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Well, we are friends sharing a drake now are we?"

"Point Taken. Thank you for the ride."

"Of course. Hold on you two, I have to hold my note cards for the assembly," Twilight cautioned.

Spike held onto Twilight while Apple Bloom held onto Spike. Both Spike and Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow at the size of the stack of note cards that Twilight levitated out.

"Ummm, Twilight, although we just started this Harem and we should be nice to each other... why do ya have that many note cards?" Apple Bloom questioned.

"Well we shouldn't leave out anything that is a good trait of Applejack now shall we?"

"Twilight... Ah think the award is enough to... *sigh* never mind."

"No more arguments? Alright let's go!" Twilight finally stated.

Spike whispered to Apple Bloom, "don't worry, she usually does things over the top."

To this, Apple Bloom snickered at.

"I heard that Spike!" Twilight exclaimed.

Apple Bloom and Spike then burst into laughter, happy to be a great group who knows how to share Spike without pulling him apart.

Transition to Applejack's awards assembly.

The happy trio arrived at the party/awards assembly feeling pretty good about their new relation to each other. They arrived early as usual, Twilight isn't the type of pony to be late. They went off to meet their other 4 friends.

"Alright, are we all ready? Has anyone seen Applejack?" Twilight asked them.

"Just about... done!" Rarity replied to the 1st question.

"I haven't seen Applejack all week," Rainbow matter-of-factly replies to the 2nd question.

"Not since the stampede," Pinkie matter-of-factly states.

"Well Twilight, I was helping my sister before I went with you here," Apple Bloom answers.

"Oh," the 5 friends and Spike replied.

"But I'm sure she'll be here for sure. Applejack is never late," Rainbow matter-of-factly says.

It then came time to start the presentation. Apple Bloom and Spike took their "seats", and of course Spike wrapped a claw around Apple Bloom which caused the young filly to giggle with glee. They were "seated" not quite in the front unlike the Spike of the Prime Universe, but more in the crowd so that the rest of Twilight's friends couldn't see them as the three of them would reveal about the Harem later. The mayor did the introduction as this was an "official ceremony". Then Twilight came up to speak. Unfortunately for her, her friends were a little bit too excited to speak about how helpful Applejack is.

"Welcome, everypony! Today we are here to honor a pony we can always count on to help in matters great and small. A pony whose contributions to--"

It was at this moment Rainbow Dash busted into the presentation.

"Excuse me Twilight, I'mma let you finish, but... did you see Applejack's slick moves out there? What an athlete. This week she's gonna help me with my new flying trick, and I know it's going to be so awesome!"

Saying that of course got Rainbow a lot of awkward stares to which she blushed. That comment was a bit too admiring as one would put it.

"*ahem* And..." Twilight attempted to continue as she shoved Rainbow Dash aside until...

Pinkie Pie popped up on the podium in front of the purple pony.

"This week, I get to run Sugarcube Corner for the first time," Pinkie matter-of-factly stated.

"What does that have to do with Applejack?" Twilight smartly questioned.

Pinkie blinked twice in thought then remembered.

"Oh! Applejack, one of the best bakers ever, is going to help me! Applejack makes everything great, so free samples for everypony!" Pinkie chirped.

Of course there was a round of cheering from the ponies. Twilight shoved Pinkie Pie to the side and attempted to continue again until...

"Okay... that's great. Now if I could just make a point without being inter--"

"Twilight?" Fluttershy timidly spoke.

"--rupted..." Twilight Sparkle has never had this many unamused moments in her life, but here they were. Twilight moved to the side of the podium so Fluttershy could speak.

"Twilight, I'm so sorry, but I just wanted to mention that Applejack is also helping me this week with the official bunny census, where we count up all the new baby bunnies that were born this season. She's going to help gather them using her wonderful herding skills," Fluttershy slumped off the podium and returned to her spot in the audience.

Twilight Sparkle was quite perturbed at this point and just "YOLO'ed" it.

"Anyone else? Anyone? No? Well then, as I was trying to say..." It was at this point the mayor wanted to talk.

Twilight Sparkle pulled the rage quit.

"URGH! Never mind," Twilight threw her note cards all into the air and trotted off stage to meet up with Apple Bloom and Spike.

Meanwhile Apple Bloom and Spike were snickering at Twilight not being able to use her note cards considering they already questioned her about it earlier.

"Wow, you'd think she'd actually be able to get through at least one of those cards," Apple Bloom commented.

"You got that right, Apple Bloom," Spike replied.

Twilight then found them.

"*sigh* oh wells, didn't need the note cards anyways," Twilight pouted.

"Relax Twilight, at least you put in the effort," Spike and Apple Bloom comfortingly said.

"Thank you," was Twilight's response.

The mayor then introduced Applejack, but when the curtains pulled back, she wasn't there. At first there was cheering then awkward silence as they realized Applejack wasn't there. A few moments later Applejack trotted in to receive the award.

"I'm here. I'm here. *yawn* *sigh* Sorry I'm late--whoa--I was just... whoa... Did I get your tail?" Applejack slurred as she made her way tiredly to the front while dropping apples everywhere from the baskets she was carrying.

"Miss Mayor," she pushed the mayor aside, "Thank you kindly for this here... award thingy. *yawn* It's so bright and shiny and, heh, heh heh, I sure do look funny heh, ooo-ooo!" Applejack thanked then... whatever that was in the episode where she admired her face in the shininess of the award.

Pinkie Pie of course never one to be left out of the fun, did... whatever that was with Applejack as well.

"ooo-woo!" Pinkie and Applejack... whatevers.

Twilight made her way back to where Applejack was and thanked her finally.

"Okay. Well, thank you Applejack for saving us from that scary stampede, and always being there for everypony," Twilight matter-of-factly stated.

"*yawn* Yeah. I like helping the ponies and *yawn* and stuff," Applejack then dozed off, "*snore* Oh, uh, yeah. Uh, Thanks."

The sounds of dragging metal could be heard and everypony cringed as Applejack dragged the award off. Apple Bloom and Spike joined Twilight and the rest of the girls in concern for what they saw of Applejack.

"Was it just me, or did Applejack seem a little--" Twilight began.

"Tired?" Rainbow Dash completed.

"Dizzy?" was Fluttershy's answer.

"Messy? Well, did you see her mane?" Rarity answered.

"She seemed fine to me. Woo! Woo!" was... Pinkie's reply.

"Hmm..." Twilight thought suspiciously.

"Twilight, Ah'm a bit worried about mah sister, Ah mean, Ah was helping her move the apples around after she bucked them out of the tree, but she doesn't look too good," Apple Bloom worriedly spoke.

"Don't worry Apple Bloom I'll get to the bottom of this," Twilight patted Apple Bloom on the head, she wasn't going to let anyone who shared Spike with her suffer anything, they were friends after all.

"Let's go!" Twilight spoke as she and Apple Bloom along with Spike started trotting/walking down the pathway to Sweet Apple Acres.

Meanwhile, The 4 friends who were left behind were curious as to why Twilight and Apple Bloom were leaning so close to Spike as they made their way down.

Wow, that's just something I wouldn't normally see, I wonder what that could mean... I just got beaten to Spike by a filly?!

Ooo! Apple Bloom seems to have gotten in on Spike already! Lucky filly!

Oh... my...

Wahaha! That is so cute! Now if only you could get in on that Rarity darling...

These thoughts all went to the 4 friends' heads and they all glanced at each other with understanding smiles. They were happy for Apple Bloom, albeit a bit surprised how the filly was able to swoon Spike and Twilight into having a Harem. Nevertheless they also wanted confirmation, but that will come later in the story.

Transition to Sweet Apple Acres.

The now trio Harem arrived at Sweet Apple Acres. They found Applejack bucking out the apples on some trees in the orchard. At least she was until she zoned out for a bit. She then jolted awake and ended up bucking thin air.

"Whoa!" Applejack exclaimed.

Twilight, Apple Bloom, and Spike were concerned as nopony has ever pushed themselves this much so far.

"What on earth is that pony doing?" Twilight commented from afar with her drakefriend and companion.

"Whoops," was Applejack's was all she could comment on bucking a basket of apples over, of course being too tired, she didn't hear the conversation the trio was having.

"Yeah... my sis' usually has this attitude, for a pony who is the Element of Honesty and all that, you'd think she would not make a promise that she can't keep, in a way her element forces her to have to follow through," spoke Apple Bloom matter-of-factly and wisely.

"You know Apple Bloom, you are right, it probably could be why she is doing this, but it's going to take a lot of convincing from the looks of it to get the point through her thick skull," Spike also matter-of-factly stated.

"You know what? I'm going to go talk to her, after all, maybe she'll listen to someone her age," Twilight matter-of-factly spoke.

"Good luck Twilight," both Spike and Apple Bloom wished the best of luck.

Twilight then approached the now sleeping farm pony.

"Hey Applejack!"




"Applejack. APPLEJACK!"

"Huh? Oh, howdy, Twilight!"

"What is all this?"

"It's Applebuck Season."

"Apple what Season?"

"Neh, it's what the Apple Family calls harvestin' time. We gather all the apples from the trees so we can sell 'em."

"But why are you doing it all alone?"

"'cause Big Mac hurt himself."

"What about all those relative I met when I first came to Ponyville? Can't they help?"

"*sigh* They were just here for the Apple Family Reunion. They actually live all over Equestria and are busy harvestin' their own orchards. So, uh, Ah'm on mah own. Which means," Applejack sternly said, "I should really get back to work. *Ahem* hint hint? Get back to work?"

"Fine," Twilight spoke as she stepped aside.

"Uh, could you step aside, Twilight?"

"I just did," Twilight matter-of-factly spoke while Applejack turned her head.

Being very tired, Applejack was seeing threes.

"Applejack, are you ok? You don't look so good," Twilight continued.

"Eh, don't any of you three worry none, Ah'm just fine and dandy," Applejack tried to push Twilight away.

Twilight decided enough was enough.

"Applejack, do you want... some help?"

"Help? No way, no how."

"But there's no way you can do this all on your own."

"Is that a challenge?" Applejack glared.

"Ummm... no?" Twilight felt slightly insulted but didn't push the matter.

"Well, Ah'm gonna prove to you that Ah can do it! Now, if you'll EXCUSE ME, Ah've got apples to buck!" Applejack was practically yelling at this point.

Twilight, frustrated just left to return to Spike and Apple Bloom.

"Wow Apple Bloom, you're right, that pony is stubborn," Twilight matter-of-factly states.

"Told ya so," Apple Bloom could only say.

"Anyways, Apple Bloom, up for some bonding time with me and Spike? Maybe a good book to read perhaps?"

"Well mah sister doesn't seem to be snapping out of it and Ah don't have anything better to do at the moment, so sure!" was the chirpy reply.

"Alright then, let's go!"

The three of them then trotted/walked back to the Golden Oaks Library.

Transition to Applejack helping Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash was perturbed. Applejack was never this late, this is seriously something for the hardworking pony to be late. It was at this point that Applejack arrived, her mane all frazzled, but still wearing her trademarked hat apparently.

"There you are!" Rainbow was unamused.

"*yawn* Ah'm a mite sorry, Rainbow. Ah was busy applebuckin' and Ah guess Ah, Ah closed mah eyes for a second, and when Ah woke up, Ah was late. So what's this new trick a' yours?"

Rainbow Dash, knowing Applejack for quite a while, knew not to push the help her thing out, yes it was fun for her to take advantage of that in competitions, but every time that the Pegasus tried to convince Applejack to let her help with harvesting, it was to no avail, so she just decided to explain her new trick.

"Well, I'm going to stand on one end, then you are going to jump down from that platform up there, launching me into the air faster than I can take off on my own. Once, I'm in the air *Insert fancy flying stuff here* that are sure to impress the Wonderbolts."

"Isn't that a mite dangerous?"

Yeah, like what you are doing isn't dangerous either apple-head.

"Pfft, heh, not for a pony who can fly," Rainbow spoke while showing off her wings.

"Well, alrighty then," Applejack trusted Rainbow Dash.

Applejack climbed up to the top of the platform and was a bit surprised at the height. Since she was tired, it was difficult for her to focus her eyes.

"Oh... dear..." Applejack commented.

"Ready? one... two... THREE!" Rainbow counted down.

Applejack missed the see-saw with a resounding CRASH!

"Um... maybe I wasn't clear. You're supposed to land ON the other end," Rainbow matter-of-factly states.

"Got it."

Applejack then failed 3 more times of course hitting the ground comically each time that happened. Rainbow Dash of course was not amused version 2.0.

"Applejack, what the hay is going on? I mean, I thought I was working with Ponyville's best athlete! Technically speaking of course."

"You are. I'm okay. Really. Ah... Ah have an idea. Watch this," Applejack spoke as she just pushed down the other end of the see-saw. Rainbow Dash was not amused version 3.0 and showed so with a unamused face.

"Oh... maybe not. Okay, one more try, I'm sure to get it this time," Applejack continues as she released the see-saw which caused Rainbow Dash to plop back down and go into a daze.

She was not ready for what Applejack was going to do next, Applejack actually did NOT miss this time. Applejack lined up her aim and jumped off the platform.

"Heh heh... Here I go!"

"WAIT! APPLEJACK!!!!!!!" Rainbow exclaimed as she was launched like crazy into the air.

"You're Welcome!" The naive farm pony could only say.

Transition back to the Golden Oaks Library.

"You know Twilight, reading with ya two is actually a lot more fun than Ah thought it'd be," Apple Bloom cheerfully comments.

"Thank you Apple Bloom, it's good to have company other than just Spike. Also it's good to know Spike as a dragon and his nature will not have much to worry about, glad it was you Apple Bloom," Twilight responds.

It was during this sentimental moment that Rainbow Dash crash landed on the balcony of the library where Apple Bloom, Twilight, and Spike were reading and chatting.

"Ugh..." Rainbow painfully yelped.

"Ummm... can we help you?" Twilight asked.

"I... think somepony needs your help," was the matter-of-factly response.

"Applejack?" Twililght, Apple Bloom, and Spike all asked in unison.

"Yep... oh and by the way Twilight, what's with all this spending time with Apple Bloom as well? I mean I know you and Spike are dating and all... but some explanation?"

"Me and Apple Bloom are in Spike's Harem," Twilight replies to the question.

"Oh," Rainbow Dash could only say before she sighed and slumped over the balcony railing onto the balcony.

"Well, I'll be going now, see ya Twilight, see ya Apple Bloom, and see ya Spike," Rainbow exited as non-humiliatingly as possible.

The trio was left alone again.

"Well... that was awkward," Spike matter-of-factly stated.

"Yep it was Spike, but I think it's time we go check on Applejack again, this overshot Pegasus stuff doesn't sound so good right now, I'm going to go try talk to her again," Twilight spoke.

"Alright let's go," Apple Bloom replied, "oh, and Twilight, may I spend the day with you two since Applejack probably doesn't want me to help her after... some stuff? *squee*"

Twilight of course smiled at that, "sure Apple Bloom."

They cleaned up the books they were reading, stored them in the library, then went on their way back to Sweet Apple Acres.

Transition back to Sweet Apple Acres.

Applejack was busy bucking apples... again as usual. At least she was until she hit the back of her head on a low lying branch. That has got to hurt.

"Ow!" Applejack yelped.

It was at this point that Twilight approached Applejack and attempted yet again to convince the apple pony that she needs help.

"Applejack, can we talk?" Twilight asked.

Applejack attempted to read the lips since her hearing was a bit out of whack.

"Applejack, can we talk?" Twilight repeated.

"Can bees squawk?! Ah don't think so," was the reply.

"No. Can we talk?"

"Twenty stalks? Bean or celery?"

"No! I need to talk to you."

"You need to walk to the zoo? Well, who's stopping you?"

Twilight snapped.

"I need to talk to you!"

"Oh! Well why didn't you say so? What you wanna talk about?"

Twilight facehoofed, but nevertheless continued.

"Rainbow Dash dropped in to see me, Spike, and Apple Bloom today."

Ah'm pretty sure that I heard "Apple Bloom", but ehhhh... Mah mind could be playing tricks on me.

"That's quite neighborly of her," Applejack replied with naivety.

"Yes, except that she crashed onto my balcony after you launched her into the air."

Applejack went wide-eyed then apologized with her head drooping.

"Oh, yeah. Ah wasn't feeling quite myself this morning."

"Because you're working too hard and you need help!"

"What? Kelp? Ah don't need kelp. Ah don't even like seaweed."

Twilight, just keep your cool. Okay... 1. 2. 3.

"HELP! You need HELP!" Twilight finally yelled.

"Nothin' doin', Twilight. I'm gonna prove to you, to everypony, that I can do this on my own. Ow!" She exclaimed as she hit the same branch again, "now if you'll excuse me, Ah've gotta go help Pinkie Pie."

"Ugh..." Twilight could only groan.

Looks like I'm taking care of Apple Bloom today, that pony got a one track mind. Big Mac can't take care of her since of his injury and Granny Smith shouldn't be straining herself, after all I have to be a good friend even if that friend is... stubborn...

Twilight then took care of Apple Bloom as per what she knew she had to do. They decided to take a relaxing day with Rarity at the Carousel Boutique, away from Applejack definitely as she was the only pony who didn't have anything that Applejack was going to help with. Rarity of course insisted they take a relaxing day at the spa, to which they agreed. Spike was a bit too eager to get to the massage tables as he needed to relieve the tension that comes from being the royal messenger for Twilight. Apple Bloom and Twilight decided on a soak in the hot tub and a good sit and relax in the sauna. Rarity of course went with her "usual". It was going to be a good day indeed... not really.

Transition to Sugarcube Corner where Applejack is helping Pinkie Pie make some baked goods.

"Thank you for helping me make some baked goods Applejack! I'll get the sugar and the eggs. Can you get me some chocolate chips?" Pinkie thanked then asked.

"Eh... yeah... no problem... uh... wha... what was that?" Applejack asked, her hearing not having come back yet.

"Chocolate chips!" was the reply.

"Chips... got it. Tater chips, a little salty and dry, okie-dokie. What next?" Applejack dumbly assumed and put in potato chips.

"Baking soda!"

"Soda. Perfect. That'll get the tater chips nice and wet. Now what?" Applejack idiotically assumed as well and put in. To be fair, Pinkie Pie usually was random so Applejack not questioning isn't her incompetence necessarily.

"A cup of flour!"

"A cup o' sour? Well, lemons are sure sour. One cup o' sour, comin' up. Anything else, Pinkie?"

"One last thing. Wheat germ!"

"Wheat worms? Oh, that must be fancy talk for earthworms."

"Now that's gonna be delicious!" Pinkie excitedly spoke.

Applejack questioningly looked at the slop, "If you say so."

Pinkie then presented the free samples to the eager ponies as she promised after the "baked goods" came out of the oven. Even Pinkie herself tried one. Applejack of course had to gallop back over to harvest more apples.

Transition to the Ponyville Hospital.

Twilight, Apple Bloom, and Spike were rudely jolted from their relaxing session at the spa when urgent news from the Ponyville Hospital arose. They quickly thanked Rarity for the session and Twilight paid the bits. The three of three of them bolted out the spa and got to the hospital within minutes.

"We came as soon as we heard," Twilight proclaimed.

"Oh thank you, Twilight. We need all the help we can get," Nurse Redheart thanked.

The sound of ponies moaning in pain could be heard throughout the place. All of them were in beds and had stomachache and cramps.

"Oh no! What happened?" Twilight was shocked.

"It was a mishap with some of the baked goods," Nurse Redheart matter-of-factly spoke.

"No, not baked goods, baked bads," Pinkie groaned out in pain.

Twilight Sparkle knew who it was thanks to the earlier interruptions she had during her presentation surprisingly.


Twilight, Apple Bloom, and Spike decided to stay and keep Pinkie company as she was in pain. Pinkie blushed a little bit when Spike started to stroke her mane so she would relax.

Even for me being a party pony, I like some calm sometimes, and now I know why I fell for him.

Pinkie smiled a contented, non-teeth showing smile. The four of them chatted away happily about recent parties Pinkie threw to Apple Bloom's grades to even Twilight's life in Canterlot. It was a great time, but Twilight knew that they had to convince Applejack even more so now that her antics have caused harm at this point. They said their farewells and they all gave Pinkie a hug each then went on their way back to Sweet Apple Acres.

Transition back to Sweet Apple Acres.

Applejack... yes still bucking apples out of trees, but this time when unloading a cart into a basket, she ended up in the air upside down with the cart stuck in the basket... Apple Bloom and Spike were perturbed enough already at this and decided to join Twilight in getting the farm pony to snap to her sense.

"Applejack, we need to talk," Twilight matter-of-factly states.

"Wha, huh? Oh, it's you, Twilight. *yawn* I know what you're gonna say, but the answer is still no," was the response.

"Not to upset your apple cart, but you need help," Twilight sarcastically comments on the apple pony's predicament.

"Hardy har. *groan* And no I don't."

"Here, let me help," Apple Bloom asks.

"Help? No thanks, I think you helped enough for today young missy," Applejack said before getting herself out of the wagon, "there, Ah'll prove that this apple can handle these apples. Come on *grunt* apples *grunt* fall off *grunt*."

"AJ, think you're beating a dead... tree," all three of them say what they literally are thinking.

"Ah knew that," Applejack tiredly comments.

"Actually, Applejack, I had something else to talk to you about. I just came back from Ponyville Urgent Care and--" Twilight tried to begin.

"You know, I'm a little busy to get lectured right now, Twilight," Applejack retorted.

"But sis'--" Apple Bloom tried to begin.

"But nothin', just zip it please."

"But if you'd just let me help--" Twilight tried to continue.

Applejack snapped.

"Ugh. No, no, NO! How many times do I gotta say it? I don't need no help from nopony!" she yelled again.

Twilight, Apple Bloom, and Spike all went, "URGGGGGHH!"

The three then decided to relax in one of Ponyville's parks under one of the trees for a small nap. The three all cuddled up. Twilight let Apple Bloom and Spike use her as a pillow as they cuddled. Twilight wrapped her body around them and then relaxed, but not too much since she was sure from the way things were going today that something was bound to happen. She was near breaking point but for the sake of the younger ones, she pushed the thought aside and tried to get some rest from yelling at Applejack. Poor Twilight, she was not prepared for what would come to Ponyville next...

Transition to Fluttershy help scene.

"Oh Applejack! Thank you so much for offering your herding skills for the annual rabbit round up," Fluttershy thanked.

Applejack being tired, was of course very irritable as well.

"Ugh. Why are we doing this?"

"Well, lots of new baby bunnies have been born, so it's my job to get a count of all the new families."

"Fine. Can we just get on with it?"

"Certainly, but remember, these are bunnies we're dealing with, not cows. They're a timid bunch and need to be treated gently."

"Ah do NOT need any direction on corralling critters. Right, Winona?"

Winona just barks happily like a little derp.

"Okay, little bunnies! I need you to all gather here in the middle," Fluttershy calmly asks.

"That's right! Let's go, bunnies. In the center. Hop to it. Swell. Just swell. Put 'em up, Winona!" Applejack barks out.

Winona just barks happily like a little derp for the 2nd time.

"Applejack! Winona! Stop! You're scaring them," Fluttershy was beginning to worry a bit.

"We know what we're doin'. Get along, little bunnies!" Applejack yelled.

Winona barked and growled at the now cornered bunnies. They then went into a panic and started stampeding toward Ponyville.

"Oh my..." Fluttershy spoke.

Twilight heard the rumbling which shook Apple Bloom and Spike from their nice warm slumber.

"It that what we think it is Twilight?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Probably is..." sighed Twilight.

"Well let's go!" Spike spoke.

And off the trio went... again... Anyways Rainbow Dash was of course on top of things.

"STAMPEDE!" she exclaimed with recycled animation.

The bunny-pede stampeded Ponyville and caused quite the destruction... aka crops and food...

"Oh my. Oh... Please stop, little bunnies. Oh no! Please, let's go home. Oh my goodness," Fluttershy panicked.

The trio seeing this, finally snapped. That was way too much destruction for one farm pony to cause.

"All right. Enough is enough!" The three exclaimed.

They then marched on over to Sweet Apple Acres with a very very strong stink eye. Meanwhile Applejack was back at the orchard harvesting.

"Must... keep... buckin'... just... a few... more. Must finish harvestin'," Applejack commented to herself.

It was at this point Twilight stomped up to Applejack.

"Alright, Applejack. Your applebucking hasn't just caused you problems, it's over-propelled Pegasus', practically poisoned plenty of ponies, and terrorized bushels of brand new bouncing baby bunnies. I don't care what you say. YOU. NEED. HELP!" Twilight yelled.

Applejack bucked out what she thought were the last of the apples.

"Ha! No, I don't. Look, I did it. I harvested the entire Sweet Apple Acres without your help. How d'ya like them apples?" she smirked.

"Um, how do you like them apples?" Apple Bloom, Spike, and Twilight all point out to the other half of Sweet Apple Acres.

Applejack.exe has stopped running. Please reboot.

"*mumbling* Where'd all the apple...? *mumbling*" Applejack blabbed then fainted.

"Applejack. Applejack," Twilight tried to snap the fainted farm pony out of it.

"Sis? Ya ok there?" Apple Bloom was concerned.

Applejack still didn't snap out of it until Spike shook her awake.

"APPLEJACK!" Spike exclaimed.

"Huh?" Applejack could only blab.

"Oh, good, you're okay. Now Applejack, I completely respect the Apple family ways. You're always there to help anypony in need, so maybe you can put a little of your stubborn pride aside and allow your friends to help you," Twilight asked politely after keeping her cool.

Applejack sighed and realized how stupid and retarded she was being.

"Okay, Twilight," Applejack resigned.

"I am not taking "no" for an answer--what?"

"Yes, Twilight. Yes, please. I could really use your help," Applejack pleaded.

Twilight, Apple Bloom, and Spike all finally sighed in contentedness after chuckling at Applejack finally figuring things out. Later Twilight had a letter written to the princess for her studies.

Dear Princess Celestia,
My friend Applejack is the best friend a pony could ever have, and she's always there to help any pony. The only trouble is, when she needs help, she finds it hard to accept it, so while friendship is about giving of ourselves to friends, it's also about accepting what our friends have to offer.
Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle

During that duration, the Mane 6, Spike, and Apple Bloom manage to harvest the other half of Sweet Apple Acres. They then settled down at a table set outside the barn.

"How about y'all take a little break? I got some fine apple juice waitin' for ya! *sigh* Girls, I can't thank you enough for this help. I was acting a bit stubborn," Applejack gratefully thanked.

"A bit?" Twilight sarcastically asked, she had a right to do so considering how many times she tried.

Applejack chuckled, "Okay. A mite stubborn, and I'm awful sorry. Now, I know the town gave me the Prized Pony award, but the real award is having you five as my friends."

"Phew! That applebucking sure made me hungry," Rainbow commented.

"Ah know right?" Apple Bloom chirps in.

"Oh yeah Twilight, I know I didn't say this, but thank you kindly for takin' care of Apple Bloom during my 'episode'," Applejack remembered, "is there any way Ah can repay you for putting up with mah stubbornness?"

End Theme with Credits.

"Oh, I know Applejack! Can Spike and Twilight stay over for the night?" Apple Bloom jumped up and down excitedly, eager to spend still yet even more time with her "sister" and drakefriend.

"Well that was a mite sudden I must say," Applejack commented, "although might I ask why?"

Suddenly the rest of the Mane 6 seemed very interested in this conversation. Apple Bloom sighed. Time for the big reveal.

"Well sis' me and Spike are dating. Twilight has been dating Spike before me. We agreed to a Harem and we decided to bond over it during your antics."

Time stopped for a bit as the Mane 6 had a record scratch moment.

*Record Scratch*

Well well Rarity, you just got beat! Quite impressed actually. You're going to need to impress him, Twilight, AND Apple Bloom now Rarity.

What? Mah sister got to him first? Well at least Ah know that Twilight is alright with Harem. Still... I acted dumb around Spike so I can't ask now...

Ooo! That is sooooo cuteeeee!!!!! It's great to see Twilight and Apple Bloom bonding, I need to throw a party for them later!

Whoa! Twilight wasn't lying! Apple Bloom you are suave! I should be taking cool lessons from you! Also that is quite the bravery, quite admirable indeed.

Oh... my... That is quite cute though. *squee* Oh dear Fluttershy, you can't even help yourself.

After all that record scratch and Twilight and Spike looking awkwardly between the five of them. Applejack decided to break the silence.

"Well Apple Bloom, since you were honest and straightforward and Twilight does earn it, sure, why not?"

"Spike Harem sleepover at Applejack's place! Yay!"

Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie all went back to their own places.

"Well Twilight, you and Spike can go pack up some stuff at your place then come over when you're ready," Applejack explained, "we'll have dinner ready by the time you are back. See ya soon you two~"

Of course Twilight and Spike did as was explained and were back in time just when the sun set. The four of them (Applejack, Apple Bloom, Twilight, and Spike) all watched the sunset from the farm. Twilight of course admired the nice sunset as she usually never "had the time" for watching such things, but now she could admire the beauty of nature. Spike had an arm around Apple Bloom and decided to give her a peck on the lips since she never got a kiss from him yet. Apple Bloom blushed and nuzzled him more. Twilight smiled at that. No more worries. They then went in for dinner which was unsurprisingly some apple products, of course Applejack just chuckled as Twilight gorged herself again like she did in a previous episode. Since a bed is a quite unfit place for those 3 to sleep in, Apple Bloom suggested the barn with all the hay. Applejack of course agreed to it. In the barn Twilight gave both Spike and Apple Bloom a goodnight kiss. Of course Spike's was on the lips and Apple Bloom's was on her forehead. They then cuddled up on the hay with the moonlight shining through one of the barn windows. The same Spike holding Apple Bloom with Twilight wrapped around.

Today has been a good day Twilight, it has been a good one indeed.

Twilight finally was able to doze off in peace, happy to know someone else appreciated Spike as much as she does, and also that Applejack was able to finally learn a good lesson, even if it took some slight Ponyville destruction.

Fade to Black.

Next Chapter: Original S1E7: Spikeshy Estimated time remaining: 5 Hours, 51 Minutes
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