
My Little Pony: Friendship is Spike

by CubexTrain

Chapter 27: Re;Birth S1E8: Applejack Gets Her Name in the Title Again

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Author's Notes:

Release Notes:
ver. 1.0: Applejack is Main Character Edition

Prime Universe Equivalent: Look Before You Sleep

It was an overcast afternoon in the streets of Ponyville. After calming down from fighting over gold and jewels, the residents are now diligently preparing for a scheduled storm that was to make up for one skipped by the weather team by accident. Applejack was one of the ponies tasked with preparations. Unlike the Prime Universe, Applejack was being a good fillyhood friend to Rarity and accepted doing twice the work.

She was currently taking down branches so there would be less debris flying around when the storm hits. It then proceeded to rain dramatically.

"Darn it Rainbow Dash," Applejack muttered under her breath.

Begin Theme. Twinkling Balloon holding Spike and Twilight descends.

My Little Pony
My Little Pony

Ah... Ah... Ah... Ah...

Cloud Zoom Transition. Rainbow Dash is absent. Twilight climbs out of the basket with Spike on her back and trots into Ponyville.

My Little Pony
I used to wonder how much Spike could mean
My Little Pony
Until you all chose to share him with me

Camera pans to Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. The two pairs wave to each other.

Spike falls from a high height in front of a Cloudsdale-like background while screaming like a mare.
Rainbow Transition.

Spike and Pinkie Pie have a small get-together in Sugarcube Corner.
Tons of Fun!
Confetti Transition.

Spike enters Carousel Boutique and finds it empty.
Flash of Light Transition.

Spike walks around Sweet Apple Acres, looking for somepony to talk to.
Apple Transition.

Fluttershy gives Spike a very loving nuzzle in front of her cottage.
So Adorable!
Butterfly Transition.

Spike, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy are outside the Golden Oak Library. Twilight teleports into the scene.
It's easy to see

That he is the best drakefriend!
The mares all group hug around Spike.

You have my little ponies
They all take a picture together and send it to the Princesses in Canterlot.

Princess Celestia is amused and has a warm smile while Princess Luna looks at the photo with filly-like naive confusion.
Do you know that Spike is really the best?
Zoom out on the picture of Spike, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy.

Pink Background and Slam Logo on Top as Theme Ends.

Fade to Black.

Applejack was hiding under a bench that she found convenient. It was then that Twilight called out to her from the Golden Oak Library which was conveniently nearby.

"Come on in Applejack, quick!" Twilight commented.

Applejack hesitated.

"Are ya sure inside a tree is the best place to be in a lightning storm?" Applejack questioned.

"No worries. Lightning takes the quickest path to the ground, meaning that it won't electrocute us as long as we are inside," Twilight shrugged it off.

Applejack didn't question the book pony, hosed down her dirty hooves, and entered.

"Some storm, huh? The Pegasus sure have outdone themselves this time," Twilight continued, "you're welcome to stay if needed. Spike, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy are here with me for Harem bonding. As of right now, it looks like all of us are staying here for the night."

Applejack nodded. Fluttershy came down the stairs from the second floor.

"Oh, hi Applejack," she says, "we don't mind if you stay with us."

Applejack tipped her stetson as her greeting back but was feeling a bit uneasy about her unexpected intrusion on the Harem's bonding time.

"Uh, ya sure you're alright with me being here? I can sprint back to Sweet Apple Acres if you need me to..." Applejack rubbed her front hooves.

That statement was a blatant lie. Applejack clearly wanted to stay and had basically every symptom a liar would show.

"Applejack, I was the one who called you in. I'm fairly certain I wouldn't be sending you back outside after you got all dried off," Twilight reassured.

"Well, in that case, thank you for your hospitality Twilight," Applejack smiled.

"Alright... let's see... since we're all going to stay the night, we might as well make this into a sleepover!" Twilight chirped.

Pinkie Pie popped out of *Incoherent Mumbling*.

"Ooo! I have an emergency checklist just for an occasion like this!" Pinkie chirped while pulling a checklist out her mane.

"Sounds good! Let's see... Let us start off with..." Twilight glanced at the first item on the list, "makeovers?"

All of them unanimously agreed.

A little bit later, all of the ponies present were wearing mud masks. Spike was busy getting his spines polished by Fluttershy.

"Your scales are coming quite shiny you know Spike," Fluttershy cooed.

"Yep! It's good to feel squeaky clean," Spike chuckled in reply.

Applejack had a little bit of nostalgia as she and Rarity used to do this sort of thing when they were younger. Twilight and Applejack conversed bout various topics including business at Sweet Apple Acres and how Twilight's studies are coming along. They then finished their makeovers. Spike looked himself over as a shiny special effect washed over him to confirm that he was indeed, well polished. The four mares giggled.

"Makeovers, check. Ooo! Ghost stories!" Twilight reacted.

Just then, a perfectly timed lightning strike happened. Fluttershy meeped and dashed up to the bedroom and hid under the sheets. Twilight took this coincidental opportunity to turn out the lights for dramatic effect. Applejack grabbed on to the closest thing nearby which happened to be Spike. Twilight turned on a flashlight and began telling her story. Pinkie Pie put her complete undivided attention on the storyteller... Wait! Not me! Twilight! Pinkie Pie nodded at the author then redirected her total attention to Twilight.

"I've got one! This story is called 'The Legend of the Headless Horse'. It was a dark and stormy night, just like this one. There were ponies having a slumber party, just like this one..." Twilight began.

"And just when the last pony thought she was safe, there, standing right behind her, just inches away was-- The HEADLESS HORSE!"

Very Loud Lightning Strike.

Applejack started using Spike like a paper bag used for hyperventilation, not aware that she was basically kissing Spike. Everything went quiet from Twilight and Pinkie Pie as the two stared at the farm pony. This caused Fluttershy to peek out from the door and see Applejack kissing Spike. Fluttershy went down the stairs and joined the rest of the Harem in staring at Applejack. The said farm pony noticed that she was being watched, released her lips from Spike's, then responded.


The three mares just pointed at Spike who now had hearts for eyes and tilted their heads off to one side in a way that asked the question "what are you doing with our drake?"


Applejack realized, blushed, and had to come up with a response fast. She said the obvious one.

"Uh... well... I love Spike! He's a hard working and handsome drake! I want to be part of the Harem as well!"

Twilight nodded her approval after a short pause while Pinkie Pie explained.

"Of course Applejack! We're the main characters are we not?" Pinkie chirped.

Nailed it!

After bringing Spike back from the land of apples, Twilight continued down the list.

"Ghost story, check. Now, who wants smores?" Twilight chirped.

They then began to make smores. Applejack showed Twilight step by step how to make one. Twilight was impressed as she never really went camping when she was young, being from Canterlot.

"Ooo!" Twilight mused like a little school filly.

Twilight picked it up and analyzed the perfection of its construction. Fluttershy commented on the smores.

"You know, I love having smores since it reminds me of outdoors camping, of course with the animals all around to enjoy and nature to look at, and a good snack, it just can't be beaten," Fluttershy squee'ed.

As they ate, Applejack and Fluttershy told Twilight and Spike of their camping trip tales.

"Alright then... smores, check. Next up is pillow fighting!" Twilight continued down the list.

She was immediately swatted by a pillow from Pinkie Pie who giggled until she was swatted by a pillow from Applejack. The three of them and Spike started to fight with pillows. Fluttershy was hesitant about joining until she was caught up in the crossfire.

"Oh... my..." she commented before she was buried in pillows.

The pillow fighting got to a point where it was Twilight vs. Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Spike. Twilight, being the only unicorn in the group, won due to overpowered skills and dexterity in magic, burying the three latter ponies/dragon in pillows as well.

"I win!" Twilight squee'd.

Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Spike popped their heads out from the pillow burial and glared at Twilight. The Unicorn could only sheepishly smile and rub her front hooves.

"Ah... I overdid it didn't I?" she rhetorically asked.

There was unanimous nodding from the other four.

After cleaning up all the pillows and feathers from the pillow war, they all took turns taking their baths. It then came time for them to get to sleep. Twilight had one last comment to make before they all hopped on Twilight's bed.

"I declare this slumber party a success! Have fun, check."

All of them cheered to that. As they were climbing into bed, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy beckoned Applejack to join them since she was now part of the Harem as well. The four mares slept in a circle around the drake, with their head resting on the one in front's flank. Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy all dozed off.

Applejack noticed that Spike was still awake.

"Spike?" she started.

Spike turned his head to face the farm pony.


Applejack then gave Spike a kiss on the lips.

"Thank you, for accepting me, and for the fun evening as well," she cooed.

The two smiled at each other with mutual appreciation, then went to sleep. It really was a good sleepover indeed.

Zoom Out on Sleeping Harem then Fade to Black.

End Theme with Credits.

Next Chapter: Re;Birth S1E9-11: A Zebra, Some Parasprites and a Whole Lot of Snow Estimated time remaining: 26 Minutes
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