
Frizz, Bea and Hola

by Breezie

Chapter 3: Teddy the Pomeranian (3)

Previous Chapter
Teddy the Pomeranian (3)

"Daddy, daddy! Teddy ran out!" a 3 year old Bea shouts, tugging at Strike's leg. "I told you to keep the gate closed!" He says back. "It wasn't me, I promise! It was Frizz!" "No, it wasn't me, it was Hola!" "It wasn't me, Teddy jumped over the fence! Mummy was filming it with her big camera, she went after him. Look!" Hola squeaks, giving Strike the small camera. Teddy was a little pomeranian dog a beautiful golden colour, who just jumped over the gate and made his way away from the home. Strike watched the few seconds of Teddy struggling to to climb over the gate, Blossom (the mother) chasing him down the Cloudsdale streets. "Will Teddy come home, daddy?" Bea asks, tears forming in her eyes. Strike hugs Bea, and tells her "He will. Your mother can get him. He'll come back. Teddy is a bright little boy, and I'd hate to see our first pet not return. He will come back." "Are you sure?" Hola asks. "I'm sure, girls. Don't. Worry." Teddy never came home. Cloudsdale is a city in the sky, and Teddy could be anywhere, or dead. The triplets are now 10 years old, their dog still lost.


"Huh?" Frizz snaps out of her trance and looks up. "Are you listening, Frizz?" Miss Cheerilee asks Frizz, a stern look on her face. "Yes I am. Sorry miss." Frizz murmurs, with Miss Cheerilee carrying on with the lesson. 1 hour later, the bell rings and the class of fillies and colts rush out the door, to meet their parents or find their own way home. Today, it was the triplets first time flying up to their home in Cloudsdale. Bea and Hola are chatting away, waiting for Frizz to come out. Finally, Frizz slumps out with a miserable look on her face, shoving past her sisters. "Hey Frizz, why the sad face?" Hola asks Frizz, poking her nose. Frizz whacks the hoof away and answers the question. "Something today reminded me of Teddy. You know, our puppy?" "Yeah..." Bea and Hola sigh together. The CMC are seen striding out, proud looks on their faces, until they see the triplets, who are sad. "What's wrong, girls?" Applebloom says (I'm not going to keep saying ask because that'd be boring), patting Bea on the back. "We're sad about our dog, Teddy. He ran away when we were 3. I bet he's dead now." Hola groans. Applebloom gasps. "Don't say that! I'm sure he's out there somewhere!" That cheers up the fillies a little bit. "Maybe we could look for him!" Sweetie Belle suggests. "Are your crazy?!" Bea spurts out, buzzing in the air. "He's been gone since we were 3, now we're 10 an there's no chance of finding him!" Bea lands back on the ground, and the CMC are not giving up yet. "There is always a chance! Maybe somepony out there who has him! Or maybe the PSPCA can tell us!" Scootaloo also suggests, winking. The triplets consider this, and begin to thi-- "NO TIME TO THINK! Let's go find Teddy!" Hola shouts, racing off with her sisters and the CMC.

"Yeah... this isn't working..." Scootaloo groans, kicking dirt as she trots down Ponyville. "Scoots is right, it's been 2 hours! We're never gonna find him." Sweetie Belle adds on, ruffling her perfectly curled hair. "Come on girls, don't give up! We promised the triplets we'd find Teddy! They're super special to him, can't you see?" Applebloom argues back. An hour ago, the triplets gave up the search and headed home, but the CMC offered to continue to search for him. They promised they'd find him, and call one of the triplets to collect the puppy. Well, now a dog. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo nervously look at each other, then back at Applebloom. "Fine. We'll keep looking for him. But I'm going home as soon as it turns dark!" Scootaloo sighs. Then the three fillies travelled around Ponyville, but they stopped at a dead end. Technically, it wasn't really a dead end. It was Cloudsdale, hundreds of meters above the ground they're standing on right now. Scootaloo still can't fly, and it's quite obvious that Applebloom and Sweetie Belle can't. "Aw, dangit!" Sweetie Belle shouts, her voice cracking. "We can't get up there! Now we have no chance of finding him!" The CMC sit there, staring up at the patch of clouds that make up Cloudsdale.

Suddenly, a loud THUMP is heard when Rainbow Dash lands next to the pondering fillies. "Hey kiddies, what's wrong? You look worried." She asks the CMC, patting Scootaloo on the head. "We're looking for Frizz, Bea and Hola's dog, Teddy. He's a Pomeranian with a golden-like colour of his fur." Sweetie Belle begins. "He ran away when the triplets were 3, it's been... 7 years since that incident and we're trying to find him for them. They lost him in Cloudsdale, and we can't get up!" Applebloom adds on. Rainbow Dash smirks. "I'll take all of you up there if you want. But I'll accompany you because you don't know a way down, and you could fall." The CMC burst out in happiness, jumping around Rainbow Dash. After a few minutes of joyfulness, Rainbow Dash takes the three excited fillies up to Cloudsdale. Despite wanting to explore a whole new city, the CMC continue their journey to find Teddy.


"No, I'm sorry. I told you, we can't let anypony into the house whilst it's being demolished!"

"But it was our old house!"

"Tough luck fillies."

Frizz, Bea and Hola decided to go look for their own dog again (after they got their parent's permission). When they first moved to Cloudsadale, in just a couple of days they had to move out due to an insect infestation. Then they moved to the house which they are currently living in now. They are back outside their old house, which is about to be demolished. But something is preventing the workers to do so. "So why do workers keep going in and out and we can't?" Hola frustratedly asks. "There's a dog in there who is refusing to leave. HE won't get off the settee, and we can't demolish it because we're not heartless, and are waiting for the dog to leave." The stallion worker answers back. Suddenly, the triplets' faces light up, and try to fly into the house, but the stallion stops them. "Ladies, I told you all that you cannot go i--" "IT COULD BE OUR DOG WE LOST 7 YEARS AGO! WEE NEED TO GET IN!" Bea shouts, dragging her sisters into the house.

They rush into the living room, which has another 2 stallion workers in it, and see a slightly bigger golden Pomeranian sitting on the settee. As soon as he sees the triplets, he jumps onto Hola's afro, burying himself in it. "Oh my gosh... IT'S REALLY TEDDY" She shrieks, nearly making the whole house shriek. Bea and Hola jump onto Hola, the dog falling out of her hair. They all share a huge hug with the dog running all over them. "Excuse me girls, but is this really your dog?" One of the workers asks. "We think so... we need to get proof though..."

1 day later...

"From what the scan says, Teddy is now 5 years old and is slightly malnourished. But with some food and water he should be fine." Twilight Sparkle says, stroking Teddy. The CMC and triplets have taken Teddy to Twilight's castle to see if they really found their lost dog. It was Teddy! "We're awful sorry we didn't manage to find him for you..." Applebloom said, sad. "What do you mean? He';s right here!" Bea points out, accidentally poking Teddy's nose. Applebloom shakes her head. "No, not that. It's just... we promised to find him FOR YOU. But we were to busy exploring Cloudsdale. We're mighty sorry." Bea just smiles, and hugs Applebloom. Soon, the CMC and triplets are in a huge group hug. Twilight simply looks on, grabbing the friendship diary and writing an entry with Teddy watching her.




"Teddy! Teddy! Teddy, come back boy!" Blossom shouted, chasing Teddy down the streets of Cloudsdale. She whistles, but Teddy carries on running, and turns a different direction. After 10 minutes of chasing, Blossom had lost Teddy, and returned to the house to tell her husband. Whilst the triplets were sleeping, Strike and Blossom went out in the dead of night with flashlights, looking for Teddy. They zoomed to the last place he was seen, and continued the search from there. 1 hour later, Teddy was no where to be found. The married couple sadly walked back to the house, returning without a little fluffy puppy in their hooves.

Days after the pegasus family moved out because of the insects, Teddy returned with two bags of dog treats, and a newspaper. One bag of treats was on his bag, and the other was in his mouth along with the newspaper. When re returned to the house, he found out that it was empty. But he walked in anyway, thinking that the family was just on holiday. He dumped everything in the middle of the living room floor, and hops onto the settee. Waiting.

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