
Frizz, Bea and Hola

by Breezie

Chapter 2: First School Day (2)

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First School Day (2)

Before Miss Cheerilee could even open her mouth, Sweetie Belle started shouting: "We have new students!" and jumping out of her seat. "Ok Sweetie, who are the new students?" Frizz, Bea and Hola slowly raise their hooves, looking around the classroom nervously. Every pony their had their cutie mark except for them and the CMC. "Aw, ok. If you don't mind, would you three mind coming up to the front and introducing yourselves?" Miss Cheerilee asks. Then the triplets make their way to the front of the classroom, on-looked by their classmates. "Um... I'm Frizz..." "I'm Hola!" "And my name is Bea!" A few seconds go by with an awkward silence, before Hola decides to speak up. "We're triplets, and we just moved to Cloudsdale about a week ago, and since Ponyville isn't that far from there, our parents decided for us to come to this school." Another few seconds of awkward silence goes by, and Frizz's face is scrunching up in pure cringiness (not a word, but OH WELL!). A colt puts his hoof up. "Yes, Striker? Do you have a question for these fillies?" "I do." Striker begins. He has slick, jet black hair, with a tire on fire for a cutie mark. "You said you were triplets. Are you unidentical triplets because you kind of don't look the same as each other. Mostly hair wise." Bea decides to answer this question. "Well, when we were around 6 or 7 years old, everypony, even our parents got us confused because Frizz and Hola used to have the same hair as me. So eventually, Frizz and Hola decided to get frizzy mane styles on their mane and tail so ponies wouldn't get confused by us." Bea explains, hardly stopping to regain her breath. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon snicker to themselves in the corner of the classroom, not being noticed by any students. Another colt puts his hoof up, but quickly puts it back down, breaking his gaze from the triplets. "What's the matter? Too scared to talk to girls?" Diamond Tiara whispers to the colt, trying not to burst out laughing. The colt rolls his eyes, then puts his face on his desk. The fact was, he thinks he knows something about the triplets and their family. He's not 100% sure, but he wants to get answers. He thought it wouldn't be best to ask the question in front of class.

During the rest of the lesson, the fillies and class get along well, and don't struggle. The bell rings. "Ok, class dismissed! Enjoy your few minutes of break, we have a new project to work on afterwards!" Miss Cheerilee class out whilst all students dash out of the school and into the playground. The CMC wait behind a bit for the triplets. "How do ya'll find the lesson?" Applebloom asks, patting Hola on the head. "Eeeeeh, good." The triplets reply in unison, laughing afterwards when they realised what they were doing. "Let's head outside. You haven't seen the best of the playground!" Scootaloo exclaims, buzzing her wings and racing outside, followed by the others.

The playground is much bigger than Frizz, Bea and Hola thought it would be. They have two small pavilions, and a bunch of equipment. "We need to give ya'll the grand tour! Where would ya'll like to start?" Applebloom asks, standing in front of the triplets, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle joining her. "The first pavilion!" "The second pavilion!" "The swingset! I love swings!" The triplets shout out loud in unison. The CMC stare at them dumbfounded. "Oh, oh, oh! I have an idea!" Sweetie Belle says. "Since there's 3 of us, and 3 of them, each of us should take one of them to a place they want to look at. And the tour starts there!" The CMC shrug and nod. Applebloom takes Bea to the pavilion closest to them, Scootaloo takes Frizz to the swingset and Sweetie Belle takes Hola to the second pavilion.

Applebloom and Bea

"All right, this is the most popular pavilion of of the two! It has a mini arcade, colouring books, normal books, a table to sit and chat with ya friends. All fun things basically! Feel free to take a look around!" Applebloom explains, allowing Bea to run free. She runs to the table =, has a little loom around, runs over to the bookcase and takes a quick look at the books. Then goes to the arcade. It had 4 small machines fir for any filly or colt. "Oh my gosh, pacman! I used to play this all the time back in Manehatten." Bea squeals, fumbling for any bits. She frowns when she realises she didn't brink any of her pocket money. Applebloom taps her on the back. "Hey, I've got a bit. Here ya go!" She hands the bit to Bea, who's face lights up. She puts it into the machine and is speeding away at pacman. "Wow, you're good!" "Thanks!" After a few minutes, Bea stops playing and goes to sit down at the table and have a chat with Applebloom. Somepony bumps her out of the way, causing her to fall, followed by two high pitched laughs.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That was so funny!" It's Silver Spoon. And Diamond Tiara. "Yep. I tripped the emo blank flank over, and it's more funny than fun itself!" Diamond Tiara snorts, pointing a hoof at Bea, who's slowly standing up. "I'm not an emo!" She shrieks, stomping a hoof on the ground. "You sure look like one of them! But you're also a blank flank! That means your talentless. ALso, thanks for the seats!" Diamond Tiara says, grinning and sitting down with Silver Spoon. Applebloom runs over inbetween the arguing ponies. "Hey! Can ya'll stop being rude and disrespectful! Bea hasn't done anything to you, and she's not an emo! Stop pushing others around like their dirt! You're not better than anypony! You too, Silver Spoon!" Bea smirks at Applebloom, and they both walk away to continue the tour.

Scootaloo and Frizz

Scootaloo takes Frizz over to the swing set, which is overpopulated by a swarm of fillies and colts. Scootaloo sighs in annoyance. "This is my favourite place, but I never get a chance on here because there's so many ponies hogging it. Sorry, it looks like you won't get a chance." Frizz stares at the swing set for a while, before sadly trotting off with Scootaloo.

Suddenly, the yelling gets ridiculously louder, which makes Scootaloo and Frizz turn around. A pegasus colt is standing up on his hind legs, spreading out his forelegs on one of the swings. "Let Frizz pass, she's new here!" He shouts. Scootaloo and Frizz's jaws drop, as they silently make their way to the swing set. "Thanks, uh..." Frizz begins. "Dallas. Call me Dallas. Nice to meet you Frizz!" Dallas says, holding out his hoof. Frizz shakes it. "How come you sound so confident saying me name? Even for a few weeks after I got this hairstyle, my parents and others got confused between me and my sisters!" Frizz asks. Dallas spends no time coming up with an excuse. "Uh... it just sticked I guess. Miss Cheerilee read out the names on the register AND you introduced yourselves, so I guess it was no biggy!" Dallas replies, shrugging. Frizz shuffles past the other ponies and begins to swing away on the swing set. Dallas walks away, taking a sigh of relief. He wanted to tell Frizz and her sisters the truth. He can't. He doesn't want to ruin anything.

Lastly, Sweetie Belle and Hola

"Haha! That's so funny! Your name is 'Hello' in Spanish! Nice to meet you, Hello!" Sweetie Belle chirps, bursting out laughing (with a few snorts in-between). Hola just smirks and rolls her eyes. "So... can you fly?" Sweetie asks, poking at Hola's wings. "Well, yes, I can. My sisters can too."

"Our friend, Scootaloo can't fly. Doctors say it's because of a delay in wing growth." Hola frowns at Sweetie's story. "Aw, I wish I could help." She sighs, sipping the last of her orange juice. After a few quick little conversations about random things, Hola and Sweetie Belle are easily bored. After all, the pavilion they are in hardly contains anything, apart from a mini cafe and some books to read. It wasn't swarmed that much. Infact, Hola and Sweetie Belle were the only ponies in there. Well, apart from the filly who ran the mini cafe.

"...So... how old are you?"


"Uh... any pets?"

"Used to have a pomeranian puppy. His name was Teddy, but he ran away. Guards are still looking for him to this day. And--"

"Wow, I made this really depressing quick, didn't I? Well, I'm going to get a cupcake. One for you too. Then, we'll take the tour elsewhere." Hola says, cutting herself off. She awkwardly shuffles over to the teeny tiny counter, with the bright blue filly standing there, still looking at her. He looks exactly like Hola. Same coat colour, same eye colour, same mane colour. The only difference is the mane STYLE. It was exactly like Bea's. Hola thought this was weird, but after all, ponies have doppelgängers. "Hey, welcome to Ponyville. Or Cloudsdale. I know you're name is Hola. I'm Dakota, nice to meet you!" Dakota says, hanging out her hoof over the counter. Hola shakes it. "You weren't in my class, how do you know my name?" Hola asks. "My twin brother, Dallas, told me about you and your sisters. I was late because I had to go get braces in. Still hurts." Dakota says, smiling with her teeth, showing her dark purple braces. "Well... can we have two cupcakes? Again..." "Sure! What flavour? Chocolate, raspberry, plain, mint, bana--" "Woah, woah, woah! Chocolate will be fine!" Hola interrupted, being handed the cupcakes. Sweetie Belle gobbles it down in just one bite.  Hola is amazed. "Wow! How did you do that?" Sweetie Belle just smirks. "Magic!" She replies.

After the tour, there was only about 2 minutes of break left, so the CMC and triplets decide to go back inside. The rest of the school day seemed to be okay. Some work was hard, some work was easy, but it was all okay. At least Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon didn't bother them for the rest of the day. It was home time, and the triplets were waiting for either of their parents to pick them up. Next Chapter: Teddy the Pomeranian (3) Estimated time remaining: 7 Minutes

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