
BerryMint's Life

by BerryLoyalMint

Chapter 2: Celestia's Letter,

Previous Chapter
Celestia's Letter,

Dear Celestia,

You are the only one I can look to for a solution... My mum is using all her strength and magic for me + my birthday.

I told her she didn't have to keep going since she was becoming weak and that I could walk... but she insisted that I rest.

Please... please give me wings and a horn so I can give back what I have taken from them... Then you can take the wings and horn back just please... please help me give back what she's given me my whole life!

Do you understand my sorrow..? I need your help Celestia, Please let me give back to my mother and let her live her own life and stop letting me take that away from her...


P.S Don't forget... this is for my mum and future sister not me. :]

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