
BerryMint's Life

by BerryLoyalMint

Chapter 1: Diary Log #1 (Day 1),

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Diary Log #1 (Day 1),

Dear Diary,

In 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 days it will be my birthday! I will be turning... 2, 3, 4! It's hard to keep track when your always on the move. My mum and me have been traveling around the world... well we are starting In Eqestria... Equstreia? I'm just gonna ask how to spell... that thing.

Ok so the way to spell it is Equestria... yay, I did it I spelt Equestria! We started traveling about... 2 weeks ago and I'm having my birthday party at the Two Sisters castle! I don't have much to talk about so I'm gonna start with my day :] Well... This morning I got up and swam in the little stream next to my campsite. I went down to the stream to wash off because we had been walking and haven't reached a stream in 3 days.

Then I went and put on a big fluffy coat since it's still winter in this part of Equestria. Then we packed up camp and kept walking, since my mum's a unicorn she uses her magic to carry the camping stuff. Today I hurt my leg and I couldn't walk so my mum had to carry me, Since she was already carrying all the camping stuff it was really hard for her to carry me as well.

Right now I am sitting on my mums back and writing this. We are nearly there and I can't wait to meet my new pet dragon :] I will also get to see Princess Celestia without people surrounding her and maybe Luna too. My leg hurt's and my mum can't use healing spells because she's loosing magic on this journey... :[

Don't tell anyone else but my mum is pregnant with a baby girl so I really want to help her but she insists that she will get me to the Two Sisters castle (It's pretty old) I have a question for the Princesses... I want to become an Alicorn so then I can give back what I've taken from my mum, I've been praying every hour and I have been writing a note to send to the Princesses once I get a dragon.

Well that's all for today I can't wait to see (write to) you tomorrow I'm too tired to keep writing...


Celestia's Letter,

Dear Celestia,

You are the only one I can look to for a solution... My mum is using all her strength and magic for me + my birthday.

I told her she didn't have to keep going since she was becoming weak and that I could walk... but she insisted that I rest.

Please... please give me wings and a horn so I can give back what I have taken from them... Then you can take the wings and horn back just please... please help me give back what she's given me my whole life!

Do you understand my sorrow..? I need your help Celestia, Please let me give back to my mother and let her live her own life and stop letting me take that away from her...


P.S Don't forget... this is for my mum and future sister not me. :]

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