
A Blind Delight Season 2: Shadows of A King

by MajorFrostwing

Chapter 14: Part 14 War is Coming

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A Blind Delight
Season 2: Shadows of A King
Part 14: War Is Coming

By: Major Frostwing

Trevor was sitting in his room every weapon he had ever received from his masters was layed out before him. Each one went under rigorous amounts of prep and care. Each blade was sharp and deadly. Trevor tested the sharpness by listening to it's ring as it was unsheathed. Trevor continued to sharpen his blades with almost a religious intent.

All of his masters watched him as he worked still enthralled by his attention to detail and care. "It's like watching a mother with her newborns." Master Hebi said seeing Trevor set down his swords only to lean over and pick up his scythe.

"It's even more than that this is like watching a God work with his creations." Master Kitsune said with a smile.

"You are both wrong." Tengu said with a sigh. "This is Trevor preparing for the biggest fight of his life. To him if his weapon isn't at it's best he wouldn't be able to fight at his best." They all nodded as Trevor flicked the blade of his scythe hearing it ring out. He scowled as he dragged a sharpening stone against the blade one last time before flicking it again. The pitch was perfect. He nodded setting the blade down picking up a set of gauntlets polishing each piece individually.

"It is still a sad thing for someone so young to be thrust into a war." Master Dragon said with a sigh.

"This is not a war Master Dragon." Trevor said as he continued to work. "This is an extermination. I will not stop until I reclaim every square centimeter of my home." The other masters were worried about Trevor's mental stability he seemed more irritable and would snap at the smallest thing. But each of them had been there before. No one willingly becomes a hunter.

"Trevor calm down you acting like a brash child will not help anyone. You need to maintain a cool head." Master Mujina said with an annoyed scowl. "Take a deep breath and think this through. You react on tactics not anger." Trevor suddenly stood drawing his blade taking a swing at her only for his blade to be stopped by Master Kitsune. He was enraged and a few of the masters took a step back.

"TREVOR! Calm down." Master Kitsune ordered as he held Trevor at bay. Trevor's blade faltered before clattering to the ground.

Trevor's hand shook before he took a step back. "Dammit." Trevor said with a wince looking away from his masters he was ashamed of what he had just done.

"Trevor this isn't like you I know losing your home has filled you with rage but you need to think. How will all this rage do you any good? You are better than this now stop giving into your rage and work on tactics." Trevor nodded picking up his sword.

"I'm sorry Master Kitsune. I'm just so angry that someone would attack my home. They took everything that could ever matter away from me. How would you have me act?" Trevor asked sitting down in front of his weapons.

"You should focus on saving your friends revenge only clouds the mind and you make mistakes. When you make mistakes you die. Do you want to die Trevor?" Tengu asked crossing her arms.

"I will not die. I refuse to die until I hold her in my arms again. I will kill death himself if he get's in my way." Trevor sheathed his blade gathering up his weapons. He was about to pick up his scythe when a hand beat him to it.

"If you carry all of these weapons you will not be quick and deadly in battle. Each of us will carry the weapon we gave you. All you need to do is ask for the weapon and it will be given to you." Master Dragon said as the rest of the masters took hold of Trevor's weapons.

"Now then Trevor. Let's go get you fitted for armor you will need at least some form of protection." Master Hebi said with a smile helping Trevor back to his feet. Trevor only nodded sliding his mask onto his face.


"I don't think this will work." Tengu said to a murmur of agreement from the rest of the masters.

Trevor was decked out in full samurai armor. He took off the helmet setting it down before removing sections of the armor. "It is way to clunky." Trevor muttered finally removing all of the armor. "I got a better idea." Trevor remembered that he had something with him he would always keep with him. He pulled a small bag off of his back setting it down in front of the blacksmith.

The blacksmith unraveled the cloth bag revealing a dirty sand encrusted dark grey shirt with a pair of tattered black dress pants. "Can you put thin steel plates on the sleeves and repair these clothes?" Trevor asked as the Blacksmith examined the clothes.

"Normally I wouldn't do a custom job like this but for you I can make an exception. Come back in a few hours and it will be done." Trevor gave a curt nod before turning to leave.

"Those clothes will leave you very vulnerable to attacks." Master Tanuki said fanning herself.

"They were a gift from a friend I do not care if I will be vulnerable since I will be at my most deadly wearing them. I only wish I had my old cane." Trevor ran his hand through his hair it was getting way to long and needed a good cut.

"Come now Trevor we will cut your hair." Master Tanuki said taking hold of Trevor's arm he followed willingly.

Master Tanuki led him to a tent where all the masters slept and prepared. Trevor took a seat in a chair removing his mask from his face. "How would you like it cut?" She asked as Trevor thought it over.

"Cut the ponytail off and get rid of the bangs." Trevor said as Master Tanuki pulled out a pair of scissors and began cutting his hair. Trevor didn't move until his hair was finally done. He ran his hand through his hair feeling that it was at it's original length when he arrived. "Thank you Master Tanuki." Trevor said as he rubbed his eyes of fatigue.

"Rest now Trevor we will be departing in the morning." She said patting him on the shoulder when she noticed something about Trevor. He was slouched in the chair snoring softly. Master Tanuki let out a soft giggle exiting the tent to see the other masters waiting.

"How is he?" Tengu asked concern written across his face.

"Asleep. I don't think he has slept in the past 2 days so let him rest for now."

"Let us all prepare as well we have quite the battle ahead of us." Master Oni said with a sigh. "Some of us might not return." He said grimly.

"Fear not Oni this isn't our first war and it certainly won't be our last." Tengu said rubbing her hands together. "This King Sombra doesn't know what is coming." They each nodded making their way through the town getting their own preparations done.


Each of the masters stood outside of their tents prepared for their journey. They awaited for Trevor to exit his own tent. Luna had made her way to the masters asking if they were all ready for the war each of them answered yes.

"We only have to wait for the tenth head to arrive." Tengu said to Luna as she nodded looking at Trevor's tent as the flap opened.

Trevor exited his tent his mask on his face along with a long flowing scarf of ebony. He was wearing his clothes when he ran away from Equestria along with a tie. He reached up adjusting the tie before checking the rest of his equipment. "Let's go take back my home." Trevor said with a smile.

"The Ten Headed Wheel is ready. We will not falter in our attack. May our enemies run from our brutality." Each of the masters slammed their fists together bowing. Luna watched the display keeping her eyes on Trevor.

"In such a short amount of time he has grown so much." She said to herself raising her helmet placing it on her head. She looked down to her side seeing her own elegant rapier it was her favorite weapon and one that she had used in war before. She understood Trevor's rage towards Sombra but she couldn't feel it coming from him. He was calm and collected.

Tengu turned towards the docks motioning for them all to move out.

When they arrived at the docks they boarded Kuro's ship along with quite a few soldiers. They all looked grim about going to war but their spirits lifted when they saw the masters enter the hold. Trevor took a bunk sitting down with a sigh. He brought his legs up setting his hands on his knees so he could meditate. He was going through his final prep for battle.


"MASTERS! WE EXPECT FULL COOPERATION FROM YOU IN THIS WAR!" The captain yelled getting a few confused glances from the masters Trevor only chuckled.

"I think you misunderstand captain. We are not here to assist you. YOU are to assist us." Trevor said going back to his meditation. The captain was about to retort when Tengu stopped him.

"He is here to take back his home Captain. I suggest you think about that when giving him orders." Tengu said patting the captain on the shoulder making her way back to the other masters. She sat down cross-legged beginning her own meditation. They had two days before they would go to war. Each of them couldn't wait.

Author's Notes:

It has been some time since I updated this story so I thought why the hell not I still got chapters on this to post but I am gonna try to go back to my a chapter or 2 a week. So look forward to more Blind Delight and more stories to come.

Next Chapter: Part 15: Land Fall Blades Clash Estimated time remaining: 18 Minutes
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