
A Blind Delight Season 2: Shadows of A King

by MajorFrostwing

Chapter 13: Part 13: A Dangerous Master

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A Blind Delight
Season 2: Shadows of A King
Part 13: A Dangerous Master

By: Major Frostwing

It had been one year and 6 months since Trevor began training under Tengu. In that time Trevor was moved all throughout Japneigh training with all the Demon hunting masters. Each of them saw the dedication and tenacity of Trevor first hand.

The second master Trevor had met was Master Oni who taught Trevor skills with pole arms. He had even invited Trevor to go demon hunting and was more than surprised to see Trevor in action.

Trevor had been trained in every form of combat from armed to unarmed combat. Tengu had deemed it important to be prepared for all forms of battle. Each time Trevor was given a task he went above and beyond to complete it. There was only one last thing for Trevor to learn. Something that would either deem Trevor a true master or just a prodigy of war.


Trevor was kneeling before all of his masters. All 9 of them, a group of masters who were known as the 9 Headed Wheel. Tengu walked forward as head of the council prepared to give him his final test.

"Trevor Garris, our apprentice are you prepared to embark on your final test?" Trevor bowed his head low.

"It would be my honor master." Trevor said keeping his head held low out of respect.

"It is something you already have a grasp of but haven't fully embraced. Your final test shall be the use of your aura as a weapon." Tengu explained taking a step back. "Show us your fury. Let it course through your body and harness it in your weapons."

Trevor sat in front of them unsheathing his blade holding it out before him. "Loud Style: Fury." Trevor said as he let his strength imbue in his weapon. He sat there feeling his body grow suddenly rigid before relaxing almost as if a weight was thrown on his body before sliding off. That's when he felt it. almost as if he could see through his blind eyes. What he saw caught him off guard. 9 large auras filled his mind's eye. He watched them each carefully as they seemed to be imbued with their own weapons.

"You can see them can't you? These energies are called auras they are the power of our wills. Emotions control these energies and each color represents an emotion. But you Trevor were trained to not focus on one way of thinking in a fight. You were trained to use emotions as weapons. Your Fury, Fear, Joy, Sorrow, Pain, and even Death. They were turned into your stances and your fighting style. You have adapted these styles into each weapon you were trained with. Without a second thought you continued to strengthen your aura with this training." Trevor looked down at his weapon seeing a red aura flow through it. When he focused on his sorrow the aura receded to only return this time a deep blue.

"Trevor our apprentice. When we first began training we saw great promise in you. The ability to become more than just a warrior but an honest to goodness Master. When I first took you on a demon hunt you didn't hesitate to fight. You saved my life by doing so. Though I thought you weren't ready, you proved me wrong." Master Oni said with a bow. "A warrior knows when to retreat. A Master knows how to force the enemy to retreat." Trevor nodded standing up.

"Trevor our apprentice." Master Tanuki a master of bladed fans spoke up unfolding her own fans to fan herself. "When I began training you, you were scared and hurt that you would not meet our expectations. You proved me wrong when you were willing to stand up against my orders when a rogue demon attacked a village. Even though we were not paid to dispatch the demon, you left to protect the village yourself. You put yourself in harms way to protect people you didn't even know. That bravery allowed you to learn the truest form of honor." She smiled behind her fan.

"Trevor our apprentice." Master Bakeneko said stepping forward. He was a master of heavy blades. "When we first began training you, you struggled to learn and wield our weapons. I had thought you were a lost cause until you showed you would not give up. After only a few weeks you wielded the blade we gave you with the precision of a surgeon. I am proud to call you our apprentice." He stepped back as the next master stepped forward.

"Trevor our apprentice." Master Tsuchigumo said with a monotonous voice. She was the master of poisons. "When we first trained you, you detested the thought of poisons thinking they were cheap and cruel to an opponent. I accepted your ideology but you still went and learned their secrets if only to counteract their effects. When I asked you why you would only learn for that reason you explained to me. "A fight is only fair if both warriors can fight at full strength." A most honorable thing to live by." She looked down at their apprentice a small smile gracing her lips. "You went with me on a hunt against a foul Spider demon and even though I was poisoned you refused to leave me behind. Every life is precious in your eyes." She bowed to Trevor taking a step back.

"Trevor our Apprentice." Master Hebi said with a smile. He was the master of unarmed combat. "When we first trained you, you thought negative of yourself. As you explained to me ever since you lost your sight you didn't see it as a disability. You saw it as an advantage. But when put to the task of unarmed combat you struggled thinking that because you couldn't see that you would easily fall under an onslaught of attacks. You showed not only us but yourself that it was all in your mind. You don't need eyes to fight unarmed only a cool head and unwavering determination. You conquered what you called a weakness turning it into the most deadliest of strengths." Master Hebi threw a quick jab at Trevor only to see Trevor counter the strike freezing his fist under Hebi's chin. "A warrior without weakness." Hebi stepped back as the next master stepped forward.

"Trevor our apprentice." Master Mujina spoke with a cocky grin. She was the master of ranged combat. From bows to throwing knives. "When we first trained you we were to say the least surprised with your skills. For a man who can not see to have the accuracy of a hawk. You showed youself that when faced with a challenge you are willing to prove all the punks wrong. Even showed up my best apprentice and made him look like a novice. You also didn't let your victory go to your head. You only did enough to prove a point to them before continuing with your training. That cold calculating mind of yours showed us how to better our own skills." Master Mujina smiled crossing her arms. "We are proud of you Trev."

"Trevor our apprentice." Master Kitsune spoke resting his hand against his sword smiling. "When we began training you we felt your fear and your sorrow for the one you left to begin this training. We also felt the love for her in each swing of your blade. You showed us that you were willing to do everything in your power to protect those around you. If it meant your certain death you charged head long into battle. Nothing came close to your unyielding will. A blade in the hand of a warrior shows his skill. A blade in the hands of a master shows his will." Master Kitsune adjusted his blade smiling. "A blade in your hand shows us you can change destiny."

"Trevor our apprentice." Master Dragon spoke up as the final master. He was a master of scythes. "When we first began training you, you told us of the demon that caused you leave of your home. You spoke of how it controlled your way of life. It made you fear that you would never defeat him. Let me not be the first and certainly not the last to inform you that when the time comes he will be unprepared for what you have learned. You are not alone in this battle. Just as we were not with you by our sides. We each owe you at least our respect others owe you more but each of us owe you one specific thing. We all owe you a debt of honor." Master Dragon walked forward setting his hand on Trevor's shoulder. "If ever you need help. Remember we are here to help and support you. Master's do not abandon their friends nor do we abandon our family."

"Trevor our apprentice." Tengu said with a smile. "Through hardship and pure determination you have passed our final test. You are now a master, a master of emotions. Without a hint of regret we welcome you to our ranks as a fellow master. Normally we would give you a tittle to go with master-hood but for you we will allow you to chose your own name to go by." Trevor moved his head down looking at his aura shift and move around him.

"I am only known as Trevor. The title of master is something I honor and treasure but I am not from a prestigious family nor am I from a clan so I will only take on one name. I am Trevor other names are not needed for me." Each master smiled at that.

"Then welcome Trevor you have passed all of your tests. Your journey has come to an end. We will all accompany you to Lord Kuro's mansion where we will tell him you have passed. Congratulations Master Trevor." Tengu began clapping with the other masters clapping with her. Trevor bowed to each of them smiling.

"Look out Shade. When our fight comes I will not be pushed over so easily." Trevor said in his mind with a smile.

"I look forward to our fight Trevor." Shade said with a cackle. Trevor did not flinch at Shade's threat he was not afraid he was confident and ready.


It took only a few days worth of travelling for Trevor to finally return followed by his fellow masters but Trevor was not ready for what he heard. The city seemed to be preparing for war. Trevor could hear the moving of armor and weapons being prepared. "What is going on here?" Tengu asked confused seeing Trevor make his way towards the mansion.

"Whatever it is Tengu we will offer our assistance." Dragon said following after Trevor.

As Trevor entered the city a few of the civilians looked at him before bowing. They remembered him which surprised him. "You give off a different aura than them Trevor they can feel it and are showing you the proper respect." Hebi said patting Trevor on the shoulder. Trevor only nodded adjusting his mask.

"Trevor? Is that you?" A voice asked catching Trevor's attention he looked over hearing a small pinwheel spinning in the wind.

"Pinwheel?" Trevor asked as the once small child had grown up quite a bit.

"I wonder where you went it's good to see you again but I can't talk I have to sharpen these swords." Trevor raised an eyebrow at that.

"Sorry young one can you explain why the city is prepping for war?" Tsuchigumo asked kneeling down to the young kitsune.

"Apparently Equestria was conquered a few months ago we only just now caught word of the news. Apparently Princess Luna is talking with Lord Kuro right now." Trevor only heard that Equestria was attacked and conquered he clenched his fists running off towards the mansion. The other masters were quick to follow An entire country such as Equestria being attack and conquered was unheard of. something worse came to their minds they each knew one specific thing about Trevor. He was from Equestria.


Trevor made his way through the mansion slamming open a sliding door startling the 9 lords of Japneigh and the Emperor himself. Luna was bowing before them up until Trevor barged in. She was about to attack Trevor when he removed his mask throwing it to the ground.

"Kuro who dared attack my home?" Trevor asked walking past Luna not even looking at her. "What are we going to do about it?" Trevor asked bowing before Kuro almost slamming his forehead into the ground.

"Lord Kuro." The emperor said looking over to him. "Who is this creature and why does it still stand before me?" The emperor asked as Kuro bowed to him.

"I apologize My Lord he is a wanderer who went on a journey to defeat a powerful demon. He did not know of this important meeting." Kuro said looking over Trevor as the other 9 masters entered the room.

Each of the lords were surprised to see the entire 9 Headed Wheel stand before them. "Masters remove this creature from my sight." The emperor ordered to see neither of them move.

"We cannot my lord for this man right here is part of our wheel." Tengu said kneeling before the emperor. "He has completed all of our tests and has become a master of his own. Master Trevor has every right to be here as do we." The Emperor clenched his fists before sighing.

"Very well I congratulate you Master Trevor but you can not just barge in on a meeting of this importance. I ask you to return to your home and prepare for the war." The emperor said but was confused when Luna stood walking over to Trevor.

"That is impossible for Master Trevor, Lord Kai. He hails from Equestria and at one point and time was a wanted criminal for an incident that he fled from. Our sister has pardoned his crime but he has no home to return to for it has been destroyed." Trevor clenched his fists.

"Luna... Who did it?" Trevor asked clenching his eyes tight. "Is Cloudkicker safe?"

"I'm sorry Trevor but Cloudkicker went missing along with Twilight and the others. Our sister has disappeared as well. This was over a year ago." Luna said with a sullen expression. "Our enemy is the Tyrant King Sombra." Trevor raised his fist slamming it on the ground.

"Where can I find This Sombra?" Trevor asked standing up slowly.

"He has made Canterlot Castle his base of operations. That is where he is." Trevor stood tall.

"Good. I know where he is so I can kill him." Trevor turned to exit the room when Tengu placed her hand on his shoulder he ripped it out violently. This startled Tengu and the other masters. Trevor never acted like this. They each bowed to their respective lord and the Emperor before chasing after Trevor.

They would not stop Trevor they would aid him in his journey to save his home and if possible his love as well.


Trevor walked through the city making his way towards the docks. He would need a captain to take him to Port Windfall. From there he would go to Neighypt then to Canterlot. anything that stood in his way would suffer. He tightened his grip on his sword a glare present on his face as he moved.

"Trevor wait up." Master Kitsune said as the other masters caught up with him. "You can not honestly think you can fight an entire war by yourself." Trevor froze shifting his head so he could hear them more clearly.

"Don't try to stop me. I have to do this." Trevor said just as something tapped his shoulder.

"Well if you're gonna go you shouldn't forget this." Tengu said tapping his shoulder with a mask. Trevor took hold of the mask feeling Tengu set her hand on top of his own. "Trevor all you need to do is ask and we will assist you." Trevor tightened his grip on the mask he felt helpless. Trevor pulled the masked out of her hand slowly before kneeling to them.

"Masters. I ask- no BEG of you to help me with the recapture of my home. Help me save my home. I have nothing to pay for your services but I need your help." Trevor finally felt the hot tears stain his cheeks. "I can't do this alone."

"Master Trevor, we will assist you on this path. We will be with you the whole way. This is not a hunt this is not revenge this is to help our family retake his home." Tengu said to the nods of the other masters.

"You can count on us Trev." Master Mujina said with a smile.

"You have my blade." Master Kitsune said with a smile.

"I could use a good work out." Master Hebi said cracking his knuckles.

"It has been a while since we have all traveled should be fun." Master Dragon said looking into the sky.

"A tree is nothing without it's roots. We will assist you Trevor." Master Tsuchigumo said monotonous.

"Thank you. None of you have to do this but I thank you." Trevor bowed his head low before getting to his feet.

"Give us a few days so we can prepare an attack force to carry out this attack. I suggest you prepare yourself get your armor ready and your best weapons. We will need everything to take that castle." Tengu said with a sigh.

"Fear not masters." Luna said walking up behind all of them. "I can help you take the castle I know secret ways into it's walls." They all nodded as Trevor slid his mask onto his face.

"Luna we will take back Equestria. I promise you this." Trevor said tightening his fists. "No one takes my home without punishment." Each of the masters nodded following after Trevor back to the mansion. They were all to take 4 days to prepare for war. Trevor would be ready and would make his anger known to this fake King Sombra.

Author's Notes:

Trevor is gonna kick some ASS! But not yet Sorry about the rather large Time skip but I didn't want to bore all of you with the entire process of Trevor's training. But soon enough Trevor will be back in Equestria and will fight tooth and nail for victory. But with the time of Trevor's battle with Shade closing in. Will he be able to take Equestria before the battle? Anyway DISMISSED!

Next Chapter: Part 14 War is Coming Estimated time remaining: 26 Minutes
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