
Lifeless Sand

by Write Holiday

Chapter 3: Seprate ways

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Seprate ways

"Come on Twi'! Keep up!" Applejack yells behind her to Twilight who is struggling to keep up with the running mare.

"Applejack! Just, please, wait." Applejack annoyedly stops and waits for Twilight. "Listen, Applejack, we have gone through the entire town several times. If they were still here, we would have found them by now. I think we need to expand our search."

"Ok Princess, then to where exactly? Cloudsdale? Because that won't exactly work out now will it?" Twilight begins to pace.

"Let's think about this. Rainbow Dash likes adventure, danger, excitement, and she does what she needs to do to keep her friends both happy and safe."

"And Fluttershy likes calmness, quiet, and relaxation. She does the same as RD." Applejack jumps in.

"So what is both dangerous and calming? It needs to be something that they can both gain something out of."

"Well it can't be to just stay at home, nor can it be to go for a walk."

"But what if it is a walk, a walk into the wilderness. A forest. A forest that is both calming and dangerous." They look at each other and say it at the exact same time. "The Everfree!"


"Dash! Please! Wait up!" Fluttershy yells, trying to keep up with the trotting mare. She hasn't said a word ever since they entered the desert, just trotting forward. Fluttershy knows that if they keep this pace they could easily dehydrate. "Dash!" Fluttershy yells at the top of her lungs, loud enough to stop the mare in front of her. "Dashie, please, we can't keep going like this. We need food, water, and help, we need to find the forest again." She looks back and is shocked, as the hoof prints they left were blown away from the wind. They could just turn around and try.

"I can't."

"You can't what?" Fluttershy gently asks.

"I can't be the friend you need me to be Flutters. I guilted you into going with me, I got us into this mess, and I need you to go back." Rainbow stares at the ground, her body facing away from Fluttershy.

"I will not leave you, we need to stick together if we want to-"

"I don't want to!" Dash yells. "Just, go back." She begins running, kicking up dust as she goes.

"Dash! Wait!" Fluttershy tries to catch up but can't, realizing that her last chance is to turn back. "Oh pony feathers, why dash?" She begins to make her way back to the forest, hopefully going the right way. "I'll get you when I find the others Dash, I promise."


Walking through the forest, Applejack and Twilight carefully make their first sweep of a section of the forest. "So." Applejack starts. "What do you reckon they came here to do?"

"I would guess a walk, but knowing Fluttershy it'd take more than that to gat her anywhere near this forest."

"She could have gotten some courage and decided to go anyway." Applejack proposes.

"I doubt it, you know Fluttershy, she isn't one to be easily swayed. Rainbow on the other hand, I'm not sure."

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, each one of Fluttershy's friends mean everything to her, but Rainbow is special as she was there for her ever since she was a filly. They've known eachother a long time and I doubt Fluttershy could say no to spending time with her oldest, and possibly closest, friend."

"Ok, so let's figure that what ever it was, Fluttershy said yes. So what was it? A walk?"

"No, Rainbow doesn't go on walks. They're too slow, too boring. They could have gone camping."

"Camping Twi', really? That's your theory?"

"Well think about it, Dash likes adventure. She likes trouble, fighting, but being with friends as well. If they had gotten into any trouble she would gladly jump to action and save them." Applejack holds out her hoof, stopping Twilight. "What?"

"There prints, see them?" She points to hoofprints in the mud. "Let's go and see if your theory is right." They follow the prints until they hit a mound of mud.

"Let's walk around it and see what we can see." They find a disfigured cliff and see bottles and snacks near the edge. "Oh no, please no." They run to the edge of the cliff, looking down at an abyss.  "You don't think-"

"No, no they're more careful than that, they got out of this. How exactly I don't know but, they did." Looking around she spots a trail of holes in the mud. "The Over there! More prints, come on." They go to run but see something stumbling in the woods. Running over the skip a breath.

Twilight walks in front of Fluttershy who is aimlessly, subconsciously walking. "Fluttershy! Fluttershy, look at me." She stops walking and looks up, revealing a tired, worn down, pleading face. She goes to talk but can't and only points behind her. "Ok come on, Applejack will keep looking for RainbowDash. Right Applejack?"

"Uh, yeah! Yeah, I'll find her, don't worry." She fakes a smile. Fluttershy looks at her and falls over, passing out. "She's dehydrated, get her to a hospital, I'll keep going." Twilight nods and flys away, carrying the surprisingly-light Fluttershy. "Ok Dash, where are you?"

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