
Lifeless Sand

by Write Holiday

Chapter 2: Welcome to the Everfree

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Welcome to the Everfree

Fluttershy slowly opens her eyes as the sun beats down onto her checks. Yawning and turning she breathes in sharply as she forgets about her injured wings, feeling the aftermath from last night. Looking over at Rainbow Dash she now has a better view of her broken wing. It looks like a folded pice of paper, a tight crease going all the way from the top to the bottom of the wing. "Dash? Are you awake?" No response. She gets up and looks at the cliff. It looked small last night, but looking down she no longer can see the bottom like she thought she could last night.

Rainbow groans and rolls, stopping when she feels the hurt wing begin to act up. Looking around she sees trees that fell, looking as though it could have fell onto them if they moved any slower escaping the sliding ground.  She stands up and begins to walk, or rather limp, attempting to walk off the pain from her wing. All her life she was told to do exactly that, just walk it off. It never worked and she has her doubts it will now. She sees Fluttershy looking over the edge. She feels awful, guilting Fluttershy into going on this trip and now they are stranded alone, hurt and in trouble. "We were pretty lucky huh?" She asks, walking over.

"I'd say." They look at what could have been their new homes, the bottom of darkness. Instead of thinking deeply into it, Rainbow Dash decides to walk around, clearly looking for something. "What are you doing?"

"Looking for hoof prints from when we came here. If we can find them, all we have to do is follow them back to pony-" She stops herself.

"What is it?" Fluttershy walks over and sees a track of four bear prints that walked towards them, then turned around while they were asleep.

"Pretty lucky." Dash whispers to herself. Looking a bit farther up she sees mud that wasn't there last night. Following it she realizes that a river must have spilled water when the ground broke. "Ah Pony Feathers, the mud must have covered up our tracks. How are we supposed to find our way back?"

"Um, could we just start walking?" Rainbow doesn't respond. They could always just begin to wonder, look for home. Or would it be better to stay put? Wait for help?

"Alright. Come on, let's go."


In Ponyville, Applejack has gone over to Twilight's as she has noticed the two Pegasi missing. "Twilight!"

The door opens and Twilight, obviously just woken up, frustratingly looks at Applejack. "Applejack, it is five in the morning. I got to sleep at three. Please tell me this is important."

"It is, have you seen RD or Fluttershy around?"

"No, why?"

"Well, I went to both houses and neither of them were there. Fluttershy had food bowls and water bowls for the animals out across her house, and Rainbow left a food bowl out for Tank. I'm worried, they could be hurt. Missing even, so how about helping me find them?" Twilight, woken up a bit more, nods and agrees to help.


"Rainbow, please, slow down." Fluttershy pleads, out of breath and her legs sore.

"We can't, we have to keep going. They might not have noticed that we're gone yet."

"But do we have to run?" Rainbow gives in and slows down. Immediately after doing so, her legs throb and become numb.

"Ok, ok wait. Wait, hold on." Rainbow sits on the ground, her legs in pain. Fluttershy walks over. "Can we just sit here for a moment?" Fluttershy chuckles from the irony and sits next to her. "Flutters, what are we doing?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, this. Walking into the abyss, hoping to find the others again. We most likely just went deeper into this forest, and we are out of food and water. It's like..." Rainbow trails off, looking at a certain tree.

"Rainbow?" She looks at the same tree but sees nothing. Rainbow jumps to her hooves and runs over to it. "Rainbow, wait!" Fluttershy chases after her.

Rainbow pushes through the pain and numbness and gets to the tree. Her smile turns to cold fear. What she thought was light from a house isn't that at all.

"Rainbow, what-" Fluttershy looks. "Oh, Celestia no." In front of them lies an infinite looking, boiling, searing desert. "But, this isn't, how did-"

"We went the other way." Rainbow says coldly. She walks out of the forest and into the sandy desert. "We." Rainbow begins to laugh. "We walked for a day. An entire, day! And look! Look at what we found!" She digs her hoof into the sand and holds a bit, showing Fluttershy. "Sand! We went the wrong way. The WRONG, WAY!" She laughs hysterically. Fluttershy, scared, holds onto the tree. "You know, I saw a bit of hope. A slight, sliver, scarce gleam of hope. Now, I don't see anything."

Fluttershy slowly walks towards her parshally-insane friend. "W-well, m-maybe we just don't remember going through a desert. Maybe the way home is this way."

"Yeah. Yeah, I bet it is. And then we can dehydrate and die out here while we're at it, or perhaps starve. Get bit by a venomous snake, walk into cacti, maybe..." She begins to mutter as she walks farther into the desert.

Fluttershy stares at her, then realizes she isn't turning around. "W-wait, you can't go walking through there. It's dangerous, the wrong way even." Rainbow ignores her. Fluttershy runs up next to her. "Rainbow, please, think about this. We will die if we go walking through this desert."

"We were dead the moment we walked into the forest." Rainbow continues walking. Fluttershy knows how this will end, but it won't be any better to be by herself.

"Celestia help us." She runs up next to Rainbow and walks aside her, giving up hope of getting through to her. Next Chapter: Seprate ways Estimated time remaining: 5 Minutes

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