
Between a rock and a hard place

by arkantos
Story has been removed from Fimfiction.net
Rainbow Dash has to choose between helping one friend and leaving another hanging
1 Dislike, 440 Views

It is said that loyalty can't be bought. That it can only be earned and kept with the same kind of loyalty.

Throughout all of Ponyville, Rainbow Dash was a pony renown for her loyalty. All the ponies knew her as someone who would never leave her friends hanging...but what happens when she is forced to help one friend while leaving another hanging?

Which one of them would she choose?

How is one to make the right choice out of two wrong ones?

Sequel: /story/237913/the-mystery-of-the-dark-lands

Slice of Life

4,276 words: Estimated 18 Minutes to read: [Cache]

1 Chapter:

  1. A test of loyalty [Cache] Dec 25th, 2014
Published Dec 25th, 2014

Other Titles in this Series:

  1. Between a rock and a hard place

    by arkantos
    1 Dislike, 440 Views

    Rainbow Dash has to choose between helping one friend and leaving another hanging

    Slice of Life

    1 Chapter, 4,276 words: Estimated 18 Minutes to read: Cached
    Published Dec 25th, 2014
  2. The mystery of the dark lands

    by arkantos
    0 Dislikes, 221 Views

    Twilight reveals her reason for having visited the dark lands


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