
An Aliens Guide to the Poniod World

by Chaos da FaceWhacker

Chapter 1: The most important stuff...

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The most important stuff...

Hello aliens!The land of Equestria is very pleased that you have come!If you are a reffuge,(you probably are,who would come here willingly?) I have obviously written a guide to help you run aways fit in.First,the most important things,goverment,defeneses and rulers.


This land has several rulers.The main monarchs are Her Royal Highness Princess Celestia and Princess Luna,Gaurdian of the Night.Celestia is the eldest of the two (they are sisters.).Celestia raises the sun every morning and sets it every night.She is not somepony to be messed with.Luna once turned evil so Celestia banished her to the moon for 1,000 fucking YEARS.

Luna is the youngest of the two,she raises and sets the moon every morning and night.She is nocturnal and has the magical ability to dreamwalk,or in other words,walk into your dreams to help you overcome issues and help you cope with nightmares.Luna is also a intense gamer.Never challenge her to a video game.Luna will kick your sorry plot to your home planet.

Now there is Princess Cadence,she is the sole ruler of The Crystal Empire.She is also married to the former Captin of the Royal Canterlot Gaurd (RCG),now he is Prince Shining Armor,General of the Crystal Army.Cadence is the Princess of love,like Celestia and Luna are Princesses of the sun and moon.She has the ability to spread love and strengthen love so she can turn a fighting couple to the most loving couple in Equestria.

Lastly,there is Princess Twilight Sparkle.She is definatly the youngest of the four.If I wasn't allowing myself to put my personal political beliefs,I would go on ranting.Sparkle is the Princess of magic and head of the Friendship Counsul.She is also the younger sister of Prince Shining Armor.She was origanally a unicorn,but she proved herself worthy,and agianst everyones objections,she became an alicorn.Then everyone's nightmares came true and she got a castle.


One of the defeneses are the princess themselves.They are some of the most powerful ponies in the world,espesially Twilight Sparkle.The other defenses and the other most powerful ponies in the world are the Elements of Harmony.The bearers of the Elements are listed:Loyalty;Rainbow Dash,Honesty;Applejack,Generousity;Rarity,Laughter;Pinkie Pie,Kindness;Fluttershy and Magic;Twilight Sparkle.They are very magical and mysterious,therefor,nobody knows how they work.They are currently residing in the Tree of Harmony.


This land is ruled by a quadarchy,Princess Luna,Princess Celestia,Princess Cadence and Princess Twilight freaking Sparkle.There is the rule o law that exists to everyone,but on the princesses it is obviously harsher,I mean,come on!Luna is possessed by a demon,so you punish her instead of saving her and punishing the nightmare force?Jeez louise.I could say that this magical land is ruled by ever present harmony and friendship but I would be lying.It is also a very bullshity answer.It is ruled by a semi oppressive ruler and a really awesome one (LUNA).It has a court system and everything so my guess is that it is similar to MOST of your planets.

Equestria is ruled by the immortal princesses,forming a quadarchy and a very strong alliance practically joining together the two kingdoms of Equestria and The Crystal Empire. Next Chapter: Recommened cities to stay and places to go!!! Estimated time remaining: 3 Minutes

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