
My Little Pony: The After Years

by Just Some Guy

Chapter 15: The Pure Red Streak

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The next day came around faster than we thought. I had given Rage Quit special permission to sleep in my room last night so long as he slept on the floor and he didn't touch anything of mine. When we woke up, I snuck the light blue Pegasus out of my home so my parents wouldn't see him. I packed the tome into my saddlebag and then immediately headed out for my aunt Artsy Sparkle's School of Arts for Gifted Fillies and Colts.

Artsy, while my full, biological aunt, was only four years older than me. In appearance she was a lot like my mother. She was a Unicorn with a magenta coat and a hot pink and purple mane along with my mother's younger hairstyle. Her cutie mark was a golden paintbrush with purple paint and a silver bristle. Her being so young, I often forgot she was my mother's sister. However, now was not the time for mistaken identities. I knocked on the front door of the school and it opened up to the kind smile of my aunt.

"Midnight, nice to see you!" aunt Artsy greeted "Oh, and I see you've brought quite a... handsome friend with you as well... Anyway, what brings you here today?"

"We need to know what lies in this book, Miss Artsy?" asked Rage Quit as he took the tome from the pocket on my side to show her "However, it is written in the ancient language of the Artistians 10,000 years prior to this day. My accomplice here strongly believes that you will be able to decipher it."

"Well, sure" agreed Artsy "I might be the only pony left in Ponyville who knows how to read that kinda stuff" she took a peek at the book in my saddlebag "Question though... where did you find that tome?"

"Um... well, you see we-" I stuttered.

"We retrieved it from Princess Twilight Sparkle" lied Rage Quit "She told us we could decipher it, but turns out we need your assistance."

"Oh, well sure then!" beamed Artsy "Come on inside! Nopony's here yet, so make yourself at home!"

"Thanks Artsy" I said as Rage Quit and I entered the gifted art school my aunt owned, my partner placing the book back inside my saddlebag.


The school was neat and tidy, just how Artsy liked it. She didn't take too kindly to anything not sorted and orderly. All around the beige school halls were absolutely gorgeous paintings that some of her students created in either class or their free-time. I didn't get to look at it for too long before my aunt told us to come inside her office. The office wasn't anything special. It was green wallpaper on the walls with a small bookshelf, a replica of the Marea Lisa and a wooden desk on the floor with a globe on it.

"Alright, put the book right down here" my aunt motioned her hoof over her desk. I took the book out of my saddlebag and did as she instructed.

"Okay now, let's see..." she said as she went through her small shelf of personal books "Aha! Here it is!" she exclaimed as she pulled out another book with her magic "Pink Eraser, my mentor, gave this to me before he passed away. It's a translation guide for the Artistian language that's passed down through his bloodline. He wanted me to have it since I was the closest thing to a child to him, so he left it here on this shelf."

She placed the translation guide on the table next to the tome, opened them both up, and begun to translate.

"I'm sorry guys, but could you give me, like, a few minutes to decipher this?" asked aunt Artsy kindly "I can't instantly translate something, and I need quiet time to do so, kay?"

"Sure thing aunt Artsy" I nodded "We'll just go around the place then. C'mon Rage Quit!"

"As you wish, Miss Artsy Sparkle" agreed my partner "Very well Midnight. Lead the way."


We actually went separate ways exploring the school. Rage Quit insisted that he see the timetable of Equestria's past, while I went to see the stuff the students drew. For little tykes, the stuff wasn't half bad. There was one that was abstract with shapes and lines going all over the place, and there was even one with a creature standing on its back legs with a long red mane and five weird spikes on each its front hooves. It said that Lyra's daughter Harp Strings made it. A few minutes had passed since then.

"Huh... this is some pretty cool stuff..." I said as I continued to look at the picture subtitled: Human Woman.

"It is true the young mind is full of potential" said Rage Quit from behind me, startling me a bit. I turned around to see him admiring the works of art the colts and fillies of this generation had created.

"When did you get here?" I asked "I thought you were off to see the timetable."

"I saw some of the art pieces whilst on my way there, so I decided to see them instead" explained my partner.

"Right, right..." I nodded "Anything you like?"

"I appreciate all of it, as a matter of fact" he stated "Art, at least in my knowledge, is something created from your soul to the best of your ability. No matter how untidy or strange the piece may be, so long as you like it, it's the greatest thing you could have ever created."

"Truer words have never been spoken... I think..." I tried to remember if such great words had ever been topped before, which kinda hurt my head a bit.

"Boys!" Artsy called out to us "I think I've gotten the important things down!"

"Coming!" I shouted at my aunt before turning back to Rage "Let's go bud!"


"Ah, good to see you again you two!" said Artsy in her usual kind voice "I've completed MOST of the translation and I think you guys are gonna find this rather interesting..."

"Alright then!" I said "Let's see whatcha got!"

"Well, I put my entire translation on this paper" she handed Rage Quit and I a piece of paper with readable text on it "The entire page, except for the unfortunately scribbled out part, is translated on that paper."

Taking a brief glimpse through the paper, I began reading out loud "Our story is coming to a close. I know it. I am putting this last entry in our language so only a select few may read it. If you can, please, save this world. The Pure Red Streak has been killed, and darkness is beginning to spread throughout our city. However, every 10,000 years a new Pure Red Streak will be born. A Red Streak with not just have a single streak of red through his or her mane, but their entire mane and tail will be red with power. Should that pony be reading this now, know that we are... fallen cit... is loca... ed... the... king of... ponies... Streak's name... be..."

"The tome does not speak of the Red Streak?" asked Rage Quit.

"No, but it does say something about this 'Pure Red Streak'..." I said "I wonder who it could- *gasp*!"

A sudden thought struck my mind harder than a freight train. It was unlikely. I'd even say it was next to impossible that something like what I was thinking could be true. But it was the only thing I could think of that could be true. Try and wrap your head around that one!

"You don't think..." I began speaking again after my sudden thought

"There might be a high chance, yes" confirmed Rage Quit.

"But he has a..."

"I know..."

"Um, sorry to intrude you guys," aunt Artsy got our attention "but what are you talking about? The Pure Red Streak? Who is it?"

"Aunt Artsy, thank you so much for this" I thanked my aunt as quickly as possible as Rage Quit and I prepared to fly off to our next destination "If we need you again, we'll call you. Right now, I don't want anypony else knowing about what Rage and I need to do. We'll tell you one day. I promise!"

"Midnight, what are you-"

Before she could finish her sentence, I hugged her goodbye, picked up the tome, placed it into my saddlebag and left the school with Rage Quit in hot pursuit.

"*sigh*... I don't think I'll ever understand that boy..." Artsy sighed.


"Wait a moment, Midnight!" called out Rage Quit as we flew through the sky, and hearing him, I stopped flying and listened to what he had to say "There is still the possibility he is not the Pure Red Streak. And should he be, how would we convince him?"

"Hmm... I hadn't thought about that..." I openly admitted, earning a sigh from my partner "Why don't we show him the tome? Once he reads it, he'll be convinced!"

"I'm not sure it works like that Midnight" pointed out my partner "However, I don't think we have much of a choice right now."

"Right!" I said as I continued flying toward his house.

"*sigh*... I hope this works..."


I landed right on my best friend's doorstep, Rage Quit following just seconds later. I took a deep breath and knocked on his door. To my surprise, Soarin actually answered it, still in his pie-pattern pajamas. I'm honestly not surprised.

"Mr. Soarin!" I greeted "How are you doing today?"

"Oh... hey there... *yawn*... Midnight" he greeted, although it was clear to me that he was still tired and just wanted to head on back to sleep "I suppose you want me to get Blitz?"

"Hold on dad, no need to call me down!" said Blitz Wing as he walked up to the front door "Oh, hey Midnight! Rage Quit, did you tell him about what happened last night?"

"Indeed" answered Rage Quit simply.

"Good" Blitz nodded with a smile "So, are you two here to talk about it?"

"Actually Blitz, we need to talk about something slightly more urgent" I said "May I come in, Mr. Soarin?"

"Um, yeah, sure..." Soarin said in a sleepy voice as he welcomed us into his home. I stepped inside the cloud house that always greeted me with a fluffy feeling on my feet. We wandered into the living room and took a seat on some of the couches.

"I'll just leave you three alone then..." yawned Soarin as he slowly walked back to bed, his mouth watering a little bit. He was probably thinking about pie along the way. As soon as he left, I turned myself to Blitz.

"You'd think your father wouldn't let somepony he's never seen before into his house..." I chuckled a bit.

"Blitz Wing, Midnight and I have evidence that perhaps you might be more important in this journey than originally though" Rage Quit quickly got to the point.

"What's that supposed to mean?" my best friend asked in a slightly cross voice.

"What I think my partner here is trying to say," I shot my partner a rather stern look "is you may be the Red Streak this year."

"W-What?" he said in confusion "Midnight, I know my hair is red, but that doesn't automatically mean I'm some sort of all powerful god!"

"You're right" confirmed Rage Quit "It simply makes you a demi-god."

"...he doesn't understand expressions, does he?" Blitz asked me, to which I closed my eyes and shook my head slowly and silently.

"Blitz, here" I took the book and translation paper I also took from my aunt's school out of my saddle bag and gave it to my friend "This book and paper may help you understand."

Blitz gave me a confused look, but slowly and surely reached his front right hoof out to grab the paper and book. He took a seat on the couch behind him and opened up the tome to the bookmarked place.

"Sorry that it's written in another language..." I apologized.

"What are you talking about?" Blitz asked "This is modern day Equestrian. What part isn't?"

"...what?" I asked.

"Alright, to refrain from getting my brain destroyed, and how it seems you've already got the first half down, I'll just read the rest of it" he found a comfortable position on the couch and he began reading.

"...what?" both Rage Quit and I asked.

"Let's see now... Ah! Here we go!" said Blitz as he read through the book "To the Pure Red Streak. If you are reading this, then darkness has risen once more. The Blue Poison has or will plague the land again. Should this happen, I am trusting my power to you. Best of luck to you, Blitz Wing... May the light of your ancestors shine down upon you..."

As Blitz read that last part, Rage Quit and I saw a glowing white stream of magic exit out of the book. It flew around Blitz's head before it stopped, shattered, and flew straight into my best friend, causing a huge flash of white to appear. Both Ragey and I covered out eyes to shield ourselves from the light. When the light disappeared, we opened our eyes to see something spectacular. Blitz Wing's hair was now longer and glowing pure white. The light still kinda hurt our eyes though.

"Blitz?" I asked "Is that you? Are you feeling okay?"

"Okay?" he asked "Dude, I don't think I've ever felt better in my entire life!" he beamed as he flew out the door to do some tricks "WOO HOO! THIS FEELS AMAZING!"

"Dude?!" I asked in a confused voice "Since when has he ever called me that?"

"It could be that, due to his new found power, his personality changed" Rage Quit explained "Much like how when I use my power, my personality changes drastically."

"Oh..." I said "You think that glowy power of his will subside eventually?"

"More than likely" responded the light blue Pegasus "For now, I suppose we could just let him enjoy it while it lasts."

"Yeah, okay" I said "But could you imagine what would happen if Bubblegum saw him like this?"

"You say as if that is a bad thing" pointed out Rage Quit.

"Well, Bubblegum has GIGANTIC crush on Blitz, meaning she really likes him" I explained to my partner "So if she saw him like how he is now, she'll probably gush over him more than a fruit gusher."


"Never mind" I said "Just hope she doesn't see him how he is."

"Hey guys!" shouted Blitz "I'm going to go to Ponyville to show the gang my awesome new power! Kay, bye!"

"Have fun!" I shouted back.

"Don't get into trouble!" shouted Rage Quit.

Rage Quit and I just stared at the sky for a second or two before going wide-eyed and staring at each other in realization.

"WAIT!" we both shouted at the same time before taking off to try and catch Blitz. We flew through the clouds, dashing as fast as possible to Ponyville, but it was too late. All my friends were already around Blitz and looking at his new power.

"B-Blitz?" asked Bubblegum, eyes as wide as saucers "I-Is that really you?"

"Yep!" Blitz said, his mane's glow not as bright as before "Well, what do you think?"

"It is most exceptional, dearest Blitz!" complimented Ribbon "What do you think dearest brother?"

"Quite spectacular, I do agree!" Thread replied before turning his attention back to the blue Pegasus "Such a marvelous look for you Blitz! However did you accomplish such a feat?"

"Well, that's my little secret..." he said boastfully.

"Blitz, nopony likes a boaster..." Spring Blossom said "Jeez, what happened to you anyway? You're acting a little brag-y today."

"I know," he said hanging his head, only to raise it once more "But you know what? I feel so much more powerful now! I feel as if I could defeat Order single hoofedly!"

"But we all know that's not true, Blitz" I finally said from behind him "True your new power will be more than helpful in defeating Order, but I fully believe that we can do nothing if we don't work as a team."

"Midnight's right" stated Little Mac "Teamwork's essential fer takin' out bad ol' Order erself'. If we aren't able ta understand at', then we've already lost. Though, ah think 'at may have jus' been the most intelligent thin' Midnight ever said in his entire life..."

"Wow bud," said Blitz "That was deep... and true..."

"So then what do we do now?" asked Bubblegum "Y'know, besides cuddling up next to Blitzy and feeling his warmth on my body..." she then began rubbing her head on Blitz's front left leg as she let out a pleasurable sigh. Nopony responded to Bubblegum's statement until Thread broke the silence.

"Well, why don't we talk to Mrs. Sparkle?" he suggested "I'm sure she might have some information for us."

"Actually, there's somepony I need to speak with again" I said "She might actually be able to help us on this little adventure of ours. I suppose she's getting out sooner than I promised..."

Author's Notes:

I personally don't think this one was as good as the others. It was important, but usually when it comes down for me, I make a chapter either good or important. That's just me though.

Well, I promised you a chapter on Monday, didn't I? Yay! :pinkiehappy:

Make sure to follow, like, Thumbs up, and comment towards a better tomorrow! Until then, I'll see ya later Scraggsters!

Next Chapter: Back to the Asylum Estimated time remaining: 60 Minutes
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