
My Little Pony: The After Years

by Just Some Guy

Chapter 14: Midnight's Story

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At times like these, I couldn't help but just stare off into the night sky on my room's balcony. I had received information on Rage Quit through my friends' encounters with him. I even learned some things hidden away from our thoughts, such as how Springy's dad was still alive, but turns out he was evil the whole time. We hadn't told her yet. Yes

As for me, I was waiting for Rage Quit to arrive at the castle. My parents and sister were already asleep, so I didn't have to worry about them waking up to see a follower of Order in their home. That would be less than good. Inevitably, more time passed, and there was no sight of Rage Quit at all.

"I suppose he isn't coming tonight" I shrugged "I guess I better hit the hay."

I had begun walking away from my balcony when I heard the clopping of hooves landing behind me. I turned around to see none other than Rage Quit in his black robe. The rather worried expression in his eyes told me he had something very important to tell me.

"Midnight Sparkle..." he began "At last we meet again."

"Nice to finally meet you as acquaintances" I smirked "So, what do you wanna do? Should we play chess, or maybe have a crack at that new Mareio Kart 8? You can drive on walls in that game! Or how about-"

"I unfortunately bring troubling news" Rage Quit interrupted me, but I listened anyway "I was told by the high... pardon... Order, personally, that she will do anything to make sure you die."

"Well that doesn't sound good at all... but I kinda already knew that" I said "But did you find out why?"

"She tells me you are disrupting the order of things" Rage Quit explained "She tells me... you are not a Red Streak."

"What?" I questioned "But I have the streak of red through my mane" I pointed and waved my hoof over that certain part of my mane "I feel more powerful when I use magic! It lights up when I use spells for Celestia's sake!"

"Midnight, this does not mean you are not gifted with immense power" explained Rage Quit, trying to calm me down "It merely means you are not the Red Streak that is born every 2000 years."

"So I'm a fake, huh?" I nodded in slight disappointment "And that's why Order wants me dead?"


"So then, who's the real Red Streak?" I wondered.

"Perhaps we should check the tome underneath your home?" asked Rage Quit.

"How did..."

"I am a Red Streak myself" he explained, and before I could say anything more, he said "Yes, this does in fact mean I am over 2000 years old. Order cast an eternity spell on me to... well, perhaps I can explain it while we walk to the book, yes?"

"You better have a good reason for this, Rage" I said a little angrily "I hope you are snooping around and looking at my stuff in the basement."

"I can assure you that I am no spy of any sorts" the light blue Pegasus said "Now quickly; time is of the essence!"


Rage Quit told me everything about his extended lifespan; how his wife died of a disease while pregnant, how he was told by Order that he could see her again if he worked with the evil draconequus, oh, and that Order was a draconequus. It was kinda sad to say the least. 2000 years of pain and hardship, waiting to see her again, only to be stabbed in the back and nearly killed. He even told me his wife's name was Snowy. What a beautiful name...

"We're here" Rage Quit said as we reached the door to the book, snapping me out of my thoughts "Beyond this door lie our answers. Are you prepared?"

"Prepared and ready as I'll ever be" I confirmed with a smile.

"Good" Rage Quit said before he went to open the door. As he placed his hooves on the door handles, he sighed and stepped back a bit, allowing him to process whatever just happened to him.

"Um, Ragey?" I asked the stallion standing next to the large door "You alright?"

"I feel a presence behind this door..." he said "It feels dark and deceiving. It isn't as strong as Order's, but it feels like..."

"Like... what?" I asked, now with a bit of worry in my voice.

"Like him..." was the only thing Rage Quit said. He then placed his hooves back on the handles and pushed, revealing the room that held the book. Inside the room, however, was a Pegasus with a blue coat and a long white mane. He was also wearing the same kind of robe as Rage Quit was wearing. He was leaning his back on the pedestal in the centre of the room reading the tome, which was being held by his front right hoof.

"Ah, Rage Quit!" he noticed us and smiled "Good to see you've finally made it!" he returned to reading the tome "Y'know, this is a very interesting read. I've already gotten to the part where it describes the true Red Streak..."

"Oberon, what are you doing here?!" shouted Rage Quit.

"Oberon?" I said in a confused manner before looking back at my friend's unfortunate biological father "Why did you break Fluttershy's heart?!"

"To answer your first question, I was sent here by Order to dispatch of you both, much to my happiness" answered Oberon with a grin "To answer your second question; I abandoned her simply because she was of no more use to me. Prior to my wedding day, I injected myself with controlled Phazon. When Fluttershy had conceived her first child, the foal had taken some of my Phazonic genes into her."

"So basically, you used Miss Fluttershy to create your own weapon of destruction?!" yelled Rage Quit.

"Without Order's command to boot!" laughed Oberon as he put down the book for a quick breather "When I eventually told her about the child, she was impressed with my idea and allowed me to continue. Of course, this meant I had to continue being nice to Fluttershy..."

"So that means... Springy has Phazon inside her?" I asked "How is it not killing her?!"

"I suppose she got her immunity to it from me" the intruder guessed as he went back to reading the tome, not really paying that much attention to us "It really doesn't matter though. She was merely a test of what my experiments could do. Now, I'm ready to begin the next stage..."

"So then why do you need the book?" I asked with a scowl.

"The next stage needs a HUGE power source" explained Oberon as he sighed, as if he was annoyed that we kept interrupting his reading time "I was hoping to use one of the princesses or even both, but then I remembered that old legend. After Order told me that you, Midnight, were not this wonderful year's Red Streak, I took it upon myself to figure out who was. If that pony had no idea he or she was a Red Streak, that would be even better!"

"Oberon, I cannot allow you to continue..." said Rage Quit before he closed his eyes and made his hair glow so bright you could've sworn it was white. He then gave off a rather frightening grin, as if his personality did a complete one-eighty.

"This is the end of the line, jackass!" he shouted as if a new stallion.

"But, how are you..." I asked him before he interrupted me and told me.

"When my streak's powered up, my personality changes big time!" he shouted "Now, are we gonna beat this loser or just stand around talking?"

"Right" I nodded with determination "Let's do this!"

"You're gonna regret this kid..." Oberon sighed as he put the book back down onto the pedestal, threw off his robe, and extended his wings as what I thought was an intimidation tactic at first before two spears appeared in his wings' grasps and began twirling them around as if his feathers were fingers "Something tells me I'm gonna have a lot of fun with you morons"

"How the hay is he even doing that?!" I yelled in confusion and surprise "Wait; don't tell me... the Phazon, right?"

"Exactly kid" Rage Quit said "Now get ready! Here he comes!"

Before I even had time to react, Oberon began swinging around his spears in a surprisingly neat and tidy combo attack. I managed to dodge some of his swings, but the last one sent me flying against the wall, leaving me in a position that would take me time to get up.

"Oh how I truly hate to fight..." sighed Oberon as he smiled a rather grim smile "My opponent always turns out dead by the end of it all..."

"Uh oh..." I said to myself.

"Oh well, I suppose it's always fun seeing ponies die!" his grim smile turned into a sadistic one. However, just as Oberon was about to swing at me again, Rage Quit swung his magically created sword at him, which he blocked almost instantly.

"Oh Ragey... you never could beat me in training..." teased Oberon "Aren't you supposed to be older and stronger than me?"

"Shut up!" shouted Rage Quit as he swung his sword at Oberon again, which he blocked once more. However, this gave me a chance to attack Oberon with my magic. I charged up a fire spell and shot it right at Oberon's undefended part of his body. The fire ball hit him directly on the chest, causing him to be thrown back to the other side of the room.

"Ugh... how?" he asked "HOW?!"

"Looks like you might be getting rusty, jackass..." smirked Rage Quit.

"How dare you mock me!" shouted Oberon "You will pay dearly for that!"

Our intruder began running towards us again, but the angry look on his face showed us he wasn't joking around anymore.

"HYAAAAAAAAA" shouted Rage Quit as he brought his sword down onto Oberon again. Naturally, I began charging my magic spell at him, but little did I know he had something up his sleeve this time. I fired the fire ball at him, but it just dissipated around him.

"Ahahaha!" Oberon laughed "I put a magic shield around me! Now magic attacks can't hurt me!"

"But that doesn't mean punching you in the face can't!" said Rage Quit as he gritted his teeth and sliced the spear Oberon had blocked his sword with. The sword then hit Oberon's wing, causing him to yell in pain. The cry soon subsided however, and Oberon was back in the game.

"You... insolent... little... BRAT!" the blue Pegasus yelled at me.

"What did I do?!" I shouted back "Rage Quit was the one who broke your spear... thing..."

"You'll both be dead by the time I'm finished with you, so I don't really care who did it or not!" he gave off an annoyed, yet still dark chuckle.

"Fine then!" I shouted with a small grin in anticipation "Let's go!"

I charged straight at Oberon, knowing fully I wouldn't be able to attack him. But I wasn't going for the offensive. The white maned stallion continued to look at me, paying no attention to Rage Quit behind him. Bad idea on his part.

"Take THIS!" shouted Rage Quit as he swung his sword at Oberon, causing him to yelp in pain once more. However, Oberon then swung his remaining spear right at my partner, hitting him right in his chest.

"ARRGGGG!" he yelled out in pain before hitting the wall, making a large crack in it "...ow..."

"AHAHAHAHA!!!" Oberon laughed like a madpony "That's what you get for trying to beat me! I am invincible!!"

While the intruding pony was distracted and laughing like a maniac, I took it upon myself to sneak up from behind, grab him, turn him around to face me, and buck him right in his face. The force of my back legs knocking him right out and ended the fight.

"Oh man, that hurt like a son of a gun..." winced Rage Quit.

"Hahaha... you okay there buddy?" I chuckled.

"Y-yeah..." he said "I'll live..."

The white glow from his red streak died out and he became the Rage Quit we all know and love.

"Thank you for your assistance, Midnight Sparkle..." he thanked while still a little tired from the battle "Now, let us see what Oberon was reading prior to our visit."

"Right!" I said before I trotted over to the tome on the pedestal in the centre of the room. The book was surprisingly unscathed despite the battle just a few seconds ago. I opened it up to the bookmarked page Oberon had been reading. However, the writing was written in the language of the ancient artists of Equestria.

"What does it speak of?" asked Rage Quit.

"I don't know..." I said "It's written in ancient Artistian."

"Artistian?" Rage asked, slightly confused by what had just been spoken.

"The Artistians, from what I can remember my mother telling me," I began to explain, getting a sigh from my partner for my slight lack of knowledge "were quite a large group of mares and stallions that lived about 10,000 years ago or so. They all liked to make stuff, whether it'd be sculptures, paintings, or whatever else they could do with their minds. They even made a language for themselves using pictures! Pictures of all things! Unfortunately, only certain ponies can decipher it."

"So have we reached a dead end?" asked my partner.

"I suppose- wait..." I remembered "There is only one mare I know who can decipher this script..."

"Hmm? Who?"

"We'll have to wait until tomorrow to speak with her since the school is closed right now" I explained "But first thing tomorrow, we go and talk to her, kay?"

"Understood" nodded Rage Quit "But could you at least tell me her name?"

"If I did that, I'd spoil the surprise, wouldn't I?" I smiled, but as I looked around Rage Quit and noticed something missing, my smile quickly disappeared "Wait, where's Oberon?"

"He most likely teleported back to base" Rage Quit explained "He'll be no trouble as of now, but we better be prepared just in case."

"Understood!" it was my turn to nod this time.


Oberon's P.O.V.


"Stupid kid and stupid Rage Quit..." I muttered to myself as I roamed the bronze pipe-covered hallways of our secret base of operations "Sweet Celestia, can't anypony just drop dead for once and submit to my power?!"

"Oberon, chill dude" said the voice of my obnoxious cohort Skyfall from the open door of his room I was passing by "They'll die eventually, but we can't rush in and just start killing everypony."

"Says the pony that, last mission, rushed in and resorted to killing everypony" I deadpanned before starting to walk away "You're as obnoxious as you are hypocritical."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!!" Skyfall ran out to meet with me and stop me from walking away "Hey now, I know how disappointed you must feel. But don't worry, because I'm up for one of the next missions."

"Give me one good reason why that's a good thing" I demanded an answer from him as I grabbed the neck of his robe and brought his eyes close to mine. As you could tell, I wasn't in a very happy mood.

"Okay, okay!" he shuttered a bit before I let him go "I have a contact that'll get me some good gear. With said gear, I can crush the little brats into oblivion! Especially that wretched little Thread-y one..."

"I see you have a nemesis too" I began to smile a bit.

"He and I have a score to settle, yeah..." Skyfall admitted "Now that you know I can handle myself AND take out the buggers, I think Order is waiting for you."

"Right, the report and such..." I sighed before walking off "You better kill at least one of them!"

"See ya later too!" he called out from me, earning a glare from me to him. That made him run back into his room from fear. That also made me feel a little better about myself.

Author's Notes:


So I'm sorry this one was a little shorter than the last ones, but what are gonna do, am I right? I'm trying to fix a lot of my flaws from the original Fanfiction version so it makes more sense (because that one made less sense than this does later, and fails to fill in a lot of plot holes leftover).

That being said, be sure to like, thumbs up, comment and follow me for further content! Until then, I'll see ya later Scraggsters!

Also, we're almost at our 30 thumbs up goal! Now we need 40 comments, so be sure to comment whenever you can!

Next Chapter: The Pure Red Streak Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 13 Minutes
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