
Stormy Nights 3: Darkened Skies

by Void Chicken

Chapter 4

Previous Chapter


I’m going to regret this.

“S... Spyglass,” Stormy said. She spoke as loudly as she could, but it came out as a whisper.

Spyglass’s ear twitched. He raised his head. “H... hello? Is... is somepony there?”

I can still leave I don’t have to— “Spyglass. It’s me.”

Spyglass stood up and turned around. He galloped towards her, tears in his eyes. “STARRY! You’re alive!? How did you- oh.” He turned away.

“Wh... what?”

“You’re not wearing your robe.”

Stormy looked down. “No... I lost it. But... it doesn’t matter anymore. You can look.”

“No, I’m not going to. Not if your secret’s that important to you.”

“Please, Spyglass... turn around.” Stormy closed her eyes, and shakily opened her wings.

There was silence for a few seconds. Stormy opened her eyes. Spyglass faced towards her, but with closed eyes.

Her wings drooped. “Spyglass... why?”

“If you don’t want me to look, I won’t look. I’ll just walk home with my eyes closed, or walk in front of you, if that’s what you want.”

“What I want?... I want... I want to put my robe back on again! I want to go home and forget this happened! I want to just stay in Baltimare forever!” Stormy fell onto her stomach and buried her head in her hooves. “But I can’t. Not anymore. You need to know, and then you’ll... It’s just... not fair.”

Stormy heard Spyglass walk over to her, and she felt a hoof on her shoulder. “I won’t ask, Starry. Not if it’ll upset you. Everything’s going to be okay.” She felt his hoof slide off of her shoulder.

And brush the leading edge of her wing.

Spyglass stopped. “Huh?” He prodded her wing. Stormy looked up at him as he opened his eyes.

“You’re... you’re a pegasus?”

Stormy shifted her wings and pushed her face back into the ground.

“What’s wrong? Whatever gave you the idea I wouldn’t like you if I knew you were a pegasus?”

Stormy still didn’t look at him. “It’s... it’s more than that.”

“Like what?”

“I... I still don’t want to say. I’m sorry.”

“All right. I won’t push you. Let’s just go home, Starry.”


“Excuse me?”

She looked up. “My name’s not Starry. It’s Stormy. Stormy Nights.”

“Stormy Nights, huh? You really are bundle of mysteries, aren’t you? Well, would Stormy Nights the pegasus like to go home?”

“But... there’s one more thing.”

“What now?”

Stormy’s eyes welled up. “I lost your mother’s telescope. I’m so sorry. I know how much it meant to you...”

“It’s all right. You saved something much more important.”


The sun finished setting outside of Spyglass Vision’s house; the orange faded from the sky. Within, two ponies were finishing up their dinner.

“I’m really sorry about not going to the beach like you wanted. I’m just... not feeling up to much of anything. And I still feel awful about the telescope.”

“I told you it was okay. And take your time feeling better.”

Stormy polished off the last of the hay casserole. “Yeah. Although I do appreciate the flowers.” She tilted her head towards a bouquet of orange roses, yellow carnations, and white daisies. “But I should get packing.” Stormy started walking towards the stairs.

“Packing?” Spyglass moved to block her way. “What do you mean, packing?”

“I need to head out of town. Soon. I might as well just go tomorrow.”

“What? Why?” Spyglass didn’t move out of Stormy’s way.

Stormy opened her wings and flew up to the balcony. Spyglass hurried up the stairs and entered her room behind her.

“Star- Stormy, what’s going on? Why are you in such a hurry now?”

“Here’s Doctor Witherson back. I might have drooled on him a little in my sleep.”

Spyglass magically tossed the doll aside. “STORMY. Tell me what is wrong.”

Stormy turned to look at Spyglass. “I can’t tell you, okay? You think I want to leave? I don’t. But I have to. I-I just can’t... I can’t let you... fear me.”

“Fear? Why would I be afraid of you?”

“If I said... you would... ARGH! I just can’t take this!” Stormy flopped onto the bed, then looked into Spyglass’s eyes. “I try to imagine what it would look like. Looking at you and seeing you looking back at me in fear. I just can’t stand it! I could take it from any other pony, but not you! Not you! That’s why I need to go. I need to leave before you figure it out! I want to remember you smiling at me, not cowering away from me.”

“Stormy, I’m not afraid of—”

There was a knock at the door. “What the? Be right back. Just... stay there.”

About thirty seconds later, Spyglass returned. “There’s some ponies here asking for you.”

“What? Me? I’ll be right there.”

Stormy went to the front door, followed by Spyglass. There were two white pegasi there, wearing golden armor.

“Stormy Nights?” one of them asked.

“Um, yes?”

“Princess Celestia has been searching for you.”


“You will meet the Princess tomorrow morning at eight o’clock, in the town square. Don’t be late.” The two pegasi turned and left.

Stormy was in a daze. “The Princess... me... morning...” She didn’t even remember how she ended up back in her room. “Why... why?” Stormy, on the bed, looked at the lightning bolts on her flank. “I knew I was dangerous, but... this much? Enough for the Princess? I thought... I thought if I just stayed on the ground... everything would be okay. I would be able to just live my life.”

Stormy looked at Spyglass, tears welling in her eyes. “What is she going to do to me? I’m... I’m scared.”

Spyglass settled onto the bed next to Stormy. “Everything I’ve heard about the Princess says that she is a wise and just ruler. Whatever it is, Princess Celestia will do the right thing, I’m sure.”

“But what’s the right way to deal with somepony like me? Spyglass... can you please stay with me, for just... just a little while? I just want...”

“Ssh, it’s all right. I’ll be right here as long as you need me to.” He shifted his weight, and Stormy felt the warmth of his body press against hers.

“Thank you.”


The first light of the next morning shone into the room, waking Stormy up. Against her stomach, Spyglass steadily breathed in and out, still fast asleep. He was also laying on both of her left legs. Stormy slowly pulled herself free, trying not to wake the stallion.

Spyglass stirred. “Mmh?” He raised his head. “Sunrise already? I must have dozed off.” He rolled out of bed, stretched, and reached over to ruffle Stormy’s mane. “Hey. Today’s your big day.”

Stormy, still on the bed, rolled onto her stomach. “I know.”

“There’s time for breakfast. What do you want to eat?”

“I’m not hungry, but I really appreciate it. Everything you’ve done for me, really. I just wanted to tell you, in case... in case she...”

“Stormy.” Spyglass laid himself back down on the bed, putting a hoof on Stormy’s shoulder. “You’re going to be okay. We can have some waffles when you get back.”

“If I get back.”

WHEN. Princess Celestia is going to understand; just tell her that there’s nothing wrong with your lightning.”

“I’m not so... wait. You KNOW?” Stormy scrambled out of bed. “How could you know about my lightning?!”

Spyglass glanced at Stormy’s cutie mark. “Call it a hunch.”

“But... why? Why are you not afraid of me? You stayed with me, all night, knowing what I could do?”

“Stormy, do you remember last week, when it rained? And I found you on the balcony?”

Stormy looked away. “And you almost saw my wings.” She extended them for a moment. “I managed to fool you, I guess. Though we both know how much good that did in the end.”

“But you laid there. You didn’t fly. You could have gone up to the clouds. Your coat is dark enough nopony would have spotted you. You could have done... whatever it is you do with weather. And lightning. Nopony would have known. So why didn’t you?”

“Because...” Stormy looked into his eyes. “I couldn’t risk it. I couldn’t risk you finding out. I’d been very careful not to do anything to reveal myself to anypony.”

She began to pace back and forth. “To keep everypony safe from me. I had to work while wearing that robe, in that heat. To keep them safe. When I flew between cities, I was careful to make sure nopony saw me take off or land.” She stopped and looked back at Spyglass. “Whenever I landed on a cloud to rest, I was careful to not make any sparks. Careful not to send bolts at anypony, to watch what’s below. I’ve been careful...


“I’ve been...

“I’ve been... such an idiot!”

Stormy fell to the floor and began to sob.

“I’m such...” she worked out between breaths. “I’m... all this time... I could have... flown and... been careful... and I lied to you... and you... you’ve done... so much... I can’t possibly... I’m so sorry...”

Spyglass made his way next to her, settling down at her side. “It’s all right, Stormy,” Spyglass said, putting his foreleg across the back of her neck. “Let it all out.”

After about a minute, Stormy had calmed down a little and looked back up to Spyglass.

Through her blurry vision, Stormy could still see the unicorn smiling at her. “Feel better now?” he asked.

Stormy wiped her eye and smiled faintly at him. “Yeah... I needed that,” she said with a sniffle.

“We still have time for breakfast. Are you hungry yet?”

“Um... do we have time for those waffles? It’s been a long time since I’ve had waffles.”

“We can have waffles, then you can sort this whole thing out with the Princess. I’ll go get the waffle iron warmed up.” Spyglass left the room.


A crowd had already gathered in the square. Stormy could only figure that the guards had been asking around town the previous day.

Stormy hesitated at the edge of the crowd. She turned to Spyglass. “I don’t think I can do this. It’s just...”

Spyglass put his hoof on her shoulder. “It’s going to be all right, Stormy. I believe in you. Go ahead, she’ll understand.”

Stormy nodded at him and took a deep breath. She walked alone to the center of the square, head low, all eyes on her. She stopped in front of the two guards, who looked at her with stern eyes. I need to do this myself, she thought, but I’d feel a whole lot better with him next to me.

A short distance ahead, a golden carriage touched down. Off stepped the largest pony Stormy had ever seen, a bright white mare in shining armor. Her long, multicolored mane and tail blew in some unfelt wind and glowed as if they were lit from within.

Stormy bowed as low as she could and closed her eyes as Princess Celestia approached. It’s all right, it’s going to be all right... Stormy heard the Princess’s footsteps stop just in front of her.

“Stormy Nights,” the soft voice said.

I can do this... right? “Y-Your Majesty,” she managed to get out.

“When I visited Whinnypeg three months ago, I could not help but hear several rumors of a dangerous weatherpony, one who wielded lightning. I became curious about this pony, and you have proven quite elusive until now.”

Stormy started to shiver. “I, I’m so sorry!” she stammered. “If, if I’d known, I would have written, or flown to Canterlot or, or—” She still hadn’t looked up.

“No need to apologize, Stormy Nights. I must admit, when I first heard about a pony that destroyed weeks of hard work, and nearly struck three other ponies with lightning, I was not expecting this.”

Stormy looked up. “Your Majesty?”

She saw Celestia looking back down at her, a benevolent smile on her face. “Tell me, how long has it been since you last used your abilities?”

“Um, not since I left Whinnypeg. I mean, I’ve flown between cities, but I’ve been really careful about keeping grounded and covered inside the towns.”

“But you have not used your lightning at all?”

“Not at all since then, Your Majesty. But...” She paused. Here goes nothing... “I think... I’m ready to give it another try. And be more careful about it.” Quicky, she added, “If that’s okay, uh, Your Majesty.”

“Certainly, Stormy Nights. Every pony should feel free to use his or her unique talents.”

“R-really? You’re not-?” Stormy took a moment to compose herself. “I mean, thank you. Thank you so much, Your Majesty.”

“Not at all. I look forward to hearing about your weather career.”

“Yeah... weather.” She glanced back towards Spyglass. “I... kind of want to stay in Baltimare though. But... Baltimare doesn’t have pegasi.”

A voice spoke up from the crowd. “If you’ll pardon the interruption, Princess?”

Stormy and the Princess both looked over at the unicorn. “Yes, Mayor Seabreeze?” Princess Celestia asked.

“Baltimare has been hoping for a real weather team for a while now, and I think Miss Nights would be great for when we need some rain. It would be a nice change to have real clouds for once.”

“An excellent idea! I shall ask the Weather Department to assign more pegasi to Baltimare immediately.”

So... I can stay! Stormy jumped to her feet, then paused. Wait. “One...” She swallowed. “One more thing, Your Majesty?”

“Yes, Stormy Nights?”

“There was a weatherpony I knew in Whinnypeg, named Wob- I mean, Silver Lining, she’s...”

Stormy could hear Wobbler’s voice in her head: “...the best weatherpony in Equestria!”

“She... has a few things to learn, but I think she deserves a second chance.”

“I shall be sure to look into it.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

“You’re quite welcome. Now, I have business back in Canterlot I need to attend to. It was a pleasure to meet you, Stormy Nights.”

Stormy bowed again. “It was, um, nice to meet you too, Your Majesty.” She watched the princess leave.

Stormy ran back to Spyglass and embraced him.

I don’t deserve this.

I don’t deserve any of this.


I think...

that maybe...

I can get used to it.


Spyglass Vision lay in his living room, the fireplace warming the house and providing light to read by. In his book, Forelock Holmes dramatically opened his cape, revealing that he had been holding the jewel known as The Princess’s Eye that entire day.

Spyglass felt a warm weight press down on his shoulders. He looked up and into Stormy Nights’s face, which smiled back down at him. She closed her wings.

“Tomorrow’s when the first of the new weather team arrives, isn’t it?” Spyglass asked. “Going to go work up there from now on?”

“I’m a rough weather pony, remember? I’ll still spend my time helping in the shop when the sun’s out. But when the call comes for rain, you’re going to need those binoculars to find me!”

“I guess you’ll be living in a cloudhome too. It’s going to be lonely at night again without you.”

Stormy climbed down off of Spyglass and curled up next to him.

“Nah... cloudhouses are overrated.”


The sunlight shining into The Finely Focused Filly was blocked by a cloud that was moving not quite in a straight line. Stormy busied herself cleaning the lenses of the various telescopes along the back wall.

She heard the door open and Spyglass say, “Welcome to The Finely Focused Filly, how can I help you?”

“Yeah, I heard you had a best friend here.”

Stormy turned, flew across the shop, and tackled the pony, sending the pair out the front door.

“Strawberry! What are you doing here?”

Strawberry Blossom stood up, sending Stormy sprawling. “ME? You go and send this gloomy letter from Whinnypeg and then just up and vanish? I was worried sick! I nearly failed out of school! What in Equestria got into you?”

Stormy looked away. “I’m sorry I worried you like that. I had something I... had to get over. But I’m better now. Here, I’ll show you around town. I know, let’s go to the beach. Beach sand is fun to play with.” She yelled into the shop, “Spyglass, Strawberry and I are going to the beach!” Stormy turned back to her friend.

“Come on, we’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”

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