
Stormy Nights 2: In the Clouds

by Void Chicken

Chapter 1

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Stormy Nights 2: In the Clouds

The moon shone down upon the small cloud bank. Above it hovered Stormy Nights. She dove down under her clouds, wind blowing through her mane. Thick rain soaked Stormy’s hair as her wings drove her beneath the dark clouds. She flew out of the downpour, climbing away from the patch of fluffy blackness. Water sprayed off of the pegasus as Stormy turned for another pass.

She descended again, skirting the underside of the clouds. Lightning leaped around her to the water below. Thunder played its electric symphony, drowning out the cheers and stomping of the pink pony watching. The cloud sounded its applause as well as Stormy flew away.

Stormy landed in front of her friend.

“Amazing as always, Stormy!” Strawberry Blossom said as the water rained back into the town’s reservoir.

“Only because I’m the only pony you’ve ever seen do that. But I think it’s time to head home for the night. I might be old enough to not have to go to school any more, but you aren’t.”

The two had just started to walk away when they heard the sound of hooves on the metal plating behind them. They turned and saw a mailmare, who pulled an envelope out of one of her saddlebags.

“Stormy Nights? I have a letter for you.”

“Yeah, that’s me.” Stormy shook off the water coating her. “Uh, thanks.”

Stormy took the letter from the mailmare. “I wonder who it’s from,” she said.

“Special delivery from the Weather Department,” the mailmare responded as she turned. “Excuse me, I’m in a hurry. I need to be out of the desert before sunrise.” She jumped off the side of the reservoir, spread her wings, and flew off.

Stormy stared at the figure receding into the night. Only the sound of her rain filled the air.

Strawberry finally broke the silence: “Hah! Look at that! She had wings like you do! I knew you weren’t the only pegasus in Equestria!”

“I... I don’t believe it...”

“Don’t tell me you really thought you were the only pegasus alive.”

“Of course not! It’s just... actually seeing one.”

“She did come all this way to bring you that letter. Go on, read it!”

“Oh yeah.” Stormy opened the envelope, careful not to get the parchment wet. “It’s about that letter to the Weather Department that you made me write.” She skimmed the document. “There’s a shortage of rough-weather ponies... and there’s an opening in a place called Whinnypeg. And they want me to go there to be a weatherpony!”

“Told you that letter would do you good.” Strawberry turned towards the reservoir's exit, motioning for Stormy to follow her.

“Well... I might be able to help...”

“Sure you will!”

“There’s so much I don’t know about weather...”

“You’ll learn a lot faster from other pegasi than from some book!”

“I’d have to move away.”

“You’ll never be shaking sand out from between your feathers again!”

“I’d have to leave you.”

Strawberry paused, turning to face her friend. “But you can’t stay. You’re wasting your time here in the desert. And that letter said that Equestria needs more ponies like you.”

“I guess...”

“Besides, we can still write to each other. Tell you what: when I’m out of school, I’ll move to Whinnypeg or Canterlot or wherever you end up by then! And you can use your awesome rain skills to keep my crops watered enough to make watermelons the size of your house!”

Stormy chuckled as they approached the waiting wagon outside. “I don’t think I’ll be working in Canterlot anytime soon.”

Strawberry hopped into her wagon as Stormy jumped in the back. The two put on their helmets and the full-grown pegasus propelled the vehicle down the road.


“Do you have everything, Stormy?”

“Yes, Mom.”

“Did you make the list of everything you want the movers to get?”

“On the fridge, Mom.”

“Are your wings all right? You checked every feather?”

“Only if you let go of me, Mom.”

“Are you okay flying at night? It’s awfully cold out.”

“I’ve flown at night my whole life, Mom.”

“Do you need a blanket to keep you warm?”

“I’ve flown at night without a blanket my whole life, Mom.”

“Did you pack everything you need for the trip?”

“You already asked me that. I’m going to be late.”

Stormy, her mother, and Strawberry stood outside the moonlit house.

“Fly safe, sweetie. Be careful.” Stormy’s mother kissed her on the forehead, letting a few teardrops fall.

“I will. Oh and Mom? Thank you, for everything.”

“I love you, Stormy.”

Stormy spread her wings. “I love you too, Mom.”

“Remember to write!” Strawberry called as Stormy took off.


Stormy had been flying for several hours when she saw a bank of stratocumulus clouds ahead. Surrounding it were what appeared to be several cloud structures. Below the clouds was a small town, surrounded by rolling green hills. A tiny figure sat on the edge of the cloud bank. Another pegasus!

As Stormy approached, the pegasus turned to look at her and began waving. Stormy landed in front of the pony.

“Hi!” the pale blue pony shouted. “Welcome to Upper Whinnypeg! My name’s Silver Lining, but everypony calls me Wobbler! I’m the head of the weather team! Who are you?”

“Stormy Nights. I got a letter from the Weather Department and—”

Wobbler tilted her head. “Weather Department? Wait. They sent me a rainpony?”

“Um, I guess I am—”

“THEY SENT ME A RAINPONY! WHOO-HOOOOOO!” Wobbler jumped into the air, half-flipped, and landed on her side.

“Um...” Stormy started as Wobbler rolled to her feet. “Are, uh... we... that rare?”

Wobbler pushed her grey mane out of her face. “Not really, but those pencil-pushers in the Department always send them to the big cities. Us little towns only get the dregs. I like sunshine and rainbows as much as the next pony, but Whinnypeg’s a new town, and the crops really need the water.” Wobbler paused. “Huh? What are you looking at? There something on my wing?” She turned to look at her back, spun in a circle, and fell over.

“Oh. I’m sorry. It’s just... I’ve never really seen a pegasus before.”

“Never seen a pegasus?” Wobbler giggled as she got to her feet again. “There aren’t any mirrors where you come from?”

Stormy paused. “I mean, I’ve never really gotten a good look at another pegasus.”

“So...” Wobbler pointed her dark blue eyes down, as if she was trying to figure something out. She looked back up at Stormy. “Okey dokey! Go ahead and get started on your cloudhome so you can drop your luggage off.”

“‘Cloudhome’? You live in the clouds?”

“Well, duh we- oooh did you live on the ground too? Yeah you get to make your very own house up here! It’s awesome! Come on, I’ll help you get started!” Wobbler took to the air and, true to her nickname, swayed back and forth as she hovered.

“I’m sure you’re busy with whatever it was you were doing...”

“Nah, I was just coming up with next month’s weather patterns. I’d love to help my newest employee get settled in! Come on!” Wobbler darted away in a corkscrewing path.


Wobbler flew circles around Stormy on their way across town. “So, Starry,” Wobbler started.

“It’s Stormy.”

Wobbler giggled. “Oh yeah that’s right! So, Stormy, nopony ever told you how to make a cloudhome? It’s an important life skill, you know. My mom taught me how; I had this little cloud-bedroom above my house until I moved out! Oh hey, we’re here!”

The two pegasi approached a small cumulus humilis cloud floating at the outskirts of town, painted in the new day’s light. Stormy landed on top of it. Wobbler caught a hoof, tripped, and plowed her face into the cloud. She somersaulted forwards, ending in a sitting position with a grin on her face.

“We’re here! Welcome home!”

Stormy pawed at the cloud. “This thing?”

“Yup! You’ll be living in your very own custom-made house in no time! As big as you want! The grounders will be so jealous!”

Stormy smiled. “I guess so.”

“Let’s get started! I like to start from the top and fill the roof in afterwards, but most ponies do the front door first. You’re really not digging or carving your cloud. More like molding...”


Stormy Nights walked around the only room so far in her home, kneading the lumps out of the floor. Sunlight streamed in through a window that Wobbler had insisted that Stormy add. A few dark splotches adorned the walls.

Where is Wobbler, anyways? Stormy wondered. I haven’t seen her for— a voice outside interrupted her train of thought.

“Hey Starry! Come on out for a minute!”

Stormy walked out her front door, then shrunk back. Wobbler had brought about a dozen other pegasi with her. Some were hovering, while others chose to stand on the clouds outside.

“Oh, um, hi.”

“Say hello to the Whinnypeg weather team! Fillies and colts, this is our new rainpony, Starry Isles!”

“It’s Stormy Nights.”

“Yes, that’s her name! Stormy’s good at rain and wind and stuff and her special talent’s... um... what was your talent again?”


“Lightning! Ooh, I’ve never met a lightning pony before. Stormy here’s going to be a great help with next week’s downpour!”

“It’s going to rain next week?”

“That’s right! The new crops need lots and lots of water, and you’re going to be the one to make it happen! With the help of everypony else here!”

Wobbler continued, “This is Cirrus and Stratus Sky, and that’s Suncream, and that’s...” She tilted her head. “Are you okay, Stormy?”

Stormy was surrounded by pegasi, a rainstorm was happening soon, and it was still cool during the daytime. She sniffled and wiped her eyes. “Yes... yes I’m fine.”

Next Chapter: Chapter 2 Estimated time remaining: 22 Minutes
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