
Iron Galley In Equestria

by AuTiSm

Chapter 1: You Put The Lime In The Coconut

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You Put The Lime In The Coconut

Iron Galley was truly a god amongst men, that can not be denied. His gifted powers of adminness made him all the more awesome. His daily routine initially seems like that of every Mexican, he'd brush his teeth, take a shower and eat breakfast. But after that was done, he proceeded to begin his daily duties of admin stuff, which I have no clue about because I'm not the admin of any group and that makes me feel unloved.

Admin patrol was no different than previous days, until he caught wind of a thread title "HAWT SEXY PONY PORN CLICK HERE MOFO" posted by none other than CastleRock. Ed had always despised that man for being a nigro. After clicking on the thread his eyes were greeted to the sight of a naked pony fisting herself. Ed projectile vomited all over the walls and banned CastleCock... FOREVER!

With that taken care of, there were more important matters at hand...


CastleCock couldn't believe it. He had been betrayed by the most shifty of all Mexicans. Fortunately for Castle, he had a trick up his sleeve, a pointless Mac Guffin put in here to progress the story. An interdimensional transporter device that would rid the world of the poo poo stain that was Iron Galley. Though Ed wouldn't be dead, he would definitly be gone for good, as the Mac Guffin is a one way trip.

He entered the secret elevator and pushed the button for a secret floor revealing a secret room full of secret science people. Castle licked his lips in anticipation as he entered the chamber of science and spoke with his head technician, Nicholas Cage. "How long until I can wipe that man off the planet?" Asked Castle, who was growing more impatient by the second.

"It's ready to fire now, we just need everyone to enter the safe zones and follow proper procedures..."

"NO, I'M SHOOTING THAT SHIT NOW!!!" Castle yelled, he shoved Nicadimus Haratio Cage III to the floor and pressed the nearest big red button he could find. The Mac Guffin roared to life as the room began to distort and have a bunch of wacky effects like a looney toons episode. When the machine finished firing, the only thing left of his scientists were corpses on the ground. This was of little importance, for this was only a small step in achieving his ultimate goal: WORLD DOMINATION!


Ed was preparing his taco like any good stereotype would, until he felt a sudden tingly sensation in his gut. At first, he ignored it, but as he progressed into the later stages of the tacos life it began to hurt. A lot. Ed was now on the floor screaming in pain when everything went black.

He thought he was dead, until he realized he could think. Maybe this was the afterlife? A light appeared in the darkness. First, the light was no bigger than a pin head, but it began to grow quickly. He realized that the light was ground, and it was coming fast! He couldn't do anything but watch as the ground came in direct contact with his face.


The Cutie Mark Crusaders couldn't believe their eyes. A creepy flying thing crashed right in front of their clubhouse and was bent in ways no creature should. They had been poking it with a stick for a while now, but that just made it twitch. Applejack had been staring at it as well but went off to get Fluttershy's animal expertise to help. That was ten minutes ago, this creature's probably dead, the CMC thought.

After a few more minutes of stick poking the creature made a strange gargling noise, which stunned the CMC. Maybe the creature was still alive? Not long after, Applejack and Fluttershy emerged from the woods and stood infront of the creature. "Oh my, it looks like a diseased monkey! You poor diseased monkey, we'll get you some help. Applejack, help me carry this thing!"

"I'mmmm wwwaaaaaalllkkkkkkkkkkiing onnnn sssuuuuuuunnnnn shiiiinnneee..." The weird thing mumbled in an almost drunken state of sleep. He'd apparently been knocked out cold from the crash and probably had brain damage. But Fluttershy had little time to dwell on that matter, all she could focus on was getting it to a hospital.


When Ed was coming back to reality, he was greeted to the sounds of a hospital. This was good news as it meant he survived the fall yet bad news because he could be permanently fucked up for life.

"Is it gonna be okay Doc?" Asked a suspiciously familiar voice that belonged to a young female. Ed was sure he heard it before, but with his mind racing at a thousand miles per hour and with his eyes glued shut out of tiredness, he didn't have time to think about it.

"I don't know. We know nothing of it's anatomy." Said the doctor. Did the fall mess him up so bad he looked like an alien? Because they sound as if they've never seen a human before.

"Ooh, ooh, when it gets better can I throw it a party?!" Asked a squeaky feminine voice. Wait a minute...

Mustering all of his strength, he opened his eyes and let the blur get out as he finally caught a glimpse at the creatures.

And he freaked the fuck out.

Next Chapter: And Shake It All Up Estimated time remaining: 7 Minutes
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