
Morals Are for Mortals

by Regina Wright

Chapter 1: ~Preface~

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To whomever finds this journal full of daydreams and scattered thoughts traitorous to everything simple, I would bid you to return it where ever you found it and forget what you have read. This confessional was started in the attempts of correcting my language when it comes to teaching my student and our newest Princess, Twilight Sparkle. Created in haste after I foolishly left a practice letter that should have never reached my student in the open, free for any wandering well-meaning hoof to send.

Sometimes, I forget that they, the ponies who make up most of my day and fills my thoughts at night, are mortal. I am lucky that my student believes that the practice letter was a work of fiction, meant to test her mental wit. I am not sure whether to be offended that she thought this long before I could send a following letter, correcting the things I said to fall in line with recent Equestrian values.

Nevertheless, I learn many things from them that I couldn't learn alone. Things that I was blind to many eons ago and perhaps even still. And it is with this, I admit my shame, my mere slip of the tongue. How freely I spoke of violence, pettiness and revenge... To tell it to Twilight as a joke and jest... To believe that she would laugh along like Discord, Luna, Cadence, that fool Chrysalis or any other entity that could understand...

There is a reason why I do not freely place my thoughts within textbooks and museums and I forgot why when it came to Twilight. It is true that she has ascended under the twin powers of friendship and harmony but yet... Twilight is mortal and she will likely never lose that morality that defines her being.

Perhaps, if I work out my words and define these half-thoughts I buried away, I could have something of value to tell Twilight. I know how mortals think, how they dream, how they are and at this moment, this most crucial of times, my knowledge falls short.

Author's Note:

Next Chapter: A Word On Immortality Estimated time remaining: 5 Minutes
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