
6 Friends and Luck (New Version)

by Vespi

Chapter 9: Beibers in a Ghost Town

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Beibers in a Ghost Town

I felt like I was in the opening scene of Modern Warfare 3. I was carrying Conor and rushing into a small house, behind me I could hear Trixie driving off. The night was pitch black, everything seemed hostile. I could hear my heart beating in my ears, and I felt warm liquid draining onto my hooves, which was probably blood. Mike slammed the door open and we rushed Conor inside. Conor at this point was just mumbling nonsense about the beavers; I couldn’t even believe he had so much blood in his body…

“DOCTOR, WHERE IS THE FUCKING DOCTOR!” Mike hollered down the vacant lobby, I heard a gallop from one of the rooms on the narrow hallway, I saw a little grey unicorn wearing a face mask and a smock dashed in blood. If this had been a different scenario I’d consider this doctor more of a butcher then a physician, but at this point anyone would be useful.

“Here is the fucking doctor!” He said in an almost ecstatic voice tinged with a German accent. O great, he is just like the guy from Nazi zombies!

“Doctor our friend was attacked by-“ Mike began

“Beibers, we know they have gotten lots of ponies here” The doctor said “Bring him over here, hurry!”

We followed the doctor into a small room, in a corner an idle nurse was smoking a cigarette and looking out a window into the pitch dark night. Mike and I dropped Conor on the table and the doctor waved the nurse over. The table was covered in dry blood.

“Sorry, the last pony bled out…” He said I cringed; this wasn’t exactly the type of doctor you’d want I could tell.

The doctor went into a nearby drawer and opened it with magic, out came a pointy syringe. The syringe then went straight into Conor’s chest; Conor recoiled a little and bounced up before dropping down and shutting his eyes.

“You colts go, he will live…hopefully, go see if there are any survivors outside of here! Take this!”

“What are these things?” I asked, my mind felt like it was shutting down. Nothing seemed real anymore.

“Beibers” The doctor said

“Don’t you mean….beavers?” Mike asked

The doctor turned around and stared at Mike with a normal “I hate your guts” look. He walked into a corner; from my line of sight I saw only a cage. Then the doctor pulled out a beaver. Its fur was bloodied and torn, its teeth and claws were removed as well. But the thing that caught my eye was its hair, it was chocolate flow and longer than the other fur. It was almost naturally combed to the side, flow…flow on a beaver.

“LOOK AT IT! IT IS A MONSTER!” The doctor bellowed, shaking the beaver before spiking him like a football back into his cage. “I have been trying to study them and their kind but have found very little useful information I’m afraid.”

The doctor walked over to a counter he turned around holding a short but wickedly sharp combat knife, it looked like it could cut through beavers like a chainsaw cuts through hot butter.

“I need you to search the town for survivors and any supplies you can find, bring them back to me. We will work on your friend while we still can.”

“Got you, Vespi let’s get this done!” Mike said. I looked at Mike funny, why did he want me to do this? I then realized why, Dan was shaking in the corner, blood matting his face, Nico was absent, and Tyler was already out of the room, probably to find a friend or the next best thing…some booze.

I and Mike went back out into the darkness, it was becoming light outside. I could now vaguely see several other huts nearby, along with several more undesirable things, corpses. 10 or 20 of them all lazily tossed around the ground, most gushing blood from various wounds. This entire dream was becoming more like a nightmare…with ponies.

“Jesus, do you think it was the beavers, I mean Beibers?” Mike asked

“Bastards…” I murmured to myself “Let’s see if anyone else had survived.”

We began our search and learned about New Marington quickly. It was about 15 small houses clinging together in a small valley, there was a small stagnant lake near. I began to feel a sense of doom inside of me, if this small town could get overrun by those things, what would happen to Marington? They didn’t have any defenses! All that was there were Brandy and her negligent father who isn’t aware enough to notice that his very own daughter is missing in a tornado getting banged by a stranger! I prayed that the Beibers wouldn’t go that far, and just terrorize this desolate ghost town.

The town seemed similar to Human towns; lots of small houses and a small district of 3 or 4 shops. Nothing was really useful in the shops, as what once was inside the shops was either looted or destroyed. Most of the houses had been picked clean as well, who else had survived? Were they still in town, or had they escaped?

We searched every little house and found nothing but corpses and loot. We assumed that these dead ponies wouldn’t need this stuff anymore, so we what little food or weapons that we found that were necessary.

Mike and I were finished looting an amazing looking chainsaw when we heard a scream from outside. I and Mike ran outside to see a olive-green pegasus making a stand against a lone Bieber. The mare in one hand had a machete and a light green shirt with a matching hat.

The beaver made a lunge for the mare but she was ready. The beaver jumped onto her but the shiv jumped out faster and impaled the furry demon. I heard a faint squeak before the mysterious mare let the rodent slide off of the knife.

“Not half bad” I said in an admiring voice. The mare turned around and gave us a smile.

“Thank god I’m not the only one here, names Daring Do” She said, extending a hoof

“I’m Vespi and this is Vinyl Mix” I said

“Nice to meet you two, so what the hay is going on?” Daring Do asked, grimacing at the dead beaver corpse.

“We don’t know, the doctor dude told us to find any survivors and go back there…” Mike said

“No one else is left, that is what I know” Daring Do said “I already checked the houses…I see you took the chainsaw, I took some decent stuff too, not amazing but decent” Daring Do revealed some food, several bottles of alcohol and a lengthy iron harpoon, probably used by the fisherman.

“Nice booze” I remarked, boy was Tyler going to be happy.

“Gives me 20% more swag” Mike said with a grin

Daring Do nodded and began to head towards the doctor’s house, we followed, a massive mist was enveloping the ex-town. The doctor was disappointed that there were no other survivors, but after all 3 of our accounts he finally accepted our story.

I feared the worst.

We found the door open and walked inside; Tyler was standing out there with a red earth pony, and a blue Pegasus. The 3 were happily chatting. In the other room Nico was speaking in German with presumably the doctor, I was stunned when he responded back in what sounded like German. How did ponies know German?

“Hey Nico” I said “Who’s this”

“Names Fire Lance” He said “Just got out of the guard to make a new life here in this here town…turns out things aren’t going to work out…”

The blue pegasus began to speak up

“I’m Blue Breeze, I came here to study weather…turns out the wild life is very…strange”

“You can say that again!” Daring Do said “I had to kill a hundred of those things to get here! And that blue unicorn wouldn’t even let me get a ride.”

“She gave us a ride” I stated

The doctor walked into the dimly lighted lobby, his smock was now even soaked more with blood.

“How is he doing doc?” I asked

“He will live, but he is in a stucko pliotropilicouslsticalomitacalonic stufficom, or a coma. I can transport him to Stalliongrad right now and you can get some real help, but I need to master the spell first and tend to him a little bit more. Please stay here for a good 2 hours and I can get you and your friends out of here…”

I nodded, as long as we weren’t attacked by those Africanized Beavers we could last. Apparently the doctor had his own stash of food for us all, plus what we found was more than enough to feed us for 24 hours. My main fear was being attacked by those things, I didn’t know if Daring and Blue Breeze and Lance were competent fighters. I and my friends were rowdy bros at times but it would be a miracle to finish off hundreds of those things.

The other problem was the doctor’s house was in the middle of town. Beavers could attack from all sides and obliterate us. We’d need a far superior and better equipped garrison if we wanted to win this fight. I knew exactly who to call.

“I need a moment alone” I said, I walked into the hallway and found the stairs at the end of it. I walked up and saw Tyler looking out into the mist, watching the once great town.

“Hey Dan, how are you doing?” I asked, I knew that Dan and Conor were good friends and I could tell from Dan’s shaking from before he was shattered to see his best friend suffering.

“Hey Vespi…” Dan said sadly, his voice was devoid of all emotion.

“Dan I know how we can get out of this” I said “HEY AYAN FAGGOT GET OVER HERE!”

I heard that voice pop out, I turned around to see Harrison right next to me, juggernaut suit and all.

“So you need my help my son?” Ayan said

“Harrison we are the same age, we need some suits and some guns” I ordered

“Where are you anyways?” Ayan asked, trying to have a intelligent conversation with Harrison is like trying to build a house out of sand.

“Well how did you find me!?” I questioned

“…….what” Ayan said extending the word to sound like an entire sentence.

“OKAY THEN, long story, we are outgunned, outnumbered, and out beavered and we need assistance, can you help us?”

“What is in it for me?” Harrison asked

“If you don’t die…you can travel with us to Ponyville” I bargained

“Perhaps” Ayan said

I waited a moment

“You either help us or you get the fuck out” I insisted

“Fine, I will find 5 juggernaut suits for ye” Harrison said

“VESPI GET DOWN HERE AN ARMY OF BEIBERS ARE COMING!” Tyler shouted, I looked over the edge outside the front entrance to view into the distance. From afar I could see a legion of Beibers converging on our position.

“Eat hardy men” Harrison said “Because…






Next Chapter: Teenagers and Juggernaut Suits Estimated time remaining: 4 Hours, 11 Minutes

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