
6 Friends and Luck (New Version)

by Vespi

Chapter 14: Mike is now Eminem

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Mike is now Eminem

I looked up into the tranquil blue sky, it was a cloudy day but the sun was slowly beginning to peak its head out from behind the clouds. Life was being usual as usual…as usual.

“So how are we going to do this? Do you just think you can pull every rap song out of your ass just like that?” I asked

“I got a few down. Not Afraid, Remember the Name, Low, that window to the wall song, you know good rap” Mike said. I now knew what his plan was, basically just take all the rap songs from Earth and call him his own. Actually wasn’t a bad idea, just like I could make amazing movie after amazing movie or amazing book after amazing book. It actually wasn’t a bad idea…but how would Mike be able to tweak these songs when he doesn’t even have them on paper? If he was going to go talk about drugs and guns (Which I doubt Equestrians have) people would become curious.

“Relax I know what I’m doing, we just need to find a boom box…thing and a stage, which can’t be hard.” Mike said with a sense of excitement

“Where could we find loudspeakers…” Mike said to himself.

“Maybe ask for directions?” I asked

“Vespi” Mike said, his tone going from excited to aggravated “Russians are very volatile, for all we know they could start another war!”

“Over that…” I said sardonically

“Over that” Mike responded.

We continued our search, mainly focusing on nearby bars or nightclubs, but to no avail. That is when we noticed something much better. Little by little, the apartments became less and less impoverished, fewer Gryphons hid in the alleys and the streets were now populated by almost entirely nice looking ponies. We were going into the pony section of the city obviously.

Eventually we made it to what I thought was like the skyscraper zone. You guessed it; there were skyscrapers, and a lot of them, we had moved from the poor section of Stalliongrad to the more metropolitan part. There was so many skyscrapers it was amazing, so many kinds of all different shapes and sizes. One was labeled as “Dream Catcher’s Recording Studios – Stalliongrad”

“Shall we?” Mike asked, opening the door for me like a true gentlemen (Or gentlecolt).

“Why not” I said

The lobby of the recording studio was much more refreshing then the doctor’s lobby. It was well lighted and adeptly beautified. A pink Earth Pony in a suit was stationed behind a desk working busily at a computer, so they have pony computers?

“I got this” Mike whispered in my ear

“Welcome to Dream Catcher’s Recording Studios how can I help you?” She asked

“Yea, my name is Mike but you can call me Poninem, or Slim Pony, or Marshal Pony, or just the white kid from D12 pony, or just pony Poninem 12 Slim Marshal Pony Pony white kid…pony” Mike said, adding in a shit ton of unnecessary “Pony”.

“I’m sorry but to my knowledge we are not accepting any new applicants” The pink mare said plainly “We’ll have to ask you to leave”

“LIKE HELL I AM! RUN FOR IT!” Mike screamed, he ran past the lobbyists deck and made a dash for a nearby door, the second he was about to break the door open it magically opened, slamming Mike into the nearby wall.

“What the devil was that?” I heard. The voice was that of a whiny Englishmen. A light blue unicorn walked through the opening in the wall, he was wearing a pair of douche bag like sunglasses.

“Yo are you one of the producer guys?” Mike asked, I actually found it amusing when he spoke ghetto.

“And who might you be?” The mysterious pony asked “And yes I am Dream Catcher, and THIS, THIS is my studio and what do you want?” O great pony Simon Cowell

“Mister Dream Catcher, my name is Mike but you can call me Poninem, or Slim Pony, or Marshal Pony, or just the white kid from D12 pony, or just-“

“For fucks sake Mike” I shouted from across the room, Mike turned around and nodded his head quickly.

“I can be the biggest star in Equestria, if you give me a chance” Mike said with a look of confidence. Through another door on the opposite side of the lobby two burly looking security guards ran inside, one wielding a Taser. We had two

endings here. The ending where Mike gets a shot or the ending where Mike gets shocked…

“Fine I have 30 minutes until my next meeting, follow me, and don’t. Touch. Anything. Do you understand me?” Dream Catcher said in his impatient voice. Mike gave an energetic nod and jumped in joy. I ran over to Mike and followed him through a shiny white hallway towards a fancy looking elevator. I hopped on the elevator just in time.

The elevator had a red carpet and had a wall made completely out of glass so you could see Stalliongrad. I never really had a fear of heights but I was beginning to feel a little bit more and more concerned with every level we escalated.

“So exactly do you do lad? For Celestia’s sake you better not be another DJ” Dream Catcher asked

“Rap” Mike said tersely

“Rap? Enlighten me.” Dream Catcher said

“Music that comes from the soul, that is 10x better then techno” Mike said, he was doing a nice job of stay calm but I could notice he was beginning to sweat and look pasty.

“Interesting” Dream Catcher said. The door opened to a recording studio “Show me what you got”

In the recording room was a white unicorn and a mixing board. She wore large sunglasses and had flamboyant almost gaudy multi-colored blue hair. Dream Catcher walked towards a desk covered in equipment and pulled a microphone to his face.

“I’m sorry Vinyl Scratch, but we are going to need the room for a little bit. Can you stay around for 15 minutes or so?”

Vinyl Scratch looked up from her DJ station and gave a nod, she walked towards the door and magically opened it.

“Show me what you got” Dream Catcher said to Mike

Mike nodded and cautiously walked into the room past the DJ. He levitated a microphone over towards him (As the sole unicorn in our group we urged him to study some basic magic skills) and grabbed a set of headphones.

“I’m…going to need a beat” Mike said

“Okay, Vinyl Scratch on second though can you help us out for a quick moment please?” Dream Catcher said

I took a seat on a nearby foldable chair next to dream Catcher and eagerly waited for Mike to explain an entire song.

“Okay so it starts like…well it is like” Mike began, fumbling on how to word it

“Don’t worry we understand” Dream Catcher said “Take your time”

9 Hours later

“OKAY DO WE BLOODY HAVE IT!” Dream Catcher screamed I jumped up; I had fallen asleep in my chair maybe 2 hours into everything.

“Yup I think we are set” Mike said “Hit it Vinyl”

Vinyl responded by hitting a button and the background music came in for “Not Afraid” by Eminem. I was stunned; Mike actually was able to explain all of that in only 9 hours. Now the huge moment, could he sing it? Probably not since hes Mike and-

(Hit it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5-yKhDd64s&list=FLYy7AyUe0wtuIKz3HTC3pRQ&index=37&feature=plpp_video)

I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid

To take a stand, to take a stand

(Yeah, it's been a ride)

Everybody, everybody

(I guess I had to)

Come take my hoof, come take my hoof

(Go to that place to get to this one)

We'll walk this world together through the storm

(Now some of you)

Whatever weather, cold or warm

(Might still be in that place)

Just lettin' you know that you're not alone

(If you're tryin' to get out)

Holla if you feel like you've been down the same road

(Just follow me, I'll get you there)

You can try and read my lyrics off of this paper before I lay 'em

But you won't take the sting out these words before I say 'em

'Cause ain't no way I'ma let you stop me from causing mayhem

When I say I'ma do something, I do it, I don't give a damn what you think

I'm doin' this for me, so fuck the world

Feed it beans, it's gassed up if it thinks it's stopping me

I'ma be what I set out to be, without a doubt, undoubtedly

And all those who look down on me, I'm tearing down your balcony

No if, ands, or buts, don't try to ask him why or how can he

From "Infinite" down to that last "Relapse" album

He's still shittin' whether he's on salary, paid hourly

Until he bows out or he shits his bowels out of him

Whichever comes first, for better or worse

He's married to the game, like a fuck-you for Christmas

His gift is a curse, forget the earth, he's got

The urge to pull his dick from the dirt and fuck the whole universe

I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid

To take a stand, to take a stand

Everybody, everybody

Come take my hand, come take my hand

We'll walk this route together through the storm

Whatever weather, cold or warm

Just lettin' you know that you're not alone

Holla if you feel like you've been down the same road

Okay, quit playin' with the scissors and shit and cut the crap

I shoudldn't have to rhyme these words in a rhythm for you to know it's a wrap

You said you was the king, you lied through your teeth

For that fuck your fillings, instead of getting crowned you're getting capped

And to the fans, I'll never let you down again, I'm back

I promise to never go back on that promise, in fact

Let's be honest, that last "Relapse" CD, was "eh"

Perhaps I ran the max and since hit the ground

Relax, I ain't goin' back to that now

All I'm tryin' to say is get back, click clack, pow

'Cause I ain't playin' around, it's the game called circlin'

I don't know how, I'm way too rough to back down

But I think I'm still tryin' to figure this crap out

Thought I had it mapped out, but I guess I didn't

This fucking black cloud still follows me around

But it's time to exorcise these demons, these motherfuckers are doing jumping-jacks now

I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid

To take a stand, to take a stand

Everybody, everybody

Come take my hand, come take my hand

We'll walk this route together through the storm

Whatever weather, cold or warm

Just lettin' you know that you're not alone

Holla if you feel like you've been down the same road

And I just can't keep living this way

So starting today, I'm breaking out of this cage

I'm standing up, I'ma face my demons

I'm manning up, I'ma hold my ground

I've had enough, now I'm so fed up

Tryin' to put my life back together right now

Okay so he is doing okay, I doubt he’ll finish it though-

It was my decision to get clean, I did it for me

Admittedly, I probably did it subliminally for you

So I could come back a brand new me, you helped see me through

And don't even realize what you did, believe me you

I've been through the ringer, but take it through little to the middle finger

I think I got a tear in my eye, I feel like the king of

My world, haters can make like bees with no stingers

And drop dead, no more beef flingers

No more drama, from now on I promise to only focus

On handlin' my responsibilities as a father

I solemnly swear to always treat this roof like my filly

And raise it, you couldn't lift a single shingle on it

'Cause the way I feel, I'm strong enough to go to the club

Or the corner pub and lift the whole liquour counter up

'Cause I'm raisin' the bar, I shoot for the moon

But I'm too busy gazin' at stars I feel amazin'

And I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid

To take a stand, to take a stand

Everybody, everybody

Come take my hand, come take my hand

We'll walk this route together through the storm

Whatever weather, cold or warm

Just lettin' you know that you're not alone

Holla if you feel like you've been down the same road

I was stunned, 100% stunned, 1000% stunned. Vinyl Scratch had a stunned look on her face, the bottom of her mouth ajar. Dream Catcher looked as though he had just been struck by lightning.

“My son, YOU ARE GOING TO BE A STAR!” Dream Catcher shouted in shock and awe. Mike’s smile reached from one end of the room to the other, I would of never knew the same kid who mouthed the lyrics to pretty much every rap song he had ever heard was the same person who was a pony (Never would of expected that one) and is going to be a pony star.

“Thanks man, I got other songs too that are pretty good” Mike said

“This one song could make you more money than any of these crappy DJ, sorry Vinyl” Dream Catcher said, Vinyl gave a unaffected shrug and allowed him to continue

“How many other songs?”  Dream Catcher asked excitedly

“Like 10” Mike said. Dream Catcher made a “squee” sound.

“Let’s just practice this first song for now, I am finding you a gig and you are singing that song! YOU ARE A STAR!” Dream Catcher said excitedly “Tonight, I’m going to find you a quick place right now!”

Next Chapter: Repercussions Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 34 Minutes

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