
A Boy's Tears

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 21: Crusaders get their Marks

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Back home in Fluttershy's cottage, Cloudchaser And Flitter were still watching over Colin for Fluttershy was still away on her trip in Cloudsdale, but on the positive side, she will be back home in a little while to make Colin dinner and then tuck him into bed for bedtime. The boy was just playing with a couple of Fluttershy's raccoon friends along with Harry the bear by wrestling eachother gently. They were all trying to be careful not to claw or bite him by mistake, and they fortunately didn't hurt him.

"Hahahaha! Stop it!" Colin said while laughing from Harry tickling him with his claws.

Cloudchaser and Flitter noticed it, and they both giggled seeing Colin playing with the critters like that. After that, several more critters decided to join in on the fun, tickling Colin, and playfully wrestling him. The bids tickled his stomach using the feathers from their wings, and the other animals used their long tails to do the trick.

"Stop it!" Colin begged while laughing hysterically once again. "I can't take it anymore!"

Then all the animals participating in the tickling stopped their actions to let Colin catch his breath from all that playing ad did Cloudchaser and Flitter. He certainly had sough fun with the tickling, kind of like how his big brother would use to tickle him when he hung out ith him.

"Yout okay, kid?" Asked Cloudchaser with a smile.

"Hm-mmm. I'm okay, Cloudchaser.

"Did you have fun?" Asked Flitter

"Yeah!" Colin exclaimed with joy. "So much fun!"

the twin sisters both laughed with fun. "Good to hear." Cloudchaser gave him a gentle head rub.

"So, is mommy coming back later?" Colin asked

"Yep, she'll be back home in a little while." Flitter answered. "Why do you ask?"

"No reason." Colin replied. "Do you think when she is not home sometimes, do you think that you guys can come back to watch me and have more fun?"

"Of course we will." Said Cloudchaser. "We can bring Rumble with us too, and maybe Thunderlane can come over for some fun. Well, not like watching over Thunderlane, but he can hang out with u." They all laughed at her remark.

"Do you think he would like to spend time with us?"

"Of course he will. Thunderlane likes you Colin." Flitter replied. "He would be more than excited to come and play with you too."

"Yeah, we have known Thunderlane ever since we were foals, and I can tell you, he is a pretty nice guy." Cloudchaser added.

"Okay. So, thank you guys for reading my book for me. It was really sweet of you."

"Oh come here you." Cloudchaser gave Colin a small kiss on his cheek as a thank you gift for calling her really sweet. Then Flitter gave the boy a small kiss on his other cheek like Cloudchaser did. He blushed heavily and gave a bashful giggle.

"Say if you want to when you are not in school, would you like to go up to Cloudsdale and do something fun up there?" Flitter suggested.

"Yeah!" Colin replied, but then he remembered something. "Oh wait, I think Rainbow Dash asked me before you guys did. Sorry."

"Ah it's okay, Colin." Said Cloudchaser. "We're not mad at you. Still, it doesn't mean we can't take you up there sometime because of that."

The boy smiled with excitement again. He looked at the clock and remembered another thing important to him. "Oh gosj, I think it's time to feed the animals dinner."

"Oh it is!" Said Flitter remembering one of Fluttershy's objections on her to-do list.

"Can I help you guys with it?"

"Oh yeah. They are your animal friends too you know." Cloudchaser playfully said while gently bumping him on his arm with her elbow. "Come on, we'll get you the feed and you can help out."

Then they heard someone clearing his throat and it was Angel, looking impatiently while stamping his foot repeatedly.

"Oh Angel, don't think we won't feed you first. We know how much you loved to be fed first." Cloudchaser said annoyingly.

"Yeah, so keep your ears on." Flitter added. "Come on Colin, lets go out in the back first. that's where you and Fluttershy would go first right?"


"Right, I thought so."

"Can I be the one who feeds Angel?" said Colin

"Go ahead." said Cloudchaser.

Colin went to one of the cabinets in the kitchen and got himself a bowl full of carrots, lettuce, and tomato slices for Angel. He walked up to the white rabbit who was really excited to eat dinner. "Here you go Angel. I hope you like it."

The rabbit nodded a "yes, I will love it" and then dug into his food like a boar. Colin nodded his head sideways with a smirk "Oh Angel." he said. He went with the sisters outside to feed the animals living in the backyard.

They all started filling the bowls, containers one at a time, and would work together on the troughs. After at least ten minutes, every animal outside was happy. It reminded him back home in Montana when he was visiting his Grandfather's farm from time to time, feeding the animals with him and taking care of them. He wondered if his grandfather even knows about what happened. does he know about what happened to his parents on his birthday? Does he know that Colin is alright at least? He honestly didn't know, but he shouldn't keep thinking about it too much because he knows it will just hurt himself.

"Say, Colin, me and Flitter were curious." said Cloudchaser while still giving out food "Have you ever fed any animals before you and Fluttershy met? I'm just curious."

"Yeah, I worked at my grandpa's farm back home in Montana. He is a very nice guy, and would always help me with the work. It's fun, but hard work."

"Neat. Sounds like you are alot of help to him." said Flitter

"Yeah. I am."

"Sounds like it." said Cloudchaser in agreement. When they all finished outside, the animals thanked them all for their help and the three went inside to tend to the animals living inside, minus Angel, of course. They started with Harry the friendly brown bear, then all the birds, and fed the rest of the many species living in the house. After they were all done, the inside animals were happy as well.

"Hello, i'm back." said a soft voice in sing-song



the boy ran up to Fluttershy and hugged her really tightly, as did Fluttershy to him, both really happy to see eachother. Sure it was not for a long time, but it did feel like forever for Colin. And of course he did have so much fun with Cloudchaser and Flitter. Besides the child, many animal friends crowded around the hugging pair as well like a large bonfire that a giant might have created.

"Oh hello everyone." Fluttershy addressed to her animal friends around her. All of them made animal sounds that sounded very happy to see her again from her trip to Cloudsdale. "I'm so happy to see all of you too." she looked at Cloudchaser and Flitter with a smile. "Hello Cloudchaser. Hello Flitter. How was it with you and Colin?"

"He was amazing. He was a really good boy." complimented Cloudchaser

"He was a sweetie." Flitter added

"We had so much fun with him. We took him to the zoo today, and we helped out with the animals here."

"Yeah. We had so much fun, mommy."

Fluttershy smiled. "Good. How were my critter friends?"

"They were alright too." Cloudchaser answered. "Well, see you soon, Colin."

"Have a good night." Said Flitter

"Wait! Before you leave, we're still going to have fun together, right?" Colin asked

"Oh yeah! Of course we are. Whenever Fluttershy says that it's okay, we will be more than happy to hang out with you again." Cloudchaser winked at him, as did Flitter after.

"Okay. See you all later."

"Goodnight." The sisters said in unison. "See you later Fluttershy, and if Colin wants to come hang with us some more, you just let us know." Said Flitter.

"Of course. Anytime." Fluttershy said happily. "See you both soon. Have a good night." The two sisters exited the cottage happily, and flew off into their house in Ponyville.

"Well, sweetie. What do you want for dinner?"

"Ummmmm....... Can I have a salad for dinner, and with lots of tomatoes and lettuce?"

"Of course. Coming right up." Fluttershy went into her kitchen and pulled o the materials for her son's dinner, and made herself a salad too. "Here you go. Bon appetite."

"Thanks mommy."

"You're welcome, Colin."

While eating, Colin asked "so how as this meeting?"

"Oh well, you know, it was kind of..... How should I say this? Not so exciting. I am just glad it was over, but it was alright. We were trying to help make the cloud factory a little better than before, and creating more Rainbows to create."

"That's nice. It's just good for you to be home again, even if you were gone for just a few hours."

"I know, it's good to be back."

Colin and Fluttershy continued eating their dinner and enjoyed their night together, reunited.

The Next Morning

Colin was fast asleep in his bed when the rooster crowed in a distance, and sighed adorably. He felt a gentle tapping on his body and heard a really soft voice. "Colin, it's time for school." It said.

He sat up and yawned. "Good morning, mommy."

"Good morning sweetie. Did you sleep well last night and had happy dreams."

"Yeah, thanks to you."

"Oh that's sweet." Fluttershy gave him a kiss on his forehead as a thank you gift for the compliment. "I'll fix you some breakfast while you go take a shower. Okay?"

"Kay." Colin got out of bed and went out to the bathroom. While he was taking a shower, Fluttershy got out some new pair of clothes for him to wear today: a light blue and light green t-shirt and another pair of his usual jeans, and socks. She put them on her couch downstairs.

Fifteen minutes later, he heard footsteps coming downstairs and she smiled to see her boy clean. "Here's your breakfast, sweetie." She said

"Thanks." It was a bowl of marshmallow diamond cereal with some milk in it of course. When he was eating, he looked at the other animals minding their business and doing any random animal activities.

After he was finished, he took out his usual green jacket and put his plate away while Fluttershy put the cereal box in the garbage. He heard the door banging and it had to be the cutie mark crusaders. Fluttershy went and answered the door

"Oh hello girls, I-" she gasped.

Colin rushed over to see what was going on "what is it mommy?"

He saw the crusaders with big smiles on their faces and they all said with excitement while showing the side of their flanks "We got our cutie marks!"

Colin gasped "that's awesome! How did that happen?"

"Oh yes, how did you get these adorable cutie marks?" Fluttershy said in question. She then made a gasp with an idea. "Do you think we should celebrate

"Already taken care of." Said Scootaloo.

"Well, Applejack, and Rarity are planning a party for us after school if you would like to come. The cutie marks I think came from helping Diamond Tiara be a better pony for Colin." Said Applebloom.

"Yeah. Have a look." Said Scootaloo.

Fluttershy and Colin looked at the cutie marks that were in a farm of a shield-like symbol that looked like a tri-color flag, mostly looking like the French flag. However, they had different symbols within them. Scootaloo's was a lightning bolt, Sweetie Belle's was a musical note, and Applebloom of course, had an apple in it.

"That's so cool." Said Colin in amazement. Then he had a thought. "So, does that mean you are not cutie mark crusaders anymore?" He asked a little sadly

"Oh no." Said Sweetie Belle. "We are still Cutie mark crusaders, but we are going to help other blank flanks with their hidden talents as well."

"That's wonderful." Said Fluttershy. "Well, have a good day at school."

"Bye Fluttershy." Said the crusaders. They all got to the scooter with Scootaloo putting her helmet off, ready to ride as soon as Colin get's in the wagon.

"See you later, mommy." Said Colin. Fluttershy gave him a kiss on the forehead with great affection and caress

"Have fun, sweetie. I'll pick you up from school later and we can go the party then." Colin smiled and really looked forward to the party, especially if there will be any cake. Maybe he can get to see their talent be put to action their. He was really happy for the girls, and proud of them.

"Okay." Colin followed the crussders and went on the scooter then went for little fun ride to the school. Colin waved at Fluttershy while he was riding and then focused on the road ahead of them for where Scootaloo would take to school.

"So how was Cloudchaser and Flitter, Colin?" Asked Scootaloo curiously.

"It was fun. We went to the zoo yesterday."

"That sounds like fun" said Sweetie Belle.

"Yeah, really fun" Applebloom added.

"I know it's just like me and my brother hanging out together."

"You have a brother?" Asked Scootaloo

"Yeah, but I'd rather prefer to talk about him later. I just woke up." He and the crusaders all laughed.

"We understand, Colin." Said all three girls in unison. Then they continued riding to Cheerilee's class in school. Today was going to be yet another great day for Colin.

Author's Notes:

The Crusaders finally gotten their marks. What happens next? Find out on the next chapter. I hope this chapter wasn't too boring for y'all.

Next Chapter: Cutie Mark Party for the Crusaders Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 38 Minutes
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