
A Boy's Tears

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 20: Hanging Out with Cloudchaser and Flitter (Trip to the Zoo)

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Colin was reading the book that Moon Dancer gave him when he was visiting Canterlot with his new family on the couch. He really enjoyed it and thought it was a really nice and welcoming place, especially if he was not a pony at all. He still missed his mother a little, but he knows she will be back. Cloudchaser and Flitter were outside feeding the animals that Fluttershy tasked them to do as one of the lists of things to do around her cottage. They were almost done with it now, even if they are not really animal "experts" like Fluttershy is. He really liked the book that Moon Dancer gave him, and enjoyed reading it. When he finished, it was just in time when Cloudchaser and Flitter came back inside the cottage, and walked up to Colin.

"Okay, Colin, what would you like to do today, little buddy?" said Cloudchaser, ready to do whatever fun things Colin would like to do with them.

Colin thought about what he should do with his two foalsitters. There was so much fun things to do in Ponyville, he didn't really know where to go first. He didn't want to keep them both waiting to the point of making them impatient, so he replied "I.... I don't know. sorry."

"No no, it's okay, Colin." said Cloudchaser

"Yeah, we can chose for you." Flitter added.

"Okay. What do you think we should do together?" Colin asked

The two sisters were thinking of what place to take Colin and would be really fun for hum to enjoy. "So, do you like animals?" asked Cloudchaser with a thought

"Yeah, I love animals." Colin said

the sisters both smiled "How about the zoo then?" Cloudchaser suggested

"Okay." he followed the two sisters but then looked back to the animals that were housed in and outside the cottage. "I'll be back in a little while, okay guys?" he said to them

The critters made friendly sounds to him in reply, then he continued following the two babysitters to the zoo.

While walking, Cloudchaser asked "say, would you like me to give you a ride, kiddo?"

"Sure." Colin replied and they all stopped, then Colin got on Cloudchaser's back. "Thanks." He said to her

"Anytime kiddo." Cloudchaser winked, then they continued walking to the zoo.

"So, how was Canterlot, Colin?" Asked Flitter. "Was it fun?"

"Yeah, it was fun. Mommy, Twilight, Spike, and my family showed me the cool city, and it was awesome. I had a doughnut there from Doughnut Joe, and I met a couple of new friends, Fancy Pants, Fleur De Lis, and Twilight's old friends. Moon Dancer was one of them, and she gave me an awesome book to read as a present."

"That's awesome, Colin." Said Cloudchaser. "What else did you do there?"

"Ummm, oh yeah, Twilight shoes me her old house that she and Spike lived in before moving here." Colin replied. "That's pretty much it."

"Awesome." Said Flitter

It was a little silent for a moment as Colin was looking around his surroundings while still riding on Cloudchaser.

"You okay back here, buddy?" Asked Cloudchaser


"Okay good. Just checking on you."

"I know. Sooo, you babysit Rumblw a lot?" He asked curiously

"Yep, almost everyday when Thunderlane is not with him and needs to work. So we would watch him like when he gets home from school or other times." Flitter replied.

"That's right. He is such a great kid, and very adorable."

"That's great. Do you think we could hang out with Thunderlane sometime?"

"Oh of course." Said Cloudchaser. "Whenever he and Rumble are available."

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that Thunderlane would love to hang out with you, and Rumble too. They both really really like you." Flitter added.

"Neat. I wish my brother was here."

"You have a brother too?" Said Flitter

"Hm-mmm. He's older than me, in college, and has his own metal band."

"Really?" Said Cloudchaser, really amazed to hear that. "What instrument does he play?"

"Lead guitarist and singer."

"That's awesome, dude!"

"Yeah. He helped me get attached to many rock and metal artists, both classic rock and modern rock, too."

"Wow. You sound really lucky to have him as your big brother." said Flitter. "What's his name?"

"Johnny. And I am lucky to have him. He is the greatest brother in the whole world."

"Sounds like it." Said Cloudchaser with a laugh. "Where is he now?"

"He's in college." Colin's face turned into a frown very slowly just thinking about him, and if he remembers hik. "I just hope he knows I'm okay." He said sadly.

"Aw, don't worry, Colin." Said Cloudchaser. She turned herself around and rubbed Colin's hair. "I'm pretty due he is thinking about you right now."

"I think he is." Said Colin, feeling a little more happy now.

"That's the Colin we like to hear." Said Flitter.

They both reached Ponyville, and my of the townsfolk smiled and waved at Colin and said hello to him. The boy said "hello" to them back and waved at them in return.

"So is the zoo far from here?"

"Well, not that far, but not so close either." Flitter replied.

"Yeah, it's in the park area of Ponyville." Cloudchaser added


They walked though the park and there it was: the Ponyville Zoo. There was a line of ponies with children just waiting for permission to get inside the zoo walls.

"The line won't take long, will it?"

"Nah, don't worry Colin. Me and Flitter have seen the zoo line many times before. It's just like a bunch of kids waiting in line for their school lunches, which by the way I would avoid eating."

The three laughed at that remark and stopped in the back of the line. Turns out Cloudchaser was right, the line was going fast after all. Finally, almost a minute in the line, they were next. "Cloudchaser, can I get off, please?" Colin asked politely.

"Sure thing little buddy. Let me help you." She crouched slightly and the human boy gently got off her so that be can walk on his own feet again.

"And how can I help you?" Said the concessions stallion.

"Me, my big sis, and a human boy." Said Flitter.

"Ah, I heard of you little guy." Said the stallion recognizing Colin. "You're Fluttershy's new offspring. We heard so much about you, kid. I hope you will enjoy the visit here.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome kid." The stallion replied with a smile. Then the three went inside and looked at their surroundings. Colin really liked the interior of the zoo. It was slightly different than a zoo he would see, but most of it still looked the same as a human zoo would look like.

"Where would you like to go forst, buddy?" Asked Cloudchaser.

"Ummmmm" he looked at the signs, and noticed a sign that said Zebrican wildlife on it. It struck him because
It was lie a combination of a zebra and Africa. Then he said "how about the.... 'Zebrican' path?"

"Okay. Let's go. They Walked Down The Zebrican pathway, and I turns out Colin was right, it did have African wildlife in it, or whatever a place like Africa in Equestria was called. He saw lions, leopards, cheetahs, giant forest hogs, and other cool African wildlife. He was always fascinated with Lions, and thought of how cool they are. He remembered watching the Lion King when he was back home in Montana with his parents, and his brother a few times when he visited him.

"This is really awesome. The lions are so cool." Colin said. He saw a large male lion with a black mane looking at him from a distance in the pen.

"Ah, looks like he's looking at you, Colin." Said Cloudchaser noticing this.

"Adorable." Said Flitter.

The lion walked up to the front of the pen to get a good view of the boy. Colin was half amazed and half terrified. Happy that he caught the lion's attention, and scared because the lion would want to eat him for his dinner. Then, after a few minutes, and walked back to the back of the lion pen.

"Well, you're becoming famous." Said Flitter jokingly.

"Yeah I know." Colin giggled. "Let's keep going."

He followed the two again and looked at many types of fascinating animals in the zoo. He really liked seeing how the animals are well kept and well fed with food. Many types of animals as far as he can see. Little or small, he loved both types of them, no matter how interesting or less interesting they are. He went into the small critter cave with the two pegasus sisters and looked at many small aninals like scorpions, spiders, skunks, turtles, skunks, weasels, and more. He really wished that his brother would be here with him.


"So, was that fun, Colin?" Asked Fluttershy

"Yeah, very fun." Colin replied happily.

"We're glad to hear that." Said Cloudchaser. "Would you like some ice cream?"

"Yes, please."

They both laughed with him. "Alright alright, come on." Said Flitter. They went to the food court and got themselves ice cream cones. Colin had vanilla, chocolate for Cloudchaser, and strawberry for Flitter. They both sat to eat the ice cream so they wouldn't make a mess when they would walk back to the cottage.

They all went back home when they all finished and Colin got a ride on Flitter this time. "So xolin, what was your favorite part?" Flitter asked him

"Everything." Colin answered. "Bu, I do like it when the lion looked at me like that. But it I loved all of it."


"So Colin, what kind of bands do you like to listen ti, like what kind of bands did your brother hook you up with?" Asked Cloudchaser

"Well, there is so many." Colin answered. "Well.... there's bands from the 70's and 80's like Guns N' Roses, Mötley Crue, AC/DC, Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, Black Label Society, Black Sabbath, a singer named Ozzy Osbourne, White Lion, Dokken, Tesla, Motorhead, and other bands like that"

"Wow, they sound really cool." Said Cloudchaser. "Wish we can hear them. They all sound pretty awesome I love rock and metal!"

"I know. I wish you could bother hear it too." Said Colin. "You guys would love these bands."

"I bet we would." Said Flitter.

They continued walking to Fluttershy's cottage, and we're home, and when they reached their destination, they all just relaxed for a while.

"So, what should we do now?" Asked Cloudchaser.

"Well, i think I just want to take it easy for a while." Colin frankly said to her.

"Yeah, same thing here." Flitter added.

"Would you like us to make you something to eat?" Said Cloudchaser.

"Could you make me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?" Colin requested

"Coming right up." Said Flitter before she and Cloudchaser went to the kitchen to fix Colin his request it was easy as usual, and they gave his ate to him.

"Huh, the jelly looks like a rainbow." Olinda curiously remarked.

"Yeah, it's called Zap apple jam. Try it." Said Flitter.

Colin took a little bite and he loved the taste in an instant. "Hmm. Delicious." He said with a smile.

"See I told you you would like it." Said Flitter.

"I do."

"Well, can we see that book you got from Canterlot?" Said Cloudchaser

"Yeah. I'll show you. Would you guys like to read it to me?"

"No problem." Cloudchaser and Flitter Opened The book and read a page one at a time for Colin to enjoy.

Next Chapter: Crusaders get their Marks Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 49 Minutes
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