
Private Movie cast

by mirageandjazz11

Chapter 2: First Story Autobot Cast

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First Story Autobot Cast

Optimus Prime is the leader of the Autobots. Long ago, he was the humble leader of Cybertron's science division, which studied the AllSpark, and were protected by Lord High Protector Megatron's military.

When Megatron was corrupted by an old relic and betrayed him Optimus responded to Megatron's attempts to seize the AllSpark and conquer other worlds, Optimus assumed his proper title and rallied the Autobots to stand against the Decepticons.

As obsessively as Megatron strives to achieve his objective, Optimus is equally as dedicated to stopping him, even at the cost of his life, his world, and—if necessary—his own people. It was on his order that the AllSpark was jettisoned into space, dooming Cybertron to a slow death and his people to a nomadic life. The sacrifices he has made weigh heavily on his spark, but they must be done, for there is no other choice.

Bumblebee is one of Optimus Prime's most trusted lieutenants. Although he is not the strongest or most powerful of the Autobots, Bumblebee more than makes up for this with a bottomless well of luck, determination and bravery. He would gladly give his life to protect others and stop the Decepticons.

Badly damaged in battle, Bumblebee lost the ability to speak verbally, though he can still communicate over inter-Autobot frequencies.

Cliffjumper shoots first and asks questions much, much later. The only intelligence he's patient enough to gather is "Decepticons were here, and now they're dead." Despite his surly and impetuous nature, however, Bumblebee seems to like him.

At one point, Cliffjumper targeted Hardtop, who—while physically Cliffjumper's equal or better—became extremely annoyed by the fact he could not match Cliffjumper's skill at insults.

First Lieutenant Jazz is one happy-go-lucky Autobot. Good-natured and always able to take things in stride, he provides a decent contrast to the more serious demeanor of Ironhide or Optimus Prime himself. He's also a talker, something Ironhide and Prime like to tease him about. He might be the smallest Autobot but he's by no means a coward, willing to take on any foe, big or small.

Ironhide is the Autobots' resident weapons specialist and Optimus Prime's old friend. He is old because he is hard. He's probably had enough replacement parts to build a small army, but Ironhide doggedly refuses to roll over and die for anyone. He'll fight to the bitter end and take down more than his fair share of Decepticons in the process.

Ironhide doesn't always see optic to optic with Prime, despite their friendship. He's perhaps the more practical of the two, and more than a little trigger happy, so he can be more willing to push the Autobot code to the limit if he thinks it will get the job done faster.

He has more guns than a smaller third-world country, and he may or may not have blown up a planet with said guns.

Ratchet, the Autobots' medic, is probably the bravest of them all. He'll risk his life to pull any wounded comrade from the battlefield. Indeed, he did not join Optimus Prime's team to be a soldier; rather, he's there to save lives, and thinks Prime is the best chance the universe has for peace.

A medic who dislikes violence, Ratchet's well-armed appearance is more due to being an improviser with surgical tools, such as his buzzsaw, which he discovered he had a penchant for due to his early experiences as a tool maker. When combat is unavoidable, he can employ these makeshift weapons with surprising agility for his size.

Hubcap also known as "Kid", "the Young One", and "Whatever the slag you want to want to call him", is a young Autobot soldier. Eager to fight and prove himself, he is very much the typical brash young youth with a lot of potential. He has never seen his people's home world of Cybertron, making him a testament to the effect that the war between the Autobots and Decepticons has had on Transformers of his generation.

Thanks to Wheeljack, he can store the data of numerous vehicle forms, making him very versatile in the number of alternate modes he can adopt.

Though small compared to many of her peers and adversaries, Arcee compensates with speed and aggressive maneuvers, making her one of the most dangerous Autobots around. Moreover, Arcee is a born hunter. She honed her speed hunting turbofoxes with other speedsters, challenging herself to get as close as possible before tagging them with her bow. She's a crack shot with said crossbow weapon, and Ironhide has trained her to use her speed to her advantage in battle, striking suddenly and swiftly and then vanishing away again as fast as she appeared.

Bulkhead is a technical specialist and one of the youngest of the group. He is good friends with Trailbreaker, although his buddy's flip attitude and refusal to take anything seriously sometimes get on Bulkhead's nerves in grave situations.

He's a meek, benevolent soul, even compared to his fellow Autobots he gets along well with the more blood-thirsty of their ranks.

Trailbreaker sees the funny side in everything. Even in the gravest of situations, he's always ready with a joke and a steadfast refusal to take anything seriously, much to the chagrin of his buddy, Bulkhead.

The competitive Sideswipe is always happy to show off his prowess in the heat of battle, and is willing to do whatever it takes to win. He's also a bit of a smart-aleck, and this tends to cheese off his comrades.

Wheeljack is his own worst enemy. Something of a crackpot inventor, a good half of his creations blow up in his face, and that's just if he's lucky. He's simultaneously one of the Autobots' greatest assets and problems; for every successful gadget he builds, there's one which requires Ratchet or Hoist to put him (and his lab) back together. But once in a while he strikes gold, which has won him respect from even the Decepticons.

Hoist may seem like just another nice and friendly guy, but any Decepticon who deems him an easy target will live to regret it. Hoist's been trained by some of the greatest warriors in the entire galaxy, and is considered a valuable asset to the Autobot cause.

There's also units of Landmine drones the Autobots make use of Landmine units have good Attack & Defense capabilities, but little on speed, they are solid, dependable fighters, and can be particularly dangerous.

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