
Private Movie cast

by mirageandjazz11

Chapter 1: JD advice

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JD advice

I'm not so sure how people will react to a Bayverse/MLP crossover. :applejackunsure: But if you really wanna do it then remember these few things: capitalization, punctuation, and correct sentence structure. If your story flows and feels good to read then people will give it more attention. Remember, the little things matter! :twilightsmile:

Story aoe line

Lockdown: You think you were born? You were built... and your creators want you BACK!

Prime: I... was built by no one! The Allspark-

Lockdown: And who do you think CREATED the Allspark? You think your world is so special? No... your Cybertron was merely one of many worlds created... just like mine. But unlike you, I understand the wealth that can come from obeying my orders.

Prime: I would rather die than submit!

Lockdown: You act like you have a choice.

Second, another small conversation would explain the Dinobots. It would take place in the ship as Lockdown drags Optimus to his cage.

Lockdown: You aren't the first to rebel. In fact, you have another group to thank for your temporary freedom. Perhaps you have heard the legends... the 'Knights of Cybertron'? It was here, on this pathetic planet, where they chose to rebel. (Footage of the Dinobots attacking the Creator ships). They wounded the Creators and then retreated, giving you and your 'Primes' time to grow and develop without their watchful eye. (Lockdown laughs) but like you, their time came to an end... when they met me. (Throws prime into a cage and points to the massive cages around him) Enjoy your company, rebel.

Optimus: Legendary warriors, the powers that created us seek to enslave us all. I have freed you from Lockdown's prison. In exchange for your freedom, I command you to help my family. As knights of Cybertron, you are honor-bound to assist me.

Grimlock (shoves Scorn out of the way, and in Greg Berger's FOC voice): I alone lead these warriors. If you want my help little Knight, show me you are worthy.

(Battle ensues, Prime deftly avoids Grimlock's bludgeon attacks, strikes Grimlock in head. Grimlock lashes blindly, striking Optimus with his mace fist, who gets his shield up in time to protect him, but is sent hurtling back 100 meters or so before executing an athletic move to land on his feet)

Grimlock: Now you will witness my true power.

(Transforms into T-Rex, charges Prime's position. Prime holds his ground, and at the last possible instant, dodges Grimlock's charge and sends the Dinobot to the ground with a massive blow of the Sentinel shield. Approaches the fallen Dinobot with sword in hand, drawing the blade across the saurian cheek)

Optimus: Do you yield?

Grimlock: (Grunts in indignation) You are indeed worthy Silver Knight. You have won my allegiance. I shall carry you into battle, and no force on the planet will stop us.

Yeah, I know Grimlock speaks more eloquently in this scenario I created as he has in his past incarnations, but as a knight I would like to see a semblance of civility blended in with all of his savagery. Perhaps civil (relatively speaking) as a robot, savage as a dinosaur.

I had a dream that when Hound was out of ammo and looked like he was going to lose, that someone shouted "Hound, we're here!" and it turns out that Sideswipe, Dino, Topspin and Roadbuster came to his aid. They knew what was happening because they heard Optimus' call for help (also from.the news)

It was an awesome dream! Although Topspin and Dino died, Topspin got ambushed and Dino saved Sideswipe's life

Cade: Thanks for saving me Crosshairs.

CH: Ah, I was actually aiming for pink fleshy head, too bad I missed, you humans are all so messy when you blown up.

If I was to change who kills Starscream, I'd blend in Mirage's death from the novel and have Dino kill him. I think a cool death scene for both of them would be Sam not getting an impossibly lucky shot with the grapple, where he got Screamer in the eye and Sam is about to be killed by him when Dino snipes Scream, in the eye, from a distance. Sam shoves the boom stick in Scream's chest and detaches from the grapple glove, without trouble but Scream pulls the bomb out, however it explodes in his hand, taking off that arm.

Starscream readies his missiles and is about to blow up the building Sam's in but Dino decloaks and attacks Screamer. They struggle until Starscream has Dino pined to the ground, with his saw to his throat but Scream doesn't notice Dino's sniper is aimed at his chest and is shot through the spark. While his spark fades, Starscream drives his saw through Dino's neck, decapitating him.

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