
Twilight Sparkle and the Cursed Winged Being

by 1238571039571903475-175

Chapter 1: 1 - Everypony Meets The Girl

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1 - Everypony Meets The Girl

It was a lively day in Ponyville. Nothing out of the ordinary, until Twilight met the millionth human character to be suddenly dropped into Equestria. In this case, it was Misuzu Kamio, the blonde protagonist of Air.

Twilight introduced herself, "I am Princess Twilight Sparkle, student of Princess Celestia. And you are?"

Misuzu introduced herself as well.

The first thing Twilight decided to do with Misuzu was to introduce herself to the other Manes. The first one to meet the girl was Rarity.

After introducing herself in her own building, Rarity showed Misuzu some clothes she knitted, then Misuzu made a shirt for her. The shirt was white and had a black "Gao Gao Stegosaurus" patch in the center.

Rarity then put the shirt on, remarking that it fit her fur as if the patch was pasted onto her, but then Misuzu started crying and keeled over. Rarity asked her, "What's wrong, little girl? You don't like my dress?"

This was followed by a redhead named Haruko appearing in her room. Haruko told her, "Stupid pony! I don't allow anyone to show up with Misuzu! She uncontrollably breaks down whenever she is close to someone. And I am Haruko."

Misuzu then threw a tantrum that knocked over Rarity's shelves of fashion supplies. Rarity got mad, yelled "This is a crime against fashion!" and kicked her out the door. Misuzu landed next to Twilight, who told her "Sorry Misuzu, but Rarity is a drama queen who takes fashion very seriously. Why don't you meet my other friend Fluttershy next?"

Misuzu and Twilight walked around again, eventually meeting Fluttershy playing with some ferrets. As soon as Misuzu ran over to the ferrets, Fluttershy ran away, tripped over a rock, and rolled down a hill like Sonic The Hedgehog. Twilight told Misuzu, "Her name is Fluttershy." Then Twilight thought to herself, "Misuzu broke down when we were talking to Rarity, so Fluttershy probably saved herself the same problem."

Three seconds later, Rainbow Dash flew and pinned Misuzu to the ground, angry for scaring Fluttershy and riling up Rarity. "Why girl, why did you bother my friends?!?"

Twilight explained Misuzu's condition while Misuzu started throwing tantrums at Dash while pinned. Then the two started rolling around like wrestlers until Dash covered Misuzu's mouth. "Something's wrong with her! Have any doctors tried to help her?!?"

Then Haruko appeared in front of Rainbow Dash, saying that doctors did try to help Misuzu, but they could not do anything about her condition.

Dash replied, "This girl is crazy!" before punching Misuzu and Haruko, then being jinxed by Twilight. Dash jerked around in the air and then fell down.

Twilight told Dash "No Rainbow Dash. That's not how we treat psychological problems."

Dash, being dizzy, gave no reply as Twilight proceeded to take Misuzu to Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie Pie was hosting a surprise party there, yelling "Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie and I threw a party just for you!"

Haruko tried to stop Pinkie from hopping around Misuzu, only to be greeted and zapped by a buzzer on Pinkie's hoof. "You're invited too!" Pinkie said, but Haruko wasn't here for the party.

"Get away from Misuzu or else she'll start crying like she always does in front of anyone!"

Pinkie cartwheeled, unknowingly knocking Haruko away.

Finally Applejack showed up to greet the new girl. "Howdy newbie, I'm Applejack."

As soon as Misuzu was surrounded, she started crying again and AJ asked what was wrong. "What hurts, little girl?!?"

Misuzu replied, "My wings!"

Twilight remarked, "Wings? Did she use to be a Pegasus, Alicorn, or something? Well I know just where to look - into the past." She telekinetically grabbed a flashback potion from Pinkie's table and drank it, followed by the world around her flashing white and zooming in and out repeatedly.

Next Chapter: 2 - Flashback potion Estimated time remaining: 6 Minutes

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