
The perfect day

by Evilhumour

Chapter 1: Chapter One

Author's Notes:

Well, I must be honest. I have not seen a single episode yet, but after reading a NUMBER of fanfictions, and reading TV Tropes, I got hooked and had this idea bouncing around. I have only posted this after finishing my finals today so I might, probably will starting watching tomorrow or later tonight. But again, all without watching, so if you have any ideas or recommendations to how to improve beyond the obvious, just tell me. If I get enough feedback, I will start releasing the sequel I have been working on, currently on chapter fourteen. I hope you all enjoy.

To say things were awkward would be an understatement. Both of the goddesses princesses, Celestia and Luna, the raisers the of the sun and the moon, the co-rulers of Equestria, ancient beings with lives going past a thousand years were sitting across two other ponies that were eating the scones and drinking the tea with mixed emotions. Luna was trying not to make eye contact, looking out at the setting sun as a means to escape this moment knowing fair well that the stallion would drag on conversation until he was satisfied and the mare would just look at her to make her stay, Celestia staring angrily at the pair drinking her tea as annoyed as possible while not showing she was angry.

After a long, period of silence, long enough that the sun should have set by now meant that the stallion was dong it again so both princesses were stuck here. Celestia sighed inwards, knowing that Luna was more nervous about meeting these two and despite her disagreements, she should start it off in the right direction. “So how are we to be honored for this second eon meeting mother?” …Well that could have been far better. Actually, it was better than normal as nothing was on fire yet…

The mare across the table raised her eyes up, instantly making both of her daughters wince from an onslaught of guilt. The mare with a black coat marked with countless white dots, the Universe herself or Cosmos as she went by, did not need really stare at them to make them feel young again nor did she need any magic to make them feel guilty about anything. She just looked at them. Celestia was just glad that she didn’t raise an eyebrow, bless Faust. She would have been a mess if she did.

The stallion, Time himself, just blinked as he continued to drink his tea. The princesses could remember all the words he ever spoke as it was so very rare he actually spoke. He was not concerned or insulted by her words as neither of the older alicrons were ever really emotional moved by what either daughter said despite whatever it was. His cutie mark was an hourglass, a simple and common cutie mark yet at the same time it seemed larger and deeper then it possibly could when either of the sisters looked at it, just to show off how important he was. Their mother had a simple infinity symbol on her flanks, but it was her coat that represented the stars in the sky that really stood out along with her mane that showed literally all of the universe. Celestia was still not sure if their world was actually in it or not…

“We did not have a chance due to Luna’s absence.” The mare answered in matter of fact tone, without any accusation or guilt thrown at Celestia. Celestia’s magical grip on the teacup tighten to a sizeable amount that caused it to crack and leak tea all over the floor.

IT IS GOOD THAT WE HAD THIS TALK BUT WE MUST GO RAISE THE MOON NOW!” Luna said slipping into her old accent as she started to panic, placing her tea down hard and already turning to fly out of the room as quick as she could.

“Stay please.” The older mare flicked her eyes up at Luna, causing her to squeak, fall to the ground with a blush on her face, and trotted back to her sister side meekly. “This is a matter that involves both of you.” She placed the teacup back down, no visible magic around it. It was unnerving to say the least, but they didn’t say anything about it. Their parents were beyond magic and they only did it out of respect for the mortal world when they remembered to do so.

“Luna does need to raise the moon mother, as it is time.” Celestia stared evenly at the space above Cosmos’s horn, not able to stare directly at her face. Only a fool would do so.

Blinking, the mare, looked up her oldster daughter, who managed to withstand for five seconds before the sun goddess looked away. “The reason to why we are here is one of a personal matter.”

“Oh?” Luna spoke, trying to gaze up at the couple across the table from them. But their magical auras was overwhelming, to the point she could barely even see them even when it was this little released now. Blinking, Luna understood now how their little ponies must feel they spoke to her and Celestia, in awe of their might and fearful of what could happened if they offended them. Or disappoint them.

“Yes.” She turned to her mate, the stallion with a pure white coat, who’s mane was a cascade of sand, who nodded his head ahead of time. “We had realized that we have not been more interactive within your lives. We wish to remedy this by spending the day with you, do we not?”

Blinking, Time simply ate a scone with his magic, a white glow surrounding it. He did use a magical aura like the ponies out of respect to his daughters, which was more then their mother ever did.

“One day with you mother, father, is far longer then normally set out.” Celestia sipped her tea, trying her hardest to stay neutral despite her displeasure at this whole mater. She was not ready to forgive-

“A single day is all we ask.” Time spoke, a rumbling tone that caused everypony in the city to feel like the weight of untold eons ride past them with distant memories coming back. Luna was reminded of her childhood; attacking a ball that Celestia told her was a dangerous enemy when in truth it was only a ball. Celestia remembered running away from the royal kitchens with a cake floating behind her that she…liberated from a chef in the middle of the night. It was soothing to remember those old times…

Luna turned to Celestia and nodded her head. Celestia took a moment longer, before nodding her head.

Placing his scone onto the table, Time gestured the mares to follow him to the balcony. His horn glowed, as he started to raise the moon and stars himself.

Only it was FAR different then the normal moon and stars that Equestria was used to. This was an ancient night sky; full of countless stars that twinkled in such wonderful beauty. The rich colour of space was shining through the night sky, highlighting every part area of the sky with it’s own magnificence. Luna watched as ponies left their homes and stared upwards, gasping at the sight.

“The first night of this world, my mate.” Cosmos said looking at the sight with a nod of her head. “A good choice.”

Time simply responded by taking a sip of his tea. Cosmos strained her neck a bit, and nodded again.

“I see that you also awoke all the inhabitants of this land as well as placed a spell to take away their tiredness.” She turned her head to Luna who was standing on the balcony, watching the scene speechless. “No being will ever forget this night daughter.”

“Th-thank you father, mother.” Luna wiped away her tears with her hoofs. “This is simply wonderful.”

“You are welcome.” The mare and stallion walked forwards into the night sky, not bothering to use their wings. From their position, they would be able to see all of Canterlot. “Come and join us daughters.”

Luna happily flew into the night to join their parents, finding the same solid ground her parents made and sat in-between them. Celestia, frowned but joined them, to watch the sky and her ponies, several already having out stencils to sketch this sight and more standing on their roofs and parks to capture this night as best as they could.

As she thought, Luna was sobbing with joy as she was so delighted to see this. Ponies everywhere were watching this spectacle, admiring this night as much as they did the day, several already muttering their praises to Luna. Celestia had to smile, so glad to see her little sister like this. Oh if only this had happened those many years ago; maybe the Nightmare Moon would never had come to exist.

Frowning, Celestia remembered exactly why she did not care for her parents but for Luna’s sake she sat by them, in between Luna and Time. Just one day, how bad could it be?


Celestia yawned, rolling around her bed from a good night sleep. It was rare that she was this well rested in the morning after being up so late and despite the bed felling so wonderful she knew she had to get up to face the day with them.

Blinking, she opened her eyes, looking out the balcony to the sky. Father must has risen the sun, and messed with time again, as it could not have been this early in the morning as it appeared to be. She did know where and when the sun was supposed to be in the sky after all.

Frowning, she used her magic to brush down her coat and went to freshen up in the bathroom. Putting on her royal adornments, she braced herself for whatever day her parents had planed for her and Luna and walked towards the door.

Opening her chambers door, she looked at her royal day guard, a pegasus mare named Sweet Meadows if she remembered correctly, that was clearly waiting for her to get up.

“Good morning.” She smiled at her guard, who was directing her to the private dining room. “How did you sleep last night?”

“Um to be honest your majesty, I don’t sleep.” She coughed, looking to the side. “I don’t think anypony did. Not with that night last night and that energy spell that Princess Luna gave made everypony feel like they slept a full night this morning.” She smiled, clearly remembering the sight of last night. She had spent it with her coltfriend and it was truly magical. “And the sun rise this morning was truly beautiful. Thank you Princess.” She smiled again.

“You are most welcome.” Celestia smiled, opening the door to the private dining room, where Luna and her usually ate for when they could get the time to catch up, with their reserved sleeping schedules getting in the way.

Looking at the room, she saw a bit of weird sight. Father eating scone and drinking tea was normal of him, but seeing Luna up at this time, seemingly fully awake, was not normal. She was laughing, again a bit unusual as her sister was still a bit shy but she was not complaining, and eating a very large meal that was most likely her dinner. Looking down at the table, she saw it was set for a few more ponies, the plates missing.

“Ah Tia, you are awake!” She smiled, biting back a yawn. Perhaps she was not as awake as she appeared to be… “Please sit down and join us.”

“I see that you have already started Luna, father.” She stared, nodding respectively to her father. “I wonder who made this meal as I cannot imagine mother bothering herself to-” She saw Luna’s eyes open wide in fright and sighed inwards for what was to come. “Cook and she is right behind me, isn’t she?”


“You will be surprised with what I will do, my daughter.” Cosmos said walking to her side, carrying a couple of plates to the table, folding her wing back to her side. “Please sit down and eat.” She sat down next to Luna, looking at her younger daughter who was eating a bit slower now.

Withholding a comment and the urge to rub her head, Celestia sat across Luna, staring at her plate. It-

“Auntieeee.” Oh Faust no. Of all the time for him to come in, Blueblood had to pick now. The unicorn prince, an relic of the previous kingdoms and nobleponies that they liberated from Discord, walked into the room without any regards to the two other alicorns in the room. She usually had patience for him but not today. “I simply must talk-er” He blinked, noticing the two, felt their power and for once in his life, used his brain to realize that he was not wanted and should leave right now. “IdidntknowyouhadcompanysoIlljust-”

“Stay.” Cosmos spoke, nodding to the seat next to Celestia, which had it’s own meal set up. He tried to say something, but then the older mare looked up at him and killed any words that might have come out. Seeing he had no other choice, he sat down and looked at his meal.

Cosmos must have had made a mistake. Bluebood had a nice size of pancakes, with a small sandwich cut in triangles next to it. Celestia had a simple bowl of cereal, but she knew how much her ‘nephew’ liked it and nothing else.

“Um, I do believe-” Bluebood started to speak about the same thing Celestia was thinking off, but then Cosmos looked at him. Then he did the most amazing thing Celestia or Luna ever saw. He continued to speak. “T-that’s to say there is some mistake.” He cough nervously, looking at the other alicorns in the room for help. “I know f-for a fact that Auntie-” He meeped as Cosmos rose an eyebrow at the unicorn and fell silent.

“There was no mistake.” Cosmos spoke, drinking her tea for a moment without magic, but then made it appear after Bluebood’s eyes nearly popped out. “Your meal is enough for the day until your afternoon meal and light enough for the both of you to start working away that unnecessary girth around your midsections.” That was true, Bluebood’s stomach was a bit-wait both?! Luna must have been thinking the same thing, trying to withhold her laughter. Unfortunately, she had picked that moment to drink some water, causing her to snort it out of her nose. “And you too daughter. You must eat more if you are regrow into your proper form quicker and that does mean eating those asparaguses you tried to hid under the table.” Luna blushed, wiping her face clean as she looked away embarrassed.

“Yes mother.” She spoke softly, yawning again. She levitated the food back onto her plate and stared at them, as if she could find a way to avoid eating them. Celestia flicked her ear, hearing Bluebood whine softly in fear as he started to grasp the breakfast party he just crashed.

“Well, it was nice meeting you,” He quickly rose, trying to leave the room. “But I need to-” He meeped as Time appeared in front of him. For his credit, he didn’t looked behind himself. Time’s horn glowed, his magical aura wrapping Blueblood’s head for a moment and then vanished.

Blinking Blueblood wavered on his hoofs for a moment and then looked at Time. “Was-was that true?” Time looked at him, staring at him deeply. “No, no but it could be…” He looked at Celestia and Luna. “I’m sorry Auntie, Luna. For how I was acting.” He smiled, a kind one that Celestia never saw before on his face. “I’ve got to run now. A lot of letters to send and lot of things to fix up.” He smiled at the stallion in front of him. “Thank you…um…” He blushed, trying to think of how to call him.

“Thanks is enough.” Cosmos spoke, turning all heads back to her. “Go ahead with your corrections.”

Nodding his head in delight, Blueblood left the room sing a song under his breath.

“What did you do to him?” Celestia asked in wonderment. It seemed that the unicorn was a whole new pony after whatever her father just did.

“I gave him the gift of seeing many tries gone wrong and one gone right.” Time spoke, sitting back down at his spot.

“He will do better from now on.” Cosmos said while eating a scone with her neutral face.

Coughing, Celestia reached inside to ask this dreadful question. “Now that matter is dealt with, what are your plans for today?” Celestia spoke, finishing her breakfast. She looked at Luna, who was ready to fall asleep and wondering how her parents were going to-.

“A simple day in Ponyville.” Cosmos spoke, rising from her seat. “You need not worry about the meetings today. They been met with and dealt with appropriately.” Time walked besides her, with Luna and Celestia trailing behind. Celestia noticed that Luna had managed to avoid eating the green food on her plate.

“Let me get-”

“No daughter, I believe it would be best if we walked.” Cosmos spoke. “Also, there is a petition for you two to look over. It is asking for permission to build a new museum, one dedicated to the artworks of last night’s sky, but they require more land as they are expected to expand beyond that one simple event.”

“I- er-” Luna stopped on the spot, her wings poofying out with a wide smile on her face. She looked so overwhelmed that it was adorable. Celestia knew how much this must mean for her little sister and it burned her to hear how flippant her mother was to the whole ordeal-wait a second…

“Walk mother?” She looked at Cosmos who nodded her head. “That is quite the distance…”

“It is of no concern, we will arrive in time.” Cosmos spoke as they walked down the correct hallways faster then possible, clearly cheating to get out of the palace faster. Celestia wasn’t going to complain about that one… As they walked, ponies bowed their respects to the royal family and gave praise to Luna for an amazing night sky last night. The young alicorn was beet red from blushing so much that she shined, not trusting herself to say anything without yawning in their faces but nodded her thanks. Celestia took the time to give the approval on the museum, and followed her parents outside of the palace, with Luna blocking the sun with a wing with a groan.

Celestia took a single step from the bridge and found herself outside the gate to Canterlot. Ignoring what had happened, she went back to walking behind her mother, with Luna next to her with drooping eyes. Hearing Luna yawn again, she wondering to what her parents were going to do about her as they would clearly want her awake today and this was when she usually was asleep.

As if reading her mind, and she wasn’t sure that they weren’t doing it or not, her father then paused to look backwards at Luna. He proceeded to lift Luna up onto a small cloud that seemed to come from nowhere, and then shifted the sky around her to make it seem was night. Seeing the contrast between air caused her head to hurt, but she did see Luna almost immediately fall asleep which made her smile.

Perhaps this wasn’t going to be so bad.


Horrible. Absolutely horrible.

Celestia was trying not to pant, but she was beyond exhausted. Despite the sun and her internal clock in the world telling her no time had passed, she still knew that they had been walking for a very long time, for hours at this rate. And an indirect way to Ponyville as well.

Maybe she did need to lean off the cakes…

Then, all of a sudden she heard her sister yawn. Looking to her side, at the strange bed that her father made, she saw her sister begin to wake- of course, this walk was only taking as long as it took Luna to get a full night’s sleep!

“That is correct Celestia.” Cosmos spoke as they walked into the farming area, with Luna shaking herself fully awake and walking beside her with a grin. Glancing upwards Celestia saw that the sun was now just moving and time to be more or less back on track. Still, all those hours, walking!

“Wait did you just…” Celestia started to speak but was cut off when a voice called.

“Hey, ain’t that the Princesses?” Celestia and Luna looked to the farm house, where the Apple family were walking out to greet them with some confusion. “Who are them other pon-” Applejack stopped and stared at the two older alicorns, noticing their wings and horns. She blinked and looked at the princesses for any confirmation.

“Applejack, Macintosh, Applebloom, we would be delighted to introduce you to our parents, Time and Cosmos.” The two alicorns nodded their heads, and their horns glowed for a moment.

“We wish to present your family with two gifts.” Cosmos spoke, looking at the three earth ponies in front of her, their grandmother on the porch watching. “You will not need to harvest any apples today.”

“Uh, thanks your highness.” Applejack blushed, rubbing her the back of her head.

“It was necessary so you could enjoy the next gift properly.”

“What’s that?” Applebloom asked eagerly, to Applejack, Celestia and Luna cringe. Macintosh just grinned inwards at his little sister’s energy.

“Not what, who.” That voice caused Applejack to drop her jaw and Big Mac turned around with a loud gasp. Applebloom, who was too young to know that voice, did recognized the two earth ponies.

“MOM! DAD!” With that, Applejack tackled the stallion over with a tight hug, her hat flying to the side. Applebloom did the same to her mother, hugging her neck tightly. Their brother just ran up to tightly hug the whole family. Both parents were smiling and laughing, rubbing their kids backs in their tight embrace. Granny Smith was already was kissing her husband, holding him tightly in an embrace.

“Enjoy Apple family.” Cosmos spoke, reaching the family’s attention. “Enjoy this day with your love ones.” Then she started to walk away, towards the city proper.

“Th-thank you!” Applejack smiled from the pile. “If there is anything-”

“Just enjoy this time with your love ones and come to the play to enjoy Applebloom’s performance this night.” Cosmos spoke, still walking. “It will be a most memorable moment.”

Celestia and Luna smiled at the overjoyed family who were all talking about their lives and laughing all the way, starting to follow their mother and father towards Ponyville proper, noticing that all the trees were standing straight as possible, with thick healthy green leaves proudly whooshing around in the light breeze.

Cosmos cheated again, as they found themselves at the edge of town after a short walk away from the family. Celestia was about to speak when the most impossible thing ever happened and one that would be debated for eons to come to the actuality and the ramifications of said event.

“WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!” The Element of Laughter, Pinkie Pie, popped out of nowhere with a laugh, causing both Cosmos and Time to step back in shock, eyes opened wide in surprise. “It’s so neat to meet you two! I mean, when does somepony get to meet the parents of Princesses! I have to go get the bestest party ever for you two ready!” Pinkie Pie laughed again, smiling brightly, reaching out to shake the still startled hooves of the older alicorns. “I can’t believe I can finally put my party-for-Time-and-the-Universe-or-Cosmos-as-she-likes-to-be-called into action!” With that, she left the four stunned alicorns with a literal bounce in her step and a laugh.

“I could have sworn that-” Cosmos spoke softly, looking at the pink earth pony leave with disbelief on her face.

Looking upwards, she reached upwards with her magic to catch to a strangely eyed grey pegasus who almost crashed into a building. Time, looked at an earth stallion who was standing front of a blue box.

“Wait, what? What? What?” The stallion paced around in circles, confused to what exactly just happened. He was just in his house a second ago fiddling with some contraption but now he was outside next to Derpy and the old girl and the princes- Wait what?!

Blinking upwards, he saw four alicorns looking at him, the Princesses with amusement, the older mare with a near expressionless face with a hint of joy and the stallion-

He stopped, feeling much more power then he ever felt before, in all his life. He might have once claimed to have such powerful, grand, horrific titles, but this stallion was pure time. He was Time itself. He trembled in his presence, a former lord to the god of his domain.

With a loud thud, the doors to his wonderful blue box flew open. He looked deep inside his oldest, dearest, companion and sighed.

“One day home, weary traveller.” The stallion spoke, looking deep into his eyes, the weight of untold ages roaring into the earth pony with a double heartbeat. “One day with no problems to face, no monsters to fight, no worlds to save. One day with your friends and family.” He nodded to the blue box, who Derpy was already in with her daughter, eating the most perfect muffin ever to exist. “One day home at Gallopfrey.” With trembling hooves, the pony walked into his ship. He heard those magical sounds over his tears, with Derpy rubbing his back to comfort him. He faced the doors and watched open to the red grass of his childhood, with all his companions and friends, past, present and future, waiting for him for the most beautiful picnic ever. He saw his childhood friend, the one who never stopped hearing the drums in his head, waving him over, healthy and pure as he was once. With a shout of pure joy, Doctor Whooves ran ahead with tears in his eyes, home at long last.

Blinking, Celestia and Luna looked at the disappearing blue box with raised eyebrows. They would need a lot of words with the Time Tunner afterwards.

“What was that!?” A voice shout out, belonging to the Element of Loyalty. Looking up, Celestia saw Rainbow Dash, a fellow prankster. She smiled inwards, maybe the young pegasus could help her pull some plans she had for Luna off…

“Greetings Rainbow Dash.” Cosmos spoke, looking at the blue mare. “A wonderful job in clearing the sky this morning.” Time nodded in agreement.

“Well, yeah, I did move pretty fast this morning!” She grinned, rubbing her neck. “But what was-”

“You do not know how soon that the speed you go now will seem to be that of a pleasant trot.”

“Huh?” Dash flew closer to Cosmos. “What do you mean?”

“Your Rainbow Boom is only the start to your true potential .” Cosmos looked at Dash, who squeaked a bit.

“Wh-what do you mean?”

“That you, Rainbow Dash,” Cosmos spoke loudly, drawing the attention of two certain pegasi. “Will go even faster then that.”

“Wow.” Dash looked up to see Spitfire and Soarin hovering above her, outside of their Wonderbolt uniforms. Soarin was looking at with amazement and Spitfire was looking at the Princesses for confirmation, to which they nodded.

“If that’s the case, I think a room in the academy just opened up.” Spitfire smiled at her, amused at the shocked and awe on the young mare’s face. “But just because you have the recommendations from…” She looked at the four alicorns. “Them means you get a clean sweep. You will need to prove yourself. Understood?”

With a loud squee and a vigorous nodding, the two pegasi laughed loudly. “Say Dash, is it Dash?” Soarin asked the blushing mare. “We’re on a mini vacation. Do you know where we can get good pie?” He smiled at her.

“Su-sure, follow me!” Letting out another squee and a mini I’m-going-to-be-Wonderbolt dance, Rainbow Dash took the two pegasi to the Sugercube Corner.

And that’s how their long mid morning passed. Cosmos and Time spoke to every pony they passed, saying the exact right words and the exact right circumstances happening to bring tears of joy to their eyes. Rarity was overjoyed at the sudden requests of outfits from a wide range of nobleponies that a certain unicorn prince pointed out were the best in the whole country and a request for a dinner later to make up for his asinine behaviour from before. Fluttershy, who was in town for a simple supply run, was commented on her large heart and boundless courage to face the world despite her fears, earning a bow of respect from both Time and Cosmos. They went past Twilight’s home, commenting that her knowledge and power made Spiralbeard look like but a novice compared to her. They gave Spike a simple, but truly elegant gem stone, one that he would never eat and one day give to Rarity as an attempt to express his true feelings.

All they asked the ponies they passed was to stay for the show, to which the school suddenly remembered they had been preparing for. Another cheat from the two older alicorns, but none were complaining. When they reached the Sugercube Corner, Celestia noticed that her father finally let it become noon.

Taking a simple seat outside, the two older alicorns looked at Luna and asked her questions to how she was doing and managing in the modern age.

“It is good mother, father.” Luna said with a big smile on her face. “It is difficult, I must admit.” She frowned, a bit. “But the guards do their best to make to aid me.” She smiled softly.

“Oh?” Cosmos spoke, drinking her tea. Celestia blinked, she could have sworn her mother was smirking!

“Yes. They do their best to try and help me with all the new changes in the land.” She smiled, drinking her tea. And a small bit of a blush grew on her face. “Ou-our captain has shown us how the art of the spoken word has not diminished.”

“Go on.” Cosmos took a long drink. Celestia was curious to see where mother was going with this.

“His name is Snowcap. Despite his satisfying abilities in winged combat, he has a very gentle heart.” She smirked and muttered softly. “And a fine posterior.”

“Why thank you, your highness.” Luna meeped loudly, looking behind her to see the captain of her guard, the pegasus himself standing behind her very amused.

“Ho-how-” Luna tried to form the words.

“Simply felt that I should be here this day, your highness.” He replied softly. “I’m honoured that you like my poetry. If I may be so bold, but would you care to hear some more?” He smiled softly at her, with a hint-No! He couldn’t be thinking of that! Could he?

“As much as I wou-” Luna blinked and looked at her mother, who gave her a nod. She breathed inwards, and smiled. “Actually, yes. Let us set out to hear more of your words.” She smiled broadly, walking next to the pegasus who pulled out some papers and began reciting some words.

“What just happened there?” Celestia looked at her parents accusingly, demanding answers. “That is not like my sis-”

“Trust us, daughter.” Cosmos spoke, flicking her gaze at Celestia. “We do know best. Let us continue this meal, shall we?”

Glaring at her, Celestia nodded, went back to focusing on her lunch, with more ponies coming by and her parents continuing to say the right words. She watched them set straight a young mare and her friend, snapping a tiara in half and telling how improper it was to tease other ponies. She watched them praise a young two mare couple, to which one felt it was time to propose. It was met with thunderous applauds and well wishes, with Pinkie Pie rushing out to plan the bestest party ever for those two.

Celestia was so delighted by the scene that she did not notice it was nearly an hour past when her sister and Snowcap came back to their table. Blinking, Luna seemed off. Her face was in a state of blush and a grin, her coat was bit ruffled as was her mane. Her feathers were a bit out of order and her crown was crocked.

“Luna are you alright?” Luna jumped a bit.

“Ye-yes.” She grinned, letting Snowcap sit next to her.

“Your coat and wings seem a bit out of order.”

“There is a perfectly good reason for that.” She glanced up at the smirking pegasus.

“Which is?”

“I fell.”

“You fell?”

“Yes.” She nodded her head with a smile on her face, sending some blades of grass loose to the floor. Snowcap let out a little bit of a laugh now.

“And your shoe?” Luna looked down to see she was missing one.

“Yes, we-that is I fell a number of times.” Luna blushed even more. “Luckily Snowcap was there to aid me up.”

“It was truly my honour, my highness.” He spoke, eating a cookie.

“Perhaps after we eat, we can go back to the field and look for my shoe, Snowcap? In case I do ‘fall’ again.” She looked up, smirking as he almost chocked on the cookie.

“It would be my pleasure.” He smirked, wrapping a wing around her. “But I think it would grand to eat there and look around, don’t you?”

“Indeed.” Nodding her head, she lifted her stash of cookies and sandwiches, walking off with the pegasus again. “Until tonight sister. Good day mother, father.” She smiled brightly, racing back to hug them tightly.

“Did they-Are they going to do-” Celestia was left sputtering in disbelief.

“It would be rude to talk of your sister’s personal life.” Cosmos spoke. “But that young colt will be at your sister side for a long time to come.” She wiped her mouth clean. “Come on, the play awaits.”

Blinking, she saw the town hall had been renovated for a grand play, with endless amounts of seats. She also saw it was late in the day, her parents moving time ahead again as if to rush things ahead. Grumbling inwards, she watched the families fill the seats, some much larger then normal like the case with the Apples. She smiled at the earth pony family, their father proudly wearing the hat.

It was a nice play, Celestia had to admit. She couldn’t for the life of her remember any of the specifies of it, but she knew it was one of the best plays she had seen in a long time. She watched the three fillies, the Cutie Mark Crusaders walk on stage.

Actually, there four parts she could remember perfectly well; Sweetie Bell’s song, Scootalo’s dancing part with her scooter and all of Applebloom’s prop work. The forth was when they all got up from their bows, they had gained something they so longed for.

Each girl had recieved the mark of their group on their flanks, along with the earth pony reaching a wrench next to the top of the mark of the crusaders, the unicorn reaching a microphone and the pegasus with a spinning wheel. But was truly special was that each one received their two friend’s cutie mark under it. Celestia remembered her mother declaring it a true mark of lifelong friendship to come that they should get all the same cutie marks that their best friends had received and that their efforts to help each other gain their marks proved that their talents would be helping others do the same. This was met with the loudest applauds, with Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash hugging the girls tightly, their friends and family coming to join the hug.

It was then Pinkie Pie started the super-duper-extreme-celebration-for-getting-your-cutie-marks-and-today-being-simply-amazing-day party! Everyone was smiling, laughing, eating and enjoy themselves. Stories were swapped, songs were song, and awkward dancing was performed.

And then one pony pointed up at the night sky, to which Celestia didn’t even realized it had become night! It was the same beautiful night from before but with a meteor shower. Ponies and beings everywhere watched the scene. The Apple family were watching on a big blanket, with the parents holding their kids tight. Rainbow Dash and her new friends watching on a cloud, the sole stallion happily eating away at his tenth pie to the amusement of the two mares. In a seclude field, Luna nuzzled up against Snowcap, smiling at the beautiful night and her new coltfriend, reading more wonderful poems. Twilight smiled, watching the scene when she was asked by a pegasus if she minded he joined her. Forcing herself to try something new, she nodded her head at the orange coated blue mane pegasus. She pleased to find he knew quite a bit about the stars. She grinned, as they pointed out more constellations, that she made a new friend.

And this was the scene presented across the entire world, with joy and happiness reaching everybeing.

All save one.

Celestia looked at her mother. Her father was outside, surround by little fillies and colts, finding him very interesting pony and a very comfy bed. The two of them were in Twilight’s home and sitting across each other.

“So mother, is there-”

“Please read this.” She lifted a message over to her, causing Celestia to raise an eyebrow. Yet, she opened the message and began to read it.

Dear Celestia,

An important lesson, one that goes beyond friendship, is how to deal with hurt. When dealing with two very stubborn, proud ponies that got into a fight long ago, it will be hard for either side to move past it as the issue remains. As with any problem, there are three truthes, one for each pony’s story, and the actual truth. The fact remains, it only takes one of the two ponies to apologize, if she is strong enough to ask for forgiveness. Unfortunately, I am too weak to say this in person first Celestia.

I am sorry.’

Blinking upwards, Celestia saw her mother openly cry. Reacting out of instinct, she rushed over and hugged her mother. “Mother-”

“N-no.” Cosmos nuzzled her daughter, lifting a hoof to silence her. “I’m so, so very sorry for everything.” She held her daughter tightly, her tears running down her face. “For leaving you two alone, for not being there for Luna, fo-for everything.” She sobbed, nuzzling Celestia. “I’m sorry for not being as strong enough for you. I’m a horrible mother.”

“Nono.” She cooed, rubbing her mother’s back. “You did the best you could, and we have turned out fine.” She smiled softly. “I suppose that today was an attempt to make admends?”

“In a way, yes.” She whipped away a tear. “Your father and I visited the End of All and we were alone. We were sadden that you and Luna chose not to join us and we knew we had to make things right.” She smiled. “Luna will never be alone again. Snowcap will be good to her and for her. They will be every happy with each other.”

“She deserves much happiness.” Celestia nodded her head.

“And how did you like your gift?” Her mother smiled coyly at her, which wasn’t as off putting as she once thought it would be.

“Gift?” Celestia blinked, trying to think of what her parents did for her today.

“Yes.” She lead Celestia to a door way for them to stand at the top of the world. “Look down and tell me what you see.”

Celestia looked downwards. She saw many of her little ponies, smiling, hugging, snuggling and just plain happy. All of them were happy-

“That’s it, isn’t it?” She said softly. “To see all of my ponies so happy.” She was crying with joy at this scene.

“Yes, my Celly.” She smiled, pulling Celestia close, kissing her head. “A perfect day for your little ponies.”

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Other Titles in this Series:

  1. The perfect day

    by Evilhumour
    4 Dislikes, 739 Views

    Celestia and Luna have a bit a rocky history with their parents. As such, they wish to make amends by having one simple day. But with alicrons nothing is simple. First fanfic here and only seen the information on TV Tropes and fanfics. Be kind please

    Slice of Life

    1 Chapter, 6,684 words: Estimated 27 Minutes to read: Cached
    Published Apr 18th, 2014
  2. The Adventure of Galloping Waves

    by Evilhumour
    0 Dislikes, 405 Views

    This is the serious sequel to my first fanfic, The Perfect Day, about Luna and Snowcap's child and the unfortunate adventure he is forced onto. There will be trials of hardship and ponies will be pushed to the brink of what they will do for fami


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