
General Jayei

by Slice141

Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

A mare wearing a camouflage jacket and pants moved through the rows of laughing dogs followed by two armed guards. She was lavender with a pink strip through her mane and tail. She had an eyepatch on with a scar that ran down her muzzle from a sword, her mane was cropped short along with her tail.

"Algemene." The mare stopped and looked over at a dragon who held a AKP in his hands as she nodded to him.

"Kaptein." She greeted and waved off the guards.

"Loop saam met my." She said walking down a dirt path in a village as zebra, pony, laughing dogs and a few griffons gave them a wide berth while some smiled and greeted them.

"Goeie more Algemene." They would say getting a nod from the mare and dragon before they continued down the road.

"Tell me, how are we looking?" She asked.

"We took over three government and some of the FZR bases in the area, their soldiers are fighting for us now after some we showed them the error of their ways." He said getting a nod from her.

"Good and the dead?"

"Taken care of and buried in the Fields of Honor with their brothers and sisters, any boys they had fighting are with us now." He looked down at her spotting the pistol on her waist and the rifle slung across her chest.

"Good job Kaptein, lets see what Oteka is brewing today." She smiled up at him while they moved toward a run down shanty where a zebra was already pouring something when the walked up.

"Ah Jayei, Hauli. Goed om te sien." He smiled up at his two best customers.

"Goeie more Oteka. Whatcha brou vandag?" He asked while the stallion beamed and held up a cup to them.

"Probeer om dit die beste brou nog." He handed one to Jayei and Hauli and waited for their decision as they took a drink of it before hacking and coughing.

"Sjoe! Dis nou 'n paar kick!" Hauli grunted with the burn of the alcohol while Jayei patted him on the back.

"Moenie so 'n wuss wees." She grunted while he gave a playful glare as she looked back at Oteka.

"Dit is 'n bewaarder en 'n nuwe gunsteling." She smiled setting the cup back down while another zebra came in behind him and smiled at them.

"Hallo Jayei, Hauli hoe is jy?" She asked drinking some water while the two smiled at her.

"Goed alles is in pelk." Jayei smiled as they nodded before the two waved to them walking back down the trail into the jungle following a path that only the locals and her soldiers knew.

"What's the word on the new shipment?" Jayei asked looking up at the dragon.

"Should be here within a few days at the most. I'll be happy to lead the charge into the palace myself when the time comes." He smiled while she nudged his shoulder with a smile of her own.

"I'll be happy when I'm standing on that bastards corpse and plant our flag right between his shoulderblades." She smirked feeling his hand on her shoulder making her look up at him.

"Hey Jayei do you ever think of home?" He asked as she sighed.

"I have a few times but I left them in the past Hauli so don't dwell on it, we have a new people now and they are happy to have our help no matter what you hear on the news." She smiled up at him patting his hand on her shoulder before they continued in silence when they saw a small outpost in the trees.

"Algemene." Two soldiers snapped a salute to the commanders from the trees getting nods from them as they passed through the gate coming into a small camp showing a shack for the guards to sleep and a machinegun nest by the front gate where the troops manning the gun gave a quick salute to them.

They walked passed them and into a small house where they found a hole with a ladder going down.

"Ladies first." He smiled while she rolled her eyes and descended the ladder.

She turned and was greeted three soldiers behind a machine gun nest while she heard Hauli come down.

"Algemene, welkom tuis." One of the soldiers greeted getting a smile from her.

"Jabali, wat is die situasie?" She asked as he motioned for them to follow.

"General all of our troops are in position and are waiting for supplies before the attack." Jabali looked over at Hauli who nodded to him.

"Good have air support ready and on standby for the attack, once the attack starts I want them to bomb the capital till there is nothing left I don't even want the foundations left standing." She said getting a nod from him as he went to carry out his orders.

"Hauli, see what you can do in the mean time and stir up the locals in the capital, let them know that their freedom is soon." Jayei watched as he gave her a salute getting one in return before he climbed the latter. She sighed turning looking at the massive underground complex that took a little over 3 years to build.

They had taken a page out of the kitsune rebels and built all their bases underground to prevent destruction from government bombs and shells. This was the main front line Headquarters for the region, it had everything thing they would need, a hospital, barracks for over 30,000 soldiers, a motor pool for the large concentration of armor and vehicles along with an armory and ammo depot.

About 6 miles from the front were artillery and rocket batteries ready to fire at her command.

She smiled walking down one of the hallways leading to the lunch room just as her stomach growled when she opened the door.

"KAMER AANDAG!" She smiled watching everyone in the room stand to attention.

"Op sy gemak." She waved to them heading to the lunch line behind some of her soldiers.

"Good morning general." One of the chefs called to her in Equestrian while Jayei waved at him.

"Good morning head chef how are you today? What's on the menu?" She asked the stallion who smiled at her.

"Well we got bacon, eggs, pancakes, grits some Gambia, Zambia and for dessert Ivory Coast." He smiled while she nodded looking over the foods.

"Hmm let me get some pancakes and the Ivory Coast." She smiled brightly her wings fluttering as she levitated the tray and found a table and began to eat just as a zebra sat down taking off his doctors cap and resting his head on the table.

"Daktari, long day today?" She asked smiling at the doctor while putting her hand on his.

"Yes very long day indeed, 9 hours in the OR I'll look forward to the day I don't have to remove bullets and shrapnel from boys and girls anymore." He sighed looking up at her giving a wary smile.

"I know what you mean hun but just hold on a little longer and I'll have this war finished soon." She patted his hand while pushing her tray over to him.

"Come on and eat with me, I even got you the Ivory Coast." He laughed taking the food and moaning as she came and sat next to him and laid her head on his shoulder.

"Thanks by the way Daktari." She stated while he looked over her with a mouth full making her bust out laughing before he swallowed.

"You're welcome, what did I do?" He looked at her curiously.

"For putting up with me and my weirdness sometimes." She looked up at him with a small smile as he grinned.

"Hey it's what I love about you Jayei, ever since I found you after those lions almost had their way with you when you appeared from out of nowhere." He smiled pulling her closer to him not seeing the smile on her face.

"Thanks anyway Daktari, you really are the best thing that's happened to me." She hugged him closer just as a zebra came running in along with a soldier.

"Doctor patient 5 just went in the red we need you down stairs right now!" The panicked nurse panted as he sighed before leaning in and giving Jayei a quick kiss making her blush.

"Hopefully I'll see you tonight." He smiled as the area shook as they hurried down the tunnel.

"Algemene! Die vyand is granaat ons! Ons het jou nodig aan die voorkant!" She yelled as Jayei sighed and jumped up running through the tunnels heading to the front.

(6 hours later)

Jayei groaned as she leaned back in her chair rubbing her head as the door behind her opened.

"Hey Daktari, how's your patient?" She asked letting out a sigh. The war was over the troops came in from underground catching them completely by surprise and taking the capital with little to no resistance.

"Daktari?" Jayei turned to see a stallion with a pistol in his grip.


"Urh!" Jayei looked down to see a dart in her chest.



Jayei's vision went dark as she was lifted onto another stallion's shoulders while hearing yelling before everything went black.

(Unknown location)

Jayei woke up in a plush bed while a moaned escaped her before her mind caught up to her.

'Where am I?' She looked around finding sunlight pouring into the room making her blink. She looked around the lavish bedroom as her eyes flew open looking at the two white stallions at the door.

'No! No, no, no, no!' She ranted in her head while she just stared at the stallions while a few thoughts ran through her head.

'What the hell do they want with me after all this time?! Ok ok calm down girl first things first, I have to get out of here.' She thought before smiling at the guards.

"Hmm let me guess that the three great princess' have lifted my exile after only 7 long years yes?" She asked knowing that she wouldn't get a answer as she sighed.

"Well as fun as this has been I have troops to lead and a country to rebuild." Jayei moved to exit the room they stepped in front of her making her stop.

"Ha, ok boys either move or I get physical." She growled as they smirked.

"The princess' have made it clear that you were to be kept till they were able to come and see you along with the elements." One stated surprising her on how much he even said.

"Wow that's more than I've ever heard you guys speak before. But as much as I would love to stay, like I said I can't. I have much more important things then stay here." She gave a mocking laugh as they looked at each other.


Jayei watched the two guards slump to the ground as she stepped over them while pulling their swords from their sheath walking out of the room and used the butt of the handle into the foreheads of the two guards outside before dropping one of the swords.

"Later boys but I have to get home." She smirked looking back at the guards before the sound of a rifle charging was made.

"On the ground!" Jayei turned with a bored look on her face.

"You are really getting on my nerves." Jayei growled holding the sword in her grip.

"Put your weapon on the ground!" The guard said before a blade when by his face cutting into his cheek before he turned into a fist knocking him out cold.

"TWILIGHT SPARKLE!!" Next Chapter: The Die is Cast Estimated time remaining: 8 Minutes

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