
friendship is magicka: the new world

by Emperor Whiskers

Chapter 10: the journey

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the journey

"Soven Rahn? what's that?" Brandon asked.

"*sigh* It's a hidden nordic ruin in the reach", Nickulas answered.

"So?", Brandon said.

"Well legend has it, there is someone in there who can answer any question, but only ask him once, once that's done you will never be able to see, or talk to him again unless he something else that is necessary for him to say", Nickulas explained.

"So, why do you need us?", Thorald asked.

"Because, me and Caveleinn can't deal with the amount of Draugr that's in there on our own", Nickulas answered. "And the girls don't seem like fighters".

"Wait, you're bringing the mercenary?", Brandon asked.

"If you've got a problem take it up with him", Nickulas answered. "So do you want to come?".

There was an awkward silence among the group until Ralof spoke up.

"Well I did want to become an explorer when I was young", Ralof explained.

"I'll go, I've been in plenty of nordic ruins, so you will need my help", Edwin said.

"I'll go, you will need a medic", Rienna answered.

"Sure, why not" was Avulstein's response.

"Well, I'm not an adventurer, but I'll go", Said Thorald.

"Then it's settled, We'll get the girls ready we'll be off", Edwin said.

"*groan*, this won't end well", Brandon moaned.


Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity and Applejack sat down outside overlooking the chaos at what had happened.

'Dragons never behave like this in Equestria', Twilight thought.

"Excuse me but".

Twilight looked to see a woman walking up to one of the guards.

"Have you seen my son?, he's a member of the guard", she asked.

The guard looked away ashamedly and pointed to a large rock with blood smeared on the edges.

"B-but, h-he".

The woman burst into tears walking over to the rock and falling on her knees.


The four of them turned around and saw Nickulas.

"I have an idea of how we can get you home and find your friends", he explained.

"Really?", Twilight exclaimed.

Nickulas told the legend that he told the others about Soven Rahn and the person inside who can answer their questions.

"So you want us to enter an ancient ruin that may or may not exist that has an army of undead creatures in it", Rainbow Dash said.

"Well, not an army", he responded.

"Still, it sounds like a really bad idea", Rainbow complained.

"And you sound like Brandon", Nickulas responded.

"Rainbow ah think that it is a good idea, ah still don't trust you though", Applejack told her friend.

"And we don't really have much of a choice", Rarity added.

"Well, I think that Twilight should be the one that chooses, she may be an egghead but she's not stupid enough to go into a -"

"We're going", Twilight said.

"WHAT!", Rainbow exclaimed.

"I know it may be foolish, suicidal even, but we have to go, if we don't take this offer we may never find our friends and go home", Twilight explained.

"Well it is decided", Nickulas said.

"Great when are we going?", Twilight asked.


"When he said, now I didn't think he meant immediately after he said that", Twilight complained.

"Well you asked, and I answered", he responded.

"Don't fall behind, we won't wait for you, if you do", they heard Edwin call as they moved out of Winterhold and into the wilderness. Next Chapter: The kingdom under the ground Estimated time remaining: 5 Minutes

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