
Shepard's Adventure

by ed2481

Chapter 28: A new journey begins\t

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A new journey begins

A new journey begins

The first train on their long journey to the Griffin Lands left the station and began to pull away from the small crowd that had gathered around to see them off. Twilight had her nose stuck in that odd book that seemed to know everything; Fluttershy and Dash were doing something in the dining car getting food; Garrus and Tali were in some other car walking around. This left Shepard essentially alone in the passenger car with only his thoughts for company. He eventually fell into a light sleep.


Shepard stared around him, wherever he was it looked like nowhere that he’d ever been before, the skies fluctuated between pink and purple while the stars themselves which were clearly visible even with the sun up spun in odd ever-changing patterns. The ground was red with random specks of blue interspaced at unpredictable intervals and several gold colored rocks were scattered about. Standing in front of Shepard was an odd creature that seemed to be made up of body parts from various animals.

“Where am I?” Shepard asked the creature before him who regarded him with a slight smile.

“Well you’re technically on your way to meet your death but that’s beside the point.” The creature said his voice was oddly cultured.

“So you’re the new body of the Illusive Man.” Shepard said, he wasn’t impressed, the creature let out a hearty laugh.

“Nothing so boring I assure you, my name is Discord, the god of Chaos and Disharmony. I’ve been helping Tia fight this war and I thought that it was time that her new champion and I had a little heart to heart.” Said Discord while he stepped forward and wrapped his arm around Shepard’s shoulder, causing Shepard to shudder slightly which made Discord laugh as he led Shepard towards a castle.

“I think Twilight mentioned you, something about mind rape.” Shepard said causing Discord to laugh again.

“Oh Twilight Sparkle I truly will enjoy her company in the centuries to come once Tia decides to cast that spell of hers, but anyways I did indeed commit the crimes that I’ve been accused of, quite happily at the time in fact.” Discord said as they stepped into the courtyard of the castle.

“Then why should I trust anything you say?” Shepard asked Discord while he futilely tried to break the draconequus’s grip on his shoulder.

“You don’t but I would advise it, especially if you want to see your future wife again.” Discord said causing Shepard to freeze.

“Are you threatening Ash?” Shepard asked in a low growl, Discord laughed yet again.

“My dear boy you misunderstand me, I’m implying that if you don’t follow my advice then the being you know as the Illusive Man will utterly obliterate you and your little party of ponies without having to lift a talon. Then he’ll walk into Canterlot kill Celestia and Luna followed by almost every pony in the land who he can’t indoctrinate with his magic or force into a long term breeding camp so that he’ll have a continual supply of soldiers. I meant no direct harm against your female.” Discord said leading him deeper into the castle until they came to a sitting room. Inside the fireplace situated at the center of the room burned bright turquoise flames, in front of the fire place were two cozy looking leather armchairs. Discord took one and gestured for Shepard to take the other.

“How do I know this isn’t a trick?” Shepard asked him narrowing his eyes.

“Because Shepard if I wanted to hurt you, you would already be dead.” Discord said with a smile on his face. “Now onto business, I know things that Tia quite frankly can’t. So I know that the Illusive Man has become something that no lone pony could hope to match, even if I were free he could overwhelm Ti, Luna, and myself quite easily in a match of pure strength. Which is why you challenging him directly is a fool’s errand at best, and suicide at worst.”

“I’ve beat the odds dozens of times before, what makes this any different?” Shepard asked Discord in annoyance, Discord sighed as if her were talking to a foal.

“The last time you tried you got sent here after essentially destroying all of galactic civilization by causing the Mass Relays to become nothing but worthless slag. You put all of the strongest military powers in your galaxy in one place where they’ll now remain for an indefinite amount of time and most probably start a massive war of extinction with one another; I think that it would be wise to listen to what the physical god is telling you after those results.” Shepard gritted his teeth in frustration but remained silent. “Luckily for you this train is heading in the right direction even if the next couple will have to be rearranged. Your new goal is to head directly for Drakeonland where you will hopefully be able to convince their Council of Elders that your cause is the right one. The Council will not want to help you however but I think that somepony as good at negation as you should be able to manage, then once you have their support you can end this war.” Suddenly a pegasus entered the room.

“Master there is another army on the horizon; I suggest that we obliterate them.”

“Thank you Screwball I’ll join you in a few moments, now Shepard I must say goodbye I have a war of my own to fight…”


Shepard sat bolt upright as the train carried on its way down the track, turning he saw Twilight still engrossed in the book but decided that she was the only pony he could talk about his odd chat with Discord. He got up from his seat and trotted over to her, she looked up from her book with obvious reluctance when he tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention.

“What do you need Shepard” she asked as she put her book into her pack, when Shepard was done explaining Twilight let out a low whistle.

“Going before the Dragon Council itself…this is going to be much more difficult then I would have anticipated. If that’s what we need to do then this Illusive Man must truly have become a foe to be reckoned with, luckily the Dragon Council is normally on neutral terms with every nation so all we will have to do is convince them that our cause is just and righteous.”

“I thought that except Spike the dragons were all thoughtless brutes.” Shepard said in confusion.

“Those are only the dragons that go on the migration and occasionally show up in Equestria, the ones that stay in Drakeonland are all intelligent and extremely powerful. If one of their members were to go to war against Equestria he would leave nothing but a swath of ash and bleached bones behind him. Thankfully they don’t normally get involved in conflicts and they have a fair respect for life, I’ve heard that immortality does that to someone...” Twilight told him her voice trailing off as she lost herself in thought.

“So what’s our first move?” Shepard asked her.

“…We’re going to switch our train route so that we can get to Drakeonland instead of the Griffin Lands, then we’re going to have to make a long and dangerous journey through countryside until we end up at Mt. Inferno where the members of the Council live.” Twilight told him while her mind raced.

“I’ll go get the others.” Shepard said. He rounded the others up and brought them back to the main cabin where Twilight waited, when Twilight was done recounting the information Dash gasped.

“Sorry but um Shika wants to use me to tell you guys something” she said before clearing her throat and in different voice Dash said “This shall be a journey of sorrow and hardship even in my days we respected the Dragon Council and feared the consequences of what would happen, you must approach them with great dignity or else they will most likely kill you. You say that things have changed and they are more benign now than they ever were before even if this is true you must watch yourself, one slip of the tongue could unleash a fountain of flames!” Shika/Dash told them her voice direr.

“Aren’t you being a little overdramatic?” Tali asked her.

“Every Paladin that Equestria’s ever had along with every queen, unicorn, pegasus, earth pony, and other assorted being put together would barely be able to hold off one of them, there are over a hundred.” Shika/Dash replied quietly “This Illusive Man has most likely heard of them and set envoys far in advance of us, I hope whatever diplomats your Queen sent ahead are effective.” Shika/Dash shook her head and then she was Dash again. “Sorry guys it won’t happen much, so what’s the plan?”

“We get off of this train and onto a train heading towards Drakeonland; once we get there we march till we make it to Mt. Inferno, at which point we ask the Dragon Council if they’ll help us.” Twilight said. “The hardest part is going to be getting there though; Drakeonland is a land covered in volcanoes oceans of lava, dangerous creatures, and very little supplies to speak of.” Twilight told them, they exchanged worried looks, except for Garrus.

“I’ve followed Shepard to the center of the galaxy and back, I’m more then prepared to march through hell for him.”

“Thanks Garrus.” Shepard told his friend appreciatively, Garrus nodded.

“You can count on me to Shepard.” Tali said with a nod.

“I’ve waited for this for five years; I’m ready.” Thane said with a slight smile. Fluttershy and Dash nodded.

“Well then I suggest we enjoy the three train rides, because once we’re off of it we’re going to be hoofing it.” Twilight said getting a well deserved groan out of everypony.


Celestia was sitting in her war room when suddenly a letter appeared in front of her with a small puff of magic she quickly scanned the contents of the letter before letting out a gasp of shock. She mentally called to her sister who teleported herself to Celestia with a dark flash of light.

“What is it Tia?” Luna asked, Celestia didn’t risk important information over mental communication, to many ways for it to be intercepted.

“Shepard and Twilight are going to Drakeonland to try and vie for the Dragon Council’s help.” Celestia told Luna flatly.

“She’s doing what!” Luna said in surprise.

“Exactly.” Celestia replied. Luna stared at her sister for a few seconds before she said.

“It’s good that we sent those two to be our diplomats…”

“Yes I think that they should be able to help Twilight and Shepard’s cause, although Twilight is going to receive the shock of her life.” Celestia replied, Luna got a far off look in her eye.

“So when exactly are you going to cast the spell on Twilight sister, it isn’t as if you’re running out of time, it’s just that I would think sooner would be preferable to later?” Luna asked Celestia changing topics.

“Luna I told you, when I think that she’s ready.” Celestia said in slight annoyance.

“Tia she’s already defeated three gods, once this Illusive Man is down her count will be four, I would think that that’s when it would be appropriate.” Luna said, Celestia wasn’t the type to forget this kind of thing, but Luna felt that her sister was being ridicules.

“Maybe you’re right Luna, having someponyelse to watch over Discord once we free him would be very helpful…” Celestia mused to herself.

“Sister did you hear about Blueblood?” Luna asked her sister who nodded and sighed.

“The idiot, he presumes far too much for someone of his office, on the bright side if the report that I received is correct then he shouldn’t be much trouble for a while. Four broken ribs, a collapsed lung, and two broken ankles, your guard really did a number on him.” Celestia said with a slight smile.

“Yes Saber was quite pleased with himself afterwards, he almost smiled!” Luna said with amusement. Celestia laughed before she turned to her sister and said.

“I suppose you should get back before he tries to throw a coup, good luck Luna.” Celestia said with a wink.

“Oh I’ll try Tia, I’m not sure what I’d do if Blueblood ever attacked, I probably wouldn’t be able to defend myself, I’d be so overcome with laughter.” Luna said dryly with a smile before she vanished leaving Celestia to plan alone.

Next Chapter: Eagles would’ve been nice Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 9 Minutes
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