
Your Human and You: You are not food, my friend

by Feral Pony

Chapter 4: Family problems

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Big thanks to Kerberos for Spellchecking and Pre-reading.

“I left you for a day. ONE BUCKING A DAY! And when I return it looks like you have been in the Minotaur war! In the name of the Ancestors…” Elpis kept on muttering unintelligible things under her breath. She pulled out a familiar medium sized bucked and pointed at it and said “Get in.” sternly.

+ I said I was sorry. + I tried, but she took the piece of paper, crumpled it and threw it away then repeated “Get in.”

I obliged fearful of what she might do, but she just threw some fit hot water over my head and began scrubbing with a soaked towel. “Tell me what happened.” She said with no emotion behind her voice. She was clearly mad, and it scared me more than I would like to admit honestly, but her talons and her beak suddenly looked a lot more threatening than they used to.

+ I will explain, but only after you stop being mad. + I wrote.

She sighed and stopped scrubbing. “I`m sorry Victor, It`s just there is a lot on my mind, and seeing you like this is just… a lot for me to take in right now.”

+ Why don`t you tell me what`s stressing you. I can be a very good listener when I choose to be. +

She stayed silent and didn`t budge. I turned to look at her, and I saw she fought to hold back tears that were welling up in her eyes. She opened her eyes and they met mine. She sighed and sat down on her haunches and relaxed. Then she opened her beak to speak.

“I was at my brother`s house so we could be together on the princesses birthday. We enjoyed ourselves and had a good time until he began drinking a bit too much. When that happens he usually yells and… loses his mind a bit. I try to calm him down, but we are alone so I don`t dare to do anything rash.” She took a break from telling and took a few deep breaths to calm herself. Then she continued. “He keeps on yelling that I am not good enough, I am a human loving griffin who isn`t any better than the humans.” She took yet another break, doing her best to keep her composure. I fought back the urge to shed some tears myself for her. “Then he hit me and went to bed, told me to leave and not come back until I had changed.”

She broke covering her face with her claws while crying. I stepped out of the tub and sat down beside her while stroking her gently. She said she had been hit so I looked closer at her and noticed she actually had a swollen cheek. I felt bad for not noticing something was wrong.

+ Why didn`t you leave when things got hot? + I asked.

She took control of herself and sat up straight again and read my question.

“Well I forgave him cause that`s what family do. And he apologized right after and said it was the alcohol, which I knew, but he has done this many times before and… an…” She broke completely and embraced me into a hug. I reacted quickly and embraced her back. Her fur got all wet from my wet skin, but she didn`t care since she snuggled up closer to me. She leaned her head against my chest careful not to stab me with her beak. I could feel her warm tears run down my bare chest. Her cries turned into sniffs and she broke our hug and stood back up at her haunches looking away from me. “I`m sorry.” She sniffed. She built up the courage to look up at me again. “I didn`t mean to do that, I am sorry I lost myself. It`s just, I fear I might get fired since my boss isn`t too pleased with me spending most of my time taking care of ONLY you, and…” She gave off a shaky sigh. “And when I saw what you had been through I just… I don`t know what to do, and I am also conflicted, whether I actually should leave this job so my brother will accept me more.” She shut her eyes tight and leaned back at me again.

It hurt to know I was a burden and something that could potentially cost Elpis`s job and family relation, But I couldn`t exactly just leave her either since I was probably one of her few friends, considering she just opened up all the way to me. I don`t think she would take too kindly to me just leaving her alone in this situation alone.

+ Well, Don`t you have any friends you can talk to? +

“I`m talking to you aren`t I.”

+ Griffin friends. +

“I do, but they are few and far between, and I haven`t opened up to them like I have with you.”

+ Maybe you should start to? +

She looked up at me with curious eyes, and then she chuckled and smiled. “Never thought I would got to a human for advice… err no offence.”

+ None taken. Who is you brother anyway, He seems kind of like a douche honestly? +

“Mom just sort of disappeared after me being born, so I don`t know her. But dad and my brother took care of me when I was a cub. But ever since my brother broke up with his last relationship he has grown to drink a little bit.” She looked sadly down after she said that.

+ I am sure he will change, just give him time and call him out if he tries to do something like that again to you. Can you promise me that you will do that? +

She looked at me surprised, but then gave me a relieved smile. Surprise hit me when I was embraced in a friendly hug instead of a desperate one like the first, it about as quickly as it came. “Thanks Victor, It means a lot that you care.” She smiled and wiped away all the tears from her face and said “Moving on to other topics.” obviously eager to get onto more happy conversation topics. “How did you get in this condition?” She asked and began scrubbing me clean again.

+ You sure you want to hear it? + I wrote, not really all that comfortable with telling the tale of yesterday.

“Of course.” She said with a friendly smile plastered to her face. “You offered to listen, so now I will listen.”

+ Okay, here it goes. + If I was going to tell what happened I will make the most of it while having fun. Maybe she will take it seriously.

It was a dark and gloomy night in the garden. I was trying my best to sleep under my oak tree where I usually spend most of my time remembering things such as family and friends. But tonight I couldn`t think of them since my mind was too focused on other thoughts mainly surrounding the other humans which were to arrive soon.

“Uumm… Victor, why are you writing like that?”

“Damn… busted.”

+ Like what? I am telling you what happened. +

“Yeah but, dark and gloomy night? Trying to remember better times. Seriously? You make it sound like a horror story.”

+ That`s because it is a horror story now shush with you and keep reading. +

I decided to keep rolling with the style of a bad horror flick.

Just the sheer thought of having to listen to the humans fucking each other was enough to give me the shudders of a thousand earthquakes.

“Thousand earthquakes? Really?”

Okay bad writing on my part, but she doesn’t need to know.

+ Fine! I will give you the boring version!
I sat under the oak tree thinking of how much shit I was in. I was waiting for the other humans to arrive. I was bored, and lost in thought. When they arrived they began fucking each other to make babies. They… +

“OKAY, OKAY! Sorry! Please continue it you way, geeze.”

+ Thank you. Now where was I. + I picked up my last piece of paper and read it.

The anticipation was slowly killing me and I could feel it nagging at me. But I knew I had to stay strong. Not just for myself, but for my family. They would probably hate to see their youngest son become depressed or be scarred for life because of some humans fucking right in front of him, having the ultimate gangbang.

Finally after some tense hours of waiting, the metal door opened and a wave of naked humans poured in through the door and began to evenly spread out throughout the garden. I Ignored them as best I could and leaned back on my tree having my eyes closed. But as time went on I couldn`t help but feel like I was being watched. I opened my eyes slowly to try confirm nobody actually was watching me. But what Met my eye once I opened them was a four headed MONSTER!

“Four headed monster?” Elpis looked at me with a bored expression while I was waving my hands up in the air to emphasize the point of how big and scary this monster was. I quickly got a hold of myself, a small cough escaped into my hand to try and hide the embarrassment.

+ Okay. Maybe I overreact a tini, teeny bit. But you should have seen how they looked at me. +

“… uhu …” She nodded, not very amused with how I was explaining my story.

+ Just read the rest while I write okay? +

I tried to stumble back from my sitting position, but I just drove my head hard into the tree for the third time during my stay here. As my eyes adjusted to the light I saw the four headed monster actually was four women staring at me. I groaned and just went back to a relaxing position ignoring them as they looked at me. The me ignoring them plan worked for about seven seconds before I felt something touch my hip, and moving closer to junior.

“You were being molested?”

+ No comment. +

I immediately Jumped…

“PLEASE Victor! Show me some mercy and tell me normally what happened. Reading this is horrendous and is quickly giving me a headache!”

I sighed. “why does she have to be so boring, What I was writing would make even J.K Rowling glare in envy.”


The night before.

Fingers were running up my tight closing in on little junior. I jumped from the touch making me yet again bang my head against the tree. “I am going to get brain damaged if this continues” I groaned inwardly. I snapped my eyes open and saw the females huddled around me looking at junior hungrily. This earned another groan from me as I stood up and walked away from the females. If they thought they were going to get a piece of me they were dead wrong, I do know however of somebody that would get a piece of me, and that would be the almighty Chuck. How did I know at the time?
I am smart and can foresee the near future at any point… and maybe Chuck was standing in front of me looking really, really pissed off. His fists were clenched and I could see fire behind his eyes, which were focused at me.

I immediately knew he was going to fight for his Alpha status which I owned without even wanting it. Chuck put his right leg behind him and bent his body a little forward preparing for an attack. “No, bad Chuck.” Hoping my words would make him calm down.

He dug his foot a bit into the ground and I could see his right leg pumping blood faster and faster making his veins easily visible. “Don`t you dare.”

Suddenly his body jerked and he took a full sprint towards me. Reaction time has never been a strong suit of mine so I didn`t manage to dodge which then ended up with me being rammed by Chuck. He put his whole weight onto me and forced me onto my back.

Chuck seemed to have learnt from our previous encounter. Instead of him standing above me he sat on top of me leaving me in a much more vulnerable position, and him in a much safer, so that mean no cheap shot for me this time. His fist connected hard to my right side where my rib was broken. The rib made a loud and menacing sound indicating if it got hit again the rib would probably snap again. I sighed inwardly since I knew what I was going to do was going to hurt because of my continuously impairing rib. I managed to twist around underneath Chuck. After forcefully twisting myself around I managed to get Chuck to sit on my butt. Then I managed to get up into a crawling position so he was riding on top of my back, but that didn`t last long since I began standing up making lose balance and fall onto the ground. He was pretty lightweight making the process pretty easy.

Chuck seemed surprised and was stunned for maybe a second. But that was all I needed so I went around him and did a headlock, trying to choke him into unconscious. He clawed at my arms trying to force them open. His breath became more ragged as I tightened the headlock more and more. It looked like I was about to score 2-0, but then he shifted tactic, and began clawing in my face and hitting my eye which unfortunately made me release him. I rubbed the hurt in my eye out and tried to focus on the task at hand yet again. Chuck closed in on me and did a right hook on me, making my face explode in pain. He did a left hook which made me lose balance and got me down to my knee while I tried to hold my balance. Another punch hit my right face again making everything around me spin. I put some strength into my legs and jumped back making Chuck lose his strike and in turn his balance making him fall down flat on his face.

I could feel my face pounding from the beating, and a headache coming up, but I had to stay focused. I did a quick shake with my head to get my head and vision straight. I then did a quick run and did my hardest kick I could onto Chuck`s side. I was rewarded with a disgusted snap noise and a screaming Chuck as he grasped his side where I had kicked. I didn`t come out of that unhurt myself though since I quickly felt pain grow in my big toe. I grabbed my foot which had connected with chuck and began yelling my best “OOOOWWWW” Sound while balancing on my other leg jumping up and down while howling in pain.

However I quickly recovered and got Chuck into another headlock. Chuck ignored the pain on his side and began yet again clawing on my face, but I had learnt and kept my face in cover where he had trouble reaching. It didn’t take long before his movements became limper, and after a moment`s notice he was out like a light.

I let go and heard him gasp greedily in air, but he remained unconscious. I let out a relieved breath. I looked around and saw some of the humans were watching the aftermath, but I could see most of the other humans fucking in the distance like they didn`t have a care in the world, lucky bastards. I fell under my own weight and suddenly I felt really tired. Pain slowly started to make its appearance. But before it could get worse, sleep overtook me and I was having a comfortable dream of being home.


+ And that`s how the story between Chuck and Victor ended. The end. +

Elpis looked at me with a slack jaw. She put the paper down carefully and coughed a bit before saying “I... you… I don`t…” In the end she just put her claw up to her face and let out an exaggerated sigh.

“I… I am done cleaning you, sooo… Anyway, it was quiet the story, I can see why your parents chose to call you Victor.”

I looked at her confused. She understood why my parents chose to call me my name… what was she going on about?

+ What do you mean by my parents choosing to call me Victor? +

She lifted her gaze to face me and said. “Well clearly your are Victorious in you battles, so I assumed you were a champion or leader of some sort back on your world, thus the name Victor. Kind of like pony names.”

+ You think my name says something about me? +

Elpis nodded and then looked at me. I looked back whilst I digested the information. The longer I tought about it the more stupid it sounded, parents naming their child after what they are good at? How could they possibly even know what their child is good at before meeting them?

I was stuck in though a bit longer than I originally thought since Elpis seemed to try and break some awkward silence that had overstayed its welcome. “Well now that you are… presentable to some extent, maybe we should get to the adoption center.” At that statement I face palmed. I had forgotten the adoption, was my face presentable? Was my hair okay? Were my nostrils clean? And was face palming such a good idea when one has taken lots of hits the previous day?

The growing pain in my face indicated that it was not, so there is one mystery solved.

Elpis saw my distraught behavior and said “It`s going to be fine Victor. I`m sure Maya will love you from the moment she sees you.”

“Yeah, and with my swollen face and broken rib I am probably the most handsome guy around.”


The adoption center wasn`t all that different from the rooms I had been in earlier. The whole place still reminded me of something of an animal shelter only with slightly better condition than average. I was locked in a cage and so were fourteen other potential humans. Elpis was the one who was going to recommend humans, and she had already assured me she would recommend me as number one human.

I still didn`t like the idea of me being someone`s pet. But what other choice do I have unless I want to be turned into pastries.

The door opened and I could hear Elpis talk in the distance talking about how the humans behaved and such. Every human she passed I heard one good thing about, and with it came ten bad things. That continued on every cell they passed until they came to mine, where I got a first glimpse at Princess Maya and her dad, the King.

Maya had a black coat and a white feathered head. Her wings had white outlining them making them stand out from her otherwise black coat. Her eyes were dark brown and she looked quite bored.

“Here we have our finest humans in the whole facility. He is kind, patient, gentle and has never acted violent towards any of the other humans.” Elpis said with her eyes closed and her chin up high. She was sure she had sealed the deal, until the King spoke. “Why is he covered in wounds then?”

Maya and I face palmed at the same time at the obvious lie now having been compromised. Maya looked bored and just wanted to get this over with. “Look, dad I appreciate you wanting to get me a human, but there really is no need.”

The king wasn`t listening “Nonsense, I have seen youth today walking around with their humans, and I figured it was time we got our own.”

“But… we eat them. Dad.” She said pleadingly.

“Yes, but now they are more than food to us, isn`t that right Miss Elpis.” The king said with a friendly smile, looking at Elpis for support.

Elpis heightened her beak slightly and said. “Why, of course. But I must ask you to look away from his wounds, he had a hard time here with the male Alpha in here, but I assure he is practically golden in his behave…”

“Okay fine we will take him now let`s go.” Maya said impatiently. I groaned inwardly hoping she wouldn`t be bitchy and be the daddy’s very special and gets whatever she wants daughter stereotype; I had enough of those back home on earth.

“I will come regularly to you castle to check up on him since I assume you won`t be able to bring him down here for checkups. Now with all that out of the way…” Elpis opened the cage I was in and did an encouraging move with her claw for me to come forward. I stepped forward with a bored expression and looked at the princess, trying to get an idea of how she would be like to live with.

While I gazed at Maya Elpis changed my collar with a new one. And of course, of all the colors in the universe Elpis picked it was ultimately pink. PINK! With the nametag “Snuggles” strapped to it! When I saw it I cupped my face into my hands and made an annoyed groan. Everything in life really sucked right now, including breathing since my broken rib had taken a beating not more than twenty four hours ago.

“Is he alright?” I heard Maya question. It wasn`t a concerned tone she used, only a curious one which made me feel mildly insulted by her lack of care for me. I could already tell living with her was only going to be “fun, fun, fun.”

I could hear Elpis working very hard to hold back laughter while she answered. “Y…yes *snort* He is fine.” I looked up at her with the most bored expression I could make. She made silly faces as she held back her laughter.

“I will get her back for this. Before I ever leave this planet, I swear to all that is holy I WILL get her back for this!”

A leash was connected to the collar and I felt Maya tug at the rope. I hadn`t thought about it before now, but I was leaving the facility. Like actually leaving the facility… The place I was so well known to for the past two weeks, where my home had been, where my friend would always be, and I was leaving it. I felt another tug, this time more forceful than the last. I took a small step forward, but not before looking back at Elpis. She smiled at me and nodded her head encouraging me to follow Maya… my new owner.

Fear was welling up inside me. Fear of the unknown, fear of what would happen should I do something wrong, fear of if I got caught being intelligent. Another tug brought me out of my trance and forced me to move forward, towards the exit. I passed other humans in cages their eyes locked at me. It felt like I was walking down the green mile, and for all I knew I was, I just didn`t know it yet.

I walked, but I didn`t know where. I wasn`t paying attention to what was going on around me; I just followed the light tugs while remaining completely out of it, only thinking of what the future may hold for me. That is until fresh air wrapped itself around me and filled my lungs. I snapped out of my thoughts and noticed I was on a street. Griffins were walking back and forth crowding the streets. Shops filled with antiques and items I had never seen before were placed in the windows for display. The houses had a base structure made of cobblestone, and put above it was wood with hay placed on top as roof. It looked like the buildings were ripped straight out of the Viking era, only a few stood out which looked more like an early 1900 house with big windows and proper furniture.

I looked behind me and saw the facility I had been in. It wasn`t as big as I thought it was. Brownish pipes peeped over the outer wall, and I could see vegetation behind the wall, so I assume a garden is located directly behind the wall. A tug made me look forward again, what met my eye was a chariot with two griffins in the front linked to the chariot. They had a light set of leather armor covering most of their body, however where the wings were located there was a huge hole to maximize movement and efficiency in wing power most likely.

Maya tugged again impatient with my slow pace. She walked over to the chariot with me in tow and took a seat on one of the cushions. The king whom I still needed a name for sat down on another cushion, meanwhile I stood slightly crouched, confused as to where I was supposed to sit. The door to the chariot closed behind me and I could feel shortly after the carriage begins to shake lightly. I looked over at Maya whom looked at me bored while the king was staring off in the distantly not meeting the gaze of his daughter nor me.


The ride to wherever we were going to was painful! The awkward silence was torturing, and I was apparently the only one who thought so. I was waiting the whole ride for a father to daughter conversation to start up, but it never happened. So I just sat there feeling stupid while the king was in his own lala-land while Maya looked at me with such a bored expression even the humans here would be jealous. The way they acted it felt like they didn`t even know each other. Luckily the ride was at an end and we touched down at some new destination. The king exited the carriage followed by Maya and then followed by me.

When I exited, and it didn`t look like we had moved an inch from our last position. The houses looked relatively the same other than that more of them now had two floors instead of one. There was also a bit more variation in the terrain. Instead of it being flat like the previous town there were slopes leading up a small hill. The higher we got, the more expensive the houses began to look. We began walking up. On the way I gazed around trying to get a feel of how it would be to live here for a while, maybe plan an escape route if it proved to be necessary.

During the entire walk pretty much every griffin we passed sent a disgusted gaze my way clearly not content with me being in their town. We finally reached the top where we were put to a quick halt as The guards opened the gates to something of a villa.

The villa was pretty big. The main house has two floors with at least two windows for each room. The building sort of made a hollow half square making the main entrance sort of having the building wrap around itself. I looked to my right and saw staff cleaning the house through the window.

We finally reached the front doors. Guards were standing at attention on the front doors saluting to their king and princess, however when I passed I could see disgusted glares following me. It sent a shiver down my spine, but I chose to ignore it and just get used to it since I probably would stay for a while. The first room we came into looked like something of a drinking hall where Vikings would feast and celebrate. Long tables where evenly placed out in the hall and light up candles were covering the whole room in an orange color, giving the room a warm feeling to it. A throne was placed on top of some small stairs making it visible for all to see, a smaller throne was placed to its left looking less majestic, but royal nonetheless, probably belonged to Maya or the Queen.

A light tug lead me out of the room and into another wing of the building, filled with corridors and doors on both sides. I could already tell this place was going to feel a lot bigger on the inside than what it looked like on the outside.

“C'mon Snuggles, I want to go to bed.” Maya complained not happy with my pace. I groaned from the nickname and her short patience. I looked for where the king was, but much to my surprise he had left without me noticing leaving only me and Maya and some… pony servants?

I followed Maya through the hallways examining it. There were a few rare pictures here and there, most of them with a white and brown griffin with dark blue eyes with a crown on top of her head. Other than that, the hallway consisted mostly of walnut walls or some strategically placed windows to allow as much light in as possible.

Finally we stopped and entered a door which I presumed belonged to Maya. When I entered the room I noticed it wasn`t that different from the rest of the Villas design, Walnut walls and black tiles on the floor with very little adding or detracting from the design. The big difference from this room and from what I had seen so far was the huge window with an open able glass door leading to the garden in the back of the Villa. There was a small pond and grass, and a tree much like the one back at the facility.

Maya Jumped into her queen sized bed and fell sloppily on top of the covers. Before I even had time to turn my head back to look outside I could already hear her snores. It didn’t take rocket scientists to tell me now was my chance to leave. I was sneaking towards the door, but as I was about to reach for it I felt my collar hold me back. My gaze followed the leash and saw it was hooked up to some sort of lock mechanism not very different from the one in the cells in the Facility, though this one had a fancier look to it and looked more new compared to the old rusty ones. I sighed and looked around in the room for a place for me to sleep. Where was I going to go anyway? I had already discussed my possibilities with Elpis of what would happen if I even had left. I wonder what Elpis would have done if she had been the one to take care of me… GAH! why did I have to make friends, they will only make going home harder and more painful, for both sides. I sighed and looked around for something to sleep on.

There were no cushions around for me to sleep on and no bed for me either… not even a blanket. I looked at Maya`s bed and saw she had like ten cushions, surely she wouldn`t mind if I borrowed one. I took a hold of one of the cushions and took it out carefully as to not wake Maya up. I placed it on the floor and put my head down on top of it. I hadn`t had a proper cushion in forever, so placing my head on something so soft was pure nirvana. It brought back memories of my bed and my nightstand which stood right beside it, with a picture of me and my family on a carousel, all of us screaming happily for the sheer joy of it enjoying ourselves. Me and my family…

I haven`t thought of them in a while. I wonder what they are doing, what they are feeling, thinking… missing. My eyes got a bit wet as I trained into the thought of family. I hated crying, and I wasn`t going to do it no more, I`m sure my family wouldn`t want me to be a crybaby who only goes and sniffles and whines in self-pity. When I had gotten to know Maya more, I hope to be able to show her my intelligence, since I knew I wouldn`t be able to keep a good mood if I kept on being treated like an animal, I just hope Elpis keeps her promise and visit soon… I already miss her. And If Maya isn`t going to be a reliable friend, then I only have Elpis.

Author's Notes:

HEYO People! Long writers block! Think I wrote two other versions of this chapter that I wasn`t saitsfied with. But hopefully I will be back and working on the story. Maya is kind of a bitch isn`t she? I know I don`t like her all that much... YET! Just you wait people, she will become likable... at some point... I hope. Anyways Enjoy and tell me if there is something I can improve upon, as always.


Next Chapter: So, I need you to not freak out please Estimated time remaining: 35 Minutes
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Your Human and You: You are not food, my friend

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