Different world. Different rules. I am percived as an animal, A beast who is nothing but food or decoration for rich griffons. But still, I have a friend... whom may be able to help me reach my salvation... I just hope there is one to reach for.
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Seeing the cold and heavy chains around my wrists was a rather heart wrecking moment for me… and it opened my eyes as well. It`s like we humans say; you don`t know what you have, until it is gone. These chains were a sign that my body was no longer my own, and my freedom and rights were taken from me. Now of course there is no one to blame either really other than quantum theories maybe, or the multiverse. I can`t really blame the griffons for thinking I’m just another stupide human when they look just like me, but act like feral animals with no emotion behind their actions, making them more or less hostile. But let’s start from scratch...

-Looking For Editor-

Second story of mine, set in the Your human and you-verse made by the awesome MadMaxtheBlack.

(Note. Its not really Gilda as it is the race: griffons.


29,213 words: Estimated 1 Hour, 57 Minutes to read: [Fimfiction.net] [Cache]

6 Chapters:

  1. A world filled with Nudists and Griffins. [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Jun 17th, 2014
  2. I need sombody to make me feel alright [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] May 19th, 2014
  3. Making friends on short notice [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Mar 2nd, 2014
  4. Family problems [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Mar 6th, 2014
  5. So, I need you to not freak out please [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Jun 8th, 2014
  6. The dawn is new [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Jun 24th, 2014
Published Jan 24th, 2014
Last Update Jun 24th, 2014
Your Human and You: You are not food, my friend

Mature Rated Fiction

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