
My Little Special Agents

by Sunny Smile

Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

***********Tony's point of view********

I woke up to the daily alarm on my phone kind of confused.  I was asleep on the couch, the TV was on, and I was next to Ziva.  Memories of last night came flooding back like a river.  I smiled and kissed Ziva on the head and said, "Time to get up my beautiful ninja."

She yawned then looked around and smiled.  She grinned and said, "Good morning to you, my wonderful Italian."

I gave her my 50-watt smile and joked, "As much as I want to stay like this, we are going on a dimensional journey at work.  Wow, I love my job."

She grinned at me and said, "Well I better get ready then."

10 minutes later we were in the car driving to work.  Ziva was bouncing with anticipation.  I grinned at her and said, "Excited?"

She stuck her tongue out at me, but said, "Yes, I am."

**************Twilight Sparkle's point of view***************    

I honestly couldn't help it.  I screamed at the top of my lungs.  "Hey Twilight.  Are you okay?"

I couldn't help but smile at the bubbly voice behind me.  "Hi Derpy.  I'm not really sure.  I mean, Celestia gave me the spell and everything, but I'm freaking out!"

"Twilight, I'm sure everything will be okay.  I mean, you were Princess Celestia's personal student, and now you're an agent and a princess!"

"Thank you Derpy.  I should get to the conference room, and so should you.  The NCIS team will contact us soon."

************Abby's point of view***********

I grinned at Timmy as we went to work.  I nervously fingered the ring on my ring finger.  "Tim, what if Gibbs is mad at us?  I'm kind of scared."

He looked at me with a small smile and said, "You shouldn't worry.  You're his favorite.  I should worry."

"Oh Timmy don't worry.  Being the favorite gives me power.  I can keep him from firing you him.  But, um, should I take the ring off?  It does kinda stand out."

He gave me a kind smile.  "Abbs, you do what you think you should."

I smiled at him and took the ring off.  I saw something a bit sad in his eyes.  That is, until I took my necklace off and slipped the ring on the chain.  I gave him a smile and winked.  I had seen it in a movie once.  We got our stuff and headed to the bullpen.  I figured since we were dimensional traveling (God I love this job.) I'd hang out with the guys and Ziva.  And then I could have sworn I had a heart attack.  Gibbs said, "Elf Lord, Abby, my office."

***************Gibbs's point of view***************

I think Abby may have actually had a heart attack when I called her and Probie into the elevator.  I hit the button and turned to them.  "So.  When's the big date?"

Tim looked like a kid with his hand caught in the cookie jar.  "E-Excuse me boss?"

"You proposed to Abby.  When are you lovebirds getting married?"

Abby stared at me in shock.  "How did you know?" She asked, obviously surprised.

"Last night I was at the same restaurant as you two.  I saw Abby's ring and the way you two were looking at each other and put two and two together.  I looked at the footage from the security cameras in the lab.  I can't be mad at you two so I am changing rule 12.  Keep it out of the workplace.  And Abby, wear your ring with pride."

They just started at me like I had lost it.  I had to give a small smile at that.  I then hit the switch as Abby took the ring off her necklace chain and slipped it on her finger.  When we got off the elevator, I turned around and smiled at them and said, "Congratulations McAbby."

McGee smiled and said, "Thanks boss."

****************Tim's point of view*************

I smiled as Gibbs said, "Grab your stuff.  We are going to leave soon."

We all got our bags and followed Gibbs up to the conference room.  I have Abby's hand a quick squeeze still amazed I was alive.  When we got to the conference room, Twilight was on the screen.  "Hello Agent Gibbs.  My team and I are ready to open the portal."

Gibbs nodded and said, "Good my team and I are ready to come to your world."

"Good.  Okay girls. Are we ready?"

I heard other voices exclaim "Yeah!"

"Alright.  Portalium Fortuna Malifiniosium!"

I jumped slightly as a rainbow shot out from the crown on Twilight's head and a portal appeared literally right next to me.  Twilight groaned and yelled, "I don't know how long I can hold it!  Please hurry!"

Gibbs looked at us and nodded.  I grabbed Abby's hand and jumped through the portal.  Weirdest.  Experience.  Of.  My.  Life.

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