
My Little Special Agents

by Sunny Smile

Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

***************Ziva's point of view*************

I smiled up at Tony as he drove me to his apartment.  We had stopped at my apartment so I could pack some stuff.  He had teased me when I put books in my bag but shut up when I dropped a box of paper clips in.  While we were eating lunch, he had asked me to come to his apartment to watch movies.  I was kind of excited when we pulled in to the parking lot of the building.  When we walked in, I was surprised at how organized it was.  He said, "The movie cabinets are right over there.  Pick a few out.  You want any in particular snacks?"

I looked at him confused and asked, "Should you not pack?"

He grinned at me and said, "Well FYI Zee-vah, I always have at least a week's amount of clothing packed.  I try to always be prepared."

"Back to the snack question - candy.  I like candy."

"Okay.  I will do that while you pick movies."

I smiled and walked over to the cabinets.  I dropped my mouth in awe at the sheer number of movies.  I poked around and chose Brave, Tom and Jerry and the Magic Ring, and Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone.  When Tony walked back in with snacks he smiled at my choices.  "Oh, yes Miss Ziva.  Starting with child rated movies.  We will get you up to my level.  But I must say, you picked some good child rated movies."

He smiled at me and we sat on his couch to watch some movies.  But before the first one started, I looked up at him and said, "You know Tony, the DiNozzo charm may have started working on me."

************Gibbs's point of view*************

I smiled at Jenny as I drove her to my favorite Italian restaurant.  When we walked to the guy seating people, and I said, "2 for Gibbs."

He looked up and said, "Oh yes, this way please."

He lead us to the table and we sat down at our table.  Then, I noticed something.  "Hey, is that McGee and Abby?"

Jen looked where I was looking and said, "I think it is."  Then she gasped.

I asked, "What is it?"

She smiled and said, "I think Tim proposed!"

If I had been drinking I would have spat it out every where.  "Wait, what!?"

She smiled at me, and pointed at Abby's finger and there was a black diamond ring.  I had to smile at that.  They really were meant to be together.  "Well I'll confront them tomorrow."    

************Tim's point of view************

I smiled at Abby as we sat at our table.  I sighed.  Abby looked at me and asked, "You okay Timmy?"

"Yeah!  Especially because I'm going to marry the most beautiful woman ever."

"Awww. Thanks Timmy."

"Yup.  But in retrospect, how are we going to tell Gibbs?"

I sighed but Abbs smiled at me and said, "We can cross that bridge when we come to it tomorrow."

"K.  Well when we are done here, do you want to come to my apartment?"

"Sure.  Though I didn't actually pack yet......"

****************Abby's point of view****************

Timmy drove me to my apartment so I could pack some stuff.  I also grabbed a change of clothes and put on pajamas.  We headed to his apartment to hang out and get some sleep.  I smiled and kissed his cheek.  He smiled back and caught my mouth in a kiss.  I grinned and walked over to his movie cabinet and grabbedThe Hunger Games.  I snuggled up next to him and watched the movie.  I looked up at Tim and said, "Timmy?"

He looked down at me and said, "Yeah Abbs?"

"I love you."

He gave a light chuckle and replied, "Love you too Abby."  

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