
My Little Special Agents

by Sunny Smile

Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

********Abby's point of view********

I was in my lab waiting for the guys and Ziva to get back and thinking.  I was disappointed.  I missed being with Timmy.  We hadn't been together for about three years.  When Tim started Gibbs's team we had to break up to follow Gibbs's rules.  Needless to say, I don't think either one of us was ready.  I was also starting to worry.  The team usually was back sooner.  "Abbs.  Abbs!  Abby!"

Suddenly a voice tore through my daydream and I jumped about 2 feet in the air.  "Sorry Abbs, I didn't mean to scare you."

I threw my arms and him and exclaimed, "Timmy!  You're Okay!"

He hugged me back with a smile and said, "Yeah.  Why?"

I took a deep breath and started talking really fast.  "Well you guys and Ziva were gone for a really long time and I was getting worried and-"

He cuts me off by putting a finger to my lips.  "Abby, we're all ok.  I need you to come to the conference room.  Director Shepard and Gibbs need us."


"I don't really know.  Something about an, um ECIS or something."

"Oh my gosh we're contacting Equestria!?  Let's go!"

************Tim's point of view************

Now I was more confused than ever.  "Equestria?  What?  Abby!  Wait!"

As I chased her to the elevator I thought.  In fact, I wasn't paying attention and I ran into the back of the elevator.  I heard Abby giggling as she asked "Are you ok Timmy?"

"I think so."  I said rubbing my head.  "But what's Equestria?"

"Oh right!  Well none of us were here yet last time we contacted Equestria.  I don't really know, but Jen said it's awesome!"

By that point we had made it to the conference room.  As I walked in I saw a..... unicorn?

**************Tony's point of view**********

What.  That's all that was going through my head when I looked at the screen.  A purple unicorn was on the screen.  And she was talking.  I assumed there were others in the room.  She was saying, "Pinkie!  Put it down.  Do you know how hard it is to get interdimensional signals!?"

She sounded exasperated.  Just then Jen walked in and exclaimed, "Twilight!  Thank you for contacting us!  We actually need help with a case."

"Hi Jen!  We need to talk when there isn't a case that needs solving.  But anyway, I'll introduce you to the ECIS team.  Girls!  Come on we have a murder to investigate!  Can you please be serious for one minute?  Anyway this is Pinkie Pie, this is Fluttershy, this is Rarity, this is Applejack, and this is Rainbow Dash."

"It's always a pleasure.  This is the NCIS team.  This is Tony, this is Ziva, this is Tim, this is Jethero, and this is Abby.  We have recently come upon a case that involves a unicorn.  As we don't know how to perform autopsy on unicorns we need help."  

***************Ziva's point of view*************

Oh.  My.  Gosh.  Unicorns and pegasi!  My little secret was I loved mythology!  I was speechless.  THen Twilight said, "I'm going to open a portal.  If you bring the unicorn through the portal we can check it out."

I felt a grin start to form on my face.  Then it fell when my 'amazing'partner leaned over and whispered, "Happy Zee-vah?"

"Why DiNozzo, I happen to have a paper clip in my pocket." I said as I pulled one out.  His face paled and he shut up.  'Finally' I thought.

Then I heard Twilight and Jen discussing the portal.  Then Twilight turned and spoke directly to us.  "When I open the portal, when you come through, you may change.  I went to your world once and became a human.  You may become a unicorn or pegasus or an earth pony.  We will open the portal tomorrow.

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